Chapter 1: Signs of life

Human language

Yautja language

Year 2395

"It's heading down corridor 15, sub-basement two lock off all elevators and barricade all stairwells!" One of the men called out. Dam before I could get surrounded like the animal they treated me like. I turned left and opened the nearest door, this was a new floor to me three floors up from where I was housed in. With a loud beep the door buzzed open, the key card I had taken from one of the doctors that wasn't paying attention while taking blood. I quickly break the lock then jump back hunched arms out ready to attack. The soldiers slammed into the door it was steel it would hold for now they would use localised explosives to blast the doors open but they took time to get, half an hour at most. It was dark the way I liked it I changed my vision from spectra to infrared most things were quite cold no signs of life inside the coldest part of the room came from the centre, a cylinder tank that went from the floor to the ceiling. No heat or movement inside the tank, I backed up and turned on the lights. I cover my eyes before changing vision back to spectra to avoid blinding myself slowly I removed my hands. This was a lab. Tables held equipment and objects I had never seen before, I returned to the cylinder rotating round to look into the tank.

I let out a blood curdling screech at the body of someone that looked like me only he was dead and left floating in a fish tank like a display. I move back in fear that maybe this is what they plan to do with me. I back into a near table knocking one of the objects to the ground and bent to pick it up, it was surprisingly light it looked like a wrist devise but it was too large for one of the soldiers to wear. I felt along all the ridges until there was a click and it swung open. I put my arm inside the devise curious it would fit well enough not to slip off but my forearm was too small to fit well as was an inch to big, this must belong to the male in the tank his arms were more muscular thicker than mine. I looked closer at the male the ridges on his skull were more pronounced, his skin was much darker around his arms and sides patterns of dark scales his top mandibles were like mine only my lower two were much smaller. I was so focused on the male that I forgot about the soldiers outside.


The door blasted open shocking me out of my thoughts. I dropped the devise this time it let off a loud beep noise. Jump forward ready to knock the bastards to the ground when pain burst in my chest as five darts implanted into my chest. I land on two of the soldiers before darkness swallows me.


On board the high Yautja ship in Alpha Quadrant

I was called to the Council of elders. Arriving at the large door I nodded to the guards that stood either side of the door.

"Brother you are expected." He nodded at me as a sign of respect to a Guardian. The doors slid open revealing a large chamber the elders surrounded the large table. I bowed low before meeting the head elder's eyes.

"Guardian former elder J'irakna that has been missing form an earth hunt twenty cycles ago fought dead has had his tracker reactivated with a SOS signal sent. Your mission is to go and find him if he is confirmed dead wipe all evidence or knowledge of him make sure none of our technology gets into the humans hands." The head elder said.

"You leave immediately." One far elder ordered. I bowed then turned striding out of the chamber of the elders. One of the engineers just passed me when I grabbed his arm.

"Come with me I need my ship checking for a retrieval job from the elders." I ordered he followed quickly he was smaller but then most Yautja were I was unusually big which helped me fighting my way through the ranks. After the engineer had checked the ship I was cleared for departure. To earth maybe I could bring back some skulls. The trackers details had been transferred onto my personal wrist computer it was standard for all Yautja. This made me think, if he had this why had he not contacted sooner.