CHAPTER:4 Adrenalin

See End for notes.

Thank you VERY much to TheCuriosityRover for helping me write and edit this chapter, check them out if you have a chance, :D

Chapter 4 - Adrenaline -

"ZPD, PUT THE WEAPON DOWN!" yelled David, entering the building a smug grin slapped on his face.

David had been waiting almost 2 months to get his chance at the action, and he was determined to prove himself.

Nick followed him in, and immediately began to flank the wolf, but stopped when he saw… her. The 'her' in question was an old female fox sitting against a wall. Blood was seeping from a hole in her chest, pooling on the floor around her. He heard more gunshots and the sound of breaking glass before quickly reaching for his radio.

"Clawhauser!" he said in a loud whisper "We have a 10-42 and a 10-29, we need backup now!"

Nick rushed over and began dressing the old fox's wounds, completely forgetting about the armed wolf. The elderly fox had passed out while he was dressing her wounds. he got back up and remembered that there was an armed wolf firing rounds at his partner. Continuing to flanker her he heard the wolf shout "STAY BACK, IM WARNING YOU, I WILL KILL!" He could tell that the wolf was starting to panic. More rounds echoed. Nick started to approach approach the wolf from the side, wondering what the heck David was doing. As Nick approached he leveled his gun but before he could pull the trigger, BANG! Time seemed to slow down, every second feeling like an eternity, the next thing he could remember was pain. Exploding pain in his left side, then nothing.

Nick's eyes jolted open, blinding light stinging his pupils and then a voice.

"OH GOD NICK!" cried Judy, "thank god you're alright!" She rushed over to him, grabbed his hand and began to weep.

"Hey, it's ok cotton tale, everything going to be ok" he said weekly stroking the fur on her head.

"by the way how long was I out?" questioned Nick.

"About three days." said Judy meekly, tears still in her eyes.

"Wow, what did I miss?" said Nick trying to liter the mood.

"Not much, but I missed you."Judy said happily still caressing his paw.

"Oh you bunnies, so emotional" Nick said as he bent over, ignoring the pain and kissed Judy.

The door opened and a wolf in medical scrubs stepped in and introduced himself as .

"What's the verdict doc" said Nick sarcastically.

"Well you've been shot for one thing, but other than that your fine" said McClaw "you will be able to check out this afternoon"

"Thank god" said Nick and Judy simultaneously.

"I strongly encourage you to stay off that leg for at least a week." He said handing Nick a small sheet of yellow paper, "give that paper to the nurse when she gets here, and when you start feeling pain take two pills."

"Thank you Doctor." Judy said happily, taking the slip out of Nick's hand and putting it in her purse.

"Don't thank me, Thank the nurse when she comes back around, she did all the real work. All did was hand you a slip of paper." He said, a slight chuckle in his voice.

"Thanks again Doc." Shouted Nick as McClaw left the room.

As the door shut a small sheep in scrubs entered, a small smile on her face.

"Bellwether?" Whispered Judy.

"It can't be." Nick murmured under his breath.

"Hi, nice to meet you," said Judy, a fake smile on her face.

"It's nice to meet you as well." Replied the sheep before taking Nick's vitals.

"May I ask your name?" Nick asks in his typical con-man style, fear almost visible in his eyes.

"I'm nurse Bellwether." She replied casually.

Judy tensed up, and began to slowly reach for her purse on the chair next to her.

"Bellwether, as in Dawn Bellwether?" Nick questioned.

"No, my name is Ruth." She said sullenly. "You must be thinking of my sister." As the last words left her lips she began to look down tried to avoid eye contact, still taking Nick's vitals.

"I'm sorry." Nick said sullenly

"Don't be, you've done nothing wrong." Said Ruth, a little smile slowly spreading across her face. "It's not your fault for what she did."

Nick and Judy were both at a loss for words

"I'll take that," she said taking the slip of paper out of judy's hands. "I'll be back with a wheel and your medicine, it's time for you to get home, can't have ZPD's finest officers stuck here for long." Her smile was fake, her chipper attitude a cheap fabrication imitating happiness. People always acted the same way when they heard her last name. She had done nothing wrong, never stole, tried not to lie, went to school, became a nurse. Her sister had ruined their last name, apparently people thought that because she had the same last name she was immediately an accomplice to the crimes her sister committed. She felt like this was her own personal curse.

She wheeled the wheelchair back in the room and helped nick in. They were silent the entire way. They loaded up in Nick's car and bid Ruth farewell.

"So, what happened in the store?" Ask just casually.

"it was a normal robbery, well I say normal as in a mammal with a gun runs into the store and starts shooting. We run Inside and I begin to flank but then I see her…"

"Who?" Judy asked skeptically.

"An elderly Vixen in. she was leaning up against the wall, a pool of blood forming at my feet. I tried to dress the wound as best I could. I wonder what happens to her?" Said Nick eyes starting to flutter shut.

"I bet she's fine, if you're feeling up to it we can go back to the hospital tomorrow and see if she's still there."

"Thanks Judy, I owe you one," Said Nick

"You owe me more than one." She replied with a grin.

Nick then leaned over and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"There I owe you one less, you'll get the rest later."

"I can't wait." Said Judy, blushing a deep rose red.

Notes: Sorry for the delay, I've been busy helping out with other fics, I'm not going to forget Ruth, I'm thinking about doing a separate fic about her. Thanks for your patience ill have more soon - Kip PS Check out Rover's Tumblr (Hoppinonwildely)