I guess this takes place in between Age of Ultron and Civil War because the Vision and Wanda are both still living at the compound and everyone's on good terms.

Wanda and Vision had been sitting in companionable silence in one of the compound's common areas when he propositioned her. They were sitting in two armchairs by a window, reading. Vision got up and returned a little while later with a mug of tea for Wanda. He did not need the same nutrition as often as humans but he had learned to make tea exactly the way Wanda liked it from watching her do it so many times. He even knew which kind of teas she liked at what times of day and sometimes he could even guess which kind she might select based on her mood.

This time, he brought her chai tea for the caffeine because it was quite early in the day and he noticed her dozing off a little. She smiled gratefully and took the mug.

"Thanks, Viz. You're the greatest."

He sat back down but did not return to his book. As she sipped her tea, Wanda noticed he was working up to say something. She was just about to ask when he blurted out:

"Could I sleep with you?" Wanda nearly spit out her tea. Vision became flustered and quickly replied.

"That came out wrong. I just now remember that that phrase is a euphemism for something else entirely than what I mean. Anyways, my point. As you know, I have been trying to experience more human experiences in order to gain first-hand knowledge. I cannot sleep the way humans do. Periodically, when I rest myself, I do not dream. But telepathically I could experience the dreams of another. You have helped me learn so much about being human. I would be so grateful if you would let me experience sleep through you one night." The Vision had avoided making direct eye contact for most of this but at the end, he sincerely set his gaze upon Wanda. Then she was the one averting her gaze.

"Viz, I wish I could help you with this one. But I'm afraid my dreams are not so pleasant."

"I realize this. You have come to me in the night before to seek comfort."

It was true: Wanda had stood outside his door one month ago, uncertain whether she should knock when he opened the door, having felt her presence. She had apologized for disturbing him and turned to leave but he caught her by the arm. He insisted she stay and tell him why her eyes were puffy. She told him it was from crying; she had had a terrible dream again about Pietro dying over and over in front of her. As they sat in his quarters, just his mind brushing against hers soothed her a bit.

A week later when she was distraught enough again to seek Vision out at night, she was bold enough to ask if she could access his mind. He was happy to oblige. Most humans did not like their heads invaded but Vision did not mind at all. Or perhaps, he did not mind because it was her. She reached out and he let her in. His mind was so orderly: it was advanced but new and fresh, without tarnishing bad memories. The peace of his mind relaxed her immensely.

"That is the second reason I propose this…endeavor. I believe I might be able to help you. If I slept with you, I mean, went into your mind as you slept, the calm of my logical mind might help you fall into a more peaceful slumber and dream of happier things."

Wanda chewed this over. The idea of even one night of peaceful sleep was extremely enticing. She had been racked by horrific nightmares most of her life. First, her nightmares were about those days spent in building wreckage next to a bomb, then of the painful experiments she had experienced, and now they mostly consisted of her brother dying.

"You do not have to answer right away. I understand that dreams and thoughts are very private for humans. I would not be offended if you did not want to let me in. I could ask another one of our teammates if you were not comfortable."

That sealed it. Wanda could not possibly let Vision sleep with someone else.

"No. I think I want to do it." So she couldn't back out she said, "why not tonight?"

"Why did I agree to this?" Wanda grumbled to herself. She was spending more time picking out her pajamas then she did on picking some actual outfits. Usually, she just wore oversized t-shirts and sweatpants to bed. Should she wear a bra? She never wore a bra to bed but she felt awkward not wearing a bra in front of a man. Jeez, this was a weird situation. She found a camisole tank top, which she deemed had sufficient padding, and put that on with sweatpants. She took her prescribed sleeping pill with her other medicine and sat on her bed awkwardly. Eventually, there was a knock at the door. Sometimes he remembered to knock.

"Come in." Vision looked just as uncomfortable as her. One of the human things he had been trying as of late was wearing clothes. Now he was wearing a t-shirt and sweatpants that both had 'Avengers' emblazoned on them. Some time after Steve figured out basic functions of using the Internet, he figured out how to order customized clothing online. And after that, the whole team could announce to the world they were an Avenger on numerous articles of clothing just in case somebody had been living under a rock and didn't know who each of them was. One order of hoodies even had nicknames printed on the back.

Vision stood awkwardly just inside the room.

"Well don't just stand there, come in." She motioned for him to come closer.

"Where should I stand?" Wanda laughed.

"Viz, I don't think I would be able to sleep if you just hovered over me all night."

"Should I retrieve a chair? For me to sit next to your bed?"

"Viz, you can just lay next to me." Wanda hadn't really thought about the implications of that before she said it out loud but she continued anyway. "I think that would be the least weird."

"Oh. All right."

Wanda scooted to one side of the bed and motioned for him to take the other side. She lay down on her side facing him and he lay down on his back awkwardly. She used her powers to flip the light switch off. At first, she couldn't see him at all in the dark but her eyes soon adjusted. The little bit of moonlight that came through the blinds allowed her to see rough outlines.

"I guess I should connect to your mind now," Wanda said nervously. "Is that all right with you?"

"Of course," and then after a pause "You are always welcome in my mind, Wanda. I have nothing to hide from you."

She slipped into his mind with ease. Bringing him into her mind was a little trickier but doable and soon they were cohabiting her mind. The mental link was established but falling asleep would be the hard part. Vision was a calming presence inside her head but she was still a bundle of nerves.

You're nervous. We do not have to proceed, Wanda. At any time if you wish-

No, it's all right, Viz.

She sent him reassuring vibes through their link. She then tried to focus on falling asleep. Falling asleep was a nightly struggle for Wanda even despite the strong sleep meds she took. Vision felt her restless mind and provided her with calming waves through their link. Wanda was grateful. She leaned into the soothing pulses of his mind and her chaotic mind began to slow and drift off to sleep.

That night she, they, dreamed of flying. Perhaps because flying was one of the things they did together that gave both of them joy. Vision had helped Wanda learn how to fly by providing her with guidance and a safety net when she slipped up. She caught on quickly though and their lessons soon turned into companionable practice sessions.

In their dream, the sky was perfect, more perfect and soft than any real sky. Vision was giving Wanda a lesson on flying because Wanda recalled his patient tutelage with fondness. But Wanda was a capable flyer in the dream world because nobody likes to fail. They soared lazily through the clouds together.

Once in a while, Wanda would falter and begin to fall from the sky, most likely towards one of her usual less blissful dream. But Vision always swooped in to catch her just like he had during flying lessons. He was so reliable that Wanda wasn't even scared anymore when she fell: she knew he would catch her. He would take her gently in his arms and fly her up higher into the sky. He would hold her until she felt ready to fly on her own again and then they would continue their aerial dance through the clouds.

Thus, one night of sleeping together passed in utter bliss.

They woke slowly to the sun peaking through her window blinds. During the night they had shifted: Vision was now on his side facing Wanda and she was curled against his chest, tucked into him by one strong arm holding her in place. Wanda felt warm and safe in his arms; it did not feel at all awkward like she had expected. She found herself loath to detangle from him but he quickly moved away from her, leaving her feeling cold and like she was missing something. She felt his apprehension at the situation.

My apologies-

Viz, it's all right. Our minds were linked most intimately; it was only natural that our bodies would move towards each other.

Wanda felt him flinch away from the idea of intimacy between them although a thought never fully took form for her to hear. She felt hurt. Did he not want to be intimate with her? She dissolved their mental link: she didn't want to feel these confusing things in front of him.

Now they were both alone in their minds and it felt strange. Wanda shivered a little. Vision did not have any external response but he noted how hollow he felt without Wanda's mental presence. Wanda glanced at the clock. They had plenty of time before that day's training session but she needed an excuse to get him out of her room. She couldn't bear to be so close to him but not allowed to touch him physically or mentally. She needed to sort these confusing feelings out alone.

"We'll have our daily training session soon enough. You should leave so I can get dressed and stuff…please."

"Of course. I will be seeing you later." He got up and moved to the door. He paused. "Thank you, Wanda, for sharing that with me. It was most enlightening."

"Thank you, Viz. It was-I don't remember the last time I slept so well." Vision nodded and left the room.

Wanda slept alone again. One night, a week later, her dreams were more horrific than ever. She dreamt of all the horrors she had experienced in her life. She couldn't even wake herself from them. She woke in the morning feeling like she had slept but found no rest in sleep.

When she went to the kitchen to scrounge up some breakfast, all of the other Avengers were already there, looking haunted. All of them had had bad dreams last night and they were discussing their nightmares in hushed tones. When Wanda entered, their discussion ceased. Nobody said aloud that it was her fault but they all knew it.

Wanda felt guilty. She looked to Vision and they shared a knowing look. From then on, Vision slept with Wanda in order to keep her dreams peaceful. He didn't mind. If he was being completely honest with himself, he enjoyed sleeping next to her and experiencing her dreams. But he couldn't be honest with himself. Vision didn't really believe he felt anything the way humans do.