RWBY: Ghost of Remnant Vol.2

Chapter 20: Stop The Plan! A Grimm Invasion?

WARNING: I own none of these characters sides from my OC(s). All rights go to their respective owners and properties.

This is nothing more than, well a fanfic, a story made up by a fan for entertainment and knowledge.

Everything in this fic is not canon and is only meant to give the audience a new idea of the works of each of the franchises in this story.

So please support me, my work and have some fun. Now enjoy the story. ^w^

Two hours past in Beacon Academy as most teams were out for their missions. Each one was doing their own unique mission. The students are either outside of the kingdom, for several days to maybe even weeks. While others can even choose to be in the kingdom and do their best. Though one issions made a certain rider injured and unable to do much until he is healed.

However when he first woke, he was greeted with Cinder and found out a bit more about her. And due to it…. He became vulnerable and gave into her needs… He felt awful about it… But he could resists her this time like before….

Now… he still felt guilt inside for the 'time' he and Cinder had. He was currently looking at the shattered moon from the window, still covered in bandages as he summoned Excalibur before making it vanish. He was conflicted in his mind but his heart was to Weiss… Though… after the event he had with Cinder… He started to see her differently than before…. And that made him worry...

"Am…. I falling for her as well?" Axel questioned himself.

"Conflicted upon love?"

He looked by the edge of the window, seeing most of his Eyecons except Houdini. "Where's… Houdini?" he asked.

"He still blabbering about the history behind mistresses, concubines, multiple wives and such." Nobunaga replied.

Axel blinked until he looked away, realizing why. ""You saw her kiss me…."

"Yes we have and left to leave the two of you be." Tutankhamun replied.

He placed his hands on the sides of his head. "Just what is wrong with me…" He muttered grimly. "My heart is to Weiss but why would I… develop feelings to that girl."

"Simple, my descendant. It's because you understood the pain she had when she lost her family. You knew how it was and connected to her through it. Thus, that connection started to blossom." Arthur explained.

"But it feels like I just cheated to my love…" He responded.

"And due to that conflict, it's now becoming confusion. Do you stay with Weiss, or is your heart wanting to be with young Cinder?" Arthur said.

He placed his hand over his heart. "I… want to stay with Weiss…." He glanced a look behind him, seeing the slumbering Cinder with the blankets covering her.

"Yet your heart says otherwise…." Nobunaga sighed.

He shook his head, placing his hands to the sides of his head again. "No it doesn't…" He denies.

"Then why did you just lie to us?" Arthur questioned.

"I'm not lying!" He denied again. He heard Cinder mutter quietly in her sleep while the Rider looked at the Eyecons. "Weiss is everything to me, my heart…. My soul goes to her."

"If that is the case…. Why are you so worried then? You would have had your answer on your confusion." Tutankhamun noted.

"I… just don't want to hurt Weiss…" He replied quietly. "I feel like I am breaking her heart and it hurts to me just think about it…"

"Then, my descendant.. What will you do about it?" Arthur questioned him.

He went over his thoughts before he remembered Cinder saying it was one time so… it gave him some ease. "Cinder said it was one time… I will stay with Weiss… my heart still goes to Weiss..."

Before they knew it, Houdini appeared, "Finally! At least I won't hear more of the concubine nonsense since he made his decision! Besides don't you gentlemen believe that Weiss and Saber meant for each other?"

"I agree with you on that, magician." Arthur 'nodded'.

"Same." The other two Eyecons, including the Rider Eyecons nodded in agreement.

"The young Heiress is his soul mate. The stars have shown it many times before." Tutankhamun noted. "Though… There has been a disturbance for awhile now…"

The others, including Axel looked at the pharaoh. "Something big will be happening…" He continued.

Axel gripped his hands. "Then we will be ready for it…" He said, determined.

"Though, the first sign will show that you won't be able to join… Especially in your condition right now." The Pharaoh noted.

He looked at his bandages then at the Eyecon. "Right… I can't fight for the next week." he remembered.

Axel sighed as he leaned back to get some sleep. But as he does, the young female next to him shifts slightly. While he and the Eyecons couldn't see it, she was wide awake. Her smoldering eyes narrowed and gripping the pillow tightly. She heard it all and knows the truth behind Axel.

'As if I'll let you go now…. Axel.. you will join me, one way or another…' Cinder growled in her thoughts.

Insert opening song - Time to Say Goodbye - RWBY Vol.2 Opening)

[There's a point where it tips, There's a point where it breaks]

As the song starts, the camera slowly flies through the clouds before reaching a brightful Beacon Academy.

[There's a point where it bends, And a point we just can't take..Anymore...]

As is gets closer, we see Cody and Axel standing in front of the statue, looking at it before lowering their heads to see their Eyecons; Ore and Specter.

[There's a line that we'll cross, and there's no return There's a time and a place, no bridges left to burn, Anymore!]

Cody and Axel then turned their heads as they see the smiling faces of their teams, RWBY and JNPR along with Luna as they turn their attentions back towards the statue as it fades to white.

[We can't just wait with lives as stake, Until they think we're ready]

The camera fades back in as Cody and Axel along with their teams are flying through the air, dive bombing towards a location. As they do, The Ore, Specter and Boost Damashii flies out as it circles them both.

[Our enemies are gathering, the storm is growing deadly!]

Down below, stood several Grimm, along with an army of Ganma, lead by Alan who holds up the Necrom Eyecon with a devious smirk, before the shadows of Cinder and her team appear behind them.

[Now it's time to say goodbye… To the things we loved, and the innocence of youth]

Cody and Axel donned on their Rider forms as they clash against Necrom in this fight. Along with them was RWBY facing off against Cinder, Mercury, Emerald, and Neo as they battle in the small space.

[How the time seemed to fly, from our carefree lives, and the solitude and peace we always knew]

As the fight continues, Cody changes into his Boost Damashii, knocking back Necrom as the symbols of the 15 Eyecon hover over the area before turning white as Cody and the others are now relaxing on a hillside, staring at the sky as the title card shows up.

After those two hours, the group finally pants, looking around at the slowly disintegrating bodies of the Beowolves they just finish killing. While, Doctor Oobleck finished writing a few things down on some paper as he walked up to the group. "Well done. But do not celebrate yet. For I am certain, this is just one round of many…. Shall we continue?" He asked the others.

Now, the sun has begun to set, casting an orange glow over most of their surroundings. Each member of the team were handling their own end of the Grimm.

With Cody who was in his Toucon armor, he was taking them down left and right with silent strikes until he struck them all down. All of his foes lay dead on the ground, their bodies having begun to dissolve into wisps of smoke.

Doctor Oobleck approached Cody with a notepad. "What of you Mr. Aldrich? What made you decide to embark on a Huntsman's path?" He asked, making him turn around to see the Huntsman.

"Me?" Cody questioned as he turned to the Doctor. He looked down for a moment, gathering his thoughts. "Well… At first… I wasn't actually wanting to be a hunter." He admitted, this though actually made Oobleck's brow raise. "I was just enjoying my life before my… 'fight' with that Grimm. Afterwards, when I was given this power, the offer was shown to me by Professor Ozpin. After that moment… I realized I could do good for the people with this new power and skill. Sides from fighting Ganma and Grimm. I felt like I could make a difference with the people and show them that there's more out there." He explained.

"I see…" He said before scribbling into his notebook and walking away.

With Yang who was away from the group after she beaten down some Grimm. After finishing off the last Grimm, Oobleck approached her. "Tell me Yang: Why did you choose this line of work?" he asked her.

"Huh?" She looked at the doctor before she answered under his gaze. "Well, to fight monsters and save-"

"No. That is what you do. I want the honest reason as to why you want to be a Huntress?" He asked her.

The blonde considers this before saying, "The honest reason? I'm a thrill-seeker. I want to travel around the world and get wrapped up in as many crazy adventures as I can. And if I can help people along the way, then that's even better. It's a win-win, y'know?"

"I see…" He once again writes in his notebook before walking away.

With Weiss, she was sending several ice glyphs at the oncoming Grimm. Using them to either send projectile ice shards or making barriers of ice form near them as she kills the Grimm that approach her. Oobleck was leaning on a wall, above her as he watches. "And you, Ms. Schnee? A girl born into fame and fortune, surely doesn't need the extra work. So why choose this over a job in Atlas?" He asked the heiress.

After impaling her last foe, she turns around to look at Oobleck. "Well… it's because I chose the path because of Axel. He helped me see that I should choose my own path to be a Huntress." she replied.

"Ah, so then. Axel is your reason? But what if he didn't show you that option… would you still pursue this career?" He questioned. She looked down for a moment before looking at him. "I guess that, once I realized that I was capable of fighting, there was no longer a question of what I would do with my life. It was my duty."

"Very well…" Oobleck nodded as he went off.

Next was with Blake as she entered a building, only to be run by several small Nevermore's. They flew past and above her, fleeing. But were killed easily as Blake set off several rounds into the air. The avian grimm shortly fell to the ground afterwards.

Oobleck popped in to see her work, "And what about you Blake? You seem to carry some sense of purpose." He noted.

"There's too much wrong in this world to just stand by and do nothing," She replied. "Inequality, corruption… Someone has to stop it."

"Very well. How?"

This made her quiet before lowering her head, unable to answer that kind of question. "I, Uh…"

Oobleck pondered to himself then dashes away, leaving Blake to bow her head, leaving her in troubled thought. He turned to see Ruby playing with Zwei and Razor, while a slab of meat was hooked on her weapon.

She realized she was being watched as she quickly put it away. "Oh uh… Are we heading out now?" she asked him.

"No, I believe that's done for today. You three, set up camp." He asked, tossing the bags to Yang and the others. "And please make sure there a no more… 'creatures' in these buildings." He asked, to which Yang was looking at him, confused.

As night time was finally starting to show and the population of Grimm had taken an enormous downturn. Where they once littered the streets, prowling for their next meals, now was seemingly empty.

Above in one of the buildings, Ruby was keeping watch from above to make sure no Grimm chases after them. Meanwhile, Cody was getting food ready for everyone, with the small campfire he made. He made sure to taste it, slightly to make sure it was brewed perfectly. And after one last one, he smiles. "Alright, food is ready!" He said to the others.

They got their respective meals as they were around the campfire, either huddling around it or standing up. "I can't believe we didn't find anything…" Weiss muttered.

"We've always been fortunate enough to be in the right place at the right time." Blake responded. "I guess we can't always have luck on our side."

"That's not what I meant." Weiss responded, looking back to the fire, and warming her hands against the blaze. Blake looked up in confusion.


"Earlier about… upholding the legacy. There's more to it than that." She clarified.

"Yeah… No, me too. I mean… I don't know." Yang added.

"Am I missing something here?" Cody asked.

"The professor asked us all about why we chose to become Huntresses. Did he ask you too?" She inquired.

"Yeah he did. And I gave him my answer to which is very simple to figure out." He replied, sipping some soup.

"And that is what?" Yang asked, sitting next to her boyfriend.

"Well… For us Hunters and Huntresses. It's not about a sense of injustice, legacy, power, or even seeking thrills… Heck, it's not even about us." He points out to where Beacon is at. "It's about the people. We're here to protect them from whatever comes our way. We are the light and they are the darkness. We may have some things here and there that we like. But in the end… It's for the people." Cody explained it to them.

They all became quiet upon hearing that, thinking over until Oobleck approached the group. "Ah, wonderful! A textbook campfire!"

His voice startled them, as the professor suddenly appeared from nowhere with Ruby, Zwei, and Razor quickly rounding the corner after him. Ruby squealed quietly at the sight of the blaze, and dashed forwards, warming her hands against it, the two pets by her side.

Cody smiled as he handed ruby and Oobleck some soup, then sets two bowls down for the pets. "Also... " The young rider smirks, turning towards Weiss and Blake. "I'm surprised you two aren't complaining about my cooking for once."

They glared at the Rider who flinched, making him go back to eating his food. "Very good! Eat your dinners and hurry to bed. We have a lot of ground to cover tomorrow and we'll need you to take turns keeping watch over our temporary abode. Any volunteers for first watch?" Dr. Oobleck asked.

"Yo…" Ruby volunteered first, raising her hand.

And with that, Dr. Oobleck sped away further into the building. As Ruby got up to take watchposition, Yang stood up, and began to ask her something.

"Hey, did Oobleck ask you why you wanted to be a Huntress? I mean… what did you tell him?" Yang asked, a serious look in her eye. Ruby looked away briefly, deep in thought, before turning back to her.

"Hmm… No, he didn't. Weird. Oh, well; good night, guys!" She saluted, before taking position in a hole in the wall, with Crescent Rose at the ready and Zwei by her side while Razor sat next to Cody, eating the food that was in the bowl.

In Vale, Alan was escorting his sister since she wanted to explore the town, but only after he just finished chasing those two assassins. For Alan, he looked at the night sky, deep in thought before he noticed his sister looking at the people, some being families. He lowered his head knowing that he and Alia no longer have any parents. But for there two family-friends… they learned that Axel and Luna were adopted by Cody's parents.

And thinking about Ghost still having parents made him angry. His fist gripped tighter as he wonders how he still has a happy life, while they are now out on the streets in this ruin of a world?

"Alan? You alright?" Alia asked him.

"I'm… fine…" He muttered.

Alia turned around to look at him, the former prince flinching from her stern look. Her stern look was far more worse that makes Goodwitch's look like a normal glare. "Alan, something has been troubling you for a while now."

"It's… nothing.." He denied.


He flinched more before he had no choice. "It's about Ghost… why does he have to be so happy when this place is a dark world?" he replied.

"What do you mean?" She asked, confused.

"Why must he and his… friends act like every day is normal when they don't know everything of the troubles that they often ignore!?" He exclaimed. "Why must these idiots be happy in this ruin of a world!? A world where they are too blind for the stupid humans they are!"

Alia frowned upon this. Knowing he's angry not at them or this world but still at Adel. "Alan…. You mustn't judge them for doing that. The reason why they keep being happy is because they have no choice. If they give up and let all of those dark emotions run their lives, there would be no point for the to continue to live as a species." She explained. "They want to keep being happy because it's the only thing they can do to try and survive."

He gritted his teeth before his grip relaxed a bit. "It is the same with what we try to do before Alan." she continued. "Even back in our… former home you know that even we try to survive. Adel may no longer be the person we once called our brother but we will set things right, with the help of the people who helped take care of us, protecting us."

"Will… they even want to help us?" he asked her, unsure that they will want to.

"Axel is helping us, even the heiress." Alia smiled. "He took us into his late family home, Weiss was kind to us, even Luna and the headmaster of Beacon."

"But… everyone else…."

"They may have… dislike us but they are giving us a chance." She replied. "A second chance to live, to help, to be human."

"Human…" Hearing that made Alan's skin crawl, he didn't like this feeling one bit… But yet…. For some reason, something does keep drawing him back. Not the books or even Axel… So… what was it? He placed his hand over where his heart before lowering his head. Just what was it that was making him feel these emotions?

Just what is making him feel like the human he once was before he became a Ganma?

Meanwhile, back with the others. The night was still going on strong as the others rest up, with Cody now on watch as he sits there, in his Toucon - Robin Hood. Keeping watch over the others.

He then heard Yang's voice when she was talking to Blake. "Blake, are you awake?" Yang's voice called to her.

"Yeah." She muttered, turning to look at her.

"Why do you think he asked us about being a Huntress? Ike, what was he trying to say?" Yang asked. Blake just shrugged.

"Maybe he was just curious." She responded, a little uncertainty in her voice.

"You think?" Yang asked, concerned apparent with the question. Blake didn't answer for a bit, before rolling onto her back, and looking up at the starry sky through the shattered roof.

"No."She muttered. Yang looked into the embers of the crackling fire, before turning to Weiss.

"Weiss, are you awake?"

"Of course I'm awake! You two are talking." She snapped. Yang winced, as Weiss continued to talk.

"Well when he asked me that… I told him that Axel was the reason I fight but in truth… it's because I want to follow the path he takes like his family… a path of truth, protect, justice, and honor to consider lives important." She hugged her legs while letting out a small yet sad smile. "I even decided to abandon the Schnee name."

This made Yang and Blake look at her surprised. And even Cody, while hasn't moved, did flinch from hearing that. "You… Decided to abandon the Schnee name? Are sure that's wise, Weiss?" Yang asked her.

She nodded. "I am sure… My father was not the start of our name and I refuse to let him or anything about him bother me… I rather take the path the Sabers take… they are more truthful to their own name. The great things they have done, not being greedy, even caring about other's lives, focusing on their safety and not being selfish."

"Well… whatever you choose, we'll be right here." Blake smiled at her. But she frowns slightly. "And… for me? All my life, I fought for what I thought was right. I even had a partner… named… Adam… More of a mentor actually. He assured me that what we were doing was right and helped made a better place." She admitted. "But… of course.. Turns out his 'perfect future' turned out, not to be perfect for anyone…" She then turned to the others. "I joined the academy, cause I heard that they were considered the noble and the good for the world. But in the end… I never really thought past that. And thought this would help me achieve what I wanted for so long. But when I leave the Academy, what will I - How can I undo so many years of hate?" she finished.

"If anybody can, it's you." Cody said, still keeping watch.

"Cody's right about that. You're not one to back down from a challenge, Blake." She reassured.

"But I am! I do it all the time! When you learned I was a Faunus, I didn't know what to do, so I ran! When I realized my oldest partner had become a monster, I ran! Even my Semblance! I was born with the ability to leap behind a shadow of myself; an empty copy that takes the hit while I run away!" Blake vented, her voice cracking slightly.

Cody sighed, turning towards her. "Blake… you shouldn't feel like that. Your Semblance doesn't show the real you. We all know what you can do when you finally are calm, cool-headed and in control of your decisions." Cody reassured her. "Sides, to me, your Semblance isn't about running. It's about how you can use the shadows of your past self to escape any danger ahead. It's there to keep you on your path and keep you going."

She turned to him. "What about you? How can you keep going when you are on a time limit? Why do you still forgive some people. Look at your brother, he killed before he met us, behind Adam, he spilled as much blood before him. You trust a murderer yet you barely trust Alan, someone who was like Axel."

Cody sighed. "While you are right…. There is a difference between Alan and Axel. Alan, doesn't know how to deal with his consciousness. He doesn't know how to deal with things that are out of his control. For Axel, while he has killed…. He regrets it now. He had to do those things in order to revive Luna…. She was his hope and light left. Without her, he probably wouldn't last much longer. He would have been like this Adam you mentioned" He admitted, looking down. "And now that he has everything back with him, he's realizing the blood on his hands… And he's going to have to deal with it. He will never forget what he has done, nor will he want to. For having that toll on him, will make sure he will never take a life again. It's his way of repenting… to keep the demons he made close so that he himself doesn't become one." Cody said to her.

"And as for me? The reason why I keep forgiving others, and heck, soon forgive Alan? Easy… Cause I can still see the good in people's souls." He responded, Blake looking at him, right in his 'eyes'. "I can try my best to see if whoever I see has a good soul.. With that, I have to learn to let go…. And thanks to a certain… 'someone', I can now do my best to show even forgiveness to me enemy." He said, turning towards the sleeping Doctor.

"At least you two have something that drives you. I've just kind of always, gone with the flow, y'know? And that's fine, I mean, that's who I am. But how long can I really do that for? I wanna be a Huntress, not really because I want to be a hero, but because I want the adventure. I want a life where I don't know what tomorrow will bring. And that'll be a good thing. Being a Huntress just happens to line up with that." Yang explained, looking towards Ruby was.

"Really?" Cody asked.

"I'm not like Ruby, she's always wanted to be a Huntress. It's like she said, ever since she was a kid, she'd dreamt about being the heroes in the books. Helping people and saving the day and never asking for anything else in return. Even stories about the unknown heroes we first didn't know about. Even when she couldn't fight, she knew that's what she wanted to do. That's why she trained so hard to get where she is today." Yang finished.

"Heh… And I admit she has earned that right." Cody nodded.

"Well, she's still just a kid." Weiss interjected, with a hint of worry apparent in her voice.

"She's only two years younger… We're all kids here." Blake sighed.

"Well, not anymore. I mean, look where we are! In the middle of a warzone and armed to the teeth!" Yang sighed. No one spoke for a while before a howl emanated from somewhere nearby. They placed their hands on their weapons.

"It is the life we choose." Blake nodded.

"It's a job.." Weiss replied, sighing as she glances at the young rider. "And as much as I hate to admit this… you're right Cody."

"Excuse me? Did I just hear you saying… 'I was right'?" he quoted, teasing her a bit.

A quick glance from her though did make him shut up as she sighed again. "We all had this fantasized vision of what being a Hunter and Huntress is like. But at the end of the day, and how much you were right… It is a job. And the people and their lives matter more. And whatever we want, will have to come second." The Heiress said.

From above the 'sleeping' Dr. Oobleck let out a soft smile as he drifts back to sleep.

In the school, Axel was walking to the rooftops as he kept his hands in his pockets. He couldn't rest for the rest of the night. After what his Eyecon said, something was about to happen and he couldn't get it out of his mind. Even more was the nightmares he often suffered ever since the start of being called the Blue Devil. Hearing the voices in his mind as he sleeps, it was painful that there were times that he could barely sleep.

He felt his soul acting up, not from the love for Weiss but something else…the same feeling when he and Cody went to the Ganma realm. What he didn't know was that a purple wisp-like aura was around him, shaped like a demon with menacing horns, the aura on his shoulders shaped like fire and large wings.

To some who can see things that others can't see, they would be able to see what was around him.

In the Ganma realm, within Edith's lab, he was checking each Eyecon he created until he noticed a certain Eyecon he was finished, glowing slightly, it's eyes opening wide before going to its normal glare. He approached the dome that was over the Eyecon. "Looks like you reacted to him when he was here, now trying to reach out to him." he noted, observing the Eyecon. "Heh… then you two are almost ready…."

It jumped, trying to break the dome but was only able to crack it, making Edith chuckle. The Eyecon he made was indeed dangerous and demonic. The reason for the dome was due to its aura and intent. When some Ganma tried to use it… they perished into flames. He knew that the soul of the monster inside, as well as it being the only defense that could stand up against the true enemy behind the strings.

Back with the others, Yang was now taking watch, yawning softly as she keeps watches. Nearby, Zwei was sleeping next to Ruby before it's ear raised up, as if it heard something. It barked a few times, though luckily enough only Ruby heard it.

"Zwei? What are you doing? Go back to bed…" she yawned. The dog though started to walk off, Ruby follows after it to bring the dog back to the group. She wanders out of the building, looking for Zwei. "Zwei! Zwei, where are you? Zwei!"

Near by she notices Zwei taking a leak on the building rubble. Causing her to sigh and walk up to her dog. "Zwei, this is a wasteland. You could've done that anywhere." She sighed, the dog now in her arms as it barks.

"What was that?"

Hearing the voice, Ruby quickly hides behind some ruins. She took a peek and saw some White Fang soldiers, however with them was a couple of Ganma grunts who were poking the rubble while some were also turning over the rubble to find anything useful for something to create.

"What was what?" Another White Fang soldier replied.

"I thought I heard a Beowolf or something."

"Hmph. Let's just finish our patrol and get back to base. This place gives me the creeps." He responded.

"And I thought these guys gave you the creeps?" He jabbed his thumb to the Ganma footsoldiers.

"They do…" He groaned. The footsoldiers heard them, making them either scoff or continue their progress upon the comment. As both patrols walk away, Ruby and Zwei sneak around, following them. They eventually reach a ruined building with a pair of metal doors.

"Did they go in? One bark means yes…" Ruby asked holding Zwei near the edge.

Zwei heard the sound of the door closing which echoes out to his ears, making him bark once. She sets him down, "Ohh! This is what we were looking for!" she beamed, pulling out her scroll only to see it saying 'No Signal' on it. Sighing she looked at her dog, "We better get back to the others and tell them about this." she said, standing up as the two started to make their way back to the others. However, the ledge she is holding onto breaks off, and she plummets into a huge cave filled with ruined buildings, far below the surface. She lands on a building up against a cavern wall, but as she gets up, a door that was nearby bursts open to reveal a White Fang soldier and a Ganma grunt.

"Freeze!" he ordered.

"Where did this human come from?" The Ganma asked.

As they walk forward, Ruby backs away only to end up on the very edge of the platform.

"She's far away from her home as well." It noted.

The White Fang member, walks up and grabs her. "Come on. You're coming with us." He ordered her.

"Hey! Hands off!" She jerks her arm out of the guard's hand and starts punching him but it had little effect and he punches her hard enough to knock her out.

"The boss should see this…" One of them noted as they dragged her away.

Back with the others, Yang yawned, ready for some sleep, "Alright Weiss. It's your…. turn…." As she turned around she quickly noticed someone missing. "Ruby?" She looked around. "Hey, where's Ruby?"

"What?" Oobleck noticed as well. They heard barking and noticed Zwei running into the room, continuing to bark.

"Zwei?" Yang questioned, worry taking her.

"Whats' going on?" Blake asked, as they all rose from their sleeping bags.

Fearing the worst, Oobleck frowned as he stepped forward. "You best grab your weapons. Your leader maybe in trouble." he said.

They nodded as they grabbed their weapons and started to follow Zwei. As they did, the dog stopped at a very large hole in the center of the road as it barked down at it. "Do you think she fell?" Weiss asked.

Hearing this made Oobleck look up at them, "Fell?" He repeated.

"Down there…" Weiss pointed down into the hole.

He looked down at the hole again before he finally realizes something. "Oh my… of course! Of course, of course, OF COURSE!" Oobleck yelled out, getting their attention.

"Doc?" Yang asked. Ignoring her, Oobleck continued to excitedly voice his thoughts.

"How could I have been so stupid?!"

"Doctor, what is it?" Weiss asked, standing up, with the Crescent Rose in her hands.

"Mountain Glenn! Yes, it was an expansion of Vale that was inevitably destroyed by creatures of Grimm! Previously home to thousands of people, working people commuting to the main city! They develop a subway system to the inner city! Grimm attacks increased in response to fresh prey making regular excursions into their territory, population now in danger, so they seek shelter! City evacuates into the metro tunnels, and what do they find? The southeast quadrant of Vale is known for wild forests and deep caves!" The Doctor explained as fast as he could to the students.

"In other words…?" Cody said.

"We're not just looking for an underground crime network, we're looking for an UNDERGROUND crime network!" He replied, gesturing to the hole.

"Wait, they've been working in caves all this time?" Cody questioned.

"Nonono, Mountain Glenn was Vale's first serious attempt at expansion. Thanks to an aggressive perimeter defense and a unique transportation system, the expansion worked for some time. But without natural defenses to protect its borders, like those surrounding Vale, Mountain Glenn was doomed from the very beginning! As Grimm began to close in on the town, the citizens made one final attempt at survival: by taking shelter beneath the city! In the caves that had been excavated for the subway system. And in doing so, they managed to cut themselves off from the surface!" He explained.

"An underground city? That's what this place was?" Yang asked, starting to worry more.

"More precisely, an underground village, but yes. A safe haven. Until… a wayward explosion opened the mouth of another cavern. One filled with subterranean Grimm." Oobleck bowed his head. "After that incident, the kingdom of Vale saw fit to seal off the tunnels, creating the world's largest tomb. And if Ruby's down there without her weapon…"

The doctor threw his thermos into the air, becoming something resembling a baseball bat which lands in his hand. "... we must find her."

"Okay… That is cool…." Cody admitted.

Back in the depths of the caverns, Ruby slowly begins to wake up as she realizes she is being dragged. And as she does, she glances around to get a better look at the situation. She noticed several Ganma helping out White Fang members. From training Grimm, to training other members, even moving boxes and crates around. She then turns to see the train as she sees several Ganma and White Fang Members doing stuff to the old train.

"Watch it human!" One of the Ganma shouted, near by she saw the Ganma and White Fang, doing something to some odd, large device. "You almost killed us all by dropping that!"

"Sorry!" He replied sarcastically.

"Miserable apes…" He grumbled under his breath.

The two dragging Ruby stopped as one of them looks at an open train cart. "Uh.. Boss? We have something for you to look at." The Faunus rebel said.

"Is it good or bad, Perry? Because let me tell ya, I have had a day." A familiar voice replied from the railcar.

"Uh…. It's a little girl?"

The person who leans through the doorway to see Ruby was none other than Roman Torchwick. "That would be bad." He jumped out as he approached the three, looking at Ruby. "If it isn't little red."

"Roman.." she glared at him.

He chuckled, twirling his cane as he looks at the two guards who were leaning against the wall. He looks back at Ruby before throwing her across the floor. "Wow! You are much more manageable without that over-sized gardening tool of yours." He mocked.

Ruby gets up and charges at Roman, which he simply sidesteps, sending Ruby stumbling across the floor.

Roman laughs upon this. "Oh man. You know I really did need this." He said to the White Fang soldier but the Ganma grunt suddenly stood straight, shivering upon seeing someone before bowing. "And what the heck is wrong with you?"

"That's because of me."

They turn to see Adel with a smug grin.

"My lord, we never expected you to arrive." The grunt said, the other Ganma bowing upon his presence.

"I just arrived to see how things are progressing?" He replied, turning towards Roman then to Ruby. "Who is this, girl?"

"Friends to Ghost boy, this is little red." Roman replied, looking at Adel since this was the first time meeting the now king of Ganma.

"Ghost you say?" He glanced at Ruby then at Roman. "I believe you should leave."

"Why is that?"

"If this human is with a team then they are bound to be near." He informed walking away. "But… to make sure if that happens…" A Ganma seal appeared from the air but red and burning like fire, making the Ganma soldiers not moving an inch, some of the White Fang even shivering, their instincts kicking in.

What landed was an exact duplicate of Adel, only wearing a white body suit with a silver crest on his collar bone and black markings on it. "Wow, never knew you had a twin." Roman got out.

"Twin isn't the word I would use, criminal." Adel grin before he looked at the 'twin'. He nodded before supposed twin had a mark that glowed before he revealed his true form. He was a bulky figure whose armor was pale as snow with red streaks on his thighs. Some 'tubes' go from his thigh to his hips, while the chest was a large red orb with a black symbol. Its shoulders were large with large red orbs as well, fire-shaped armor going from his chest to the shoulders while its gauntlets were fire-shaped as well with tubes connected from its arms to the two large red orbs. Its head had a large crest with five spikes protruding from its head while it had no eyes, nose or mouth, only an orb with the same symbol as its chest.

"Gammaizer…" The grunts kneeled upon the sight.

Ruby felt its presence, making her tremble. It was that of a deity… an actual god…

The Ganmaizer turned it's attention to Ruby, and upon doing so, it felt a very familiar presence in her. It began to radiate heat as a fireball is formed in its hand. "Warning… Familiar presence detected…. Eliminate… Silver eyes..." It said, surprising Adel and Roman.

Before it can, it turned its head to a direction. "Threats… five detected including animal and a Grimm…" On time, an explosion was heard. And on que, Ruby used her Semblance to run off towards the group, causing Roman to growl in anger.

Cody, now is Toucon - Newton is walking out of the dust cloud. Using his gravity fists to send blasts of rubbles towards several oncoming White Fang. Behind him was Yang, Weiss, Blake, Razor, Zwei and Dr. Oobleck. They saw Ruby rushing to them, "You guys!"

"Ruby!" Yang said, happy to see she is alright."

"Are you okay?" Weiss asked.

"I'm fine, I'm fine! But listen! Torchwick's got all kinds of weapons and robots down there."

"What?!" Blake hands Ruby her weapon.

"They are loading them up on the train cars too!"

"Ahhh, that's ridiculous." Oobleck informed. "These tunnels are seals, the tracks lead to a dead-end."

"It gets worse!"

"What's worse than what Torchwick is doing?" Cody asked.

A large fireball melted the metal barrier, revealing Fire Gammaizer. "Threats found… Eliminate targets..."

"What the heck is that thing?" Yang got out.

"That doesn't look like any Ganma I ever seen!?" Weiss exclaimed.

Oobleck felt its power, making him look at the students. "We must avoid it…" he informed.

"Why? If its just another Ganma. I can take it down easily!" Cody smirked, rushing towards it. When he was about to strike it with the gravity, it didn't move a muscle, like it was unaffected "What?" The Fire Gammaizer simply smacked him, sending him to the wall, cracking it. It aimed his hand at Cody before unleashing another large fireball. "Fire." He announced as the fireball headed towards him.

He gritted his teeth as he used the gravity fist to drag a large boulder to block the attack. When it came in contact, it exploded as Cody teleported to his teammates, panting. "Okay…. Avoiding we shall…" He panted.

Just then what sounded like a intercom rang up.

"Get to your stations, cause we're moving out!" Called out Roman.

The ground shook as the group noticed the train was slowly starting to move. "Never knew Roman could work a train." Yang joked.

"We need backup. Let me call Jaune." Ruby gets her Scroll as they had to avoid another attack from the Gammaizer. "I can't get through!" She ducked from another fireball.

"What do we do?" Weiss asked.

"I believe we only have one option…"

Ruby turns around, seeing what was the only option. "We're stopping that train!"

"But how will we get pass… that!" Blake pointed at the Fire Gammaizer.

An idea then came to Cody's head as he moved forward. "Leave that to me. I've got an idea." He said to the others. "When I say jump, jump. Got it?"

"Wait, what are you planning to do?" Yang asked.

"Ever heard of Blind Tossing?" He smirked at her.

"You can't be serious!?" Weiss questioned, the heiress avoiding a fireball.

"That or would you rather have to deal with that fire spitter?" Cody added on.

"If it's the best way to get on that train, do it, Mr. Aldrich." Oobleck ordered.

The young rider nodded as he turned back and began to charge back at the Ganmaizer. Though this time, he used the gravity fists to send larger rubble and metal at the new Ganma. The Ganmaizer threw several fireballs as the rider uses the debris to block the first attack, he then stops as he tosses the next batch, causing it to block for a bit.


They quickly jumped as Cody thrusted his arm out to them. Ripples of energy flowed through them as he literally tosses them onto the train, landing safely while Cody uses his teleportation to join them as they watch the Gammaizer stare at them, the train departing before raising its arm, willing for one last shot. "Fire." Its hand charges up, the fireball growing before it pulled back and shot it out, the fireball incinerating everything it passes through as it was heading to the group who were on the fleeing train.

With the group, they sighed with relief as Weiss glares at the young Rider who walks up to them. "Are you stupid? Did you seriously toss us like rag dolls?" She snapped.

"Hey, we got away from that thing, didn't we? Sides. No one got hur-"


He pointed at the incoming giant fireball. They saw it already incinerated the tracks that it passes by. Ruby looked at it wit worry. "I don't think our Aura will handle that!" She shouted.

Cody growled as he go in front of the others. Blue aura began to surge around him, along with blue, flames around him as he thrusted both of his arms out at the fireball.


Blue, fiery ripples of energy shot out as Cody used Newton's power to try and push or at least dissolve the fireball before it ever reached them. But it was becoming harder to do since it was literally and surely pushing towards them, regardless how slow he was making it. "This… thing… is… strong…" He gritted. "Just how powerful was that Ganma!?"

He tried to push the fireball more, but it kept getting closer. Though once close enough for them all to feel the heat, it shrinked as it shot through the ripples, striking Cody as he was forced out of his armor. Burn marks and soot now on his body as he was almost tossed out from the train.

"Cody!" Yang cried out, rushing to him as she catches his arm and drags him back up..

"I'm… alright…" He coughed out as he slowly stands up, almost losing his balance. "We have to stop this train." Yang frowned as she slung him over herself.

Weiss opened the hatch but something caught her attention. "Err… Professor?"

"Doctor." Oobleck corrected.

Weiss pointed down the hatch. "What's that?"

Oobleck kneels down to see what it was. "That my dear… appears to be a bomb."

"Great." Cody groaned. "First we had to deal with a Ganma who shoots fire, that incinerates anything and now bombs?" He gritted.

"Uh.. We got baddies!" Ruby pointed out to the other carts. They then see several White Fang members crawling out from the hatches or windows as they get onto the roof.

"Get the humans!" One of them shouted.

Oobleck sighed. "Well, I didn't expect them to go-" Suddenly a sound went off as Oobleck looked down, to see the bom now armed and counting down to explode. "Easy on us…." He then looks at his students. "We need to get moving, now!"

They nodded as they quickly rushed towards the other car, but Oobleck holds Blake back, "Blake! Cut the caboose line! It'll kill us all!" He ordered her. Blake jumps down between the two carriage. Immediately after she had disappeared from their view, the caboose had detached.

"It decoupled itself!" Blake shouted up, climbing back on top.

"Guess Roman, really doesn't want us on here…." Yang groaned.

"Uh… We got a bigger problem…" Cody said to the others, gritting his teeth and holding his side, still a bit injured from that attack.

They walked over to see another bomb down in the cart below, a worried look now on Oobleck's face as he begins to hop from cart to cart. "No no no no no!" He repeated, as he hopped over every cart and checked it. Though kept his distance from the oncoming White Fang. "THEY ALL HAVE BOMBS!" He shouted to them all.

Before the others could respond, the bomb in the carriage they stood on began to beep loudly. Ruby and Weiss slammed the hatch shut, and took off running down the next carriage. Cody, Yang, and Blake quickly followed suit, leaping over the slowly growing chasm as the carriage detached from the train. Yang looked back at the disappearing train car. "This doesn't make any sense! She yelled.

They turned back to see the group of White Fang now closer than before. "We need to deal with them before we can proceed." Oobleck noted.

They nodded before they jumped forward to attack the incoming White Fang members. Dr Oobleck, he turns around and watches the detached train car explode, only this time, it creates a hole allowing multiple types of Grimm to emerge.

"Oh dear…" he realized what the bombs were meant for. "He's leading Grimm into the city!"

"What? But that's insane! Why would he do that?" Blake questioned, everyone confused as they defend against the White Fang onslaught.

Another cart detached as they jump to another safe spot, still defending against the White Fang. "You four need to go below and try to stop any more from exploding! Ruby and I will stay up here and deal with them." Oobleck ordered, pointing to Cody, Yang, Weiss and Blake.

"Are you sure that's wise, Doctor Oobleck?" Cody asked him, shooting a few of the White Fang off of the train.

Upon finishing that, the notice a louder sound as they turn to see, the White Fang now in the prototype mech-suits, Atlas made. Now outfitted for them, they hop onto the train as they begin to rush towards the group.

Oobleck takes a sip from his thermos before transforming it into its weapon mode, a small flame burning at its tip. Zwei barks as the dog stands in front of the Doctor, though Razor was along with him, its feathers raised as glowing slightly.

Oobleck was curious about Cody's pet Grimm. He doesn't know if he could withstand an attack he is going to do to the Paladins but for Zwei it would be easy. Oddly enough, the few golden, glowing feather then erupted into golden fiery wings as the dino grimm flew at the Paladins, actually cutting them down like his wings were made of metal.

"Those feather I gave him, allows him to summon up fire. Hot enough to form matter, and slice through things like butter. Without harming the little guy." Cody explained, smirking.

"Remind me to learn about your Grimm's species next time." Oobleck said before he bats Zwei, turning the corgi into a small fireball, knocking the Paladin off the train while Zwei was alive, its fur not burned or singed.

"Now that is a cool dog…" Cody got out, surprised, turning towards the sisters.

"Now, you four get going. Your leader and I will keep them busy long enough for you to head in and stop this mess." Oobleck ordered, opening the panel below them.

"You take it easy, okay?" Ruby said to the others.

They nodded as they dropped down into the cart below.

Inside, the 4 were in what looks like a cargo hold. No sign of any bombs as they start to get ready. Cody though, cringed as he held his side, the other three looking at him worried. "Man that thing packed punch…" He groaned.

"You alright, Cody?" Yang asked, slinging him over her.

"Yeah…. I'll be fine… Just give me a moment…" He panted.

"You two keep going. We'll catch up." Yang turned to Weiss and Blake.

They looked each other before looking at Yang, nodding before they quickly made their way to the next train car. "We have to keep going, Cody." Yang said softly.

"I know…" He muttered slowly getting back up, still wondering what kind of Ganma they fought earlier. He never expected that powerful to perform that kind of attack. But before they could move, a figure drops to the ground, running up and kicking Cody into a small pile of boxes. The figure was that 'Neo' girl from the bridge. She smirked as she placed her hand on her hip, glancing towards the two.

"Cody!" Yang gasped, turning towards Neo and growling. "Oh… You're gonna pay for that…" She cracked her knuckles.

Neo grinned before the blonde brawler charged forward to deliver the first punch, only for Neo to shatter like glass, the ice cream-themed girl now sitting by a crate, smiling, mocking her. Yang growled before she rushes once more but was kicked away as Neo jumped off the crate and swung her parasol at her, prompting Yang to block it. She gritted her teeth upon the impact as Neo sadistically grinned before she can attempt a strike, a gun cocked from the back of her head.

"Ya need to lower that parasol." Yang saw Billy the Kid in his walking Damashii form, his Bat Clock in gun form aimed at the back of Neo's head while Musashi and Himiko flew out of the boxes before flying where Blake and Weiss are.

In another cart, Weiss handed Blake a small cartridge filled with many Dust bullets, meant for her weapon. "Here. I've been having this made for you." She admitted.

Blake looks at it before she smiles, grabbing the magazine and placed it in her Gambol Shroud. Once they made it to the next train car, they heard a revving sound as a certain person Weiss recognizes was dragging a chainsaw across the ground. It was the White Fang lieutenant that Axel injured gravely a year ago. The reason she knew was the markings on his arms and mask, reminders of what Axel did to him back at the power plant.

"You go on ahead Blake." Weiss informed.

The Faunus nodded as she quickly blocked the chainsaw White Fang member before rushing ahead. Once gone, Weiss charges in as she begins to thrust and swing her weapon at the large Faunus. Though while causing him to block, it seems he barely took any damage as he swung his large weapon at the heiress.

She avoided the attack before going into her stance again. "I am gonna kill you like I should have a year ago." The Lieutenant said. "That Devil won't be here to save you this time. And I promise… he will be next." He taunted her.

She growled as she charged in, only for the Faunus to grab her and slam her against the ground. He then raises his blade and swung it down onto her. However a fireball prevented the attack, not like the Ganma's but from someone else. She slowly turned her head to see Himiko in her walking form.

"After all those years, my own kind resorted to spilling blood... " Himiko 'frowned' under her mask. "Disgraceful you are. You and the White Fang don't deserve to be considered Faunus, only killers. For I see you and the others will end up in prison along with death by Grimm."

"And who are you, witch?" He asked her, annoyed by her presence.

"I am Himiko." She replied, producing a fireball in her hand. "Now lower your disgraceful weapon and surrender."

"As if I'll let some witch tell me what to do…" He replied, swinging his blade at her, only for her to deflect it with… The Sunglasslasher?

"Then your future will lead to defeat."

With Blake, she made it to the next train car and stops, gritting her teeth upon seeing Roman. "Hello, kitty cat. You miss me?" He said with a smug grin. "You know, we really gotta stop meeting like this. People are gonna talk."

Blake charges forward to attack, starting the fight as she soon knocks him down but the criminal avoids the next attack and swings his cane at her, sending her to the wall of the train car. She gritted her teeth again and dodges a few shots but Roman aimed at the next spot, making her fall back from the hit.

"Oh and your ninth life has ended…. Buh-bye." He said, pointing his cane, point blank range of her face. However an orb flew to Roman, hitting him back until it gave form in front of Blake, revealing Musashi with two katanas. "You alright kunoichi?" He asked the Faunus.

"Why… are you here?" She panted, as he helped her up.

"Assisting a comrade." He replied. "A kunoichi may be lone warriors but even they have their comrades to finish the mission. Either stand and fight with no anger or stay down and let yourself get hurt more."

Roman groaned. "And just when I thought, Ghost boy and that ginger were the weirdest things I ever saw, this beats the cake…" He twirls his cane, ready to fight.

Musashi huffed as he got into his stance. "Let's begin." He said as Blake decided to assist knowing that he was right.

Back with Yang and Billy, they were taking shot after shot against Neo, though surprisingly enough, she was dodging and blocking them with her parasol. Billy the kid sheathed his pistols, unslinging his shotgun as he began to unleash buckshots at the parasol, slowly approaching her as a chance with each shot he was unleashing. "They don't call me Billy the Kid for notin'!" He shouted, getting closer as he continues to fire his shotgun at her.

But after that last shot, she shattered away into glass, the gunslinger surprised before he freezes from something. He looks down to see the young woman, now holding a small blade that pierced him in the chest. "D-Dang it…." He groaned before quickly changing back into it's Eyecon form. "Darn it… back in the Eyecon again…" He complained.

"Billy!" Yang shouted, growling as she charged in, swinging her fists at the ice cream girl, trying to hit her.

But it was proven useless as Neo manages to wrap around her, like a snake before throwing her into the ceiling, knocking her unconscious. She grinned sadistically, approaching the unconscious Yang, raising her sword.

Cody groaned as he crawled out from the boxes, looking up to see Yang on the ground and Neo ready to pierce her. "Leave her alone!" He shouted out, now charging at her, though limping slightly as he swing his blade at her, trying to get her to back off.

The ice cream girl backs off, smirking slightly as she twirls her blade at the young rider. Cody gritted as he charged back in, swinging his blade, only to see her dodge with ease from his swipes. "Stand… Still!" He complained, trying to hit her.

"Partner, she is an agile, little, rascal bitch!" Billy informed, floating around.

Hearing this made Neo's hand flinch as she kicked the Eyecon away, "Billy!" Cody growled, only to feel her blade piercing his shoulder. He shouted in pain as he pinned him to the wall, the blade piercing through his shoulder and into the metal cart, holding him in place. He tried to get it off as he looks at Neo. "Benkei, little help!"

"Sorry… some of us too took much damage from that Ganma attack… We need rest for now…" He replied.

Neo smirks, grabbing Cody's head as she began to wail on him, strike after strike as her sadistic grin grows more and more. The young rider feeling each blow and strike upon his body. He grabbed her arm, trying to get her to let go. However before she can deliver the final attack, a masked warrior was has raven-colored hair and clad in red and black clothing appeared from somewhere and knocks Neo back. Neo's eyes change from brown and pink to white, mirroring her fearful expression. The mysterious swordswoman slowly draws her sword again, an odachi and holds it up intimidatingly.

Neo on the other hand wastes no time and quickly vanishes into a flash.

The swordswoman looks at the unconscious Yang then at Cody, while an orb, which was Billy entering from the broken glass that he was knocked out to from Neo. Cody frowned, painfully ripping the sword out as he stands in front of Yang, his one good arm covering her as he protects her and glares at the masked woman. "If you harm her…. I promise that you will pay…" He panted.

She stares at Cody before walking away for a moment and slashes her sword to the side to open a red portal, not like that of an eye seal but a vortex of some sort.

"Oi, just who in tarnations are you anyway?" Billy demanded from top of Cody's head. "Coming in all flashy then simply act like a snake to scare that little cream girl."

The woman turned as she reached into her pocket and tossed something to the young rider. He caught it and in his hand was some odd pill. "Crack that and it'll heal your wounds…" She replied, her voice.. Sounding almost like Yang's, but older.

Cody looks at the woman, "Wait.. Are you-" But before he could finish, she quickly runs up, hitting him in the stomach, causing him to gasp and hold his stomach.

"Don't finish that sentence…" she glared, walking into the portal and disappearing.

"Partner!" He floats to Cody then at the portal that was vanishing. "Why I otta…" He was fumed upon this. No woman disrespects his partner like that! He quickly floated with his remained strength and entered the vortex in time before it vanished, leaving Cody and Yang who was slowly waking up.

"Y-You alright Yang?" He groaned, holding his stomach.

She rubs her head, still reeling from the hit. "I'm… okay…" She muttered.

"O-Okay…" He slowly lifted the pill, cracking it as a foam slowly covers his body, after a few seconds as some spots of the foam turn red from the cut, it dissolves to show the cut now gone and healed. The young rider blinks, standing up and rubbing it and his stomach as he holds out his hand to Yang. "Let's go get the others."

She nodded before noticing something. "Wait, where's Billy?" she noticed.

"He… chased after someone who stopped that crazy girl." He replied. "I hope he's okay…." He sighed, the two making their way towards the door.

In the next cart, Weiss along with Himiko is dueling against the former leader, now turned into a heavy warrior for the White Fang as he swings his blade at the two, tossing them back a bit. "Heh… You two truly believe you can win against me?" He scoffed at them.

Weiss gritted her teeth as she slowly got up while Himiko kept focus on the lieutenant. "I am not giving up…" The Heiress said. "I…." She gripped her rapier tightly, going into her stance, a stance she learned from Axel. "I will never give up. One thing I learned about the Sabers. They never give up, they continue to the very end to protect everyone!"

"Ha! If you truly believe that, then you're an even bigger fool than before… I bet your sister would be astonished that you would be with such a pathetic family… After all…. They were killed off SO easily…" He taunted her.

She gritted her teeth in anger.

"Weiss, don't let his words anger you." Himiko said. "You chose your path, don't let the obstacles get in your way. Do what your heart and soul tells you."

Weiss took a deep breath. "I know…. I'm not going to let him use my anger to defeat me. I am going to beat him, and I will prove, I have earned my right to be a Huntress and to be by Axel's side." She stated, and as she does, white aura began to surround her, a slight spark ignited in Himiko's 'eyes' as she 'smiles' softly.

"Then allow me to help give you that power…" She offered. Suddenly, Himiko turned back into her Damashii form as she flew around before being placed onto Weiss. As soon as that happened, a surge of fire, pushed the Faunus back. Weiss now donned on the robes of Himiko while she brandish's her Myrtenaster in her dominate hand, while the Sunglasslasher is in her other hand. Weiss opened her eyes, now her right side was pink, while the left side was still ice blue. She twirled the weapons as she got into a standing stance, ready for him.

He growls at this new power. "Just what did you do, girl?" He questioned, slowly walking up to her, only to see her not moving at all, from either his size or intimidation "Fine then…. Guess this time though, I finally get to kill a Schnee…" He chuckled, swinging his blade at her.

She quickly blocked the attack, surprising the White Fang soldier before she struck before with the Sunglasslasher before thrusting the Myrtenaster to his chest, sending him stumbling. He growled as he stood back up, revving the chains on his blade as he charges back and swings at her again, only to see her dodging his swipes with ease.

"Stand still, you Schnee trash!" He growled.

She continued to dodge each strike before countering it with her own set of strikes. He tried another attack but Weiss/Himiko blocked it with both blades, the chainsaw unable to cut through it until Weiss used her rapier onto the opening on the side of the chainsaw. "What!?"

She twisted her sword, tilted the chainsaw before she forced him to release it, allowing her to strike the lieutenant, striking him down to the ground. He groaned as he slowly got back up, "How? How did you do that?!" He questioned, unable to figure out how he's losing again.

"Simple…. While you and this group is still under the delusion that you're doing the world a favor… I'm doing my best to change everything I can. From abandoning my family name, to growing stronger so I can keep up with my Azure Prince. I won't give up on my path, and I will not lose to you here…" She explained.

Fire surrounded the Sunglasslasher, while Ice formed around her rapier, she twirls them around to make a light pink, and ice blue glyph as she moved back and shot forward. She passed through it as what looks like a phoenix and snow angel were formed behind her. She let out a battle cry as she made a slash at the Faunus, an 'X' shape mark formed on his chest, made from fire and ice as he screamed in pain, before collapsing onto the ground, defeated.

"You did well, Heiress…." Himiko complimented before turning back into its Eyecon form and lands in her hand.

"It's because I was following what my heart was telling me." She responded.

Himiko giggled slightly. "Then keep following that path, and in time, everything will come into place." She said to the heiress. "And eventually you too can be a Saber for that is what I can see."

Cody and Yang walked in as they see Weiss and the battlefield, making the young rider whistle. "Man… you tore this place up…" turns to the unconscious White Fang member. "And, you took down a guy larger than Ruby's appetite to cookies. Nicely done."

"I was doing what was right," She replied. "Let's go to Blake." They nodded before they made their way to the next train car.

5 minutes earlier

With Blake and Musashi, the Faunus kunoichi quickly blocked an attack from Roman's cane. She gritted her teeth until Musashi jumped over Blake and struck Roman, cutting the top of the bowl cap.

"That costed me, 8 grand of Lien to buy that…." Roman growled, glaring at the Samurai.

"There is more to your greed. It only leads to your demise" Musashi countered, the criminal avoiding another slash from his dual katanas. "You follow the path of crime, you may be the well known but in the end, it all comes to an end of death." He struck Roman's cane, both weapons locked, Roman's eyes meeting the blood red mask of Musashi.

"Heh… Then you should know.." He glances slightly at Blake. "That little girl, you're trying to protect… Killed several many innocent lives…. Almost as much as the White Fang's leader… So, you're protecting a well known murderer..." He smirked.

"A murderer? That is the same with Specter." He retorted. "Even I have spilled blood in the past. What makes it any different to what we have done of our sins? She and Specter have changed their ways, but you…" He used the blunt end of his katana to hit Roman in the gut. "You don't think of when to end it which is where it will lead to your death."

Blake looked at Musashi upon his words. He too didn't care and he spilled blood for reasons. She knew the history and stories about Musashi, the reason why was because she was like him in a way. The red samurai turns to her, looking deep in her eyes.

"But the bigger question right now, is what will you do Blake? Keep blaming yourself, and always run away, or stand firm and fight for your beliefs?" He asked her, Roman growling that the warrior would turn his back, and as he swings his cane at the Damashii, he easily blocked it without turning around, by using the blunt edge of the sword to defend him. "Trying to attack while I look away, huh?" He mused. "Even my opponents have done that but lost." He knocked Roman away before looking at Blake. "Now what is your answer?"

She lowers her head collecting her thoughts on this. "I… Want to keep pushing… I want to keep going and show that I'm no longer that girl I used to be… The world needs to be changed.." She then looks at Musashi's red mask, "And I will make the world change for what I believe in." She stated to him, now her aura slowly showing to him.

He smiled under his mask before going into his Damashii form. "Then let me show you what a samurai does, kunoichi." He said before going over Blake and covered her, the Damashii acting as a coat for her. Her eyes, while still golden, have red tints around it. She twirls her blades as she gets into a stance, glaring at Roman.

"Ugh… Great. Now you can do the same, that pathetic Ghost boy can do?" He groaned.

Blake/Musashi charged forward, making Roman block the attack but she quickly avoided his swing and struck him across the chest before avoiding another shot from his cane. He groaned, swinging back, but she uses the new Dust bullets in her gun, creating an stone clone that trapped his cane inside.

She then uses it again, making a fire clones as it explodes. She charges in, swinging her blade, as they struck him several times, he tries to punch her, but this time an ice clone appears, trapping his fist inside it. She then gives two slashes downward, striking him and tossing him back near the door.

He holds his chest, groaning as he slowly stands up. "You… think you've won, girly?" He panted, bringing out a trigger and holding it. "Maybe, I should just let this thing go?" He smirked, beeping being heard right behind the faunus girl. "And watch you blow up like the night sky…"

"I think not…" Called out a familiar voice. Suddenly, an orange glow emerges from the device, it sparked and short circuited as it and the bombs behind stop glowing and beeping.

What emerged from the device was Cody, now in his Edison Damashii form.

"Sorry, Roman. But lights out!" Cody said, sucker punching the criminal into the door behind him. He smirked, turning towards Blake, "Now you guys can fuse with other, without them having a belt? What's next, fusing and making a giant robot?" He joked.

"Oh shut it." Musashi side of Blake huffed.

Cody chuckled as the door opened and the others joined them.

"So, how do we even stop this thing?" Yang asked, walking over to see the controls now not working. "These controls won't work now!"

Weiss, frowned as she turned to the young rider. "And who's fault was that now?" she huffed.

"Tough luck isn't it?" Roman taunted until Musashi detached from Blake and pointed his katana at him.

"Luck isn't needed." He said before knocking Roman unconscious

"Well, what do we do now? This whole thing is just a suicide bus now…" Cody frowned, knowing Newton doesn't have the power to stop this thing completely.

"We should head back up and tell Doctor Oobleck about this…" Blake mentioned.

"I think we have a problem." Ruby, the young huntress now joining the others, pointed ahead. The group turned their heads and saw what they was about to crash to.

"Musashi, Benkei, Robin Hood, Himiko!" Cody called out. The four Eyecon's fly up to him, circling around them. "You guys don on them, please do your best to protect them. This is gonna hurt…" He ordered.

The 4 Eyecon's nodded, turning into their Damashii forms as Musashi, donned back on Blake, Benki was on Yang, Robin placed onto Ruby, and Himiko back on Weiss. Cody quickly donned onto Toucon Boost as they all prepared for the oncoming collision. Once it made contact with the wall, everything went black for a moment.

Alan was sitting on the rooftops of the bookstore to read another book but as he was about to jump down, the city alarms were blaring causing him to use his spears to float up to give him a view of the town, seeing a train out of a hole. He squinted his eyes to see Ghost and his friends unconscious but not only that but Grimm were now coming out of the hole.

He growled before he got out his devices ready.


He turned his head to see some Grimm, attacking the people below. He growled, turning back to where Ghost was, but was unsure how he would react… He looked back to see the Grimm now approaching a young boy and his older sister, who were backing up into a corner from the small group of Grimm. A faint image of himself and Alia replaced their faces for a moment. "Henshin!" He shouted, jumping off the spears.



With the Grimm, they were about to attack, only for a figure to crush its head with his feet upon landing before he thrusted his spear into the Ursa. When a Beowolf attempted to pounce, it was greeted with another spear that impaled it to the ground. The figure approached the beowolf before stabbing its head, twisting it.

The siblings looked up at him, in awe, but were a bit scared of him, since they don't know who he is? "Are…. Are you two alright?" Necrom asked. The twins looked at each other, before back at him and nods.

"Get to safety…" He ordered. The two nodded as they stood up, but before Necrom could walk away…

"WAIT!" He turned back around to see the young boy smiling at him. "Thanks for saving us, mister!"

He looked back at the two before he snapped his fingers. Four more spears appeared around him before he made them float to the two. "My Semblance… will protect you… until you find safety…." he said.

The female smiled. "Thank you…" She hugged him before the two started to make their way to safety.

He watched them walk away until he saw more Grimm showing up. He gritted his teeth before he summoned as many spears possible. "DIE YOU SOULLESS BEASTS!"

In Beacon, the students heard the alarm, causing them to look out the window, seeing the town from a distance. "Everyone, head to Vale! We have a breach!" Glynda said from the PS.

In the other room, Axel heard the alarm, making him getup as his scroll rang. He answered it, "Luna, is everything okay!?"

"Brother, there is a breach in the southeast of the wall!" Luna's voice exclaimed from the other line.

Axel growled before he looked out the window. "Luna, you and Alia stay at the mansion and don't get out. The place is safe knowing of the light just stay there."

He looked at his bandaged torso then at his Scroll. "I'm gonna try to fight."

"No!" Luna denied. "You're still too injured. If you go out there and fight, it'll get worse!" She frowned.

"If I don't do something than more people will die!" He replied. "I may be injured but I have to do something. I'll come to the mansion after this, Luna. A Saber keeps their word and you know it."

"... okay….." she said softly, some whimpers being heard on the other line.

He winced upon this. "Luna… I'm sorry…" He apologized. "I promise, I won't act like that to you… and I'll make it up to you, okay?"

"Okay…" she said softly, still not wanting him to get hurt even more.

He ended the call before putting on his shirt and jacket before walking out, only to be greeted with Cinder. "I have to go…" He said, gently moving her away and quickly rushed out of the hall while getting into his Specter armor to get to Vale.

Cinder though, frowned as she brought out her scroll. "Give me a report… Now." she demanded.

Cody slowly got back up, his vision blurry at first until it became clear, the group seeing Grimm now emerging from the hole to attack. Cody was the first to get up as he turned and pushed on the others, "Come on. Wake up girls!" He frowned.

They groaned before they slowly got up, their visions clear. "We're okay…" they muttered, getting their weapons as they saw they were surrounded by Grimm.

Cody got his blade ready as the girls got up slowly, the young rider starting to put things together. "So… they used that train to make way for the Grimm to conquer Vale…" He said to them. "But now the question is… what for?"

"We can figure that out later. Let's bust some heads!" Yang smirked, slamming her fists together.

"Right!" The girls and Cody agreed as the Grimm charged at them, the former striking them down left and right to prevent the Grimm from harming them.

"We need to get some room from them!" Ruby stated, shooting a few down who tried to get closer. "Cody!" she turned to the rider who nodded.

"I'm on it!" He replied, taking out Benkei. "Help me out, Benkei." He asked the Eyecon of the Monk.





The White Damashii flew out, knocking a few Grimm away before placing onto the young Rider. A small seal appears from the driver as the GanGanSaber - Hammer Mode flies out and into his hand. He twirls it around, knocking a few more back before placing it next to the Eye of the driver.



As the tune plays, Cody twirls the hammer around, fire forming around the blunt edges of the hammer as he stands firm in the middle. "Jump girls!" He shouted to them all.


Following his instruction, they jumped out, allowing the young Rider to slam the hammer down below. As that happened, fire energy constructs of weapons formed out, flying out and striking the Grimm, far enough for them to have some room they need.

Upon landing, they saw more Grimm merging out of the hole. "They just keep coming!"


A loud blast can be heard as the group looks to where it came from. And as that happened, they see none other than Nora, flying in on her hammer, laughing loudly before slamming her hammer down onto the King Taijitu that just popped up.

"Nora!" Ruby beamed. "Why are you here?"

"Not just me, silly!" she pointed behind her, the others now seeing the rest of JNPR, minus Axel, in the area, fighting off some Grimm.

"Where's Axel?" Cody asked, slashing down a Borbatusk.

"... he was injured from his mission." Jaune replied, slashes the Ursa that tried to attack him.

"Is he alright?!" Weiss turned to Jaune, grabbing his collar and shaking him.

"H-He's okay! He's healing up but he would probably have another scar again. He had to get bandages all around his torso." The blonde swordsman answered dizzily.

Cody growled, hammering a Grimm into a small horde of Beowolves that charged ahead. "Just when will these things end?!" He asked, suddenly a shadow over loomed them as they look up. Above the area was none other than the mass of ships from Atlas, including the mothership of it. "Woah…" He got out. They watched as the robotic Knights deploy, beginning to gun down the Grimm.

"Technology wins."

"Don't count out on us, yet boys!" Replied a familiar voice.

They looked up yet again to see a Bullhead, carrying none other than Velvet's team, CFVY. With her was their leader, Coco Adel, she wore a small cap on her head, sunglasses, covering her eyes, and had brown hair with red highlights on one side. Next to her was Fox Alistar, a young man, wearing orange and black, with large blade gauntlets on his arms. And finally, Yatsuhashi, a large man, in green and black armor, carrying a large sword.

The team jumps down as they begin to help, with Velvet and Fox on the front ends, with Yatsuhashi in the back. The two fighters kicks and knocking back any oncoming Grimm, while their tank takes care of the larger one with one swing of his massive blade.

Fox charges in, striking a spiked Ursa before giving one last punch, sending it back. But as it does, it bloats up, before exploding and the spines on it, piercing any Grimm near by. He hopped back before Coco, finally walked up, patting him on his.. 'Backside'...

"Good job Fox." She complimented.

She smirks, walking up as she looks at a Beowolf, dead-center. "You just destroyed my favorite, clothing store…" she turns to spit out of disgust and annoyance. "Prepare to die…" She threatened.

The Grimm howled, but before it could attack, she kicked where the sun never shines. The Grimm yelping as it falls to the ground, it tried to get back up, but she slammed her briefcase onto it, shattering its head and the ground it was pinned to. But it wasn't done as several large Nevermore flew above high.

The team leader sirks, grabbing her item as it formed into a minigun?! She unloaded several rounds at the avian Grimm, literally slicing them to shreds, along with a few extra Grimm near by, turning them into mush.

The young rider was in awe, yet scared as well as he turns to his Faunus friend, "Velvet? Remind me to never piss her off…" He noted to her. She nodded with a nervous smile.

"Target… silver eyes… found…" Everyone quickly turned around as Cody and Team RWBY saw the Fire Gammaizer on top of the train with no sign of any injuries.

"It actually survived the cave in!?" Yang got out, shocked.

"And what the heck is that!?" Jaune pointed at the unknown Ganma.

"We don't know but we know it is a Ganma." Cody answered.

Some of the Atlesian Knights saw the Gammaraizer and they began to fire at it but each hit was useless, making the dark spirit look at them. "More threats detected… eliminate obstacles…" It unleashed a fireball at the Knights, disintegrating them. Some Knights did the same thing but the Ganma simply burned them away, shocking them as the Gammaraizer jumped off the train, landing on the ground, creating a small crater below it. It raised its head to them, "Eliminate targets…"

"Everyone get away from that thing!" Cody warned to the others, who were closer to it.

They quickly backed away as the Fire Gammaraizer tried to fire at them but evaded at a close call.

"How is that a Ganma!?" Velvet asked. "It's… like it's something else that is part of them."

"I don't know.. I just know that thing is dangerous…" Cody grimaced.

The Ganmaizer turns slowly, towards Ruby, "Silver Eyes… Threat detected…" It said, producing a large fireball. "Eliminate…" It pulled back before letting out the fireball like last time when they escaped from it.

"RUBY!" Yang cried out.

Ruby's eyes widen upon the fireball but what the Gammaraizer didn't expect was a figure grabbing hold of her, rolling out of the way as the fireball strike where she last was. She looked at who was holding her and saw Necrom.

"A-Alan?" She got out, a soft blush now on her face for a moment.

Necrom slowly nodded before letting go of her. He slowly looked at the Gammaraizer. "My father…. He said they were nothing but myths…." He said for the others to hear.

"What are you saying?"

"That… that is a Gammaraizer… one of the 15 deities of the Ganma realm." Necrom pointed at the said Ganma. "That is one of the 15 gods, representing the burning flames."

"Wait… This thing is a god?!" Yang got out, shocked as they turn back towards it. "How do we kill a god?!" she asked, unsure what to do now.

"I don't know… we just have to survive it... " Necrom said grimly, protecting Ruby. "And it sees Ruby as a major threat and it won't stop to the ends of this world to kill her."

Cody frowned upon this, "God? I don't believe so… I'm ending this now." He stated, bringing out Eyecon Driver G as he placed it on his waist and pressed the button.


As soon as the button was pressed, all of the Damashii flew out from the Eyecon as they began to fly around Cody, as that happened, the Ganmaizer shot several fireballs, but the Damashii easily protected the group as CFVY was the first of many to see this new power. Cody glared at the enemy as he pressed it again.




Upon that tune, a new transient armor was formed, as the Damashii flew into their respected slots, forming the Faceplate Symbols before the headgear and mask of Grateful forms on him. "Now, let's see what you can do now?" He questioned the Ganma Deity, walking towards it.

"Threat." It said before marching towards Cody who rushes towards the Ganma God. He attempted to strike it but it dodged before punching Cody in the chest with a fiery punch. The Rider gritted his teeth before he kicked it away from him, only for it to push himself back while the Deity stood where it was, staring at Cody.

"I don't care what you are…" He said, slamming his fist into its face then into the gut before kicking it back. "I'll beat you like the rest!" He punched it endlessly, the Deity taking each hit from the Rider until he grabbed Cody's left fist then right fist. The Gammaraizer lifted him up them slammed him to the ground then grabbing his arms, the Ganma God's gauntlets igniting as it began to heat up Cody's armor.

"GEUHH!" He gritted his teeth. "Don't think that will work on me!" He said, grabbing the lever and pulled on it and pressed the button.



But he wasn't done as he pulled and pressed it again.


Upon that last part done, Cody pressed it again, as the figures of Newton and Bruce Lee appear from the belt as energy formed out, summoning the two Damashii's, in their walking form. They looked at the Ganmaizer as they both punched it in the chest, with Bruce Lee's power and Newton's gravity control they sent the Ganma God high into the air.

It moved its arm before firing its fireball at them but Newton used his gravity to stop them, now distracted as the Gammaizer landed on the ground again. "Cody, use our power!" Newton shouted out.

The young rider nods as he presses the button again, glaring at the Ganma God, ready to kill it.


Upon the new standby tune, Newton and Bruce Lee got near Cody as they did their poses, the young rider nodding to them as he presses it again.




Cody and Newton thrusted their arms out as ripples of gravity surged at the Ganmazier. It quickly noticed it was being dragged towards the trio, and tried to use its flames to escape. But they increased the power as they flung it towards them. This time though, Cody and Bruce Lee, pulled back their fists, and once close enough, they slammed it under the Ganmaizer's chin, sending it flying into the air again.

"Time to end you!" Cody shouted as he pressed the button again. A golden version of his seal forming behind him as the energy is poured into his foot. The young rider jump up, flying towards the Ganma as he extends his foot at it.


Cody let out a battlecry as his kick, connected to the Ganmaizer, a large explosion erupts from it as Cody lands back on the ground, and as for the Ganmaizer, it was reduced to dust. He sighs heavily, turning back to the others, each one now with a new reaction from the power he just used. "What?" He asked them.

Necrom turned his head to the dust that was once the God. However, he saw a glow. "Cody.." he called out.

They turned around as a symbol like the ones on its body was shown, the dust floating around. The dust continued to fly around before going into a large red seal of its symbol before vanishing. "I think that Gammaizer is still alive but will come back for more…"

"I highly doubt that Alan." Cody responded, changing back to normal. "We've faced many things…. I don't think they can revive."

"I agree with Cody…. It does seem impossible." Weiss nodded.

"But you saw the dust, the symbol it represents!" Necrom growled. "It went back to the realm. A God can't die officially, even with something you have! I told you, there are 15 deities, remember that deity that took over Jabel? That was the same Fire Gammaizer!"

Cody frowned at this, still unsure about it. "I think thats enough worry for you kids." They turned to see Oobleck, now crawling out of the hole in a damaged mech-suit. Once he, Zwei and Razor came out, they noticed the rubble were moving slightly before they flew into the air and clogged up the hole. They turned to see an angered Goodwitch, glaring at the students.

"You have some explaining to do you five." She said to Team RWBY and Cody.

Necrom looked at Cody then at the others. "You don't know what the Gammaizers are truly capable of. They will keep returning, cannot die by any of you." He then looked at Ruby. "And Fire Gammaizer will return to get Ruby."

"They'll try. And we'll beat them." Cody said, before Goodwitch pinches his cheeks hard, much to his dismay.

"You are only blinded with confidence…" Necrom snorted before walking away, leaving them be as Ruby watched him walk away, the Rider frustrated upon them not believing what the deities can do, thinking they can be beaten but it's not possible. She approached the Rider before calling him out.

"Alan?" Ruby said to him, softly.

The Rider turned around as Ruby approached him. "What do you want?" He asked.

She smiles, walking up and hugging him. "Thanks for saving me…"

He looked at Ruby, shocked upon being embraced by the red-hooded girl. "I… am only doing what my master would have done…" he responded lowly.

"Still… thanks." She smiles at him, as she watches him go.

As night time was up in Beacon, a black and red vortex opened as Billy the Kid was knocked back, rolling across the ground before he quickly got up, both guns aimed. "1 hour of fighting is a new record for me." He said.

The masked woman walks of the portal, blade drawn as she sighs. "You are good. Even as described, 'The ultimate gunslinger', but you shouldn't have followed me…" her eyes narrowed at the Damashii.

"No lady harms Billy the Kid's crew." The gunslinger pointed out. "Even more I can see yer soul, a familiar feeling to blondie."

She was silent when she heard that, her head lowered and blade lowering as well, but her grip still shows signs of a fight coming. "Just… leave…"

"No can do." Billy the Kid argued, twirling his guns. "Gotta get answers from ya'. And Billy the Kid always get the answers at the end of the rodeo."

She sighed, sheathing her blade. "Fine.. But only if you promise… not to tell Yang.. or her boyfriend... This is important…" she offered.

"Pause. How would you even know her… oh yer been spying on us." He realized. "Oh now that's an invasion of privacy. How could I promise a fine lady when you basically done those acts."

She sighed yet again, reaching for her mask before slowly taking it off. What was behind it was a beautiful woman with red eyes, raven-black haired and a face… Resembling Yang herself. "Cause I'm her mother. That's why…" she responded.

If Billy had a mouth, his jaw would have dropped upon the beauty. The only thing he could do from his personality was do a wolf whistle. "Now I see where she get 'er beauty…" he commented.

She rolls her eyes. "Now… promise me you will not tell anyone this…" she glares at him. "Otherwise, I will destroy your Eyecon…"

He got out of his trance before looking at her. "I think you shouldn't just tell me about keeping promises. Ma friends are here."

She saw other orbs before they all took form, from Musashi all the way to King Arthur and Bruce Lee.

"So this is where you were." Musashi grabbed Billy's hat, dragging him. "It was reckless."

"But brave. Seems you had a reason to chase her," Arthur added, looking at the mysterious Yang-look alike.

"Great.." she groaned. "More annoyances….."

"Annoyances!?" Billy exclaimed. "Treat old excalibur holder and Musashi some respect."

"Not old." Arthur grumbled.

"I called it an annoyance cause now, they know as well. And I rather not have too many knowing about who I am and where I am.." She glared, reaching for her blade.

Arthur summoned Excalibur while Musashi got hold of his katanas.

"I believe that is quiet enough, you 17…" Replied a familiar voice that they know of, since he was the reason for them to get these forms now. They turned around and saw the cheerful old man, Senin.

"Yeah what he said!" Yurusen said, poofing out of nowhere.



"Senin? What are you doing here?" Musashi asked, the Luminaries confused.

"Simple. To make sure the plan keeps going." he turns to the Yang-look alike then back to them. "So please, do forget everything you have seen here. It is important if we want to succeed…" He asked them.

The Luminaries look at each other before they all sighed. Most of them left but Musashi and Arthur were the only ones there. "Is that wise, Senin?" Musashi asked. "The young girl deserves answers about her mother."

"As a Saber, I can't forget this either." Arthur explained. "Everyone deserves closure, peace for their hearts and souls. It was one of the rules the Saber follow for generations."

"If my daughter wants to. She'll figure out a way to find me… After all…" she walks away before turning to the spirit of the first Saber. "She's a Xiao Long. And we always get what we want…" She answered, walking away from them.

Arthur watched her walk away before going to his orb form. "My descendant will be informed upon this. If you all excuse me." He 'bowed' before floating away to Axel, wherever he is at.

"Now, hold on, Arthur… Now that one is not wise…" Senin looked at the Eyecon. "No one must know… Neither Cody, Yang or Axel. If they should know, everything we all have been keeping secret will be shattered…"

"After all…" Another familiar voice calls out, the sound of a cane being heard as Ozpin enters the area. "We've come so close right now. It would be best if you did not say a thing, Sir Saber. At least for now..."

Arthur scowled upon this. A Saber never lies but a Saber keeps their word. It was two rules from one statement. "So lie yet keep my word?" He questioned. "A Saber cannot, and never lie to another."

"You don't have to lie. Just don't mention it. Cause that won't go against your code." Ozpin stated.

He pondered before flying away from their sights but didn't give an answer. Senin sighed upon this, "He sure is a handful…" He said turning to Musashi. "I take it, there is more to your reason to staying here than just keeping this secret?"

The red samurai nodded. "It's the Ganmaizers…." He said to them both. "They're now awaken…. And they are more powerful than before… even targeting the Ruby child due to the title… Silver Eyes."

This made Ozpin and Senin frown. "That is not good…" The headmaster turns to the old man. "Are you sure, they both have the power to take them out now?" He asked, worried.

"Cody is still far but for the young Saber…" He presented an orb, waving his staff in which it glowed, showing Axel who was walking but they saw what was around his body, an aura of some demon with wisp-like horns, fiery shoulders and wings. "You can see what is occurring to him that he doesn't realize it."

"Then that must mean, 'that' event may be sooner than later…." He grimaced.

Back in Beacon, on top of a hill, Cinder stood out there, looking at the area, frowning. Emerald and Mercury walked up behind her. "What…. Happened?" She questioned them.

"Team RWBY and the Ghost made things go awry with the train now gone as well as the breach repaired." Mercury answered.

"Those stupid kids messed up the huge portion of our plan…. And now we lost too many White Fang members due to that cave in… will they even trust us again?" Emerald asked.

"They will only trust me." The two saw Adam approaching them.

"You look like hell." Mercury commented, seeing his suit slightly burnt and mask nearly shattered.

"Had a visit from an old enemy. But I think I gave the Blue Devil some needed payback." He huffed.

"Yet you got owned by some golden bug guy." Emerald added.

A quick glare made Emerald jump back, already brandishing her weapons as sweat dripped down her face. "So, what do you have to report then, Adam?" Cinder asked.

He turned to her. "The scientist still won't talk. Even more was that some of my men said they felt like they were being followed."

"I see…. Still no word or progress to have him develop our secret device, to fight against those two?" she questioned.

"He refused to the very end." He growled. "He believes that only those two are the only ones capable."

"I see… Keep trying. But if he still won't do it during the final moments of the Festival. Eliminate him…" she ordered.

He nodded before he looks at Cinder. "And another thing." He presented the photo of Kuuga-Ultimate Rising. "He's the reason to why I never had the chance to finish the Blue Devil."

Cinder frowned as she looked at it. "So it is true… There are more of them.." She grimaced, biting her lip hard. "That will be all Adam…"

He walked away as Cinder looked down at Beacon, seeing the students enter the academy. She watched each one, seeing no Saber entering, showing that he didn't come back.

'He better be back soon…' She said in her thoughts.

As a few hours past, Yang was walking to the fountain of Beacon, looking at the water. She sighed, feeling relief that Ruby was alright thanks to Alan. Before more thoughts come to mind, footsteps were heard in which she looked back to see the mystery swordswoman that she caught a glimpse of back on the train.

"Hello, Yang…." she said to her, her mask still on her face.

"Who are you and how do you know my name?" She demanded, wanting to prepare herself for a fight.

The masked woman reached for her mask as she slowly took it off, revealing her face to Yang. "Recognize me now?" she asked, making Yang's eyes widen. "Yang… we have alot to talk about."

And just from that, Yang's eyes changed from a lilac color to her red eyes. Before charging towards her.

In the mansion, Luna and Alia were in the mansion, with the princess looking at the time and sighing. "He's been gone for so long…." She said softly.

"I hope he comes back…" Luna muttered, worried about her big brother.

They lowered their heads until they heard the doors open, making them rush to the entrance as they saw Axel who just got out of his armor, taking deep breaths. "I'm back…" He smiled. "I told you that I will come back safe. A Saber always keeps their words after all"

Luna rushes up and hugs him tightly, soft whimpers can be heard as she looks up, tears in her eyes, "Don't scare me like that again…"

He smiled lightly until Alia saw something. "Um isn't that Weiss?" She pointed behind the two.

They turned to see a tearful eyed Weiss, a very large first aid kit in her hands as she rushes up and grabs Axel, before placing him on the ground. "Why didn't you tell me you were hurt?!" She asked, taking out several things, similar to that of an operation tools.

He chuckled nervous, slowly sitting up. "I'm okay, Weiss." He assured. "It's just another scar to add… like always…"

"ANOTHER SCAR?!" She gasped, trying to move the bandages and try to 'help' him. When she did, all three saw the large scar the runs down diagonally on his chest. It ran from his shoulder to his waist. She gasped again, reaching into the large first aid kit and bringing out several needles, wires, blood packs and more.

"Woah, woah, Weiss." He grabbed her hands. "Weiss, I am okay. I barely feel pain, I told you."

She teared up, hugging him tightly. "Don't go out there without me again…" She pleaded, scared what could happen next.

His eyes soften upon this and his heart felt a pang of guilt knowing that he would have to tell Weiss what happened to him before he left to fight. He couldn't lie…. He has to be honest. He slowly wrapped his arms around her. "Alright…" He nodded. She smiled, and sighed happily, nuzzling into his chest.

Back in Vale, Alan walked around town, holding his book and hoping the store would be open, even after the events that happened. He needed to have something new to read, to get his mind off of what happened, and even hoping he was wrong about that fight and that the Ganmaizer is destroyed for good.

But as he does, he notices something that made his heart sink… Tuskon's Book Trade… It had several battle-scars all over it. Even more so that it looked like that something entered and destroyed the inside. Books and shelves littered outside of it as he slowly walks towards it. He looked around before he saw scorch marks as well. He searched more until he heard a groan, making him rush over to the back and there he saw Tuskon burned badly and even claw marks on him. "Tuskon!" He rushed to him.

The Faunus book owner smiles softly, "Oh.. H-Hey Alan.." he coughed, some blood spurts from his coughing. "Guess you found me.." He panted hard, wheezing being audible.

The prince looked at him as he saw how bad it was. "W-What happened to you."

"Something attacked my store and that… that thing burned away some of my stuff. I had to protect some kids in the secret room…" He replied weakly. "It just decided to burn me alive…. Before… the Grimm showed... Heh guess I lived through it to say my last words…"

"W-What do you mean? You're just injured is all… We can find someone, some human or Faunus who could heal you!" He said, his voice cracking. "L-Luna! I can call her and bring her here!" He quickly reached for his scroll but Tuskon stopped him.

"Don't… this is what I deserve to the end…" He coughed. "I guess you can say… my sins were redeemed…"

"Don't… don't say things like that Tuskon.. You can still live…. Right?" He asked, tear actually forming in his eyes. "Sides… what will I do? You… and your store has been the only comfort in this world… There's nothing left here but pain and sadness…."

"Alan…. You're still as… naive as when we first met… you truly… believe that this world has nothing… That… You have nothing?" He asked him, his voice starting to weaken.

Alan lowered his head, wanting to deny it but he decided to be truthful. "I was a prince but now… I have nothing… I am nothing now." He answered.

Tuskon weakly smiled as he touched, Alan's chest where his heart is at. "Alan… you have a heart…. If you didn't… why would you be crying?" He said, making the prince look at him with shock. "And… if you truly want to know why we protect this world… Look past the evil… Past the darkness…. You'll see wonders… That you have never witnessed before…. And our reason… why we protect this world... Follow your heart… Let… it.. Guide you... " He coughed loudly, more blood spewing out. He then weakly reached into his pocket, bringing out a pair of keys as he placed them in his hands. "This.. now belongs to you…"

He looked at Tuskon, shocked. "You… should…. Protect everyone like the two… Like the Blue Devil… you are… an Emerald Spirit…. Alan. Be human for everyone…. be … human…" Tuskon's hand went limp as it fell to the ground.

Alan sat there, tears running down his face… First his father… Now…. Tuskon… The one he could consider… his first friend here…. He looked back down, taking the keys as he bellows out his loss and pain yet again, loud enough for people to gather around the store, worried and those who have seen the place, teared up as well, knowing they lost someone kind hearted.

He felt more tears running down as he slammed his fists at the ground. "Why…. why…" He cried. He realized that the Ganmaizer and the Grimm were responsible for this…. And they will pay by dying. Every. Single. Last. One.

He heard clatter, making him look at a bookshelf, He stood up and approached it before shoving it to the ground, seeing a door. He placed his hand on the doorknob before opening it, the light casting into the room. Inside were several kids, each one having a fearful look on their faces, worried that he'll hurt them. He slowly reached his hand out to them, "Y-You're safe…" He reassured. "The Grimm and the dark fire spirit are gone…"

They looked up at him, "Is… Mr. Tuskon alright?" One of them asked.

He lowered his head, clenching onto the keys. "He's gone… he's passed on…. To protect you…."

Each one frowns and some fight back their tears as they follow him outside. Out of the bookstore, their parents were there as they run up to them, either happy to be with their family, or crying into their arms from either their fear from what happened, or about Tuskon, each one comforting them.

Alan fell to his knees as he looks at his hands. "The Grimm… the Ganma Order…. They will pay…" He muttered to himself. "The Ganma realm isn't perfect… it's twisted… You will pay for what you have done Adel… you are no longer my brother… you are an enemy..."

A few days went, as everyone in Vale, were dressed in black. Mourning the loss of so many people who lost their lives to the Grimm. RWBY, JNPR, Axel, Luna, and Cody were there as well. Each one at the memorial place that was made to honor the people who were lost in that attack. One of them was Tuskon as well. How they know…? Alia was informed from Alan who wasn't with them.

"So many lost…." Cody frowned, his fist trembling until he feels Yang's hand holding his, calming him down slightly. "Sorry…." He apologized to her.

She let out a small yet sad smile, leaning next to him. "I know it's painful… but we will get the guys responsible for this." The young rider nodded, leaning against her as well.

"We also need to learn to remember what they were alive for. Not mourn for what happened to them…" Axel said, though fighting his tears back as well. Some of the victims were parents so it was painful and now their would be orphans without any parents to see them grow up… accomplish things in life…

And others were kids, losing out their right to grow and change the world around them. Parents were mourning a lot more, at the simple loss of what made them a family. He wanted to kill Roman and the members of the White Fang for doing this. He really wanted to kill them… Only to realize it would truly bring just more pain in a never ending cycle….

Ruby had her hood over her face, trying to cover her tears since this reminded of her too much of losing her mother. But an odd feeling hit her as she turned her head, to see Alan, far off from the area. She frowned as she headed over there, seeing if he needed some company as well?

"Hey…" she said softly to him.

He didn't reply as he continues to watch the ocean. "Mind if I sit with you?" she asked him, only to get no reply again. She sat next to him, as she started to watch the ocean with him, staying quiet as well. Yet after a bit of silence, "Why… do you humans have this thing? Isn't knowing their deaths more than enough?" He asked her, not knowing why they would hold such a thing for the deceased.

"... It's a reminder to what they did before they died…." Ruby replied, hugging her legs. "Don't you guys do the same?"

"We don't…." he replied lowly. "We only wait for their return. If they don't then we simply think of it as a normal thing… soldier, commander, even Gundari, we think of them all as simply individuals to fight until they get things done." He answered her. "Even if it's family… Like my father… And my other brother…"

"Brother? I thought Adel was the one?"

"Our mother had a first child… he was suppose to be the next king once he reaches the age but… he simply vanished, we never found him."

"I… I'm sorry…" she apologized. "I lost my mother when I was really young… I remember her trying to save me from several Beowolves…. But… in the end…" She held her leg tighter.

"You're lucky you got to know her." Ruby turned to him. "My mother… she died the day I was born." Ruby then sees him turning towards her, tears still running down his face. "Why must it hurt so much? Why do I keep feeling such pain? First my brother that I never knew, then my mother, my father… and now…. Tuskon..." He asked her, wanting to know how to stop it.

"I… don't know why…. Maybe it's because of the bonds we share with each other.. The reason why we want to form them, and grow… And once that bonds is attacked… We feel this so we can learn to try and protect it once again…." She explained, unsure why herself.

Alan lowered his head, gripping his royal uniform. She saw more tears running down his eyes as he cried. "How can I protect when I am just a prince who was finding answers!?" He questioned. "How can I protect those close to me!? How would I protect my only family that is with me…" He cried.

"Easy… You fight…"

He turned to look at her. It was the same answer he got from Tukson. Protecting those close to him… it was what a Kamen Rider does. Maybe she was right… if a Kamen Rider fights to protect then he will do the task like Cody and his master! "Thank you.. Ruby…" He said to her, as a soft smile slowly appearing on his face. "You're… right. I will fight… fight to protect those close to me. Just like my master and Ghost."

Ruby smiled. "Glad I can help, Alan.." she says, standing up and about to walk back to the others.

"Ruby wait." She turned her head as Alan approached her. "Do… you know where I can get…. Takoyaki…?"

She giggled. "Actually… We were going to head to the place that sells it soon…. Want to join us?"

He looked away before a small smile appeared. "Sure…" he accepted, the scythe-wielder seeing his smile again.

She smiled as he followed the red-hooded girl as they head back to the others. Axel, Luna and Alia reassure Alan as they comfort him, even the others, including Cody do their best to help as they head out towards a small restaurant that sells Takoyaki, before the group heads in and fill their stomachs.

For Alan he continued to eat Takoyaki, already taking in 3 plates. "I never expect you to eat that much Alan." Alia giggled upon Alan's eating.

He gulps down some, looking at her sheepishly, "It's…. It's good…." He admitted. "Ruby is the one who introduce me to this food… I guess… I'm thankful for her…" Ruby blushed lightly from the praise.

"Well, you should thank her sometime." Yang smirked, teasing her sister.

"Yang, it's not like that!" Ruby pouted.

The group laughed as Alan went back to eating his food. Despite what happened, it was another day as ever for the group. Only time can tell for what new challenges will approach them. As well as new obstacles, trials and fights. Each one meant to challenge them and help them grow.


COMING FALL THIS YEAR: RWBY: Ghost Of Remnant Vol. 3

A/N: And with that, Vol 2 is officially completed! I do hope you all liked this story and the rough rides with it? Cause damn... is this a long one. 20,000 words! Hope I can pull that off again for Vol 3 and later on... Now, time for some other things... First off is Tuskon's death. Another idea I had for this. Not only to help show Alan to be something better than before, but also give him purpose. And yes, this is supposed to be related to that of Fumi Fukushima and her death. Since well.. I didn't put her into the story. :P

Next is the scene with Billy, Yang and Raven. Thought of just adding a bit more to it, as well as some more mystery as to her, Senin and Ozpin of course. Can't say much more due to not only spoilers but also due to the fact, of not knowing what Vol 4 may hold for us.

Next up is what everyone has been asking and wondering about... My reason to having Cinder try to seduce Axel and why his morals are into question and what not? Now first off, let me make it clear. It's just a stepping stone for things to come. It's not meant to be taken seriously, it's not meant to be taken as a harem idea. Cinder while wanted to kill Axel at first, realize his potential for her and Salem's plan. so, she decided on herself, HERSELF. that she would try to seduce him and bring him to her side, spite going against the wishes of Salem. So yes, she will have consequences later from her.

As for Axel, again, as I said. We have not had enough conflict with Axel and Weiss. And for right now, I rather not keep doing a damsel in distress. That will get old. Arguments may come and go later on, but the start of those do come from this moment. Yes, Axel will be having a chat later, me and Shadow have already planned out what to do with him and Weiss. And yes, this is somewhat of a repeat with how Emerald played Cody and Yang. But this time, we will be doing some changes to the formula of how it goes down and how it gets fixed. So please do not let that moment ruin the story for you. It's just something to help grow the character and help me get better at writing.

And finally, I will let you all know, that Vol 3, I repeat, Vol 3 of my RWBY fic will not start until Vol 4 is at least out. We need this to happen to we can plan ahead and get things going. So there will be a long hiatus for Vol 3 to come out. Until then, I will continue work on my Freezing Fic, Baron fic, FoZ and "Maybe' my upcoming fic based on Overwatch.

Until then, Later minna!