The Ghost Of Me

Chapter One: Back In Black

Previously, in the Bluecatcinemaverse...

Daring Do hung up her phone.

"Oh my Faust!" She turned to her daughter, Hurricane. "Tell your father to not get into that carriage!"

The carriage outside their home exploded.

Caboose, wearing a police uniform, was interrogating a suspect in a dark room.

"You want my badge number?" He slammed the badge into the suspect's face. "Here's my freakin' badge number!"

Lars and Lyra, both wearing suits, were talking to another suited pony.

"I can't lose this case!" Lyra declared.

"Lyra, the case is already over!" Lars told her.

Blue Blazes was crying over Vinny's bloody corpse.

"Who did this to you?!" He wailed.

Twilight Sparkle was looking through a microscope.

"In all my years of research, I've never seen a virus reproduce this quickly." She murmured fearfully.

Sonny and Lars were driving an out of control speedboat as they struggled to regain control, only for them to crash into the side of the pier.

"AAAAAAAAH" Sonny and Lars screamed as they splashed into the water.

Sterling was on the phone as he was in the room with a dead body.

"Everypony I told about the file is dead!" Sterling glared as he frowned at the body.

Fletcher was kneeling in front of a bomb, wire cutters at the ready.

"What do you mean, 'cut the blue wire'?" He spoke into a walkie talkie. "They're all blue wires!"

Caboose and Fletcher (in suits) ran as they shot at a runaway criminal.

Celestia and Luna were stood before a hospital bed, Shine Paladin laying on it, unmoving.

"Face it, he's never coming out of that coma." Luna told Celestia.

Celestia slapped Luna across the face.

Caboose was being lifted away in the claws of a dragon. He stabbed it in the toe with a crossbow bolt, causing the dragon to drop him... from five hundred feet in the air.

"AHHHHH!" Caboose screamed, as he crashed through a glass ceiling and plummeted toward the ground.


Caboose opened up a letter as his entire family glanced at the note.

"Brian's gone to Los Anglades to find himself!" Caboose gasped... only to frown. "Wait a minute... who's Brian?!"

Just kidding. Here's what really happened last time...

Elite Everest, director of the Royal Defense Legion, stood before Captain Fletcher Ulysses and his trusted Lieutenant, Caboose James Napoleon, who had just agreed to be a part of a new group he was putting together.

"Captain, Lieutenant, I would like you to meet an old friend and trusted colleague of mine..." Elite turned to a oddly shadowed part of the room. "Come on out..."

Red hooves made their ways out of the shadows, as both Caboose and Fletcher's face went from confusion to complete and utter shock.

Standing before them, not in a dream, nor dead in the ground, was none other than Black Knight Paladin.

"What in Faust's buck?" Caboose gaped.

"This... this can't be..." Fletcher shook his head.

"Hello, Caboose... Fletcher..." Black nodded. "I heard quite a lot about you two." He then smiled. "Looks like us three might be working together. Exciting, isn't it?"

Fletcher and Caboose just stared in shock, trying to voice their reactions...

"Look at them." Elite grinned. "They're so thrilled they can't even speak..."

Caboose and Fletcher slowly turned to Elite, still dumbfounded by what they were seeing.

"I believe some explanation is in order." Elite declared.

The present...

Both Caboose and Fletcher stared in shock at Black... well, Fletcher was. The revelation of the pony he killed being alive had caused Caboose to snap, as he closing his eyes, singing to himself.

"'It was the heat of the moment..." Caboose drowsily sang, tilting his head back and forth. "Telling me what your heart meant..."

"Caboose, snap out of it!" Fletcher yelled. "We have an enemy of the state standing before us! One who is supposed to be dead..."

"Oh, right!" Caboose came back to Equestria, frowning at Black. "...Didn't I kill you? 'Cuz I'm pretty sure I killed you..."

"So was I, to tell the truth..." Black joked.

"Oh, you have jokes?" Fletcher snarled. "Well, you'll be able to share those with your fellow inmates after we arrest you!"

"Easy there, Captain." Elite stepped forward.

"Sir, how can you possibly associate yourself with this monster?" Fletcher turned to Elite.

"Whoa, now." Black frowned. "I know I've done some bad things, but 'monster' is a little harsh, don't you think?"

"Fletcher, there is an explanation for all this, I assure you." Elite declared.

"Well, you won't mind if I get some of our fellow Guards to hear it." Fletcher marched towards the door.

As the door opened, Fletcher saw a huge, brown-coated Diamond Dog standing before him.

"Hrrrr." The Diamond Dog growled, gripping Fletcher by the shoulder as he dragged him back to the desk.

"Take your stinking paws off me you damn dirty mutt!" Fletcher snarled, as he tried to break free of his grip.

The Diamond Dog snarled back, even louder.

"Easy there, Titan." Elite soothed, as he turned to Fletcher, "Fletcher, I only ask that you hear me and Black out."

"It doesn't look like you're asking me." Fletcher glared.

"Maybe we should listen, Fletch." Caboose suggested, eyeing Titan warily. "My brothers onced tangoed with a Diamond Dog his size, and they all needed to get rabies shots... and the Dog was a horrible dancer!"

"Well, since it seems we're not going anywhere..." Fletcher growled.

"Trust me, all will be made clear." Elite declared, as he then turned to the one named Titan. "Make sure nopony disturbs us."

Titan gave a huff as he stomped outside the room and shut the door.

"I apologise for the rough treatment." Elite told Fletcher and Caboose. "But I need you to know what this is really all about, and the last thing I need is for one of you to go rushing off to tell anypony."

"Hey, I can keep a secret." Caboose pouted.

"That may be, but you need to know the whole story." Elite declared. "Trust me, all will soon become clear."

"How about making it clear about why you are with him and why he is alive right now!" Fletcher glared at Black. "I mean, you're the director of the RDL, and you're working with the stallion who smeared its name!"

"All in due time... but I believe it should be known that Black is not the stallion that you, Caboose, and so many others think he is..." Elite said mysteriously.

"Oh, really?" Fletcher raised an eyebrow. "Then he has played the role spectacularly well."

"Thanks." Black smiled. "I like to think I'm a pretty good actor."

"An actor?" Caboose frowned. "Really?"

"Indeed he is." Elite nodded. "All that you think you know of Black Knight Paladin was a carefully crafted ruse, of which only a select few are aware. I am just one of those ponies."

"So you're saying all the horrible things Black has done has been part of one big con?" Fletcher sneered. "Forgive me if I'm a little bit skeptical."

"And forgive me if I am suddenly hooked." Caboose smiled. "I sense an awesome flashback story coming on!"

"Seriously, Caboose?" Fletcher frowned.

"What? Sure, he's a terrorist, a murderer, a traitor, a foalnapper, and has terrible taste in eyepatches , but I'm sure everyone... and I do mean EVERYONE..." Caboose winked. "...Is curious to know how he came to be this bad guy..."

"Not exactly how I would put it, but yes, it is indeed a very long story..." Black smirked. "Better get comfortable..."

Many years ago...

'It all started around forty years ago... me and my brother, White, had just finished our training in the RDL's academy in the mountains, and were shipped off to Saddle Arabia. As you know, being soldiers ran in our family. We had gone in, in hopes of doing our country proud... but little did we know that what happened in the next few years that followed would change our lives forever...'

In the desert country of Saddle Arabia, an airship descended on one of the Royal Defence Legion's camp. Once the ship had landed, the side unfolded into a ramp. From within emerged dozens of soldiers, having just completed their training. Among those recruits were White Knight Paladin and Black Knight Paladin.

"I can't believe we're finally here!" White smiled. "Look at us, Black. We're full-fledged RDL soldiers at last!"

"Yeah, great." Black nodded. "Let's hope they've got air conditioning in there..."

"What's the matter, Black?" White frowned. "Last I heard, you wanted this as much as I did."

"Yeah, but it doesn't mean I'm gnna lose it now that we're finally here." Black snorted. "Seriously White, you sound like a mare at a fashion show."

"Very funny..." White pouted.

The new recruits were lead into the main building. They were greeted by the General, a gunmetal gray Earth Pony stallion with a white, buzzcut mane, a square jaw, dull yellow eyes, and a Cutie Mark of a cannon.

"Alright maggots, fall in!" The General roared. "I am General Turret, and from now on, you will do everything I say, without hesitation, or questions! Is that clear?"

"Yes, General Turret, sir." The recruits chorused.

"I can't hear you!" Turret snarled.

"YES, GENERAL TURRET, SIR!" The recruits boomed.

"That's more like it." Turret nodded. "You have five minutes to drop your belongings off at the barracks, then you come back here for your first assignments! Dismissed!"

"Sir, yes sir!" The recruits saluted, before moving out.

"He seems nice." Black joked. "Almost makes me miss that psycho Drill Sergeant we were stuck with during training..."

"I'll admit, Ermey was a little rough on us." White shrugged. "But if not for him, we wouldn't be here right now."

"Yeah, maybe." Black declared. "I could have done without all the eardrum-busting yelling, though."

As they reached the barracks,White naturally chose a bed that was right next to Black's.

"Finally." White smiled. "This is where we'll be living as we strive to make the world a better place."

"You're not gonna cry, are ya?" Black snorted.

"Real funny." White rolled his eyes.

"I think you've got the right idea." A snow-white Pegasus stallion with a gray mane, royal blue eyes and Cutie Mark of a mountain said, as he took the bed opposite White's. "That's what being a soldier is all about: Making a difference."

"Great, another one..." Black sighed.

"Nice to meet you." White smiled. "I'm White Knight Paladin, and this is my brother, Black."

"'Sup." Black said nonchalantly.

"I'm Avalanche." The stallion smiled.

"I know that name." White mused. "Weren't you the trainee who received the 'best markspony' award?"

"Sure was." Avalanche grinned. "Not to brag, but I've been told I have all the makings of a great sniper."

"Whoop-dee-doo." A teal Unicorn mare with a short red mane, pale orange eyes and a Cutie Mark of a crossed knife and arrow sneered. "Like shooting your enemy from a distance is anything to be proud of. What's the matter, you too scared to take 'em on face-face? I prefer to pound those guys with my bare hooves."

"There's nothing cowardly about sniping." Avalanche growled. "It's strategically sound."

"But not as much fun as beating down the enemy up close and personal." The mare smirked. "I wanna be close enough to hear their bones breaking."

"Where I come from, it's considered... unseemly for a lady to talk like that." White frowned.

"I never claimed to be no lady, pal." The mare declared proudly. "Besides, ladies don't get to crack skulls."

"I like your attitude." Black chuckled.

"Thanks, red." The mare grinned. "I'm Nora. Lookin' forward to bustin' some heads with you."

"Me too." Black smirked.

"They like to think busting heads is the only reason we're here..." White sighed.

"I know, right?" Avalanche agreed. "Good thing there are some real soldiers here..."

As they finished putting away their posessions, Black was bumped into by a short Earth Pony stallion, one with a blue coat, yellow mane, green eyes, and a Cutie Mark of a single arrow.

"Watch it, shorty!" Black growled.

"Sorry!" The stallion apologised. "I just... didn't want to be lagging behind."

"So you thought you'd just push ahead?" Black frowned. "Not a good viewpoint for a soldier, pal."

"Come on, Black." White sighed. "Ease up. He didn't mean any harm."

"I know." Black shrugged. "I was just messing with him."

"You were?" The stallion asked.

"Yeah." Black nodded. "What's your name, shorty?"

"Rookie Blue." The stallion nodded.

"Nice to make your acquaintance, Rookie." White nodded. "Right, Black?"

"Yeah... just so long as you don't make a habit of bumping into me." Black nodded.

"I won't." Rookie nodded. "And I'm looking forward to working alongside you."

"Listen to this guy." Nora snorted. "Real team spirit there."

"I like that." Avalanche nodded. "You're gonna do just fine here, Blue."

"We'll see..." Black declared. "Once we get out on the battlefield, we'll be able to tell who the real soldiers are..."

The recruits returned to Turret, ready for their first assignment.

"Alright, troops!" Turret announced. "I know it's your first day out in this hellhole those desert rats dare call a country, but we gotta hit the ground running! We've received intel that there's a gathering of terrorists on the northeast side. Your mission is to storm their camp and take them down! But be sure to leave a couple alive for questioning. Grab your weapons and gear. We leave ASAP!"

The soldiers started to gear up, grabbing crossbows and camoflagued flak jackets.

"Let's kick some terrorist flank!" Nora declared.

"Now there's a mare after my own heart." Black smirked.

Once they were armed, the troops followed Turret out into the sands. Before long, they reached the periphery of the terrorist camp.

"Okay, first things first." Turret whispered. "Avalanche, put those crossbow skills to good use and snipe the Guards."

"Yes, sir." Avalanche took his crossbow. He glanced at Nora. "Watch this. You might just learn something."

"Fat chance..." Nora sneered.

Avalanche edged closer to the camp, where four guards stood. He took careful aim, and took down each guard with a bolt to the head. He returned to the group with a smug grin.

"That's how it's done." He declared, his gaze falling on Nora.

"Big whoop." Nora shrugged. "Take 'em down up close, and then I'll be impressed."

"Enough talk." Turret declared. "Now we strike, before the enemy realises anything's wrong. Charge!"

The group rushed upon the camp, all guns blazing. From within the tents emerged several more ponies, mostly Unicorns, shrouded in dark hoods or wearing bandanas tied around their faces, who retaliated in kind, firing crossbow bolts and magic blasts. But the RDL had the element of surprise on their side, and numbers.

"Come on!" Nora charged at a brutish Earth Pony stallion.

"I will break you, little girl!" The stallion roared, throwing a punch.

Nora caught the punch.

"Or the other way around." She smirked, breaking his hoof in one quick twist.

"Ahh!" The stallion screamed.

"Nighty-night." Nora punched him in the face, knocking him out. She then smirked at Avalanche. "That's how it's done, pal!"

"No finesse." Avalanche sighed, as he ducked a magic blast and retaliated with a crossbow bolt. "None at all..."

Some soldiers had no problem killing their targets. White wasn't one of them. He refrained from kill shots, instead incapacitating his enemies with shots to the hooves or stomach.

"What's the matter?" Another soldier chided him. "Too soft to kill?"

"On the contrary." White declared. "The General wanted some left alive for questioning. I'll take care of that. More to kill for the rest of you."

"Sweet." The soldier grinned.

Black had no compunctions about killing if he deemed it necessary. He cooly and clinically fired crossbow bolts into those who challenged him.

"Terrorise this!" He snarled, shooting a stallion square in the eyes.

"Paladin! Paladin!" Turret called. "Keep up the good work!"

"Yes, sir!" The brothers chorused.

Rookie Blue was also handling himself quite well. While not exactly a top-rate soldier, he scored some decent hits.

"Not bad, shorty." Black admitted, after Rookie brought down another terrorist.

"Yeah." Avalanche nodded, as he shot another terrorist. "Why do they call you 'Rookie'?"

"Because that's my name." Rookie shrugged.

"Pretty weird name, if you ask me." Nora declared. "What were your folks thinking?"

One of the Unicorns suddenly blasted White in the side.

"Ahh!" White yelped, dropping to the ground.

"Back off my brother, punk!" An enraged Black shot the offending pony in the neck.

In his anger, Black left himself open to enemy fire. One stallion fired a magic bolt at him. The bolt didn't hit him head on, but scraped the side of a leg.

"Yarrr!" Black growled. He returned fire, taking the sniper down.

"Paladin! Paladin!" Turret called. "You two okay?!"

"I'm fine, sir." White stood back up. "Nothing I can't power through."

"Yeah." Black agreed. "I'm not done yet..."

Despite their injuries, the Paladin brothers continued with the assault. By then, the terrorists' numbers had dropped dramatically. But some were still holding out. And of course, some of the RDL's own troops had fallen during the clash.

As Avalanche took down another target, another crossbow stallion took aim at him from behind a tent. Nora spotted him before he could fire.

"Oh no, you don't!" She pulled out a combat knife and flung it at the sniper.

The knife embedded itself in the sniper's hoof.

"Agh!" He screamed, dropping the crossbow.

"That's one you owe me, buddy-boy!" Nora smirked at Avalanche.

Avalanche pointed his crossbow at Nora.

"Hey, what are you-?" Nora frowned.

Avalanche fired, and the bolt flew past Nora, into the head of a stallion who was about to jump her.

"Now, we're even." Avalanche grinned.

"Aww..." Nora pouted. "I was gonna milk that 'you owe me' thing for all it was worth..."

The terorists' numbers dwindled into single figures. Realising they couldn't win, the remainder held up their hooves in defeat.

"We surrender." One of the Unicorns declared.

"Of course you do." Turret smirked.

The troops restrained the remaining terrorists, and gathered up the bodies of their fallen comrades for proper burial.

"Nice job, newbies." Turret declared. "Now, let's return to home base!"

The soldiers followed suit.

"Paladin and Paladin." Turret declared. "Nice work out there. Even being wounded didn't stop you guys."

"We're here to serve, sir." White declared.

"Besides, it takes more than a scratch to bring me down." Black smirked.

"Be that as it may, first thing you're gonna do when we get back is let yourselves get patched up." Turret declared. "That clear?"

"Yes, sir." The brothers chorused.

As they returned to their base, Turret led the brothers to their medical unit.

"Medic!" Turret yelled. "We got two soldiers wounded over here!"

An albino Earth Pony with pink eyes and a cotton swab Cutie Mark rushed over. Both White and Black were surprised to see such a pony.

"Oh, my." He said, in a very soft voice. "This looks rough. Give me a moment, and I'll see what I can do." He looked through his medical supplies.

"Nevec here will have you fixed up in no time." Turret declared, as he departed to attend to other business.

The brothers turned to look at Nevec, who was still looking through his supplies.

"Yikes." Black grimaced. "And I thought being blasted was harsh. Seeing this guy nearly gave me a heart attack."

"Black, be nice." White hissed. "He can't help what he is."

"He could get contacts for those freaky eyes, at least." Black retorted.

"Here we go." Nevec smiled. "Some bandages and salve." He looked between the brothers, acknowledging Black's wound to be worse. "I'll attend to you first, I think."

"Do you have to?" Black muttered under his breath.

"That is a nasty scrape." Nevec poured some salve over Black's leg wound.

"Ah." Black scowled, the liquid stinging.

"Shh." Nevec said softly, as he wrapped the bandage around the leg wound. "Just leave that bandage on for a day or two, and you'll be just fine." He turned to White. "Now, for you. Your wound isn't quite as bad. Just a little burn."

"That's good to hear." White smiled.

"Hold still now." Nevec said, in a smooth, yet creepy voice. "This won't hurt a bit."

Nevec poured some salve onto a cloth, then rubbed it against White's burn. White was more than a little unnerved at the slow, steady way Nevec rubbed. But he couldn't argue with results; The liquid was easing his burn considerably. Before long, there was barely any sign of it left.

"There." Nevec grinned, as he put away his tools. "Smooth as a foal's backside..."

"Um... thanks." White said awkwardly.

"Try telling me he's not creepy now." Black whispered.

"While it was nice to meet you fellows, I do hope I won't be seeing too much of you." Nevec admitted.

"The feeling's mutual..." Black muttered.

"Thanks anyway, though." White smiled.

"My pleasure." Nevec smiled his creepy smile. "Truly..."

"Come on, White." Black urged. "Let's get back to the barracks."

The two brothers departed the medical unit.

"Thanks for stepping in back there." White smiled. "I'd have been a lot worse than burnt if it weren't for you."

"Forget about it." Black shrugged. "You'd have done the same. That's what brothers do."

"That's one thing that'll never change." White smiled. "No matter what, we'll always have each others' backs. Right?"

"Like you even have to ask." Black nodded.

"Nope." White agreed. "You're the one pony I know I can always count on."

"If you try to hug me, I'm gonna slug ya." Black joked.

"Don't worry, tough guy." White lightly Black in the shoulder. "We're soldiers, remember? And soldiers don't hug... no matter how much they may want to."

"Speak for yourself, softie." Black jabbed him back.

"But seriously, as long as we stand together, I know we withstand anything life tries to throw at us." White declared.

"Couldn't have put it better myself." Black smiled, as they reached the barracks. "You and me, bro. The ultimate team."

Over the coming weeks, they went through more military operations. White and Black proved themselves to be among the most skilled of the troop. Black especially earned a reputation for faultless assaults and tactics. Of course, their fellow soldiers couldn't help but notice.

"Nice job out there, Black." Avalanche smiled one evening, after another successful mission.

"Yeah, way to make the rest of us look bad." Nora joked.

"Just doing my job." Black shrugged, walking past them.

"Good at being a soldier, yes." Avalanche mused. "Good at socializing, no."

"Nopony's perfect." Nora shrugged.

"That's just how Black is." White joined them. "It takes a while for him to warm up to ponies. Give him time."

Aside from White, Black preferred not to interact much with his fellow troops. White had made quite a few new friends, and tried to bring Black in, but Black hadn't been too thrilled at the idea. Just the fact that he had to share the barracks with so many others chafed at him. He felt constricted and suffocated. He would have dearly loved some time to himself...

"Hey, Black?" Rookie asked, as Black walked past.

"What?" Black asked bluntly.

"I was working on a little something." Rookie held up a tape player. "Mind giving me a second opinion?"

"No thanks." Black shook his head.

"It'll only take a second." Rookie held up some headphones. "Please?"

"Okay, but make it quick." Black sighed, slipping on the headphones.

"Great." Rookie smiled, switching on the player.

Black heard a catchy medley of songs, mostly rock, but some were jazz, and even country music.

"Not bad." Black admitted.

"You like it?" Rookie asked.

"Yeah, sure." Black nodded.

"In case, you can keep it." Rookie popped out the tape.

"Nah, I shouldn't-" Black frowned.

"I can always make another mix tape." Rookie declared. "Besides, a great soldier like you deserves some good tunes."

"...Thanks." Black took the tape.

"My pleasure." Rookie smiled.

Black returned to his bed, placed the tape in his own player, and listened.

"So look at me now

I'm just making my play

Don't try to push your luck

Just get outta my way..."

Black suddenly switched off the player.

'Better watch yourself, Black.' He thought. 'You're there to be a soldier, not make friends...'

One evening, Black left the barracks, walked into a tavern in a small town nearby. It was a very rustic and rough-looking place.

"Gimme a beer." He told the bartender, a gruff-looking Griffon.

"Comin' right up." The Griffon said flatly, handing him a bottle.

Black passed over a couple of Bits, then opened the bottle, and swigged it down in one.

"Finally, some time to myself..." He muttered.

As Black looked around the bar, he saw a wooden cage on the far end. Inside, two ponies were fighting, with a crowd on onlookers cheering and placing bets on the outcome. Black had heard of this tavern's "cage fights". Though he had come just to drink, there was something alluring about the prospect of unrestrained combat...

"Okay, folks." A stout Earth Pony announcer declared, as one of the fighters was brought down by his opponent, a muscular dark blue Pegasus with orange eyes, a black mane and a Cutie Mark of a boxing glove. "Who else wants to try their luck against our reining champ, Gale Force?"

Black left the empty bottle and walked over.

"I'll give it a shot." He announced.

"Right this way, sir." The announcer opened the cage door.

Black entered (as the loser of the previous fight was dragged out) and stood face-to-face with his opponent.

"I hope you put up a decent fight." Gale Force sneered, his mouth full of broken, jagged teeth.

"Careful what you wish for, musclehead." Black grinned.

Gale lunged at Black, who dodged him. Momentarily confused, he lunged again, and Black still dodged.

"What do you think you're doing?" Gale growled.

"What you wanted me to: Put up a decent fight." Black smirked.

"I meant 'fight' as in 'hit me'!" Gale yelled.

"You got it." Black landed a lightning-fast punch on Gale's nose.

"Ugh!" Gale staggered back. "Why, you-!"

Gale continued lashing out at Black, who dodged every blow and retaliated with one of his own. Before long, Gale was bruised and exhausted.

"This can't be happening..." He wheezed. "I'm the champ..."

"Not any more." Black landed a right cross that knocked Gale to the ground.

Gale lay on the floor, out cold.

"And we have a new champion!" The announcer declared, as the crowd cheered.

'Not a bad way to spend an evening...' Black thought.

Black returned to the barracks soon after.

"Where have you been?" White asked.

"Just went for a drink." Black shrugged. "No big deal. Why, you gotta problem with that?"

"Just as long as you don't stay out too late." White declared. "We're soldiers, remember? We can't afford to be drowsy when we're in the middle of battle."

"Please. Even with no sleep at all, I could take anything those sand dwellers could dish out." Black boasted.

"Well, as long as you're not being overconfident..." White joked.

"If you want me to get some sleep, then you should stop talking." Black scowled.

"Why don't you both quit the chatter?" Avalanche called. "You're not the only ones here in need in sleep."

"Aw, poor baby." Nora teased. "Does diddums need his nappy-poo? Yeah, we wouldn't want you getting cranky tomorrow."

A number of the still-awake soldiers had a good laugh about that.

"You can shut up, too." Avalanche rolled over.

"I'd like to see you try to make me..." Nora smirked.

"Majority ruling." White declared. "Time to sleep."

"Yeah, yeah..." Black climbed into bed. Despite the ease at which he had defeated Gale, he had expended some energy on the brute, and needed to rest.

Over the next week, Black partook in more cage fights, effortlessly trouncing the opposition.

'Too easy.' Black thought, as he brought down another challenger. 'Isn't there somepony who can give me a real fight?'

"Who else is brave enough to get into the ring with our champ?" The announcer offered.

"I'll give it a shot." Somepony spoke up.

"It's your funeral, pal." Black smirked.

"We'll see..." The stallion declared, entering the cage.

As he did so, Black was shocked to see that the pony was a slightly older Pegasus... even more so to see that one of his hooves was a prosthetic.

"Whoa, hold it right there, bub." Black held up a hoof. "I don't feel right beating up a gimp."

"Who ya callin' a gimp?" The stallion scoffed.

"Look, pal, why don't you back out now while you have the chance? Because I won't take it easy on you." Black frowned.

"I wouldn't forgive you if you did." The stallion smirked back. "Unless of course you're afraid you'll lose."

"I'm not afraid of anything." Black sneered.

"Then you're a fool." The stallion retorted. "Fear is natural, and yet you deny it? You may as well deny common sense, while you're at it."

"Pretty fancy talk." Black growled. "But this is a fight, not a philosophical debate. Meaning you oughta shut up your mouth and put up your hooves."

"Sounds like I'm not the only one who has a way with words." The stallion smirked. "Let's see if you can back up your tough talk."

"Just worry about yourself, pal." Black snarled.

The fight bell rang, and the clash began.

"Mind if I make the first move?" The stallion asked.

"May as well." Black sneered. "You won't be making that many in this fight..."

The stallion struck Black in the face with his metal hoof, faster than he could react.

"Ahh!" Black yelped. "How'd you-?"

"What's the matter, champ?" The stallion smirked. "I'm not too fast for you, am I?"

"Lucky shot." Black snarled. He threw a punch of his own at his opponent, landing a solid blow that sent him trotting backwards. "How ya like that?!"

"Not bad." The stallion rubbed his jaw. "I can see why you're the 'champ' around here. You're certainly more skilled than the local street brawler... I wonder why that is?"

"None of your business." Black sneered. "Besides, I'm just getting warmed up!"

"Good to know." The stallion smiled. "And by the way, so am I."

"Then let's just get right down to it." Black growled.

"With pleasure." The stallion nodded.

The two engaged in an epic duel. In spite of the stallion's older age, he was proving to be a difficult opponent.

The stallion punched Black across the face, and Black countered with a kick. The stallion headbutted him.

"Guh!" Black stumbled back. "Try this on for size!"

Black grabbed the stallion by the midsection, slammed him on the floor. He climbed the cage, leapt off, and elbow-dropped the stallion.

"Ugh!" The stallion groaned.

"Had enough yet?" Black sneered.

"Does this answer your question?" The stallion asked, tripping Black up. He leapt onto Black, putting him in a half-Nelson.

"Let... go!" Black rammed the back of his head into the stallion's face, knocking him back.

The clash continued, both sides raining down punches, kicks and other such powerful strikes. Before long, both were near exhaustion.

"Time to end this." Black snarled, wiping his bloody lip.

"Yes, let's." The stallion nodded as he crick his neck.

The two charged at each other, and at the same, threw a punch. Their hooves connected with the others' face at the exact same time. For a moment, they stood still, the impact of the blows reverberating through them. Then, Black dropped backwards, falling into unconsciousness.

"I'm afraid that's it for our champ!" The announcer declared.

The crowd cheered for the newcomer.

As Black was being dragged out of the ring, he came to.

"Get off me!" He yelled at the stallions dragging him.

The crowd booed as Black leapt to his feet, disappointed by his defeat.

"Back off!" Black spat, pushing his way through the crowd.

As he did so, the stallion watched on, with intrigue in his eyes.

Black left the bar stewing in anger and wounded pride.

"Stinking punk!" He snarled. "He must have cheated somehow. Nopony beats me! Nopony! And now, thanks to him, I'll probably be a laughing stock around here. I'll never be able to show my face in that bar again..."

Suddenly, he heard somepony called out to him.

"Hey, champ!"

Black glared as he noticed the stallion who had beaten him running up to him, holding a satchel.

"What do you want?" Black growled. "Wanna rub it in my face?"

"Not at all." The stallion replied. "In fact, I'd like to say that was the best fight I've had in a long time."

"Yeah, thanks." Black sneered. "Now kindly leave."

"But I'm done yet." The stallion replied. "I have much more to say to you."

"Too bad I'm not interested in hearing it." Black sneered.

The stallion suddenly grabbed Black, and pulled him into an alley.

"Oh, but I insist you hear me out." He declared.

"Get offa me!" Black struggled.

"Not until you hear me out." The stallion insisted.

"Just who do you think you are, anyway?" Black growled.

"I'm surprised you hadn't heard of me." The stallion smirked. "You think an RDL soldier would know better..."

"Wait, how did you know I was..." Black frowned, as he then snarled. "Who are you?!"

"Hmm, I am Elite Price Everest." Elite declared, as he then pulled out a medal, bearing the RDL's logo of the three letters surrounded by the outline of an Alicorn's wings and horn. "The Director of the Royal Defense Legion."

"...What?" Black gaped.

The Present...

"And that, kids, is how I met your director." Caboose declared happily.

The room went silent.

"You just couldn't resist that reference, could you?" Fletcher rolled his eyes.

"Nope." Caboose chuckled.

"Yeah, well if you wouldn't mind interrupting my story." Black scowled. "Especially when we're getting to the important stuff."

"Sorry." Caboose shrugged.

"I'm still not seeing any real explanations yet." Fletcher frowned.

"Patience, my friend." Elite told him. "The true revelations are yet to come."

"So in other words, sit tight and listen." Black declared. "Because here's where things start to get serious..."

To Be Continued...

(My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic and all associated characters are the property of Hasbro."Heat of the Moment" is the property of the band Asia. "Back in Black" is the property of AC/DC.)