They nearly overslept the next day because Tony forgot to charge his pone and he was the one who set an alarm on his phone. But they where lucky that Ziva was still an early bird. After hurrying to the airport they still had some time to grap some snacks in a bakery before they had to board the plane.

The last few days had been much for Talis little body so she slept through the whole flight. Ziva was also relived to be with her loved ones so she could let her guard down a little bit and sleep while Tony was looking a movie on the board progamm.

Ziva couldn't sleep a lot because she was thinking to much about what the team would say to her. She knew that Abby was going to be angry at her but would still be happy to see her just like after Somalia. Ducky, Palmer and McGee would not be that angry thought Ziva but Gibbs...
She hoped that he was not dissapointed or angry because she looked up to him. He was like a father fot her. No he was her father. At least that was how she thought about him. Yes Eli was her bological father but Gibbs was her dad. She hoped that he would understand her actions. But once she told the team the whole story they would understand. Tony didn't know the full story either. She just told him parts of it so he could understand her actions and she didn't want to talk about that stuff in front of their daughter to much.

Speaking of Tali her little bundle of energy. She was so happy that Tony connected so fast with her and that they seemd to have a lot of fun togeter. Two DiNozzos that was going to be funny but exhausting. Ziva could already see the jokes they would play on each other and others. She just hoped that Tali would not superglue McGee to his desk or that Tony would blame a prank on Tali. She could also see those endless movie nights they would have together because Tali also quite enjoed to watch movies just like her father. They could finaly be a real family.

Ziva knew that Tali missed her father and the rest of their family and that she would be very happy to see everyone now. Maybe it was a mistake that she tought that she had to do everything alone again? What she knew that Gibbs would give her one of his famous headslaps because of her stubbornness.

When they finally landed in DC they took a Taxi to NCIS headquaters so that they could tell the team everyting and Ziva was happy to see everyone again. While the taxi took them to NCIS Tony told Ziva: "I just wanted to tell you that we have a new team member. Her name is Bishop she is a good agent but not as good as my Ninja. But if you want to be back in team Gibbs I am pretty sure that you will get your old desk back. Vance was even thinking about edding a fifth member to the team."

"I want to be back on the Team if it is possible Tony but I don't want to be the reason why someone has to leave the team you know."

„You won't sweet cheeks."

After arriving the payed the driver and entered the building. Ziva and Tali had to go through security and Tony showed his badge.

„Nice to see you again agent David" said the guard to Ziva and she smiled at him.

After taking the elevator to the floor the bullpen was they got off and walked toward the team. Ziva was carrying Tali who wouldn't let go of Ziva since they arrived in America.

''Look who I found" said Tony when they where walking around the corner so the team could see them.

The whole team looked up and stopped working for a second.

„Ziver" said Gibbs with a small smile on his face.

„Ziva I am glad to see you alive" said McGee to her as he stood up to great his old friend.

„I am also glad to see you McGee" said Ziva and handed Tali over to Tony to hug her friend.

„You have some explaining to do Ziver" said Gibbs as he walked over to his "kid".

He gave her a little slap to the head before he hugged her and said:"Don't scare us like that again David. I am glad that you are finaly back home"

„I am going to call abs and Duck" said McGee because he knew how Abby would be if he would call her only one minute later.

Not long after McGee called Abby, Ducky and Palmer the elevator dinged and three people made their way over to team Gibbs. As soon as Abby saw Ziva she screamed her name and ran over to her to give her one of the biigest hug.

„Ziiiivaaaaaa. You are alive. You are here. Oh my god this is so exciting but I am also angry at you. Why did you leave us? Well I guess you had your reasons. But why did you let us think that you did? And why didn't you tell us about cute little Tali? I need to know everything NOW!"

„Abbigale let Ziva breath" said Ducky. „She can't tell us anything if you ceep rambeling."

He also hugged Ziva and dold her that he was glad to have her back.

Tony put Tali down at his desk so that she could play with her Olaf and Teddy which gave Ziva time to brief the team in.

"The reason why I couldn't come back to you ater I found out that I was pregnant with Tali was a mole in Mossad. Somebody stole old file and gave them to the cell that was responisble for my sisters death. But I will start at the begining.

I was stationed at a Base outide of Jerusalem and waited for the new recruits to arrive. Tali was one of them. When their bus arrived and everybody got off the bus one of the recruits took a thermos jug out of his backpack. The next thing I remembered was a explosion. Everyone that had beed on the bus was killed.
Mossad found out which cell was responisble for Talis death and Ari and I wanted revenge so we took part in the mission. We almost eliminated everyone of the cell when one member could escape. Later we found out that the member that could escape was one of the two leader. We have not only killed the other leader who was his brother but also his 15 year old son who was also part of the cell . The man swore to take revenge of us and was one of the man responsible for Elis death. When he found out that I have left NCIS and that I had a daughter he was after us so we had hide. I contacted Orli and she thought that the best way to keep Tali save was to fake my death. Cort was a mole to and when he blew up my house I thought that it would be the only way to save Tali if they would say that I have beed killed because of the explosion. I was about to end the mission so that I could be with you guys again when Tony found me.
I wanted to keep all of you save and not draw you into stuff from my past again." said Ziva.

The team needed some time to think about what Ziva said before Gibbs made a decicion...