"They are our natural enemies!" Jeremy's voice roared around me and I desperately tried not to wince.

"I understand that uncle, but I'm telling you that they are not dangerous!" I exclaimed and had to refrain from rolling my eyes.

"I mean, c'mon, I'm the best hunter you have. I normally wouldn't hesitate in killing a vampire and in fact, I have killed a rogue with the help of another Cullen. They aren't bad. Can I please say my case?!" I exclaim, throwing my hands into the air.

"Just because we share blood does not mean I don't have the same rights as any other keeper." I grumble, gripping the sides of the podium I stood behind. The room was rather eerie, if I was being completely honest. Carlisle stood pressed into a corner where the shadows partially covered him. I figured it best for him to be out of sight. Just in case the very appearance of him could sway the council's mind.

"She's correct, Jeremy, sit down." Madam Helena demanded and he did, immediately. My eyebrows rose and I looked toward the elderly woman.

"Why should we give these vampires a pardon from others of our kind, Raya Elizabeth Swan?" She questioned. Her voice held an undercurrent of power that was both ancient and astonishing. It took me a moment to gather my vocal cords into cooperating, because it's not every day you have a god ask you a question.

"Uh . . ." Oh, real professional, Rae. I'm sure they're just jumping at the chance to grant the pardon now.

"Bella is getting married." I say and they all sit up a bit straighter. Carlisle makes a noise, I growl at him. If Edward wanted to be so fucking difficult all of the time then I would use his idiocy to my advantage.

"To whom?" A voice to my left echoed. I didn't recognize the man, but he was no doubt phenomenal in his own right.

"To the vampire, Edward Cullen. She is a human of sound mind who is choosing to become a vampire." I say, my voice rather strong. I was oddly proud of myself and had to refrain from doing a happy dance over the direction my mind had taken.

"Obviously we have no say in the matter. These vampires are not violent or dangerous to any of the outside world. Why shouldn't we pardon them? Carlisle is a doctor, his wife is the kindest woman you could ever meet, and Bella is a human. Last I checked we protect humans." I say, my eyes hardening on Jeremy.

"Perhaps, dear niece, but we do not offer protection toward humans who have succumbed to their own stupidity." He seethed. He wasn't happy that I had fallen in love with a vampire. Well, that was too fucking bad.

"C'mon, Jeremy, this is about me. Not them. You're pissed because you think I have somehow fallen under their 'spell'. It's ridiculous and prejudice. These vampires may be in denial, but at least they aren't ripping apart throats and causing the streets to flood with blood. Just grant them the pardon, haven't they suffered enough with their own hell?" I ask. I realized that this could be a bit offensive toward Carlisle, but I didn't care.

Madam Helena was rather silent. "Are you engaged, Raya?" She questioned and I burst into laughter.

"Fuck no, ma'am." I gasp trying to relax. Her gaze turned rather amused.

"So, you wish for a pardon to protect your vampire lover and your sister? Why not just get a pardon for two of the vampires?" She asks and I bit my tongue. It would be a bit easier, but . . .

"Because I love them all." I answer, shrugging.

"I thought Keepers were all about family. Sure, these . . . things aren't biologically related, but all you need is love and trust, and they have it. Who are we to rip them away of the security they fought so hard for? They have their business and we have ours, is there a reason we should mesh the two together?" I ask and Jeremy leaned forward.

"You are a keeper, but not only that, you are a princess in this royal court. A huntress by birthright and you are standing there informing us that you wish to protect the very thing you were born to eradicate. It's a mockery!" He roared and I flinched.

"I hated them, uncle!" I roar back, not letting this man speak down to me like that.

"I hated them, too. I was going to kill them, but I fell. Okay? I fell in love with a fucking vampire and some days I really regret it, others I don't even understand it, but he makes me feel better." I was ranting now, but I didn't care. Desperation doesn't exactly equal sophistication.

"They're good. Show some leniency, where are those damn souls you all preach about so much?" I demand, my voice a little more than a holler.

"Silence, Jeremy." Helena sighed heavily as he opened his mouth again.

"I understand your predicament, child. You are in love. It can be a very blinding thing." She says.

"All due respect, madam council, but I am not blind to anything. If I see a vampire with red ruby eyes, it will meet its end. You can bet your ass on that. These vampires feed from animals. I know, Bambi comes to mind, but it's not like that." I say and Carlisle snorts, I cast him a sideways glare.

"Hush, Raya." Helena demands leaning forward. My body tenses and for once, I listen.

Her fingers were laced and her face was contemplative. It seemed like an eternity before she finally looked up at me. "This pardon will hold strings attached to it." Her voice was soft, but nowhere near tame.

"If you wish for this pardon, you will hereby pledge yourself to the vampire family. That means, you will account for all the mistakes. From bloodlust to character in general. These vampires will forever be your responsibility for as long as you live, Raya. Last I checked that will be a very long time. The vampire that you love will also fall under this category. If you leave the family then they will eradicated as if they were any other nest in existence. Are you truly ready for that, darling? From what I have heard, you seem to go wherever the wind takes you. Can you pledge yourself to them? Will your infatuation not wither away?" her voice was calm and steady, while my heartbeat decided it would rather pound in my head.

Could I do that? Absolute clarity washed over me. "Yes. I love him." I searched the wooden podium and knew without a doubt those were the truest words I had ever spoken.

"I will pledge myself to the Cullen clan. That, I swear." I nod at Helena and she looked toward Jeremy.

"These vampires are of no concern to us, dear cousin." She cast her glance around to everyone.

"Your pardon has been granted. Will the Cullen patriarch please come forth?" It was a question, but if he didn't do it, I'm sure she would have killed him. I motioned for him to go with nearly hysteria. He moved toward the middle of the room to stand in front of me. Helena made a swirling motion with her wrist and in front of her grew a bottle. My eyes shut at the breeze of pure energy. A buzzing sensation overcame my skin at the true power it held.

I opened my eyes to see that the bottle was about four inches high and an inch wide, filled to the top with a bluish liquid that seemed to shimmer. "This is a pardon, Carlisle. Each member of your vampire family shall drink no more than five drops and no less. The effects will stay until death. After you drink it, then a scent that only keepers can trace with envelop you. Letting anyone know that you are under the protection of the council. Or rather, Raya." Her eyes dance up to me and I bit my tongue.

"You will be safe from our kind." She flicked her wrist and the bottle flew through the air. Carlisle caught it effortlessly.

"Now leave our domain." Jeremy hissed, flicking his own wrist in our direction. I didn't have time to catch my balance before we were engulfed into that swirling grey mass of oblivion. The trip was a bit shorter than last time and I landed in water with a cry. Carlisle came up shortly after me. Both of us drenched.

I stared at the bottle, stunned. We locked eyes and he laughed, before hugging me. My eyes widened and I patted his shoulder. "You were positively magnificent in there." He says, releasing me.

"Um, thanks." I say and he nods. We exit the water and onto the surface. He smiled at the sun and then sighed to himself.

"Let's go home."