In memory of Ziva. I don't think that she is dead.

Right where the show left of. And Tali can speak English so it is easier to write. And she is two in the story.

Tony drove home from the Navy Yard for the last time in his live and with an aching heart. He still couldn't believe that he is a dad now, that the love of his live is dead.

But it is not confirmed yet. They haven't found a body or parts of one in the house. And there where a lot of questions to be answered. Tony knew that all the bedrooms where in the same area so Ziva was near Talis. She should be alive. She can't just die. She's a ninja, a fighter. She is his Ziva.

But he is so glad that Tali is here, that he has a daughter and that he met her even if it is so late now. He missed a lot of her childhood but she knows him. She knows that he is her Abba. Tali is his life now. She is so much like her mother. She got Zivas nose, face, personality.

But he sees also himself in his little daughter. She got the DiNozzo smile and his eyes. He also thinks that her hair is like his.

Tony wonders what he should tell his daughter one day if she asks about her Mother. It hurts so much to think about her now and what should he do?

He called his father earlier that he was going to Israel with Tali and his father did not agree first but after a while he did. But now Tony remembered that he did not know where to stay. Ziva was dead and the house burned down. So he has to book a hotel room. He could also call Schmiel but that would be too much to ask .

Tony also did not know if Schmiel knew about Tali. Oh Ziva. He has to plan her funeral soon and hopes that they have at least her remains if there is no body to bury.

Ziva survived so much but now… no she can't be dead and then Tony remembered something. When Ziva went to Israel after they resigned she sent him a picture of her an Ari to help him finding her. And now he found the picture of them in Paris which nobody knew about. Maybe it is a sign. Maybe she wanted him to know that she is still alive. Maybe she is in danger and wanted their daughter to be save? But why was Tali in the house and Ziva wasn't or was she?

Mossad said that Ziva is dead but what if she could get herself and Tali out of the house. From the picture he had seen there was no possible way for someone to go inside the house to get Tali out so maybe they got out and when she knew that Tali was save, that she would be with him, maybe she is in trouble and needs them but she can not contact them just like Somalia.

Mossad said that she was dead back then and she wasn't it can be the same now. He has to find out more about it. But now he needs to be there for his daughter first.

Tony parked his car and got out of it. He went into the apartment complex where he lived and took the elevator to his floor. When he opened the door he heard his daughters laugh an he had to smile because of that. When he went into the living room he saw his dad laying on the floor with Tali up in the air.

When they heard him Senior let Tali down and for the first time since she is with him Tali said: "Abba" and ran to him to hug him.

That made Tony smile even more and he got onto his knees to hug his daughter.

"Hello Tali" he said and gave her a kiss on her head.

"Junior" said Senior when he got up and sat down on the couch.

"Dad" Tony answered and sat down on the couch next to his dad with Tali in his arms.

"When will you leave for Israel again?" Senior asked.

"Tomorrow morning" answered Tony.

"ome" (Home)

"Yes Tali we are going home"

"Ima ome" she said.

"Oh Tali" said Tony and hugged her he can't tell her that her mother won't come back it would not only break his but also her heart.

"I will leave you two alone for a few minutes" said Senior and stood up, went to the bathroom and took a shower.

"Ima ome Abba" said Tali thinking that she could trust her father with that information.

"No baby. Ima is not at home. Ima is away"

"Lo Abba" said Tali and looked into his eyes with an expression that remembered him so much of Ziva.

"Where is Ima Tali?" he asked her.

"Abba ave"

"Yes you are save with Abba" he said and put a few hair back behind her ear.

"Ima" said Tali again and pointed onto the picture of him and Ziva in Paris which stood on the table.

"Do you want the picture of Ima and Abba Tali"

"Ken" said Tali.

"There you go" said Tony and gave her the picture.

"Ima" she said and hugged the picture.

"You miss Ima right little one? You know your old man misses her to."

"Ima" whispered Tali again.

"Hey Tali I have an idea come with Abba" said Tony and walked with his daughter in his arms into his bedroom. Tali still held the picture of her parents close but when Tony showed her a picture of her Ima in black and white she dropped the frame and took the picture Tony held in his hand in her own smaller ones.

Tony put Tali on his bed to pick up the picture "You have to be more careful sweetie."

When he picked it up he saw, that the frame was open and he was about to close it again but stopped when he saw that there was something written on the back of the picture.

"What do we have here" he said to himself and took the picture out of the frame and to look at the writing.

The first thing he saw that Ziva must have written it. Nearly he did not dare to read it but he did.


First of all I am so sorry that I did not tell you about Tali but I did not knew how I should tell you and I did not want to force you into something.

Yes Tali is our daughter. Please take care of her in the moment I can't.

I hope that you are not angry with me and please tell Tali everyday that her Ima loves her.

Call Schmiel if you want to know more about her.

I can't tell you if you read that.

If you need anything for her our yourself just think about Berlin

Love sweetcheeks.

After reading the letter Tony felt like crying again but he knew that he had to be strong in front of Tali and so he did not cry but he tried to figure out what Ziva meant. She mentioned Berlin and

the only thing he could think of where diamonds. She told him about her fathers advice with diamonds on their way to Berlin.

Think about Berlin would she meet him and Tali there? Should he call Schmiel?

Maybe there is still some hope.

But he would not do anything else today it was already getting late and he still had to feed Tali before bringing her to bed.

"I hope you are hungry now Tali" he said and helped his daughter to get of the bed.

"Let's go and find something to eat little one"

He took her small Hand in his larger one and walked into the kitchen with her.

"Let's see what we have for you" he said and opened the fridge but Tali saw something else she wanted to eat and tugged at his shirt.

"Nana Abba" she said.

"You want a banana?" he asked and the little girl nodded.

"Here" said Tony and gave her an open banana to eat.

Tali was about to eat when he remembered that she should probably sit down. So he placed her in her chair and Tali began to eat her banana.

"You are just like your Ima you know. Ima also ate fruits a lot just like you. "


"Yes Tali just like your Ima"

"Ima way"

"Do you know where Ima is honey?" he asked her and Tali nodded again.

"Where is Ima?" he asked her.

"Ima way Tali Abba" she said.

"Ima wanted you to be with Abba?"

"Tali ave Abba."

"Ima wanted you to be save" he said to himself.

Could he really believe what the two year old just said? He stood up and went to the fridge to get something to eat for himself and decided to eat a yoghurt.

When he sat down next to Tali again she already finished her banana and when she saw what her Abba was eating she decided that she wanted to eat the same thing. Her Ima and she always ate it and so she wanted it. She tried to take it out of her fathers hands but her arms where to short for that.

"Do you want some?" he asked her and she tried to take the offered spoon. So Tony fed his daughter with his yoghurt until she did not want anymore of it and he finished it by himself. Then he took another one out of the fridge and ate it.

After he threw away the trash his father came into the kitchen to eat something to but Tony could not wait for his father to finish because he had to get Tali ready for bed.

Like the night before he was scared that she would fall off his bed and but her into her stroller after she fell asleep. He put the stroller in his room to be near her and also got to bed because he had to get up early the next morning.

In the middle of the night he herd something and did not recognize what made those sound at first but then he realized that it was Tali and that she was crying for him. So he got up and took her out of the stroller and laid her down on his bed. Then he laid down next to her on his side.

"Do you want to stay with Abba hm?"

"Abba" she said and he hugged her to his chest.

"Shhh don't you cry Abba is here. Do you want me to sing a song?" he asked and Tali still cried so he started to sing but Tali was still crying.

Then another idea popped into his mind and he decided to tell Tali a story about her Ima and Abba on one of their adventures. Of cause the story had to be child friendly.

"Hey Tali listen to Abby for a moment ok? I am going to tell you a story of Ima and Abba."

When Tali heard him mention her Mother she got a bit silent but still she cried.

"Well one day Abba and Ima had to fly very far away on plane to a kingdom called Paris to rescue a princess from the big and bad dragon" he said and Tali giggled at the faces he made.

"On our way your Ima was very very tired so do you now what she did? She just fell asleep next to me for the whole time that was like ten whole hours and she snored so loud that I thought that a bear was sitting next to me just like..." he made those sounds Ziva always made when she slept and Tali giggled again she stopped to cry and listened to every word her father told her.

"So I was trying to wake Ima up put I think you know that that is not such a good idea right honey? Well when I woke her up her stomach began to growl very very loudly"

Tony tickled her little tummy and Tony realized that she was ticklish just like Ziva.

"When we arrived in the kingdom Ima and Abba had some time until they had to rescue the princess so Abba got a horse and showed Ima the whole kingdom with all the flowers and unicorns and birds. Then it was getting dark and Ima was tired again so Abba took her to the castle to sleep and just like you Ima fell asleep in Abbas arms" he told her and hugged the yawning child.

"On the next day it was time to rescue the princess from the dragon and first it was very very easy to trick him but on our way back home the dragon was suddenly back and he wanted to have the princess but your Ima did not let it happen she told the dragon to go away and you know what? He did. The dragon flew away and Ima and Abba could bring the princess back home to the king and the queen. And the little princess was very very happy" he ended the story and was proud that she fell asleep.

"Good night Tali sweet dreams" he whispered and kissed her head then he fell asleep too.

On the next they he woke up with his alarm and was very tired because of the long night. He turned the alarm of and looked at the sleeping child in his arms. She was the perfect image of her mother even in her sleep he did not really want to wake her but he had to.

"Tali wake up" he said and caressed her cheek.

"Ima?" asked the little girl with closed eyes.

Tony felt sorry for her again. It must be really hard to understand that Ima wasn't coming back and that she had to stay with her Abba who she never met before.

"No baby it's me Abba."

"Abba" she said and grinned at him. The grin was totally DiNozzo and he just grinned back at her.

"Good morning my love" he said to her.

"Onin Abba" (Morning)

"Are you hungry Tali?" he asked her because he was but she shook her head.

"Ok. So lets get dressed" he said, stood up, took her into his arms and threw her into the air before he catches her again and kissed her little nose.

Tali seemed to liked the game her father played with her so she said: "Gan Abba gan" and Tony did so.

Tony put Tali down on the floor of his bedroom and gave her Caleb her beloved dog to play with so that he could pack their bags. The he remembered that he did not look if he got any mails the day before so he asked his dad if he could go to his mailbox if there where any letters in it.

When his dad came back he handed his son his post and Tony looked through it.

There was one letter which took his whole attention. It was very big and he saw that it was from Israel but there was no other address then his on the letter.

He slowly opened the letter and emptied it's content onto his bed. There were a lot of pictures on the bed most of them from two persons. Little Tali and Ziva. He took all of the pictures in his hand and sat down onto the floor next to Tali.

"Hey Tali come to Abba" he said to get her attention and she sis what he said. She sat down onto his lap and had held his shirt in one hand while he said: "Look what I have here"

Together they looked at the pictures of Tali and Ziva and every time she saw herself or Ziva she pointed onto their faces and said Ima or Me.

Then there was one picture of the whole team and Tony asked her:"Do you know who this is?"

Tali nodded and told him that there were her grampa Gibbs, aunty Abby, uncle Gee, uncle Palmer, grampa Ducky and her Ima and Abba on the picture.

So Ziva told her about the whole team and he had to smile when she said that Gibbs was her grandfather.

One of the last pictures was taken somewhere in Berlin and he wondered why the picture was there.

He turned it around and there was something written on the picture.

Only if it is save to the city I love.

He wondered what that should be was that another clue that she was still alive?

Was she in Paris? Because Paris is the city Ziva loves so?

He knew that he had to cancel the flight to TelAviv and that he had to book two flights to Paris instead. He did so and luckily the Plane laving in four hours had free seats for them so he booked them.

Meanwhile Tali got hungry so they ate breakfast together and afterward Tony continued to pack their backs while his father played with her granddaughter.

An hour later he said goodbye to his father and took his and Talis backs to go and put them into his car. Afterward he put Tali into her seat which his father bought the day before and they drove to the airport to visit Paris where they kissed for the first time. Where he and Ziva fell asleep in the arms of the other one. Where he was going to start to look for Ziva.

The flight was very long but just like Ziva Tali slept through the whole flight. In Paris they took a cap to the hotel he and Ziva stayed. He went to the reception with a sleeping Tali in her stroller and started to talk with the desk clerk.

"Hello I have a question is here a Ziva David in one of the rooms?"

"No sir I am sorry."

Then Tony had an idea.

"What about a Sophie Rainer?"

"Sophie Rainer? Are you Anthony DiNozzo?" she asked.

"Yes and yes I am" he showed her his ID and she gave him a letter.

Tony opened it and read it.


I am glad that you still know me. I am fine. I'm still in a hospital if you read the letter recovering from the explosion. Luckily I was with Tali when it happened and I could get us out. Orli would not let me back, had to keep Tali save and she brought her to you. I guess she told you I am dead but I am not. I had to hide from them to keep all of you and Tali save. This is much more than you think Tony. Please stop looking for me I don't want any of you to die.

It was not Kort. There was a leak in Mossad and Hamas found out that I killed Ari. Have to be dead to keep her and you and the team save until Mossad handled the situation. Just wait please ok?

Kisses for Tali

Love Ziva.

Tony was shocked when he read the letter. Ziva was still alive.