A/N: Inspired by a dream my friend, Yazzy Dollface had concerning the characters from my story, Terror Born. After she was finished telling me about the dream I had to start writing it. So, here's the sequel to Terror Born. I hope you enjoy it.
Rated M for violence and mature subject matter. Reader discretion is advised.
Disclaimer: I own nothing. Only Dmitry, Dominico, Lorrainia, Renzoo and Launa.
"My name...is Nero Valentine."
Valentine. The name had played through his memory like a broken record. How long ago had that been? It was impossible to tell in the Darkness. He was surprised he still had a conscious mind for the name to play through. By all laws, he should have been absorbed long ago. Dark purple sand shifted in the thick swell of Darkness. It blasted upward, out of the void. It found a foothold on a stone platform, taking the form of his former body. Dmitry looked up, purple eyes blazing. The child was losing his touch.
The Darkness wasn't as powerful as when he had first entered. Something must have happened. Dmitry got to his feet and glanced around. He was still in the same world he had fought Nero in. Sand swirled around his fists. He could still feel the strength and power of Vincent Valentine's body. It had been like a drug; powerful and addictive. He knew he would never find another body like Valentine's. However, he needed a body. He wouldn't last much longer as a pile of sand. Dmitry looked down at his hands. Already they were beginning to lose form; dissolving into sandy particles.
Dmitry threw a wing around his body, turning himself into a swirling mass of dark purple sand. He shot upward like a bat out of hell. Further and further he flew, never stopping, never slowing. He would find his new body, and then, he would find his precious little toy.
He let out a roar as he blasted out of the Darkness. He slammed into the ceiling of a hospital room. However, it wasn't how he had left it. Different patients occupied the beds. His toy and his father were nowhere in sight.
He had unfinished business with that family. Then, he felt it: a strong pull towards another room. He followed the lure to another ward. Guards stood outside a private room. They never noticed the sandy mist leak in through the top of the doorway. Dmitry huddled in a small pile of sand on the floor. He was getting weak; he was losing form already. So many years locked away in that Mako tube and then being trapped in the Darkness for however long was taking its toll. Gasping for breath, Dmitry regarded the man in the bed. Thick restraints held the man's wrists to the bed. Lurking closer, Dmitry could feel the strength leaking from the man's body. His dreams were filled with bloodlust. He could use this man.
Dmitry slithered up to the bed and allowed his sandy form to sink into the man's body. Instantly, the heart monitor began to whirl out of control. The guards burst into the room just in time to see their prisoner begin to morph. His hair grew long and turned a dark shade of purple. His fingers grew into claws. Horns stretched out from the top of his head and curled around his ears.
Dmitry laughed as he broke the restraints and rose up from the bed. He turned dark purple eyes to the guards and nurses who had entered the room. He waved his hand and sent out a blast of energy. The guards and nurses were instantaneously knocked unconscious. Dmitry looked at his new body. This man would be a fine host. Large leathery wings unfurled from his back.
"Get ready, little puppet," Dmitry said, blasting a hole in the wall and flying out into the darkness of night. "Your greatest nightmare has returned."
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