I changed the story rating to M. This is almost lemony. Please do not read if you are not comfortable with that (or at least don't read past the rooftop scene).

After their little doctor's visit ended, Dr. Cho scurried away quickly to give them some privacy. Vision and Wanda stood in the hallway staring at each other, both uncertain of how to proceed. Wanda felt their height difference more than ever in that moment. She realized she was standing just barely on the balls of her feet, leaning up towards him. His head was bent towards her. Vision reached down and gently pushed some loose strands of her hair behind her ear. Wanda blushed and struggled not to turn her gaze shyly away from his.

"Wanda, there are things we need to discuss…" Vision spoke sweetly, his hands coming to rest on her arms. "but first, I think it would be best if I meditate upon this new information." Wanda nodded and looked down, trying to keep the disappointment out of her face. But Vision took her chin gently and raised her face to look at his. "I promise, Wanda, we will speak soon."

He searched her face for a moment before leaning in and kissing her tenderly on the cheek. Wanda closed her eyes and leaned into his touch.

Wanda tried to be patient. Early on, she realized that reading or sketching or other idle tasks could not occupy her mind. So early the next morning she had gone to the compound's gym room for some light exercise.

Sam was always there in the early morning and that morning they worked out together. She enjoyed the company of all of her teammates who lived on the base but Sam was some of Wanda's favorite company to keep. In between his military career and joining the Avengers, Wanda knew Sam had worked with veterans suffering from PTSD. He usually understood when Wanda needed to talk, or some company or even when she needed to be left alone.

Sam could tell that Wanda didn't want to stop training so he grabbed them some sandwiches from the kitchen area and they ate together just outside the gym. They were about to resume their training and were discussing what to do next when Steve interrupted.

"Wanda, working hard today?" Steve grinned his Boy Scout grin. "Sam, Natasha has a special project for you to work on today." Sam nodded and turned to Wanda apologetically. "But I could keep working with you, Wanda?"

Sam left and Steve kept her occupied for the rest of the afternoon. But he wasn't pushing her very hard at all in their workout; Wanda thought he was acting a bit strange. She didn't think much of it, though.

That is until Natasha stopped by in the late afternoon. Natasha grinned mischievously and handed Wanda a card, saying, "I'm supposed to give this to you Miss Maximoff."

The card read as follows: Miss Maximoff, I would be delighted if you would agree to accompany me for dinner tonight on the rooftop. Please tell Miss Romanov your answer and she will take care of the rest. Yours, Vision.

Wanda grinned widely while reading the card. Then her face fell at how sweaty and gross she must be at that moment. What time was it? What would she wear? She looked to Natasha.

"Um, my answer is yes," Wanda said. Natasha rolled her eyes but smiled, "So what's next?"

The night before that Vision had approached Natasha. He knocked on her door in the evening hours and she appeared in pajamas and a robe. Her brow rose in surprise at Vision's visit but she invited him in.

Vision calmly explained to her that he wanted to take Wanda out on a real date to which she had replied "finally." However, he knew they couldn't go out in public with their status and his appearance.

Natasha said she knew what to do and together she and Vision devised a plan that night.

"Come with me! I'm going to get you ready." Natasha linked arms with Wanda and took her back to Wanda's room. Wanda tried to get more information out of Natasha about whatever plan everyone seemed to be in on but Natasha's lips were sealed. Natasha just pushed her into the bathroom to shower.

Wanda finished with her shower and Natasha was waiting in her bedroom holding a new dress in a garment bag. Wanda grinned wickedly and put it on as quickly as she could. She stared at herself in the mirror: the dress was so her. It was a bit girlier than her usual style but in a way that people wouldn't expect her to love it but she did. It was a simple, bright red dress with a sweetheart neckline and a skirt that came to her knees. Natasha stood behind Wanda beaming.

"You look amazing. I took him shopping but Vision picked it out entirely on his own," Natasha said softly.

"It's perfect," Wanda whispered.

Natasha helped Wanda with her makeup and hair. They went for a simple, natural look. When they were done Wanda had on light, smoky eye shadow and red lipstick and her hair was brushed into loose curls over one shoulder. Taking a deep breath and one last look in the mirror, Wanda nodded to Natasha who tapped something on her communicator before linking arms with Wanda again. Wanda rolled her eyes. Natasha linked arms with Wanda and led her from her room to the rooftop entrance.

"Have fun," Natasha said with a wink as she hugged Wanda and disappeared.

Wanda took a deep breath, smoothed her dress, walked up the stairs to the roof, and opened the door. Vision was waiting for her in the cool night air and her eyes were drawn to him immediately. He was wearing a tux and Wanda thought he looked rather silly but handsome at the same time. He gaped a little at her. She rushed across the roof towards him and he glided forward towards her.

"Like something you see?" Wanda said, blushing.

"You look amazing, Wanda," Vision said, grinning. He took her hand with his own and placed a sweet kiss on the back of it. Wanda's heart fluttered and she giggled with delight.

"The dress helps. It's lovely. Thank you, Vision."

Vision turned to lead her to where a table had been set up for dinner for one with two chairs. Wanda looked up and noticed the string lights hung above them that lit the rooftop in a soft glow. Vision pulled out a chair for Wanda to sit in.

"Did Natasha instruct you on human dating etiquette?"

"I must admit that Natasha helped me a great deal with preparing this dinner. Also, I originally wanted to cook for you but Natasha deemed my attempts inedible. So if you wish to send your compliments to the chef, you must thank Mr. Wilson."

"Well I guess I now know what Steve meant when he told Sam 'Natasha needed help with a special project.'" Wanda removed the cover from her plate and was pleasantly surprised to find a Sokovian chicken and vegetable dish. Vision poured her a glass of wine. But Wanda couldn't be coy anymore: she wanted answers from Vision.

"This is great," Wanda said, taking a bite of her dinner, "And I don't just mean the chicken, although wow, Sam can cook and I must thank him. But I would like to know why I received this invitation to dinner out of the blue." It might be obvious but Wanda wanted him to assuage all her doubts.

"Wanda," he worshiped her name on his tongue and Wanda's heart fluttered. He took her hand. "I have deep feelings for you, Wanda. I am sorry that I pushed you away before. If you'll have me after all of my mistakes, I believe that I can make you happy…And as I understand it, dinner dates are an important initial step in human courtship, yes?" There was a long pause while Wanda tried to hold back tears. "Well, can you forgive me Wanda for hurting you? Will you let me make it up to you?"

"You dumb goat," she whispered in Sokovian before choking out louder "of course." Vision grinned and once again kissed her hand.

"I promise to make sure you do not regret your decision."

The rest of their dinner passed filled with idle conversation and banter. Wanda felt so happy to converse freely with her best friend. After the main course, there was a slice of chocolate cake for Wanda.

"So you don't eat?"

"No, I do not need nutrition. But I can taste, funny enough."

"Huh." Wanda mused. Suddenly, she got up from her seat and moved around the table. She kissed him for several seconds but as he made to deepen the kiss she pulled away. Vision made a guttural whining noise at her retreat that Wanda was not aware he could make.

"Did I taste like chocolate?" Wanda asked coolly.

"You tasted…very good. Is that what chocolate tastes like? I should gather more information." He pulled her into his lap and kissed her. One arm wrapped around her waist, holding her there, and the other hand thread through her hair. Wanda wrapped one arm lazily around his neck and caressed his cheek with the other hand. Vision was a surprisingly good kisser.

Wanda pulled away for air, giggling. Vision groaned a little and said, "You skipped the second part of our date, Wanda. I had this whole plan to put on that song you liked from your dream and offer to dance." But he didn't seem all that disappointed.

"Hmm…I think we can dance some other time. Let's just skip to part three, Viz. Carry me to bed?" Wanda whispered in his ear. Wanda could feel Vision's synthetic heart beat faster just like her own was. He was all too happy to oblige and wordlessly he carried her bridal style in his arms to her bedroom. Wanda was glad they didn't run into anybody in the halls of the compound but she had a feeling their dinner date team had made sure of that.

Once safely shut inside Wanda's room, Vision lay her down gently on the bed. Vision seemed confused and apprehensive about how to proceed so Wanda decided to spell it out for him.

"Vision I want to sleep with you tonight. Really sleep with you, not like we have before…But only if you want to. Do you want to have sex with me Viz?" Vision seemed to ponder that for a moment, which made Wanda worried. Had she misread the situation? But he soon replied.

"I don't want to have sex with you, Wanda. I want to make love to you." She grinned and moved towards him on the bed. She kissed him softly as she removed his jacket and began unbuttoning his shirt. He helped her pull his shirt off and he discarded it somewhere on her floor.

He pulled her to himself roughly then. He trailed a line of passionate kisses down her jaw and throat before sucking passionately on her neck. She yelped in surprise.

"You're quite good at this. Did Natasha give you tips on this too?"

"Didn't need any tips. I was Tony Stark's personal assistant for some time, remember?" Wanda didn't exactly like that notion due to her dislike for Tony Stark but it was soon put out of her mind when Vision continued, "Besides, it's easy to make love to the beautiful, passionate woman that I'm in love with. You're my muse." His breath was hot against her neck as he spoke and now he bit it playfully. She moaned.

"You know most people wait until they date for a while to say 'I love you.'" Wanda wasn't really positive on how long since she hadn't really dated before but she knew expressions of love didn't usually happen on the first date.

"I'm not most people. Why would I wait if I know for certain?"

Wanda chuckled. "No, you're not most people."

"You don't have to say it back, Wanda. But I find that having suppressed myself for so long, I cannot contain myself any longer." He then kissed her all over, kissing her forehead, hair, eyelids, nose, cheeks and with each kiss he whispered: "I love you." She bubbled over with pure delight and laughed out loud.

"Oh Viz, I love you too. This feels like a dream."

"Well, that won't do. I want to pleasure you beyond your wildest dreams-I believe is the phrase." Wanda laughed but not for long.

Vision pushed her back against her headboard, one hand tangled in her hair, pulling lightly as he kissed her deeply. Wanda pushed him off of her so she could begin removing her dress. He helped pull it over her head and threw it into the growing pile of clothing on her floor. Wanda removed her bra, unabashed. His eyes widened, taking her in for a moment.

"You're so beautiful, Wanda."

"Now we're even. The first time we met, I saw you naked, remember?" She winked at him and she thought she heard him growl as he pushed her back against the headboard once more.

He held her waist and kissed down from her jaw to one of her breasts. Her arms flung around his broad back. When he took her nipple into his mouth and sucked lightly, Wanda gasped. She moaned as he moved one hand up to lightly massage her other breast. His ministrations were worshipful. After a while, he moved to sucking on her other breast and massaging the first. She squirmed beneath him. He began trailing kisses down her stomach but Wanda pushed him off of her with a little assistance from her powers. Vision looked puzzled and concerned. He looked about to say something but Wanda said:

"It's my turn, now." She pushed him down onto her bed; their heads were at the feet of the bed. She straddled his waist and ran her hands up and down his sculpted chest, her eyes simultaneously soaking him in. God, it was exactly like he was built in a lab. Which he was.

Vision chuckled. "You mean your turn to pleasure me?"

"Yeah, you're being selfish, by being selfless. I want my chance to explore." Wanda wasn't certain if sex, or lovemaking, usually involved this much laughter or banter but to Wanda, it felt comfortable and right. She leaned forward and brushed a light kiss on his lips before moving down to worship the hollow of his neck. She felt so safe tucked in there, kissing and nipping at his neck and enjoying the sounds of contentment he made. But she wanted to explore all of him and she also wanted to hear him make more desperate noises. She ground her hips over him and he groaned, fisting her sheets in his large hands. Wanda grinned wickedly.

She trailed kisses down his chest. She licked his naval lightly and began unbuttoning his pants. He helped her take off his pants and then his briefs. But as soon as they were finished, he flipped her over so he was on top now. Wanda pouted but Vision grinned. If she didn't use her powers, he was much physically stronger than her. She found she actually liked to be held down by his strong arms possibly because she knew he would never hurt her so it wasn't scary.

He proceeded to giver her her first orgasm, and her second, and her third throughout their night of lovemaking. Even though she was a virgin, when he first penetrated her it was barely painful because he had spent ample time warming her up and waited patiently before moving around inside her. She was so grateful to have her first time be with such an affectionate man that she loved. She was aware that most people's first times were not so wonderful. His inhuman endurance and dexterity made him the perfect lover. Those stupid tabloids that said she was 'settling' and he couldn't 'provide' for her had no idea how selfless and affectionate he could be in bed. Or how well hung he was. He was made in a lab. If anybody was settling, she thought he was. How could she be worthy of this perfect specimen? But these thoughts didn't get to her because she could see the adoration in his eyes.

Eventually, Wanda tired out: she was human in many ways. Vision understood when Wanda was too tired to continue. Even if he could have continued, he didn't want to push her. She lay sleepily on top of his chest, her head tucked into his neck. He ran his fingers slowly through her now messy hair. Vision found that he thought her even more beautiful in this moment when she was covered in sweat, hair mussed, and flushed from their lovemaking. He had done that to her and it gave him a sense of pride.

After her body cooled, she shivered slightly and Vision pulled the sheets over them. They shifted so they were lying on their sides, Vision wrapped around Wanda's back.

"Mmm, Vision? Will you sleep with me?"

"I thought that's what we were doing?" He teased.

"You know what I meant." She hit him on the arm lightly and his arms squeezed around her gently.

"You are always welcome in my mind, Wanda. You don't have to ask." Wanda easily connected with his mind as if it was the simplest thing in the world. They were so in tune in that moment that it was like reaching out to another part of herself. Once connected, they could feel each other's genuine contentment and love. Wanda wondered if any two beings in the world had ever been connected so intimately on so many levels before. Vision hummed in her mind in response.

Who cares? We're together like this now, Vision thought.

That's one of the sloppiest thoughts, I've ever heard from you…

I suppose my barriers are down, I'm utterly content, and don't care for prefaces with you…I love you, Wanda. I can't believe how wonderful you are and that you agreed to be mine.

I love you too, Viz. I'm all yours. And you're all mine.

Always yours.

Soon Wanda, exhausted, drifted to sleep and Vision went with her.

I was tempted to make this more of a lemon but honestly at 19, I don't have the experience yet to write about.

Please, please, please review! I am open to criticism! And any reviews, positive or negative, encourage me to keep writing!
