Welcome! (OR Welcome Back!) This story is undergoing some construction, pardon my dust. Chapters 1-8 will have additions or changes marked with ** at the beginning and end of new content. First time readers, ignore those. Oh, and naturally, I assume no ownership of proprietary characters, places, or plots.
The clinic had been closed for several hours now; the only ones who remained were the nighttime janitor and a final doctor. She was sitting in her office that she shared with two others, bent over the final chart in an ever-increasing stack. A few final notations… and she was done. Leaning back, she rubbed her back and let out a sigh of relief. She was almost always the last one at the clinic most nights. She often offered to cover other doctors' shifts when she had the spare time. She even volunteered on days off. Some would say she practically lived at the clinic.
The truth was, she loved the fact that what she did helped people. Oh, and the fact that her apartment was essentially empty, she had no social life, lived alone, and nowhere near family, helped inform her decisions on her heavy work schedule.
So it was not unusual to return to her small apartment very late. What was unusual was that after her put her keys on the counter and turned on a lamp a dark figure loomed out of the darkness. She was not easily startled, but this occurrence made her gasp.
She was about to turn and grab her phone and run out the door when a voice emerged from the figure. "Good evening, Ms. Westin. I expected your arrival earlier." A cool, accented voice said as the shadowy figure came forward into the light to reveal a black woman in business attire.
"Who are you?"
"My apologies for the intrusion, but my employer insisted that I contact you as soon as possible. My name is Naya. Please, be at ease Ms. Westin, I mean you no harm."
She relaxed somewhat and came closer to this mysterious woman. "Margery is fine. Who is your employer?"
Naya smiled and inclined her head. "Very well, Margery. I represent an individual who has need of you particular medical skills. He would like to offer you a job, effectively immediately. You would be well-paid and housed as part of the contract. I have a plane ticket for tomorrow morning for you." She explained.
"Yes, but what is the job… and who do you work for, again?"
"All particulars of the assignment and employment will be discussed upon your arrival. If you choose not to take the job you will still be paid for your trouble and returned home."
Margery got the distinct impression that the more questions she asked the less answers this polite woman would give. "Where would I be going?"
"You would be a guest of the Wakandan government." At this she removed from her coat pocket and showed her passport issued from the reclusive Wakanda and some sort of government i.d. badge. "This is of the utmost importance and I assure you that you will be safe," she hesitated a beat before continuing. "And as a medical professional, I will say that this is an opportunity that you will wish to take."
"How long do I have to think about it?"
She handed over a plane ticket. "The flight departs at 11:15 in the morning. We look forward to seeing you in Wakanda, Ms. Westin."
She bowed her head again and left Margery standing with a plane ticket in her hand a decision to make.
This is insane. I've lost my mind. Margery thought as she listened to the flight attendant's safety speech. She was sitting in a first class cabin. Her curiosity had gotten the better of her and she had hastily packed a small suitcase and called the clinic that morning to tell them she would be taking some time off. They were ecstatic that she was getting out, the receptionist she had spoken to was extra chatty and expressed her concern that she was going to work herself to death there (an opinion she assured Margery was widely held). They would fill her hours with some bright new doctors that needed the experience hours. There was no one else to call really, no pets or houseplants to have watched.
In a last minute thought she had written a hasty note that read: Going for a job interview in Wakanda. If I don't return or send word, something happened. Inform the authorities. Concluded with the date of departure for reference. This trip was close to insanity, so a small precaution was warranted.
**The initial flight and connecting ones went smoothly. When she arrived in Nairobi, Kenya, there was a small and technologically advanced plane that waited to take her the rest of the way to Wakanda.
Looking out the window, she saw that the landscape of Wakanda was varied and beautiful: grassland, lowlands, jungles, and mountains. As the aircraft quickly approached those same forested mountains at a high speed, Margery gripped her armrests. They'll pull up soon, it's probably just an awkward airstrip location… she reasoned. If anything, the speed increased and there was a definite lowering of altitude aimed at the heart of the mountains. Shit!was all she could articulate in her mind as they continued. Just as they were about to smash through the canopy of the trees, the obstruction vanished before her eyes. All Margery could do was emit a small shocked squeak of amazement. The pilot looked across at her and smirked a little.
"Kindly, do not break the seat." She commented smugly as glancing to where Margery still held the armrests in a white-knuckle grip.
They landed smoothly at a landing pad. Margery walked out onto it and felt her eyes go wide. The city was amazing; obviously technologically advanced but with an incorporation of traditional elements that left her smiling like a fool. The buildings around her were tall and as she walked across the landing space her pilot pointed her toward a set of doors.**
Naya stood just inside the doors waiting for Margery.
"I trust that your travels were smooth?" She said with polite interest as she began walking.
She followed, feeling a bit naked because her suitcase and purse had been conveyed away from her to "her rooms." "Yes, it was fine. You didn't have to go through the trouble of first class though."
"On the contrary. You are our guest and we are imposing on you already. It is our duty to make your travels as comfortable as possible." She stopped in front of a door. "I assumed that you would like to speak to my employer immediately instead of going to your rooms. Was I correct?" she politely inquired.
Margery realized that she was about to meet whoever had paid for her to come all this way on such mysterious terms. "Yes. I would like to know who it is that wants me to work for them."
"Very well." She opened the door and walked in. "May I introduce to you T'Challa, King of Wakanda."
**Before her stood a striking man. He was tall and muscular in an elegant way. He was regal in his bearing, but his eyes and smile revealed an undercurrent of personable warmth. News reports certainly had not done this man the justice that seeing him in person was able to.**
He came forward and offered his hand. Margery delayed in shaking it for a moment because one- she was stunned that she was speaking to a King, and two- she wasn't sure if shaking hands with him was rude or not. Ultimately she did, he wouldn't have offered had he not wanted her to.
"It is very good to finally meet you Margery Westin. We have been looking for a doctor with your skills for some time." He said.
"Oh? What skills are those?" Margery inquired politely.
"We have much to discuss. Please have a seat."
Alone in her bedroom after her lengthy meeting with the King of Wakanda, Margery had a lot to think about. They wanted her to help rehabilitate the former assassin and friend of Captain America, James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes (aka the Winter Soldier). They had confidence in her from her previous work with prisoners of war, kidnap victims, and others with deep psychological problems with neurological complications. They wanted to wake him up from his self-induced cryogenic sleep and have her remove the programming that removed his free will. Was this crazy? Could she actually do it?
She picked up the phone in the room and dialed Naya's extension. When she answered Margery simply said, "I'll do it" and hung up.
After all, she helped veterans at the clinic and found fulfillment from it, so this was not so different. She had a duty to help this man, and she would do her best.