It's when she cries that I can't stand it.

It was fun, at first. She's a sweet little thing, and soft. Purrs like a kitten, you get her in the right mood. But it's getting old.

I met her the same day I met Stan. Sucking on a lollipop, if you can believe that. Kid looked about twelve. Couldn't have been more than fourteen. Maybe she's sixteen now. Maybe. So Stan comes on all tough, says I can work his corner if I give him a fifty percent cut. I'm itching to cut him, all right. But I see this little kid. Sucking on this lollipop, this blank look in her eyes, like she's trying not to think about where she is.

I gave Stan a cut. He got me an apartment. I got to keep Holly.

I guess I didn't keep her off the street as much as I could have. Stan still took her out, tried to show her the ropes. I guess I liked the cash she brought in. I liked the look on her face when she got in, the way she got into bed and curled right up to me. Like I was the one she wanted to come home to. Like I was the one protecting her, 'stead of the one letting her get fucked up.

I can't stand it when she cries.

*Selina. I hate it.*

*I know, honey. I know it. We'll get out of here. You and me.*

I like the way she looks wearing my shirt.

I like the way she looks not wearing it.

We could have stayed like that for a long time. But one day the cats woke me up and the sky was on fire. So she turns on the TV and they're talking about some fuck dressed like a bat. Of course *she's* already totally familiar with this. Probably all the kids talk about where she buys her bubble gum. We go down there to check it out and it's cops everywhere. Fucking Branden. Just glad he's not Vice. We're there about an hour. Holly must've climbed on every pig car in the place trying to get a better view.

And then the sun comes up. And then, they come up.

The sky gets black. A million voices on the wind. A million wings, and claws, and eyes. I tackle Holly to the ground as they sweep over us, a black wave.

I looked up, just for a second. And there he was. Tight clothes. Leather mask. Built. Taking a police motorcycle. And getting away with it.

That stayed with me a while.

I got the idea about a week later. The leather shops had just the thing. Said they were selling out all the time since Batman showed up. Guess he's good business. The claws were a little harder. I had to special order. But it's okay, I know this guy. Total freak, but he does good work.

She didn't like it. Even when I brought home toys. Even when I brought home jewels. She cried.

She's the only thing that's holding me here, in this toxic waste part of town. In this life from one meal to the next. She's what I'm staying for.

I'm already used to the mask. Slipping it on, it feels like a second skin. My hair's getting longer, but it still fits in there, just perfect. As far as I know, she's still asleep.

She was crying tonight. I hate it when she cries.

The window opens with just a little creak, and I cringe. But she doesn't seem to wake up.

This is it. I jump. I'm gone.

I can't help it. I just seem to attract strays. She followed me home. But you know, that's all she was to me. A stray. And there are always more strays.

I wonder if she'll cry tomorrow.