Author's Note: Hey, everyone! Lately I was talking to one of my friends and she showed me this journal on Tumblr for Miraculous Ladybug OC. I figured, "Hey, maybe while drawing I might as well write a story about it." So enjoy this new story. And also I'll try to update my current stories.

Chapter 1: It All Begins...

"I can't believe we're gonna start our new life in Paris!" A young girl with long wavy blond hair said excitedly as she was looking at the view of Paris through the plane window.

"Yeah... But did we have to leave Japan...? Just when my music was taking off..." A young boy with short black hair wearing sunglasses asked nervously.

"Kira, you're music career is doing fine. Besides, I'm sure the mayor of Paris would be honored to have the famous Japanese singer 'Darkness' meet him and his daughter."

"Kuro... You know how I am with new people... Can't you come with me...?"

"Kira... You're 13 years old. You don't need your big sister to hold your hand now do you?" The blond hair girl, Kuro, asked then the boy wearing the sunglasses, Kira, looked down.
"Well, no... But still... I just feel awkward when I'm with new people... Especially when I'm alone..."

"You're gonna be fine, Kira. It's just lunch with the mayor and his daughter." Kuro said then the plane landed and the blond hair girl looked out the window.
"We're here!"

"Great..." Kira said, trying to hide sarcasm in his tone. Once Kuro and Kira got off the plane and claimed their luggage, Kuro took Kira's bag and softly pat his head.
"Be nice and I'll come get ya at 3:30."

"Okay, onee-san..." Kira said, calling his older sister in Japanese.

Once Kuro was gone, Kira headed to the front of the airport and he immediately saw a chauffeur holding a sign with his name on it.

"Ummm... Pardon me, sir. But you must be waiting for me? I'm Kira Yukimura." Kira said politely then the chauffeur smiled.
"Ah, Monsieur Yukimura, Mayor Bourgeois and his daughter have been waiting for your arrival. Come with me." He said then Kira started following him, feeling slightly nervous.

Okay Kira... You got this... Just be nice to the mayor and his daughter and it'll all be over in a heart beat... Just... Be nice... Keep cool and calm... Kira thought when suddenly a girl with honey blond hair and light blue eyes ran up towards him and hugged him.

"Like, oh my gosh! I can't believe I'm meeting the famous 'Darkness' himself!"

"Um, it's an honor to meet you as well, miss... Uhhh..."

"Oh, I'm Chloe Bourgeois, the mayor's daughter!" the girl named Chloe introduced then she held out her hand. Kira chuckled then took ahold of her hand.
"It's an honor to meet you... Chloe-chan." He said as he softly pressed his lips on the back of her hand. Chloe giggled and sighed.
"Oh, you Japanese are so flattering." She said blushing a bit then Kira blinked.
Her hand smells really sweet. He thought then he released Chloe's hand and smiled.

After traveling, the limo finally arrived at Le Grand Paris. Once inside, Kira was looking around feeling even more nervous.

"Make yourself at home, Monsieur Yukimura. We will be having lunch at two o'clock so you are free to roam around." Mayor Bourgeois said then Kira looked around the hotel amazed by the décor.
So this is the kind of décor French people use... Gotta say this is a whole upgrade from what people in Japan use... Kira thought then he looked out the window. Down below Kira saw Chloe when a limo suddenly pulled up and came to a stop. The limo door opened and a young man with brushed back blond hair came out and Chloe hugged the boy and kissed him on the cheek.

Hmmm... Guess that's her boyfriend, huh... Kira thought then he walked downstairs.

"Oh! Perfect timing! Adrien this is Kira Yukimura, otherwise known as the famous Japanese singer 'Darkness'! Kira, this is Adrien Agreste. He's a fashion model. I'm sure you've heard of him."

"'Agreste'...? Oh! My onee-san has!"

"'Onee-san'?" Adrien repeated then Kira chuckled, rubbing the back of his head.
"Excuse me if I'm speaking in my native language... Onee-san means 'older sister' in Japanese. But my sister and her boyfriend heard of you from your father's work."

"Cool. I... Kinda heard some of your songs."

"You have?" Kira asked then Adrien nodded.
"Yeah. I really liked how you sang those high notes in that one song, 'Lost One's Weeping'. How did you get your voice to hold a note that high?"

"Lots of scale note practice and drinking plenty of warm water and tea." Kira answered then both boys laughed as they were having a good time talking to one another and getting to know each other.

"You gotta teach me how to dance some of your songs!"

"Maybe someday, dude." Kira said then a butler came towards the two boys.
"Lunch is about to be served. If you two would follow me." He said then Kira and Adrien followed the butler.

"So, Kira? Are you going to school anywhere?"

"Actually, my onee-san and I are enrolling College Francoise Dupont."

"No way! That's where me and Chloe go to school!"

"Really? Huh, what a small world." Kira said smiling.

After having lunch Kira was waiting outside for his older sister to pick him up. He looked at his cellphone and it was already four o'clock. He dialed his sister's number and after ringing three times the call went to her voicemail.

"Hey, Kuds? Where are you? You were suppose to pick me up... I'm gonna start walking to auntie and uncle's restaurant. Call me back." Kira said as he started walking. Walking for half and hour, Kira stopped walking. He took a deep breath and sighed loudly.
Dang... I had no idea auntie and uncle's restaurant was so far... He thought as he took off his shoe and rubbed his foot. Groaning, Kira looked up and noticed a sign that was written in a foreign language.
Is that... Chinese...? He thought as he put his shoe back on and went inside the store. Inside the décor felt similar to how Japanese people decorate.

"Wow... There's a lot of cool antique items here." Kira said excitedly then something caught his eye. In a faith sunlight, Kira saw a case opened and inside it was a bracelet that had five white stones shaped like fangs and black beads connected to each fang stone.

"Find something that you like?" A voice asked, surprising Kira as he knocked the case but quickly caught it and when he caught it the case with the bracelet in it was shut closed. When Kira turned around he saw a short Chinese man wearing a red Hawaiian shirt.

"I-I'm sorry... I didn't know if the shop was closed... I didn't mean to barge in..." Kira apologized as he placed the closed case on the shelf.
"I-I'll be leaving."

"Now, now. It's alright. You don't have to leave." The old man said then Kira stopped and looked at him.

"I couldn't help but noticed that you've been taking an interest in this bracelet." The old man said as he grabbed the case that held the bracelet in it.

"Y-yeah... The bracelet reminds me of wolves..."

"Do you like dogs?"

"Dogs in particular, they're pretty cool. Wolves on the other hand are quite majestic. They remind me of knights or hunter; loyal, brave, and noble." Kira said then after a while he realized what he just said and laughed nervously.
"Sorry... I'm being a total dork saying how much I like wolves and all..."

"It's quite alright. You know... You look familiar. Do you mind taking off your sunglasses?" The old man asked then Kira looked at him and blinked. Because it was just him and the old man, Kira removed his sunglasses and looked at the old man.

"Ahhh... Now I see it. You look just like your father." The old man said then Kira gasped softly.
"You... You knew my father...?" He asked then the old man nodded as he pulled a photo album off the shelf.
"Of course." He answered and opened the photo album. Inside there were pictures of the old man along with a man who looked similar to Kira but he had light blue hair, teal eyes, and a beauty mark on the left side of his chin.

"Your father was a lovely singer... Even when he started dating your mother." The old man said as Kira flipped the pages in the album and saw more pictures of his father singing next to a woman who looked like Kuro but with long straight golden blond hair. When Kira closed the photo album he put his sunglasses back and held back his tears.

"I'm sorry about your parents..." The old man said then Kira rubbed his eyes and sighed softly.
"It's okay... I miss them dearly, however... I know they're in a better place... If they saw me now... I'm sure they would be proud." Kira said then the old man chuckled softly.
"Tell you what, young man. How about I give you this photo album along with the bracelet?"

"What?! Oh no! I couldn't possible take these things! These probably have some sentimental memories for you!" Kira rambled feeling nervous but the old man chuckled.
"Nonsense. These will be more in much better care in your hands, young man." He said as he gave Kira the photo album and the case with the bracelet in it.

"Thank you. I'll take good care of these."

"I know you will. But before you go, could I get an autograph?" The old man asked holding out a notebook and a pen, surprising Kira.
"Oh! Of course! It's the least I could do since you've given me such important sentimental items. Now, who should I make it out to?"

"Could you make it out to 'Master Fu'?" The old man asked then Kira started writing.