
Chapter 5

Destined Meeting

"Tadaima!" Azusa called as she stepped into the small, two-bedroom apartment. She slipped off

her sneakers and hung her back on a line of hooks on the wall. Stretching, with her arms reached

towards the sky, and her mouth open wide in a yawn she walked into the kitchen to see her

Nee-chan in the kitchen cooking and talking on the phone with someone. She had short, brown

hair, wore a pair of short cut-offs and a loose, dark green tank top. She was short and

petite, with slim legs and firm hips and abs.

"Welcome home!" Mitoko smiled over at her sister, then she heard someone talk over the phone and

Mitoko said, "OH my sister just got home. Listen, I'll call you back."

Something more was said and Mitoko replied, "Don't worry I'll have the final chapters next

week! I promise!" Her sister worked for a large publishing house downtown, and her main client

was ALWAYS giving her the hardest times with due dates and such. She wigged out over it

all the time, screaming over the phone and the like. One time, he even went on vacation when

he KNEW that she needed some of the final drafts for his new book. He could be such a bastard,

and Azusa was sick of hearing about him. it was always, "SHIGURE-SENSEI HTIS! SHIGURE-SENSEI

THAT!" You'd think Mitoko was in LOVE with the old fart or something.

Mitoko hung up the phone and looked at Azusa, "Sorry, that was my boss! You know what HE called

for. Sometimes I could just CHOKE authors. They can be a real pain in the ass."

"You mean, Shigure-sensei?" Azusa kneeled before the dinning table just outside the kitchen

and began to remove hers shocks, jacket and neck tie.

Mitoko glared at the pot of ramen, "Yes . . . ARGH! HE'S BEING HIS USUAL SELF! NOT RETURNING


"Sounds like love to me." Azusa muttered, leaning into her hand.

"Oh shush up," Mitoko glared at her younger sister. "Besides, get off your lazy bum and start

rolling the onigiri!" She said pointing to the rice cook and assorted vegetables at the

opposite counter.

"Yes, Ma'am!" She saluted with a wink. "So how was work, or do I even want to know?"

"Boring and stressful, otherwise it was just peachy!" Mitoko leaned against the counter and

looked at Azusa with a critical gaze. "Where were YOU though? You didn't call me like you were

supposed to."

"I went out to get ice-cream with Taki-kun and my knew friend Haru. He's going to try out for

our band tomorrow! I hope he's really good, because he's a sweet guy. I like him a lot."

"Sounds like love to me!" Mitoko teased good-heartedly.

"Nah!" Azusa shook her head, waves of dark wine colored hair going back and forth, "We're just

friends! Besides, he's not my type at all!"

"I'm just messing around with you!" Mitoko said, stirring the ramen again. Finally, she flipped

off the stove and poured into he seasoning, then some vegetables she had previously cooked and

heated from another pot on the stove. She stirred then within a few minutes she dished it

out into two awaiting bowls and served those on the table. Azusa, being quick handed, had already

finished six onigiri and figured that would be enough for tonight; she could make some tomorrow

for breakfast if needed. She placed three for each beside the bowls on little plates and got

out the chops sticks. She sitting across from Mitoko and beginning her meal.

"Azusa, I need you to do me a favor Friday," Mitoko said.

Azusa looked at her sister expectantly, "And that is?"

"I need you to pick up the final chapter's of Shigure-sensei's book." Mitoko. "Please! I have

a meeting until seven that evening and I can't do it, but I promised the boss I'd turn them

in Saturday morning!"

Azusa pointed her chopsticks at her sister, "On one condition."

"What's that?"

"You have to do the laundry for two weeks."


"So is going to Shigure-sensei's house."

"Good point . . . " Mitoko agreed.

* * * *

"I'm home," Haru said, coming into his house and shutting the door behind him quietly. He was

just slipping off his shoes when his father came toward him, holding out his neck tie. The

man was dressed in a dark blue suit, a duffel bag slung over his shoulder and a briefcase

barely being held under his arm.

"Could you tie this for me," His father quickly asked his voice rushed.

Haru did as requested and then asked his father, "Where are you going?" 'Again,' His mind

supplied the missing word.

"I have to go to Kyoto and then to Germany on business." His father said, grabbing hold of

his briefcase with his opposite hand. "You'll be staying with Hatori-sensei. I've already

made the arrangements with him."

Haru glanced off to the side, "I see. When will you be back?"

"Two to three weeks." his father said. "I left money in your lunch account at school and some

in your bank account. Don't over spend it, alright?"

"I never do," Haru said.

"Hatori will pick you up here tomorrow after school."

"I won't be here."

"Where are you going?" His father looked at him with curiosity.

"I already told you," Haru said, vaguely annoyed, but used to this kind of forgetfulness

in his father. "I'm trying out for a band."

"Oh," His father smiled in apology. "I'm sorry, it slipped my mind. You can just call

Hatori-sensei and explain it to him then. He shouldn't have any problems with it. Good

luck!" He looked at his watch. "Damn! I'm late, bye bye!"

"Have a safe trip." Haru said watching his father leave. Again. He often did that as a child,

and he did it even more now that he was older. His father always was a work-aholic.

The house was silent and lonely now, nothing shined but the dim lights of one lamp within the

living area. With a resinated sigh, he locked the front door and went upstairs to his room

to indulge in some hard rock and sleep.

* * * *

The Day of Haru's audition.

"Haru!" Momiji came running at him down the halls of the school. Before he knew it he was

enveloped in one of the rabbits gut-wrenching (literally) hugs.

"Hey," he said coolly. "Momiji."

As usual, Momiji had a sucker in his mouth, "Ne! Are you alright?" Momiji removed his candy

and held it in front of him. Haru nodded that he was, "Well! Haari said that you're coming

to stay with us again! Isn't that great!? We should do something fun this evening!"

"I'm sorry," He apologized, "But I can't. At least not this evening."

"Aww! Why not?" Momiji asked giving him 'the look.'

'Not the look!' Haru begged. The 'look' was the worst thing Momiji could do, it was this big

eyed, pouty-lipped look that got him whatever he wanted. And Haru had a particular weakness

for it. "I have an audition," He said very quietly, with a slight flush on his cheeks.

"Are you trying out for a play or something?" Momiji questioned, the 'look' disappearing.

"A band." Haru leaned against the wall.

"Wow!" Momiji clapped his hands and jumped. "That's so cool! Can I come and watch? Pretty


Haru thought about Momiji, dressed in one of his cutesy outfits eating candy in the dark,

gothic/rock style club. The picture just didn't seem right, so he input Honda-san, and then

Yuki and Kyo. Nope, still not right. He erased them all and the just put Momiji and Hatori.

Hatori in a club? Defiantly a no. But suddenly, after erasing Momiji and Hatori he saw Rin, sitting

on a bar stool, sipping a drink with her slim legs crossed and her dark, shining eyes

dancing across the stage as he played and sang every song he ever wrote about her. Yes, that

picture fit the best in Haru's mind.

"Ne? Haru, are you okay?" Momiji asked, his face serious this time. "You look sad all of a


"No," Haru waved off his concerns. "I'm fine. Sure, you can come if you want."

"Yippie! Is it alright if I invite Tohru-kun, and Yuki and Kyo!? Oooh, maybe Haari will want

to go too! This will be so much fun! Is there an age limit, cause if there isn't maybe we

can bring along Kisa and Hiro. "

"Yeah," Haru said. "You have to be fifteen or older."

"Oh poo!"

"And besides," Haru said. "It's just an audition, we're not even playing in front of a crowd." He

thought about it for a moment. "And I really don't want a lot of people there as it is. I think

I might get a little nervous."

"Aww! But I want to bring everyone I can to see Haru's big debut!"

Haru choked back a groan; sometimes Momiji could go a little over-board. And once again, the

little rabbit was deciding everyone's evening plans without bothering to ask them. But, that's

probably what made little Momiji so charming. That's when Haru noticed, how was it that Momiji

didn't have to look up at him nearly as much as he used to. "Momiji, are you getting taller?"

Momiji nodded. "Yep! Why is it a bad thing?"

"No," Haru shook his head and gave Momiji a rare smile. "It's a good thing to see you finally

growing a little."

Momiji smiled happily and then looked at Haru with a rather serious expression, "Haru, does

it really bother you that much if I bring everyone?"

"Yeah." Haru shrugged nonchalantly. "Sort of."

"Alright then," Momiji said thinking up a solution. "If I don't bring anyone this time, you have

to let me bring them when you play your first show!"

"Alright." Haru grinned, thankful for Momiji's absolute confidence in him and for his

consideration. "Thanks, Momiji."

"Hai! Hai! Let's go find Tohru-kun now!!" Momiji grabbed his cousin's hand and led him down the

school hall, marching like a little drummer boy.

* * * *

"You're coming right?" Azusa said dropping down beside Rin outside during lunch period. They

sat outside in the court yard across from each other at a picnic table of sorts. Azusa had her

hair pulled up in cut pigtails right behind her ears and a skull-studded necklace was wrapped

around her neck in a choker. Rin sat in the heat, her hair pulled back plainly and a bit

wind blown.

"Coming where?"

"Duh!" Azusa cried, "The new guys audition!"

"You just want to set me up," Rin rolled her eyes.

"Oh come on!" Azusa whined. "You NEVER come!"

Rin's shoulder's fell in irritation and she looked up from her homemade lunch. "That's because

I never want to."

Azusa calmed a bit, feeling more or less hurt by Rins' sharp words. Why was she in such a

bad mood? Did it have something to do with Kagura-san? "Rin, what happened? You can tell me, I

promise I won't tell anyone."

"It doesn't matter." Rin brushed it off. "Don't' worry about it."

"Rin!" Rin's head snapped up to look at Azusa. The girl's face was flushed with anger and

her eyes sparkled violently. She grabbed Rin by the tie around her neck and brought their

faces very close, invading Rin's personal space. "You're always protecting others! For the

past couple of days you've been depressed and I don't know why because you're too stubborn

to tell me! I was fine with that, promising myself that I'd stay by your side like you have

mine for three whole fucking years! You there with me when I left the gang and was in the

hospital for over a month! You protected me and stayed with me, but whenever something bad

happens to you, you won't raise a single word to defend yourself. You just stay quiet and push

everyone away!!" Tears had flooded her eyes and were streaming down her cheeks.

Rin slapped her hand away and stood, looking stoically into her face. "I'm fine-"

"NO YOU"RE NOT! STOP FOOLING YOURSELF!" Azusa cried. "You never laugh or smile anymore! At least

not like you used to. I miss you, Rin." Azusa was hugging herself, and letting her emotion come

out in her tears.

And, without a single word, Rin walked away forgetting her bento lunch box that lay half-eaten

on the table. Azusa watched her go, unable to move or say much of anything to stop her. "Why did

I just blow up at her like that?" Azusa asked herself, unawares of the stares she was getting

from the people around them.

Rin walked out of the school grounds, yanking her tie off her neck and undoing her long black

tresses. What in hell was Azusa's problem? Suddenly yelling at her like that demanding answers

like she had a right to know? What did Azusa know of her problems anyway? How could she even

possibly begin to comprehend what Rin had gone through?!

'But you never even bothered to confide, so how could she understand?' Her subconscious whispered


No one could understand! Not Azusa! Not Kagura! And defenatly not Haru because everything she

did, her actions and rejection was all there to protect him.

"You're always protecting others!"

She reached up under eyes and felt moisture, "Why am I crying?"

* * * *

Haru walked into the club, the door shutting heavily behind him. He was suddenly greeted by

Momiji and Hatori sitting in the front seats. Besides them, the club was empty and it looked

strangly barren in the daytime with all the lights on instead of the neon and strobe lights.

Azusa was tuning up her bass, plucking the strings and silently listening to the tune,

then turning the peg and doing it all over again. Taki was helping some of the crew set up

the large speakers.

Azusa was the first to notice him and waved, "Hey Haru-kun!" Taki raised an eyebrow at the

familiarity that she used but said nothing against it and continued his work.

He gulped, not wanting to get on the bad side of Taki and waved. He gave wary smile to Momiji

and Hatori then turned his attention to Azusa." Where do I set up?"

"Right there," Azusa pointed to the front of the stage in the center. He nodded and hopped onto

the stage with one graceful, fluid motion.

Azusa whispered to him, "Is that your family?

"That's not even half."

"Gosh," Azusa said. "Hey, is that little boy your young brother? He's just so adorable!"

"Yeah," He agreed. "But no, He's not my younger brother, though there are times I like to think

so. He's the same age as me and my cousin."

"I see." Azusa said.

"Do you have allergies?"

"Uh?" Azusa looked at him, in shock. "No, why do you ask?"

"Because your eyes are all puffy." He pointed out pulling his guitar from its case. He plugged

it into the amp. In front of him and began his own tune up of the strings.

"Oh," She said sitting down cross-legged beside him, bass resting against her chest and in her

lap as she plucked and played on the strings. "I just had a fight with a friend at school.

Everything's okay now though."

'She's a bad lier,' Haru thought.

"Did you learn all the songs?" She asked, changing the subject.

"Most of them," Haru said. "Between sleeping and school that's all I've been concentrating


"Okay," She smiled. "We're going to start with "always", since that's the one you seem to

like the best."

"How did you know?"

"When you first saw us play, I saw how you reacted to the song. It made me feel like the lyrics

Actually reached someone, it's an obvious favorite of yours." She punched his shoulder lightly.

"Yes, it is." He said. "IT explains a lot about a current situation in my life."

"I see." Azusa said.

"Oi!" Taki said, "We're gonna start now."

"Cool." She said, letting him help her up. "You ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be." Haru said quietly, pulling the guitar strap over his shoulder and

standing in front of the microphone. He reached down and flipped on the amp. "Hey." He said,

his voice booming. "A little loud." The volume was toned down just a bit. "Hey again."

"GO HARU!" Momiji cried whipping out a white banner with his name written in black.

"Thank you for not going over board on the invites Momiji." He asked through the microphone.

"HAI! I'm video taping it instead!" Momiji chirped showing Haru the video camera and bringing

it up to his eye.

Taki struck the drum as one would in a comedy show and his family laughed. He shook his

head and said, "Thanks for coming."

"I don't think he wants you to do that Momiji." Hatori said calmly.

"Aww! But why? Tohru-kun and the others wanted to come so badly. Since Haru would have gotten

nervous I promised them I'd video tape it!" Momiji whined.

"Can I start now?" Haru asked, an amused smile coming over his face waiting for everyone

to calm down and get quiet before telling them the name of the song they're playing. "It's

call "Always", hope you like it."

He stuck the guitar cords and began to sing, his voice in harmony with his instrument strokes.

I hear... a voice say "Don't be so blind"...

it's telling me all these things...

that you would probably hide...

am I... your one and only desire...

am I the reason you breath...

or am I the reason you cry...

Taki's struck his drums and finally Azusa joined in with the base and her voice harmonizing

with his own.

Always... always... always... always... always... always... always...

I just can't live without you...

His heart was racing with every cord that played; every beat that struck; every note that his

own voice hit. His foot tapped involuntarily on the floor and sweat began to glisten off his

face. He immediately went into the chorus.

I love you...

I hate you...

I can't live without you...

I breathe you...

I taste you...

I can't live without you...

I just can't take anymore...

this life of solitude...

I guess that I'm out the door...

Rin's cold, stoic eyes looking at him. . . .

and now I'm done with you...

His arms played harder and faster, stepping up the beat. Taki and Azusa followed without

hesitation and he sang his heart out, unaware of his own anger that was built into the

song. And unaware of the door opening and shutting as someone came into the empty club.

I feel... like you don't want me around...

I guess I'll pack all my things...

I guess I'll see you around...

Inside... it bottles up until now...

as I walk out your door...

all I hear is the sound...

Rin stepped into the barren club; she stayed in the doorway, looking at Azusa's new band mate

as he played. Her eyes widened significantly and her heart raced, some how beating in time

with the music and his voice. THAT voice . . .

Always... always... always... always... always... always... always...

I just can't live without you...

I love you...

I hate you...

I can't live without you...

I breathe you...

I taste you...

I can't live without you...

I just can't take anymore...

this life of solitude...

I guess that I'm out the door...

and now I'm done with you...

I love you...

I hate you...

I can't live without you...

Why did it have to be him?! Anyone else! And THEY were here as well, listening as she was but

not understand the meaning. The meaning of his closed his and the strokes of his arms. Not

noticing every contour and outline of his face, his beautiful hair drenched in sweat and clothes

clinging to his body. No, they heard them music, but they didn't experiance it as she did.

I left my head around your heart...

Why would you tear my world apart...

Rin . . .

Always... always... always... always...

She's here . . .?

I see... the blood all over your hands...

does it make you feel... more like a man...

was it all... just a part of your plan...

this pistol's shakin' in my hands...

and all I hear is the sound...

They're eyes met across the large dance floor, and the world stopped. Haru played by himself,

and he was practically shaking as he fought for self-control. But once the chorus played up

again, he screamed the lyrics at the top of his lungs, eye contact never breaking.

I love you...

I hate you...

I can't live without you...

I breathe you...

I taste you...

I can't live without you...

I just can't take anymore...

this life of solitude...

I guess that I'm out the door...

and now I'm done with you...

I love you...

I hate you...

I can't live without you...

Rin was here! She was still in uniform, but he found his body pumping with the angry desire

to hold her against him. To stroke her hair as he did the guitar and just be with her. Only

her. Who could have told her about this? He never tore his eyes from hers, unable to do so

because she entranced him in a way no other woman could.

I love you...

I hate you...

I can't live without you...

I just can't take anymore...

this life of solitude...

I pick myself off the floor...

and now I'm done with you...




As the song ended and the finally chords faded into nothingness, he tossed his guitar to the

floor, ignoring the horrible sound it made as it impacted. He wasn't letting her go this time,

he had to apologize! He had to do something! Anything! But he couldn't let her leave! Not


She was ready to bolt, but as she turned to run she ran smack into some idiot who decided to

come up right behind. Her forehead hit his chest bone and she fell backwards, hitting the floor

with her rear.

"Watch what you're doing, babe." A casual, arrogant voice said in a condescending tone.

She looked up at scowled. Who the fuck did this asshole think he was? "You're the one standing

right behind people!!"

He just chuckled and brushed her off, looking up at Haru who was standing only a few inches

behind Rin. "Well lookie who we have here. I heard Taki's little band was getting a new

guitarist, I had no idea that it would be the scrawny kid from Saturday. "

"What the hell do you want Tony?" Taki asked casually spinning the drumsticks between his

fingers. "I don't believe you were invited."

Tony glanced at Rin and smiled, "Though I should have been. What's a pretty little thing like

this doing around you morons, I wonder. A friend of Azu's maybe?"

Rin jumped to her feet, "Get the fuck away from me," She jumped back into Haru as the man

named Tony reached out to touch her.

"Tony!" It was Azusa, who had remained quiet through most of it, but was now jumping off the

stage and running at him. "Leave them alone."

Stood before him, "Whatever, I don't go for sluts anyways." He pulled out a cigarette and placed

it in his mouth, but it was slapped away and the sound of somewhat insane laughter was heard.

"What the fuck?!" He looked up, straight into the eyes of a raging bull.

"Hey," Haru said, wrapping his arms around Tony's shoulders. "My names Haru! Tony right?"

Tony quickly unwrapped Haru's arm from his shoulder, "Yeah. Who the fuck are you?"

"Just a friend." Haru said. "Let's go outside for bit, shall we? Since we're 'friends'." Haru

grabbed him by his collar and before Tony could even flinch he was thrown out the exit

door, Haru walking outside behind him. The group inside could only stare in wonder as the

sounds of a horrible beating could be heard from outside.

Outside . . .

Haru's fist plunged into Tony's face as he lay on the ground. Over and over repeatedly, making

it impossible for Tony to fend off his attacker. Blood sprayed from his nose and mouth onto

Black Haru's face.

"You should really learn not to mess with another guys girl!" Haru laughed. "'Friend!'"

Tony kicked out his leg, knocking Haru back. He swayed to his feet and glared at the younger

boy, "Bastard. I'll kill you for screwin up my face!"

"Ooh!" Haru swayed back and forth with a wacked out smile spread on his face. "Did I hurt you?


Haru came at Tony, locking his hands around the gangster's neck, hurling him against the wall of

the building. Tony in turn gripped Haru's and they were kept a in a stale mate until Tony

head-butted Haru's face. Blood spilled from his nose onto the ground and his shirt as he stumbled

away. Tony flung his fist into Haru's stomach, the boy doubled over. Tony uppercutted Haru's chin,

flinging his entire body backward and falling to the ground. Haru was up and onto his feet, a

busted lip evident at blood streamed down his face, as much as Tony's.

"Not bad," Haru laughed. "But not good enough either."

Rin ran outside after the two, knowing what disaster Haru's anger could cause and planning

to stop him from making a fool of himself. That stupid . . .

Rin watched in shock as Tony's fist implanted itself into Haru's ribs, the sound of cracking

infiltrated her ears and made her cringe. It was awful, just watching them. Blood streaming

down their faces and neither really knowing just what exactly they were fighting about. Just

a simple hate between them had flourished in-between the time they'd met and had grown into a

fist fight.

"Haru!" Rin cried. "Stop it! You're being stupid!"

Haru flipped Tony over his back and looked up at her, "Stay out of this and go back inside!"

She marched up to him and yelled in his face, "WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM!?"


"Listen to your boyfriend, little girl." Tony stood, out of breath and stumbling from lack

of strength.

He didn't have to time to regain any sort of balance when Rin's fist slammed into his face

and knocked him to the ground. He groaned and tried to sit up again, only to fall back to

the ground. Rin whirled on Haru and pushed him, ignoring the blood streaming from his

nose and lip. Full of anger and fear she slapped him as hard as she could muster.

"You're an idiot Haru!" She yelled at him. "What the fuck were you thinking? Getting yourself

into a fight all of a sudden like that!"

"Don't yell at me!" He shouted back holding his stinging cheek. "If I want to get into a fucking

fight, then I will! I don't need you ordering me around like you care!"

"But I - "She stopped herself before she said something she knew she would regret forever.

Instead the words that flew from her mouth were harsh and cruel, "FINE! BE A MORON! YOU'RE


Maybe it was the pain in his eyes, or maybe it was lapse of sanity, but either way Rin found

herself hugging Haru tightly. Her fingers grasped in vain at the back of his shirt, trying to

find something to hang onto so that she could never let go. She knew the sting of her words,

the old memories that had no doubt resurfaced in Haru's mind. But she still couldn't find the

words to apologize. she couldn't find the strength to tell him how much she loved everything

about him. All she could do was hold him and pray that he could see through all of her masks

and barriers.

* * * * * * * * * *

Back inside the bar, Azusa and Taki were busy wondering what jus happened. Tony had come in,

started something with Rin and then Haru got involved. Did Rin and Haru already know each other?

Azusa looked at Taki who could only shrug his shoulders response.

"Should we go outside?" Azusa asked him.

Taki shook his head, "No, I have a feeling Haru can take care of himself. He doesn't seem like

the type to take shit from anyone."

"What of Rin though!" Azusa crossed her arms. She was still in shock that Rin had come to the

audition. Especially after the horrible scene Azusa caused at school earilier.

"You're worried about her?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Good point," Azusa slapped her forehead. "Nothing scares her."

"Well I wouldn't' say nothing," Taki murmured.


"Did you see the look on her face when she first walked in," Taki said pointing out the wide-eyed

look Rin had when she saw Haru. "She and Haru didn't break gazes. Not even once. There is

obviously something between the two that we had no idea about. It's amazing that neither of us

figured it out before. There must have been a hundred hints, we just never figured to put the

pieces of the puzzle together. I think Rin is Haru's ex-girlfriend, the same girl he's still

in love with even now."

"Haari," Momiji whispered quietly, "Should we follow them?"

"No," Hatori shook his head; "We should let those two work it out on their own."

"I haven't seen Rin is a long time," Momiji continued. "She must care for Haru! I know she

does!" He looked at Hatori's serious, stone face. "Are you going to tell Akito that you saw

them together?" Momiji's fear suddenly escalated when Hatori's face didn't change.

* * * * * * * * * *

Haru's held her close, feeling her warmth and life in his arms. He buried his face in her

hair and breathed in it's scent. His senses became intoxicated and he felt as if he were

having a thousand heart attacks all at once. Quietly he spoke, his voice barely audible

to any outside listeners.

"Why do you hate me so much?" He bit his lip, waiting and dreading her answer. He loosened his

grip when she pulled back to look at him, but he never let go and wouldn't until he received

the words that would save him or destroy him.

Her dark eyes bore into his dramatically, glistening with unshed tears and her face was terribly

grim. "I never hated you Haru. I could never hate you."

"Then why? Why did you stop loving me?"

She pulled away from him, wrenching from his grasp. "Haru, it's much to complicated to explain!

You would never understand!"

He stepped towards her and gripped her face; bring his forehead down to hers, "You never

bothered to try. Just tell me, Rin. You owe me that at least." Gently, he kissed the bridge

of her nose and looked at her, begging her with his eyes.

She tore away from him again, building up her resistance. "I owe you nothing." She spat.

He sighed and looked off to the side, to see that Tony had scampered away at some point. He

looked back at her beautiful, heart breaking face. Her eyes were so full of anguish and

so traumatized. "Please don't push me away, Rin. I just want to be there for you, even if I can't

be with you." He embraced her again. "I'm not letting you go this time. I'm sorry for everything

I ever did to hurt you. It was never my intent. I've been going insane every day since you left

and it all just came out when I saw you that day. You can't just pretend that nothing ever


"We're both better off if I do," She said, though her voice held no conviction. Once again, she

left his warm arms and stepped back. "I can't be with you. I can never be with you again Haru.

We're OVER."

"I don't believe that. I'm not going to give up on you Rin." Haru's face was stoic and determined

with fire burning in his eyes. 'I'm never going to give up."

Rin turned on her heel to leave, but Haru grabbed her wrist and spun her back around. He kissed

her with more passion and more love then any movie or story could convey. Rin kissed him back,

knowing that this may be the last time she ever could. But a part of her was glad that Haru

was going to chase her. Part of her wanted to be caught . . .