By Chaos
Chapter 1
The Slumber Party . . . Oh the Hell!
Tohru hummed happily to herself as she stirred the brownie batter. With a big happy smile spread
across her face, she swung back and forth to her own beat. That night she'd invited all of her
girlfriends for a big girl's night! So far the list included four overnight guests: Kagura, Kisa,
Uotani and Hanajima. Tohru had invited Rin, but she'd refused despite Kagura's insistent pleas
for her to come. Kisa was already there, helping her bake brownies. The cute tiger stood on a
stool decorating the already baked ones with little colorful flowers made out of icing. She
proved to be a very artistic cook. Tohru thought she looked absolutely adorable with her hair in
pigtails and a cute pink apron of her own, made for Kisa by Ayame as a special request from
Tohru. It had a little tiger design enbroided on the pocket along with its japanese character
symbol. Tohru's had a smiling Onigiri with the Japanese character for it on her pocket as well.
"How are the flowers coming along, Kisa-chan?"
"Just fine, Nee-chan," Kisa smiled with a light blush. "I like making brownies with you, thank
you for letting me help."
Tohru stopped stirring and peered over her shoulder, "Wow! Those are wonderful! And you're a
wonderful assitant!" She kissed the top of the girl's head. " I couldn't ask for anyone better!"
"Thank you," Kisa's blush became even more apparent.
"Oh Shut up, damn mouse!" Kyo's loud, boistrous voice echoed through the kitchen.
"There's nothing to get angry about, stupid cat," Yuki's calmer voice carried through the halls
of the Sohma house. "I beat you fair and square. Again."
"Looks like Yuki-kun and Kyo-kun are home!" Tohru commented as small beads of sweat formed on
her forehead.
"Mmmmm! What smells so good, Tohru-kun?" Shigure's head popped in through the kitchen door. His
hair hung in his face as usual; he wore his glasses, a pair of black slacks and gray buttoned
shirt with black-ish blue puppy slippers. He came in completely reaching out his hands to dip
into Tohru's bowl of batter. He froze as Kisa looked up at him with big, pleading eyes, tears on
tears within her eyelids.
"You don't get any, Shigure-ojisan." She said with a smile. "But you can have a baked one!" She
offered him one with a pretty pink rose on top.
"Thank you, Sa-chan." He laughed. He took it with his other hand and took a bite. "Mmmmmmmmmm!"
His face took on an expression of complete and total ecstasy. Tohru and Kisa watched attentively
as their taste-tester ate every single last crumb and then licked his fingers thoroughly
afterwards along the rim of his mouth. "That was better then an orgasm."
Kisa looked at him confused and Tohru went into super-shock mode gasping in horror,"
Shigure-san. . . ." She turned several shades of red completely embarrassed by Shigure's comment.
"It's alright, Tohru-kun!" He snickered. "She'll eventually know what it is!" He winked at Kisa
and patted her head, then Tohru's. "When do you want us boring, dull, dirty men out of the house,
Before she could answer Yuki and Kyo came flying through the door, "I WANT ONE!!!" They both
"You copied me, Bake Neko!"Yuki said in an icy tone.
"Ano . . . . " Tohru said waving her hands in a pacifying manner. "It's alright, there's plenty
for both of you."
"Thank you, Honda-san." Yuki said, changing his attitude instantly. "I'm sorry for bursting in
like that."
"It's alright . . . "
Shigure sighed, "Such wild heathens."
"GRRRRRR!" Kyo hissed. "WHY YOU ~ !?"
"Here you go, Kyo-nii." Kisa handed him a brownie with an orange rose painted on it. "I made it
orange just for you, Kyo-nii."
He took it with a semi-suprised look on his face, "Um . . . Thank you Kisa."
"And here's yours, Yuki-kun." Tohru handed him one with a purple rose. "I hope you like them."
Both boys glanced at each other, then down at the chocolate treat in front of them. Simultaneously
they took a bite and then devoured it into nothingness as the sweet, cake filled their mouths.
The icing made their saliva run and the insides of their mouths sticky with the lingering sweet
taste of the Tohru's hand baked treat. Both boys ended up smiling like a fool.
"That was delicious," they said in unison, though this time, both were too busy to acknowledge
it and turn it into an argument.
"Thank you," Tohru said with faint pink cheeks.
"I'm pleased that you liked it," Kisa smiled timidly.
"Now, as I was asking before we were so rudely interrupted, when would you like us to leave?"
Shigure asked, sneaking his arm around Tohru's slim shoulders.
"Where are you staying?"
"At Ayame's apartment above his shop." Shigure said. "How I've missed my Aya! Tee Hee! Well,
Tohru-kun?" He was ignoring the two glares coming in his direction.
"I'd say as soon as possible," Tohru said quietly. "But whenever is good for you, is fine with
me! I don't want to push you guys out of your own home."
"You forget," He winked. "This is your home too, ne? We'll be out in half an hour, is that
"That would be perfect! " She cried, almost wanting to hug him. Shigure could be so nice and
generous when he wasn't scheming anything. "I could hug you!"
"Go on ahead," He grinned, More reason for me to look up that Yankee's dress and the psychic's
and not to mention sweet sa-chan's! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh I just LOVE slumber parties!!!!!!!!!!!"
She sweatdropped, "That's okay . . . " The look on his face was disappointing. "A poo . . ."
Suddenly the door bell rang. Tohru jumped startled by the sudden ring:her hair stood on its ends.
She quickly ran from the kitchen, attempting to untie her apron at the same time. Her foot hit a
bar stool and she went toppling into Yuki. He, in turn, caught her galantly in his arms,
inevitably resulting in a large puff of purple smoke. Kyo, quicker then the eye could see,
grabbed the back of Tohru's apron and held fast as she almost went to the floor trying to catch
Yuki. Yuki landed safely in her hands while Kyo was stuck holding Tohru by the bow of her apron
in mid air. And once again, the doorbell rang.
"I'll get it," Kisa said hopping down from her stool. She walked passed a pouting Shigure and a
stunned Tohru, Kyo and Nezumi Yuki. She untied her apron and hung it on Tohru's outstretched
hands, intending for Tohru to hold it for her. She opened the door to the kitchen, "You'd better
get Yuki up to his room before he changes back." And then left, shutting it with a quiet click.
They heard Kisa politely greet their guests, Uotani and Hanajima.
Tohru went into one of her panics, "OH NO! Kyo put me down, we have to get Yuki upstairs before
Uo-chan and Hana-chan see him change back!!!!!"
"Shush," He said quieting her down her with a finger to her mouth. "I'll sneak out the back way
and put him in his room through his window."
"Don't I get a say in this?" Yuki asked.
"What's that supposed to mean, damn mouse?!" Kyo accused, getting up close and personal with
Yuki's face. "You don't like my plan? What's wrong with it that the great Yuki can't accept it,
"I don't trust you." Yuki humphed crossing his small arms. "I"m not stupid enough to entrust my
life to YOU on YOUR terms."
"Oh, don't be that way Yuki," Shigure smiled. "I'm sure that Kyo's trustworthy."
"Uh huh," Yuki glared. "And I'm pink."
"I'll take you then, " Tohru said with a smile. "I"ll sneak you upstairs in my pocket."
"What about my clothes?" Yuki questioned her.
"I'll put them in the clean laundry basket, that way no one will ask any questions." Tohru
"That should work," Shigure said. "Mean while, Kyo and I will entertain your guests!" He was
quietly singing the school girl song in his head, as a big smile formed on his face.
"You just want to flirt and act perverted while Tohru isn't there, dirty old man." Kyo glared,
crossing his arms in disdain.
"Let's go!" Shigure ignored his younger cousin and dragged the cat out into the living room.
Tohru sighed, "They never change. . . ."
"Um," Yuki said quietly, "Honda-san."
"Yes?" She said bringing her face close to his smaller one. "Yuki-kun?"
"I'm going to - "
* * * *
"Where's Tohru-kun?" Hana asked quietly. She sat across from Kyo, with Arisa to her right and
Kisa beside her. Shigure was on their left with a big smile, humming with guile.
"She's . .. . uh . . ." Kyo wasn't sure what to say, luckily, Shigure popped in. "She's doing
laundry right now! She should be ABOUT DONE!" he said a little too loudly.
"I don't know what going on here," Uotani said suspiciously, "But I"m gonna go find Tohru-kun!"
"NO!" The Sohma's cried in unison.
"I"m sensing strange waves coming from the kitchen." Hanajima cut in calmly. Both she and Uotani
stood and nodded in agreement. They knew something was going on, the Sohmas were acting too strangely. They seemed to be jittery for some odd reason and the two girls wanted to know why. Especially because it involved Tohru-kun. They stomped over to the kitchen door, but Kisa, Kyo and Shigure got in their way.
"There's nothing in there!" Shigure laughed.
"It's just the kitchen!" Kisa mumbled.
"And what's in it is none of your business!!!" Kyo growled.
Shigure and Kyo jumped five feet in the air as a denpa wave shocked them intensely. They fell to
the sides of the door, Uotani picked Kisa up easily and set her aside with a wink. Hanajima
pulled the door open and both girls gasped in complete shock. Uotani quickly covered Kisa's eyes
to spare her the indecent view before their eyes. Shigure grimaced as he looked inside, "This
isn't good."
Kyo's hair flared up, cat ears appeared and he hissed angrily. "YOU PERVERTED NEZUMI!!!!!!!!!
Yuki was standing butt naked in front of Tohru, she had her hands on her chest and was looking
away with her eyes tightly shut. Yuki quickly removed them and covered his genitals.
"I can explain this ." He said in his most polite voice.
"Tohru-kun," Hanajima placed her arms around Tohru's shoulders, "Are you alright? Did he do
something to you?"
Tohru shook her head, "NO! It was an accident! Really!"
"LET ME AT HIM!" Shigure was having a tough time controlling Kyo's flaring anger. Meanwhile,
Yuki found the situation to be the perfect time to collect his clothes, he went behind the
counter and began dressing as fast as humanly possible, if not faster.
"It's really a funny story," Yuki said trying to come up with something, ANYTHING, to tell
Tohru's friends. He was partly afraid of the being electrified by the psychic and partly afraid
of being beaten to death by the Yankee. Kyo wasn't any true threat, but Uotani was because she
was a girl and Yuki didn't think he could ever bring himself to hurt a girl physically. "I -"
"It's my fault!" Tohru quickly but in. "I saw a spider . . . . and I screamed! Yuki was - er - "
"Getting in the shower!" He interjected.
"And he came rushing in like that concerned for my welfare," She laughed nervously, fiddling with
the hem of her apron. She hoped that her friends would buy her story; it was lame and pathetic.
She knew it, but it was all she had at that moment.
"If Tohru-kun says that's what happened, " Hanajima stated simply, "Then that's what happened."
Arisa sighed and stopped cracking her knuckles, "I guess you're right, Hana." But both girls shot
suspicious glares at Yuki; he also felt a small bolt of electricity from the psychic. He knew
that if he messed up one more time, Tohru's words would not be able to stop her friends from
reacting somewhat violently toward him.
"So!" Shigure said, "Who's up for brownies?"
* * * *
Haru glanced at the Sohma-Honda household, he was debating whether he should enter or not. It was
always a chore type of decision. If he went inside, then he would see Yuki, Kisa, and Tohru, but
that would also result in running into Kyo and Shigure at some point, albeit Tohru's strange and
creepy friends Uotani and Hanajima. Of late he'd been rather anti-social, keeping much to himself
the past couple of days. He hadn't seen Momiji in a while, though the Rabbit had called him many
times leaving hyper-active messages on his machine that included songs and whining. At school,
he avoided eating lunch with Yuki, Kyo, Tohru, the S & C friends of hers and Momiji; he spent
most of his time in the library reading or listening to his C.D. player outside. After a brief
hesitation he finally resolved to go inside and make an appearance then he'd leave quietly with
an excuse of some kind.
He walked through the gates with his bicycle in hand. The goggles he wore around his eyes were
atop his head pushing down the wild locks of white hair. He parked the bike on a tree and tied
his usual chain around it, snapping the lock shut. You could never be too careful these days.
He'd already had two bikes stolen due to his carelessness. But what Haru really longed for was a
motorcycle. He'd seen one in the shop he worked for the other day. Its black and chrome finishing
were perfect! Nigel, the man who owned the bike shop, had built it to look like the model one
shown in Akira, only in different colorings, was now selling it. What Haru wouldn't give for a
spin on that bike? The feel of the engine between his legs, the gears and pedals under his boots,
the wind in his hair and a certain someone holding on tightly around his middle with her delicate
wrists laced with bracelets and decorated fingers intertwined around his firm abdomen. That would
be heaven, but it was an unrealistic dream. Something his conscious had concocted to upstart his
His hand rose hesitantly to ring the doorbell. With a force of mind over matter he pressed the
button and heard the commotion it started inside. He heard someone rushing to the door and then
the door frantically being yanked open. The said person was Honda Tohru, one of the cutest and
most innocent girls alive. Kisa peeked around her skirt and smiled at Haru, while Tohru's face
seemed to fall but quickly corrected itself into a firm, true smile.
"Hey Hatsuharu-san!" She greeted with a low bow. "Please come in."
"Hi, Haru-onii-chan." Kisa smiled hugging his middle. He gently patted her golden head and smiled
warmly saying, "Good evening, Kisa-chan. How have you been?"
"Fine, thank you." She said taking his hand.
"And your mother?"
"She's been really tired lately from work," Kisa said in her child-like innocence. "I"m very
worried about her."
"Your mother is a big girl," Haru reassured his little one, "She is able to take care of you and
herself. " the small girl nodded in agreement to what her Onii-chan (older cousin hehe) said.
Haru quickly turned his attention to Tohru who had just offered to take his coat.
"Thank you," He said stripping it off while temporarily releasing Kisa's hand. He gave it to
Tohru to hang on a hanger and put into the coat closet. "How have you been Tohru-san? Have Yuki
and Kyo been fighting much?"
"I'm quite well," She gave him a warm smile, "Thanks. No, Yuki and Kyo have been getting along
a lot better lately. I"m very happy that they're becoming friends, especially under the
"I am too." He said taking Kisa's smaller hand in his own.
"YOU CHEATED!" Kyo's voice interrupted the trio's small pleasantries.
"I DID NOT!" Uotanit screamed. "YOU'RE JUST A SORE LOSER!"
"You both have lost," Hanajima stated calmly. "I won."
"WHAT?!" THey yelled in unison.
"I give!" Shigure said dramatically, "There is NO way to beat Psychic Girl!"
"It's simply a luck of the draw, Sohma-san." Hanajima's voice echoed through the halls.
"Are they playing cards again?" Haru asked Tohru.
"Yes," Tohru said, beads of sweat gathering at her forehead. "IT's been very . . . competitive."
"Ayame sent me to tell them to get over to his place immediately. Apparently he wishes to share
one of his greatest achievements with them."
"What would that be?" Tohru asked curiously.
"He's made dresses for every single one of us." Haru's monotonous voice showed no hint of
dislike or scorn towards the snake himself, but rather disgust at the prospect of wearing such
a foul garment. "I'm afraid Yuki's complex about his looks will fare the worst in this matter.
Of course, I asked Momiji to bring his digital camera so we can forever remember the time Kyo was
forced into a dress."
"Ano . . . " Tohru had absolutely NO idea how to respond to the subject at hand.
"Did Ayame make me a dress?" Kisa asked quietly.
"He's made everyone one." Haru answered simply. "It's Ayame's idea that we'll be dressing up in
these during Halloween. I was going to be a dead rock star, but I"m afraid that might be out of
the question."
"Ayame is very determined!" Tohru chuckled knowing that her dress would be frilly and impossible
to walk in. The said dress WAS made by AYAME and for his favorite model, so she knew what to
expect. Pink with frilly bows and lace, that's what she expected from Yuki's Nii-san.
The trio walked inside the living room. It was loud and bustling but in the best of ways. The
clattering and clamoring of voices, usually hostile, was the 'norm' at the Sohma-Honda residence.
The humorous bickering and sweet teasing wasn't exactly what T.V. would describe as a perfect
harmonious family gathering, but it suited everyone present just fine. No one truly meant their
harsh words in honesty, but said them merely to get a rise out of their favorite tease buddy
which usually resulted into laughter within the group as a whole.
Everyone turned and greeted Haru enthusiastically in their own special way. Yuki greeted him as
a close friend and companion, asking him how he was and the like. Hana and Uo addressed him as a
younger classmate, with a polite nod of acknowledgment from the passive, mysterious psychic and
a simply flash of the peace sign with a "Yo," accompaning it from Uo. Kyo grunted a 'hey' after
being roughly nugded by Shigure. Shigure, being the strange man that he was, hugged Haru fiercly
saying how wonderful it was to see his favorite rock star. Haru thought he was going to be sick
if Shigure didn't let him go.
But, his heart argued, it was nice to see them all.
* * * *
"I'm so happy!" Kagura chirped as she skipped down the street beside her rather, irritated,
serious companion.
"Why?" Rin decided to ask.
"Because you came with me! You need to stop being so anti-social and get your butt out there girl!
You only have so much time before you become an old maid, ne?" Kagura winked, and continued
Rin wished she hadn't asked, and the answer was anything but logical coming from Kagura. She was
the one pining over some guy who didn't even feel remotely interested in what she had to offer;
not Rin. Rin had given up long ago, despite an occasional date with your average Tom, Dick and
Harry. She wanted nothing to do with the opposite sex at this point in her life. She wasn't
always this way, at least not since . . . It had taken the key efforts of Kagura and her mother
to get Rin out of the house and agree to stay over at Shigure's. She had wanted to stay home and
study for her math test on monday, but that had been forbidden until Sunday.
"So, aren't you glad you decided to come?" The girl's enthusiasm was getting old, but Rin didn't
want to say anything to bring Kagura's spirit down. Kagura had a tough time dealing with Kyo's
rejection of her and the Horse of the Jyuunishi wanted to gouge out his eye balls from his sockets
and force feed them down his throat for making Kagura cry like he had. Every night, she would
cry, and every night Rin would fall asleep to the sound of Kyo's name on her cousin's lips as she
restlessly slept through yet another nightmare. But Rin gave the Boar some credit, she stuck by
Kyo, despite everything that baka neko did. She defended him at every turn and even went as far
as to defend his love for Tohru. If that wasn't true love for you, then what in all of Earth,
Heaven and Hell was?
"There it is! HURRY!" Kagura grasped Rin's hand and half-dragged the younger girl behind her,
running a top speed. She kicked the half-shut gates fully open and with a wild yell ran up to the
door. As sudden as her outburst had been, she became her usual, kind, shy self in less time. She
straightened her blue dress and white coat.
"Do I look alright?" Kagura asked worriedly.
Rin nodded and gave her a smile, "Yes."
Kagura sighed quietly and rose her hand to ring the doorbell, but the door was yanked open an
second earlier. Sohma Kyo tossed a howling Inu-Shigure out of the house. He went over the girls
heads and landed on his rump just behind them. Shigure had quickly hugged Tohru just before
leaving the kitchen, luckily, Uotani and Hanajima were not present in the room.
"Owie," He pouted, "You're so mean to me, Kyo-kun!"
Tohru winced behind his shoulder, then saw their two visitors, "Hello Kagura-san! Rin-san! You
came?" She cried incredulous.
"It was only a little peek! What's the harm done?" Shigure whined.
"I never thought that Carrot was the type to abuse animals," Arisa said appearing behind Kyo.
"Poor thing," She sympathized walking right passed a shocked kagura and stoic Rin. She bent down
and gave the big, black dog a kiss on the nose and scratched him behind the ears.
Kyo suddenly noticed their guests, "Yo." His face a bit surprised, but a smile spread there
"Hello, Kyo-kun." Kagura said in a voice of pure civilary. "How are you?"
"Fine," He said, "You?"
"I"m good," She said scuffing the welcome rug beneath her feet.
"Are you going to invite us in, or just stand in the door way?" Rin interjected, the nervousness
eminating from Kagura was getting on her nerves. She once agian had that unexplainable urge to
rip Kyo apart piece by piece.
Kyo looked at Rin, blinking, "You came?"
She rolled her eyes, "Obviously."
he opened the door wider and stepped aside allowing them passage into the house. "Hey kagura,
last time you were here you left your sweater in the dirty clothes. Do you want me to go get it?"
"Thanks," She smiled, hooking her arm in his. "I'll come with you!"
"Okay," He said walking up the stairs, arm in arm with kagura. He was happy that she wasn't
acting too strangely.
"At least he's not acting like an idiot anymore," Yuki muttered. He glanced at the door and saw
the surprise visitor that Kagura had dragged in. Rin Sohma stood there with a sultry, dangerous
look about her. Dressed in a black, leather mini-skirt, knee high boots with thick leather laces,
a fire red tank top which showed off her lithe, firm abs and soft breasts. About her wrists were
too many bracelets and rings to count on her fingers, a choker and other various necklaces hung
around her neck with matching long earrings with crufixes adorning her ears. Slung over her
shoulder was a black backpack containing her belongings. Her eyes met his and the animosity
between flared up like fire in hell.
"Rin-san," Yuki greeted in an icy voice.
She looked past him, her already fair skin going paler then usual. Her eyes took on the look of
a frightened deer in headlights. She unconciously bit her bottom lip. Yuki turned to find Haru
standing there with a much different look upon his face, it was stoic and calm, but his hands
were clenching and unclenching tightly as a storm of emotion swept through the Ox of the
She tasted blood in her mouth and quickly licked away at the iron liquid, "Haru." Nothing else
came to mind. Why did it hurt so much to see him? Why couldn't she tear her gaze from his? Her
heart pounded away at her chest as the memories flashed through her mind. Akito hitting her.
Akito threatening Haru. Akito scarring her for life, physically and emotionally. Akito telling
her to stay away from Haru or . . .
"Haru," She unconciously said before turning around. No! She wouldn't cry! NEVER AGAIN WOULD
SHE CRY! She began to slowly walk out the open door, ignoring the looks of her family and
His nails dug into his palms, drawing warm blood. His teeth clenched together as he stared at
the ground. She was walking away. Did she hate him that much? Did she think him so vile that she
couldn't stand being in his mere presence? A dull ache pounded at his head and he knew that if
he lost control all hell would break loose. Rin's bruised and battered face flashed through is
mind. Rin's cold, harsh words. Akito saying it was for the best. Yuki comforting him. Black Haru
. . . Rin! RIN! RIN!
In a flash of light, all went dark.
* * * *
Author's Note
Hey! This is my first Furuba fic but so far I'm confident that it's going to be good. I'd like
to thank Mona who beta read it for me and gave me suggestions on the characters and their
interactment. It helped me a lot! I'd also like to thank my friend Mayhem for inspiring Rin's
clothes in some strange, inexplainable way. This is also under the genre 'Songfic' because within
the chapters will be a bunch of songs that inspired the story, but otherwise it's your regular
fanfiction. All comments and reviews are welcome! Just nothing rude.
Thanks again Mona!
~ Chaos
By Chaos
Chapter 1
The Slumber Party . . . Oh the Hell!
Tohru hummed happily to herself as she stirred the brownie batter. With a big happy smile spread
across her face, she swung back and forth to her own beat. That night she'd invited all of her
girlfriends for a big girl's night! So far the list included four overnight guests: Kagura, Kisa,
Uotani and Hanajima. Tohru had invited Rin, but she'd refused despite Kagura's insistent pleas
for her to come. Kisa was already there, helping her bake brownies. The cute tiger stood on a
stool decorating the already baked ones with little colorful flowers made out of icing. She
proved to be a very artistic cook. Tohru thought she looked absolutely adorable with her hair in
pigtails and a cute pink apron of her own, made for Kisa by Ayame as a special request from
Tohru. It had a little tiger design enbroided on the pocket along with its japanese character
symbol. Tohru's had a smiling Onigiri with the Japanese character for it on her pocket as well.
"How are the flowers coming along, Kisa-chan?"
"Just fine, Nee-chan," Kisa smiled with a light blush. "I like making brownies with you, thank
you for letting me help."
Tohru stopped stirring and peered over her shoulder, "Wow! Those are wonderful! And you're a
wonderful assitant!" She kissed the top of the girl's head. " I couldn't ask for anyone better!"
"Thank you," Kisa's blush became even more apparent.
"Oh Shut up, damn mouse!" Kyo's loud, boistrous voice echoed through the kitchen.
"There's nothing to get angry about, stupid cat," Yuki's calmer voice carried through the halls
of the Sohma house. "I beat you fair and square. Again."
"Looks like Yuki-kun and Kyo-kun are home!" Tohru commented as small beads of sweat formed on
her forehead.
"Mmmmm! What smells so good, Tohru-kun?" Shigure's head popped in through the kitchen door. His
hair hung in his face as usual; he wore his glasses, a pair of black slacks and gray buttoned
shirt with black-ish blue puppy slippers. He came in completely reaching out his hands to dip
into Tohru's bowl of batter. He froze as Kisa looked up at him with big, pleading eyes, tears on
tears within her eyelids.
"You don't get any, Shigure-ojisan." She said with a smile. "But you can have a baked one!" She
offered him one with a pretty pink rose on top.
"Thank you, Sa-chan." He laughed. He took it with his other hand and took a bite. "Mmmmmmmmmm!"
His face took on an expression of complete and total ecstasy. Tohru and Kisa watched attentively
as their taste-tester ate every single last crumb and then licked his fingers thoroughly
afterwards along the rim of his mouth. "That was better then an orgasm."
Kisa looked at him confused and Tohru went into super-shock mode gasping in horror,"
Shigure-san. . . ." She turned several shades of red completely embarrassed by Shigure's comment.
"It's alright, Tohru-kun!" He snickered. "She'll eventually know what it is!" He winked at Kisa
and patted her head, then Tohru's. "When do you want us boring, dull, dirty men out of the house,
Before she could answer Yuki and Kyo came flying through the door, "I WANT ONE!!!" They both
"You copied me, Bake Neko!"Yuki said in an icy tone.
"Ano . . . . " Tohru said waving her hands in a pacifying manner. "It's alright, there's plenty
for both of you."
"Thank you, Honda-san." Yuki said, changing his attitude instantly. "I'm sorry for bursting in
like that."
"It's alright . . . "
Shigure sighed, "Such wild heathens."
"GRRRRRR!" Kyo hissed. "WHY YOU ~ !?"
"Here you go, Kyo-nii." Kisa handed him a brownie with an orange rose painted on it. "I made it
orange just for you, Kyo-nii."
He took it with a semi-suprised look on his face, "Um . . . Thank you Kisa."
"And here's yours, Yuki-kun." Tohru handed him one with a purple rose. "I hope you like them."
Both boys glanced at each other, then down at the chocolate treat in front of them. Simultaneously
they took a bite and then devoured it into nothingness as the sweet, cake filled their mouths.
The icing made their saliva run and the insides of their mouths sticky with the lingering sweet
taste of the Tohru's hand baked treat. Both boys ended up smiling like a fool.
"That was delicious," they said in unison, though this time, both were too busy to acknowledge
it and turn it into an argument.
"Thank you," Tohru said with faint pink cheeks.
"I'm pleased that you liked it," Kisa smiled timidly.
"Now, as I was asking before we were so rudely interrupted, when would you like us to leave?"
Shigure asked, sneaking his arm around Tohru's slim shoulders.
"Where are you staying?"
"At Ayame's apartment above his shop." Shigure said. "How I've missed my Aya! Tee Hee! Well,
Tohru-kun?" He was ignoring the two glares coming in his direction.
"I'd say as soon as possible," Tohru said quietly. "But whenever is good for you, is fine with
me! I don't want to push you guys out of your own home."
"You forget," He winked. "This is your home too, ne? We'll be out in half an hour, is that
"That would be perfect! " She cried, almost wanting to hug him. Shigure could be so nice and
generous when he wasn't scheming anything. "I could hug you!"
"Go on ahead," He grinned, More reason for me to look up that Yankee's dress and the psychic's
and not to mention sweet sa-chan's! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh I just LOVE slumber parties!!!!!!!!!!!"
She sweatdropped, "That's okay . . . " The look on his face was disappointing. "A poo . . ."
Suddenly the door bell rang. Tohru jumped startled by the sudden ring:her hair stood on its ends.
She quickly ran from the kitchen, attempting to untie her apron at the same time. Her foot hit a
bar stool and she went toppling into Yuki. He, in turn, caught her galantly in his arms,
inevitably resulting in a large puff of purple smoke. Kyo, quicker then the eye could see,
grabbed the back of Tohru's apron and held fast as she almost went to the floor trying to catch
Yuki. Yuki landed safely in her hands while Kyo was stuck holding Tohru by the bow of her apron
in mid air. And once again, the doorbell rang.
"I'll get it," Kisa said hopping down from her stool. She walked passed a pouting Shigure and a
stunned Tohru, Kyo and Nezumi Yuki. She untied her apron and hung it on Tohru's outstretched
hands, intending for Tohru to hold it for her. She opened the door to the kitchen, "You'd better
get Yuki up to his room before he changes back." And then left, shutting it with a quiet click.
They heard Kisa politely greet their guests, Uotani and Hanajima.
Tohru went into one of her panics, "OH NO! Kyo put me down, we have to get Yuki upstairs before
Uo-chan and Hana-chan see him change back!!!!!"
"Shush," He said quieting her down her with a finger to her mouth. "I'll sneak out the back way
and put him in his room through his window."
"Don't I get a say in this?" Yuki asked.
"What's that supposed to mean, damn mouse?!" Kyo accused, getting up close and personal with
Yuki's face. "You don't like my plan? What's wrong with it that the great Yuki can't accept it,
"I don't trust you." Yuki humphed crossing his small arms. "I"m not stupid enough to entrust my
life to YOU on YOUR terms."
"Oh, don't be that way Yuki," Shigure smiled. "I'm sure that Kyo's trustworthy."
"Uh huh," Yuki glared. "And I'm pink."
"I'll take you then, " Tohru said with a smile. "I"ll sneak you upstairs in my pocket."
"What about my clothes?" Yuki questioned her.
"I'll put them in the clean laundry basket, that way no one will ask any questions." Tohru
"That should work," Shigure said. "Mean while, Kyo and I will entertain your guests!" He was
quietly singing the school girl song in his head, as a big smile formed on his face.
"You just want to flirt and act perverted while Tohru isn't there, dirty old man." Kyo glared,
crossing his arms in disdain.
"Let's go!" Shigure ignored his younger cousin and dragged the cat out into the living room.
Tohru sighed, "They never change. . . ."
"Um," Yuki said quietly, "Honda-san."
"Yes?" She said bringing her face close to his smaller one. "Yuki-kun?"
"I'm going to - "
* * * *
"Where's Tohru-kun?" Hana asked quietly. She sat across from Kyo, with Arisa to her right and
Kisa beside her. Shigure was on their left with a big smile, humming with guile.
"She's . .. . uh . . ." Kyo wasn't sure what to say, luckily, Shigure popped in. "She's doing
laundry right now! She should be ABOUT DONE!" he said a little too loudly.
"I don't know what going on here," Uotani said suspiciously, "But I"m gonna go find Tohru-kun!"
"NO!" The Sohma's cried in unison.
"I"m sensing strange waves coming from the kitchen." Hanajima cut in calmly. Both she and Uotani
stood and nodded in agreement. They knew something was going on, the Sohmas were acting too strangely. They seemed to be jittery for some odd reason and the two girls wanted to know why. Especially because it involved Tohru-kun. They stomped over to the kitchen door, but Kisa, Kyo and Shigure got in their way.
"There's nothing in there!" Shigure laughed.
"It's just the kitchen!" Kisa mumbled.
"And what's in it is none of your business!!!" Kyo growled.
Shigure and Kyo jumped five feet in the air as a denpa wave shocked them intensely. They fell to
the sides of the door, Uotani picked Kisa up easily and set her aside with a wink. Hanajima
pulled the door open and both girls gasped in complete shock. Uotani quickly covered Kisa's eyes
to spare her the indecent view before their eyes. Shigure grimaced as he looked inside, "This
isn't good."
Kyo's hair flared up, cat ears appeared and he hissed angrily. "YOU PERVERTED NEZUMI!!!!!!!!!
Yuki was standing butt naked in front of Tohru, she had her hands on her chest and was looking
away with her eyes tightly shut. Yuki quickly removed them and covered his genitals.
"I can explain this ." He said in his most polite voice.
"Tohru-kun," Hanajima placed her arms around Tohru's shoulders, "Are you alright? Did he do
something to you?"
Tohru shook her head, "NO! It was an accident! Really!"
"LET ME AT HIM!" Shigure was having a tough time controlling Kyo's flaring anger. Meanwhile,
Yuki found the situation to be the perfect time to collect his clothes, he went behind the
counter and began dressing as fast as humanly possible, if not faster.
"It's really a funny story," Yuki said trying to come up with something, ANYTHING, to tell
Tohru's friends. He was partly afraid of the being electrified by the psychic and partly afraid
of being beaten to death by the Yankee. Kyo wasn't any true threat, but Uotani was because she
was a girl and Yuki didn't think he could ever bring himself to hurt a girl physically. "I -"
"It's my fault!" Tohru quickly but in. "I saw a spider . . . . and I screamed! Yuki was - er - "
"Getting in the shower!" He interjected.
"And he came rushing in like that concerned for my welfare," She laughed nervously, fiddling with
the hem of her apron. She hoped that her friends would buy her story; it was lame and pathetic.
She knew it, but it was all she had at that moment.
"If Tohru-kun says that's what happened, " Hanajima stated simply, "Then that's what happened."
Arisa sighed and stopped cracking her knuckles, "I guess you're right, Hana." But both girls shot
suspicious glares at Yuki; he also felt a small bolt of electricity from the psychic. He knew
that if he messed up one more time, Tohru's words would not be able to stop her friends from
reacting somewhat violently toward him.
"So!" Shigure said, "Who's up for brownies?"
* * * *
Haru glanced at the Sohma-Honda household, he was debating whether he should enter or not. It was
always a chore type of decision. If he went inside, then he would see Yuki, Kisa, and Tohru, but
that would also result in running into Kyo and Shigure at some point, albeit Tohru's strange and
creepy friends Uotani and Hanajima. Of late he'd been rather anti-social, keeping much to himself
the past couple of days. He hadn't seen Momiji in a while, though the Rabbit had called him many
times leaving hyper-active messages on his machine that included songs and whining. At school,
he avoided eating lunch with Yuki, Kyo, Tohru, the S & C friends of hers and Momiji; he spent
most of his time in the library reading or listening to his C.D. player outside. After a brief
hesitation he finally resolved to go inside and make an appearance then he'd leave quietly with
an excuse of some kind.
He walked through the gates with his bicycle in hand. The goggles he wore around his eyes were
atop his head pushing down the wild locks of white hair. He parked the bike on a tree and tied
his usual chain around it, snapping the lock shut. You could never be too careful these days.
He'd already had two bikes stolen due to his carelessness. But what Haru really longed for was a
motorcycle. He'd seen one in the shop he worked for the other day. Its black and chrome finishing
were perfect! Nigel, the man who owned the bike shop, had built it to look like the model one
shown in Akira, only in different colorings, was now selling it. What Haru wouldn't give for a
spin on that bike? The feel of the engine between his legs, the gears and pedals under his boots,
the wind in his hair and a certain someone holding on tightly around his middle with her delicate
wrists laced with bracelets and decorated fingers intertwined around his firm abdomen. That would
be heaven, but it was an unrealistic dream. Something his conscious had concocted to upstart his
His hand rose hesitantly to ring the doorbell. With a force of mind over matter he pressed the
button and heard the commotion it started inside. He heard someone rushing to the door and then
the door frantically being yanked open. The said person was Honda Tohru, one of the cutest and
most innocent girls alive. Kisa peeked around her skirt and smiled at Haru, while Tohru's face
seemed to fall but quickly corrected itself into a firm, true smile.
"Hey Hatsuharu-san!" She greeted with a low bow. "Please come in."
"Hi, Haru-onii-chan." Kisa smiled hugging his middle. He gently patted her golden head and smiled
warmly saying, "Good evening, Kisa-chan. How have you been?"
"Fine, thank you." She said taking his hand.
"And your mother?"
"She's been really tired lately from work," Kisa said in her child-like innocence. "I"m very
worried about her."
"Your mother is a big girl," Haru reassured his little one, "She is able to take care of you and
herself. " the small girl nodded in agreement to what her Onii-chan (older cousin hehe) said.
Haru quickly turned his attention to Tohru who had just offered to take his coat.
"Thank you," He said stripping it off while temporarily releasing Kisa's hand. He gave it to
Tohru to hang on a hanger and put into the coat closet. "How have you been Tohru-san? Have Yuki
and Kyo been fighting much?"
"I'm quite well," She gave him a warm smile, "Thanks. No, Yuki and Kyo have been getting along
a lot better lately. I"m very happy that they're becoming friends, especially under the
"I am too." He said taking Kisa's smaller hand in his own.
"YOU CHEATED!" Kyo's voice interrupted the trio's small pleasantries.
"I DID NOT!" Uotanit screamed. "YOU'RE JUST A SORE LOSER!"
"You both have lost," Hanajima stated calmly. "I won."
"WHAT?!" THey yelled in unison.
"I give!" Shigure said dramatically, "There is NO way to beat Psychic Girl!"
"It's simply a luck of the draw, Sohma-san." Hanajima's voice echoed through the halls.
"Are they playing cards again?" Haru asked Tohru.
"Yes," Tohru said, beads of sweat gathering at her forehead. "IT's been very . . . competitive."
"Ayame sent me to tell them to get over to his place immediately. Apparently he wishes to share
one of his greatest achievements with them."
"What would that be?" Tohru asked curiously.
"He's made dresses for every single one of us." Haru's monotonous voice showed no hint of
dislike or scorn towards the snake himself, but rather disgust at the prospect of wearing such
a foul garment. "I'm afraid Yuki's complex about his looks will fare the worst in this matter.
Of course, I asked Momiji to bring his digital camera so we can forever remember the time Kyo was
forced into a dress."
"Ano . . . " Tohru had absolutely NO idea how to respond to the subject at hand.
"Did Ayame make me a dress?" Kisa asked quietly.
"He's made everyone one." Haru answered simply. "It's Ayame's idea that we'll be dressing up in
these during Halloween. I was going to be a dead rock star, but I"m afraid that might be out of
the question."
"Ayame is very determined!" Tohru chuckled knowing that her dress would be frilly and impossible
to walk in. The said dress WAS made by AYAME and for his favorite model, so she knew what to
expect. Pink with frilly bows and lace, that's what she expected from Yuki's Nii-san.
The trio walked inside the living room. It was loud and bustling but in the best of ways. The
clattering and clamoring of voices, usually hostile, was the 'norm' at the Sohma-Honda residence.
The humorous bickering and sweet teasing wasn't exactly what T.V. would describe as a perfect
harmonious family gathering, but it suited everyone present just fine. No one truly meant their
harsh words in honesty, but said them merely to get a rise out of their favorite tease buddy
which usually resulted into laughter within the group as a whole.
Everyone turned and greeted Haru enthusiastically in their own special way. Yuki greeted him as
a close friend and companion, asking him how he was and the like. Hana and Uo addressed him as a
younger classmate, with a polite nod of acknowledgment from the passive, mysterious psychic and
a simply flash of the peace sign with a "Yo," accompaning it from Uo. Kyo grunted a 'hey' after
being roughly nugded by Shigure. Shigure, being the strange man that he was, hugged Haru fiercly
saying how wonderful it was to see his favorite rock star. Haru thought he was going to be sick
if Shigure didn't let him go.
But, his heart argued, it was nice to see them all.
* * * *
"I'm so happy!" Kagura chirped as she skipped down the street beside her rather, irritated,
serious companion.
"Why?" Rin decided to ask.
"Because you came with me! You need to stop being so anti-social and get your butt out there girl!
You only have so much time before you become an old maid, ne?" Kagura winked, and continued
Rin wished she hadn't asked, and the answer was anything but logical coming from Kagura. She was
the one pining over some guy who didn't even feel remotely interested in what she had to offer;
not Rin. Rin had given up long ago, despite an occasional date with your average Tom, Dick and
Harry. She wanted nothing to do with the opposite sex at this point in her life. She wasn't
always this way, at least not since . . . It had taken the key efforts of Kagura and her mother
to get Rin out of the house and agree to stay over at Shigure's. She had wanted to stay home and
study for her math test on monday, but that had been forbidden until Sunday.
"So, aren't you glad you decided to come?" The girl's enthusiasm was getting old, but Rin didn't
want to say anything to bring Kagura's spirit down. Kagura had a tough time dealing with Kyo's
rejection of her and the Horse of the Jyuunishi wanted to gouge out his eye balls from his sockets
and force feed them down his throat for making Kagura cry like he had. Every night, she would
cry, and every night Rin would fall asleep to the sound of Kyo's name on her cousin's lips as she
restlessly slept through yet another nightmare. But Rin gave the Boar some credit, she stuck by
Kyo, despite everything that baka neko did. She defended him at every turn and even went as far
as to defend his love for Tohru. If that wasn't true love for you, then what in all of Earth,
Heaven and Hell was?
"There it is! HURRY!" Kagura grasped Rin's hand and half-dragged the younger girl behind her,
running a top speed. She kicked the half-shut gates fully open and with a wild yell ran up to the
door. As sudden as her outburst had been, she became her usual, kind, shy self in less time. She
straightened her blue dress and white coat.
"Do I look alright?" Kagura asked worriedly.
Rin nodded and gave her a smile, "Yes."
Kagura sighed quietly and rose her hand to ring the doorbell, but the door was yanked open an
second earlier. Sohma Kyo tossed a howling Inu-Shigure out of the house. He went over the girls
heads and landed on his rump just behind them. Shigure had quickly hugged Tohru just before
leaving the kitchen, luckily, Uotani and Hanajima were not present in the room.
"Owie," He pouted, "You're so mean to me, Kyo-kun!"
Tohru winced behind his shoulder, then saw their two visitors, "Hello Kagura-san! Rin-san! You
came?" She cried incredulous.
"It was only a little peek! What's the harm done?" Shigure whined.
"I never thought that Carrot was the type to abuse animals," Arisa said appearing behind Kyo.
"Poor thing," She sympathized walking right passed a shocked kagura and stoic Rin. She bent down
and gave the big, black dog a kiss on the nose and scratched him behind the ears.
Kyo suddenly noticed their guests, "Yo." His face a bit surprised, but a smile spread there
"Hello, Kyo-kun." Kagura said in a voice of pure civilary. "How are you?"
"Fine," He said, "You?"
"I"m good," She said scuffing the welcome rug beneath her feet.
"Are you going to invite us in, or just stand in the door way?" Rin interjected, the nervousness
eminating from Kagura was getting on her nerves. She once agian had that unexplainable urge to
rip Kyo apart piece by piece.
Kyo looked at Rin, blinking, "You came?"
She rolled her eyes, "Obviously."
he opened the door wider and stepped aside allowing them passage into the house. "Hey kagura,
last time you were here you left your sweater in the dirty clothes. Do you want me to go get it?"
"Thanks," She smiled, hooking her arm in his. "I'll come with you!"
"Okay," He said walking up the stairs, arm in arm with kagura. He was happy that she wasn't
acting too strangely.
"At least he's not acting like an idiot anymore," Yuki muttered. He glanced at the door and saw
the surprise visitor that Kagura had dragged in. Rin Sohma stood there with a sultry, dangerous
look about her. Dressed in a black, leather mini-skirt, knee high boots with thick leather laces,
a fire red tank top which showed off her lithe, firm abs and soft breasts. About her wrists were
too many bracelets and rings to count on her fingers, a choker and other various necklaces hung
around her neck with matching long earrings with crufixes adorning her ears. Slung over her
shoulder was a black backpack containing her belongings. Her eyes met his and the animosity
between flared up like fire in hell.
"Rin-san," Yuki greeted in an icy voice.
She looked past him, her already fair skin going paler then usual. Her eyes took on the look of
a frightened deer in headlights. She unconciously bit her bottom lip. Yuki turned to find Haru
standing there with a much different look upon his face, it was stoic and calm, but his hands
were clenching and unclenching tightly as a storm of emotion swept through the Ox of the
She tasted blood in her mouth and quickly licked away at the iron liquid, "Haru." Nothing else
came to mind. Why did it hurt so much to see him? Why couldn't she tear her gaze from his? Her
heart pounded away at her chest as the memories flashed through her mind. Akito hitting her.
Akito threatening Haru. Akito scarring her for life, physically and emotionally. Akito telling
her to stay away from Haru or . . .
"Haru," She unconciously said before turning around. No! She wouldn't cry! NEVER AGAIN WOULD
SHE CRY! She began to slowly walk out the open door, ignoring the looks of her family and
His nails dug into his palms, drawing warm blood. His teeth clenched together as he stared at
the ground. She was walking away. Did she hate him that much? Did she think him so vile that she
couldn't stand being in his mere presence? A dull ache pounded at his head and he knew that if
he lost control all hell would break loose. Rin's bruised and battered face flashed through is
mind. Rin's cold, harsh words. Akito saying it was for the best. Yuki comforting him. Black Haru
. . . Rin! RIN! RIN!
In a flash of light, all went dark.
* * * *
Author's Note
Hey! This is my first Furuba fic but so far I'm confident that it's going to be good. I'd like
to thank Mona who beta read it for me and gave me suggestions on the characters and their
interactment. It helped me a lot! I'd also like to thank my friend Mayhem for inspiring Rin's
clothes in some strange, inexplainable way. This is also under the genre 'Songfic' because within
the chapters will be a bunch of songs that inspired the story, but otherwise it's your regular
fanfiction. All comments and reviews are welcome! Just nothing rude.
Thanks again Mona!
~ Chaos