Hi! Here is a little drabble I was thinking of for a week now. I finally decided to write it. Enjoy!

The ticking of the clock have kept Hermione awake for most of the night. She was turning over and over, having difficult to find the perfect position to fall asleep. But it was useless. Sighing, she looked at her alarm clock.


She hated sleeping alone. Especially in this big bed. She was cold and all she wished was that her boyfriend would be here with her, giving her his warmth while she would cuddle with him. Looking at the ceiling, she couldn't help but began to worry. The day before, he promised that he would come to her flat for the night after the party. But it was more than four in the morning now. Was the party still going on? Or did he forget to come here and came back to his flat? What if something happened to him?

She didn't like those parties. Grils were always hitting on him shamelessly, even if he told them right away that he was taken. She knew that he would never cheat on her, but she didn't trust those girls. She knew for having seen it herself that they would do anything just for one night with him. The consequences of being famous, she thought bitterly.

She was worried but she would never ask him to stop going to those parties. She knew it was important for him and that it helped to strengthen ties between them.

Another sigh.

She just wish he was there with her.

Another ten minutes passed, and she finally heard the door opening. Extracting herself from the sheets, she ran into the living room, throwing herself at him.


He didn't wait to react and tighten his grip on her, hugging her with all his strength. Hermione noted that he smelled a little of alcohol, but not much.

"Hey, sorry, I'm late."

"I missed you."

"We saw each other just after the match, 'Mione."

"I know, but I hate sleeping without you."

"I know."

They continue hugging each other for some minute, none breaking the silence that settled. Oliver pressed his face into Hermione's hair, breathing in.

"You didn't lock the door."

"I was waiting for you."

"Still, it's dangerous. Besides, I have a spare key."

They parted, and Oliver smiled when he saw Hermione pouting. He ruffled her hair affectionately, earning another pout from Hermione – but really, she was trying to hide her smile.

"Go back to bed, I'm coming after I took a shower."

Hermione kissed him, smiling into the kiss before going back into her room and diving into the cover. Ten minutes later, Oliver joined her, pulled her against his chest. With a sigh, he kissed her shoulder and Hermione sighed happily. Finally, she was warm.

This time, it only took her a minute to fall asleep.

Thank you for reading! Let me know your toughts with a review!