Maybe Someday: A Miroku x Sango Love Story
*Disclaimer: * As if I could ever author an incredibly popular manga…yadda yadda, by now you know I don't own nothing.
Okay, if no one has noticed it yet, look at the first letters of the first two words of my title. M and S. M/S. Yeah, I know it's supposed to be S/M, but I wanted a title that had the couple's initials in it, and Maybe Someday struck me, and Someday Maybe didn't sound as good. Just so you know.
Sango and Miroku stepped happily into Kaede's village. It was so nice and familiar, after their days of adventuring and adversity.
Walking into Kaede's hut, they found the old woman, and Inuyasha, Kagome, and Shippou gathered around a fire.
"Sango-chan! Miroku!" cried Kagome happily, as she leapt up from her spot near the fire and flung herselves at them. "Are you guys okay? Did you find that Lake or whatever?"
Sango and Miroku smiled. "Yes, we found the Lake," replied Sango. "We're okay, now we're here to stay."
"Good," added Inuyasha, not looking at them, still from his spot near the fire. "We need to get going and get more Shikon shards."
"Inuyasha!" shrieked Kagome, as she turned on him furiously. "Miroku's life hung in the balance, and they just came back, and all you can think of are Shikon shards?"
Sango smiled wider, glad to find out that nothing had changed between the others in the time they were gone. As Inuyasha and Kagome argued, Kaede and Shippou shaking their heads, Sango and Miroku clasped hands and stepped outside into the beautiful calm, clear night.
Back on the quest to defeat Naraku and complete the Shikon Jewel, Kagome came to Sango and pulled her behind the rest of the company.
"So, Sango," asked Kagome slyly. "What happened between you and Miroku?"
"What makes you think anything's happened?" Sango asked.
Kagome sighed. "It's so obvious," she said. "Besides, you look so…happy now. Well, happier than you have been, at least." It was true, though Sango herself didn't know it. There was a happy sparkle in her eyes that hadn't been there before, and she seemed much more prone to smile than she had been before.
Sango and Miroku had been holding hands, sneaking kisses when they thought no one was looking. They didn't know, of course, that Kagome had forced Inuyasha and Shippou to spy with her on Sango and Miroku constantly.
"It must have been so romantic," said Kagome. "You must have been in danger, and Miroku came to save you. And then he dropped on one knee and handed you a rose and declared his everlasting love to you…"
Sango said nothing, simply kept on smiling and let Kagome prattle on. The girl would be much happier with her own story, anyway, Sango thought.
"Kagome, if you want to know what happened between Miroku and me," said Sango, a dreamy expression on her face, "I'll tell you. Love happened."
Kagome squealed in delight and then bombarded Sango with more questions.
Sango sighed comfortably in her bedroll that night, curled up close with Miroku, not doing anything, just lying together. Miroku was whispering in her ear, his breath tickling her. It was at times like this, thought Sango, when she was fully revelling in Miroku's love, that things like the Shikon Jewel, or Kohaku, or Naraku, or Miroku's kazaana didn't seem to matter at all… that the world seemed to shrink until only they and their love existed.
A/N: Yes, I'm done with this story. This is one of my few fics that I've actually finished, and not lost inspiration for. Hehehe, couldn't resist adding in that little bit of Kagome-bashing in this epilogue. Sorry to all you Kagome-lovers. Sorry also about the reaaaaaallllllyyyyyy short chapter, but it's just an epilogue. Not much in the way of plot continuation.
A great big, final thank you must go out to all my reviewers. You have told me that someone out there appreciates me and my writing.
Oh yeah, sorry [email protected], I didn't realize that all the multiple reviews were due to a bug in the system. I apologize for reprimanding you…I should've figured you wouldn't do it anyway.
Once more, good night all you crazy-cool cats out there.