Screaming. All he could hear was screaming burning through his head, making him push on harder and faster to reach his goal. How many more steps were there? Surely he should be at the top by now. The closer he got, the quieter the screaming seemed to get until finally he was in the room. Lyanna was lying there, blood soaked the sheets surrounding her frail frame. Her eyes were trained in on Ned and almost amused smile stretched across her lips. Ned rushed to her side, attempting to clasp her hands in his own. Her hands were already occupied however. A babe lay cradled in each of her arms. The first may as well have been a child of Eddard's – his hair was jet black, his eyes equally so, a Northern child by anyone's assumptions. The second appeared the same, hair equally as dark. It was only when the child stirred and opened its eyes that Ned's concerns were confirmed. Indigo. Just like Rhaegar's.

"Ned." Lyanna croaked, a look of pride etched upon her grey features. The babies were cooing at the sound of their mother's voice, as fragile as it was. "He's gone, isn't he?" She asked, and Ned bowed his head, yet her face did not falter. "I thought so. I can feel him, calling for me. He's here, beckoning me to him." Lyanna rambled, her eyes flickering.

"Lyanna – you're going to be fine. You're all going to be fine." Ned tried to comfort her, but he really couldn't see a solution to this situation. There was just so much blood.

"Ned, I'm not a child. I'm a mother now." She laughed, lightly. "Which reminds me, I need you Ned." Her breathing was shallow and quickened, her eyes searching Ned's. "Raise them for me. Raise them as your own. Robert will legitimise them if you ask him too. He would do anything for you Ned. Please." Ned nodded.

"Anything Lyanna." He promised.

"Jon and Elaena, the loves of my life." Lyanna trailed off. Ned let the babes stay warm in her arms for a few moments longer, mourning his sister, mourning the mother of these two young children. As the life left Lyanna's body, the purple-eyed baby woke, crying. Its cries woke the other child, the room filled with noise once more. How was he going to explain this to Robert? How was he going to explain this to Catelyn?

Wrapped up in her furs, Elaena sat cooped up in the library watching the courtyard from her window-ledge. Jon, Robb and Bran were sparring with one another, Arya was running around causing havoc, Sansa was nowhere to be seen. Rickon was ill in bed, Catelyn at his side. Elaena nearly jumped out of her skin when a voice broke the silence.

"The boys are missing you out on the courtyard." Eddard commented, resting in the doorway. Elaena closed her book, granting her Uncle her full attention.

"I thought I'd give them a chance." She smiled gently as Ned crossed the room, perching himself next to her. "I was sorry to hear about Jon Arryn Uncle, I had always liked him." Ned looked concerned, his brow furrowed.

"He will be a great miss." He muttered. "We are to receive the King's household, they should be here within a few days, maybe a week."

"Why are they coming, Uncle?" Elaena asked, intrigued. She had never met the King before, nor had she met any of his household. She had only ever been as far south as the Eeyrie.

"Of that we can't be certain. Aunt Catelyn and I have pondered it for the last few weeks but we're no further forward."

"King Robert isn't coming to hurt us is he? Jon and me?" She asked, meekly. Ned had never made Jon and Elaena's parentage a secret. For all they were called Jon and Elaena Stark, they were still half Targaryen. King Robert had only legitimised them on the condition that they would take the Stark name.

"Robert wouldn't do that." Ned said. "I wouldn't let him."

Over the next couple of days, the house seemed to be on its best behaviour as though the King's household was just going to appear at any moment. Elaena tried her best to stay out of the way, a worry playing in the back of her mind about Robert's intentions. It was common knowledge that Robert had loved Lyanna, even more common knowledge that he had hated Rhaegar. Everyone commented on the almost freakish similarities between Lyanna and Elaena. The only detail that wasn't quite right were the eyes. Elaena had her father's eyes. The day before the household was expected to arrive, Jon sought out Elaena in her quarters.

"Knock, knock." Jon smiled, pushing the door open.

"You can't come in." Elaena smirked, sitting cross-legged on her bed, furs draped over her shoulders.

"Try and stop me." Jon laughed, sitting on the bed next to her. "Are you worried as well?" She nodded, a lump in her throat.

"Jon Arryn was instrumental in our legitimisation. It seems more than just coincidence that he would plan to come here immediately after his death. I'm frightened Jon." She admitted. Jon held her tightly, their heartbeats beating in sync.

"We'll be fine El, we always have been, and we always will be. As long as we're together."

The household arrived when expected, and Catelyn had made sure that everyone was dressed in their very best clothes. Ned and Catelyn stood first, followed by Robb, Sansa, Arya, Bran and Rickon in order. Elaena and Jon stood next to one another after Rickon. The household was colossal, horses after horses, guards upon guards. Catelyn cast a firm but motherly glare down the line to make sure everyone was where they were supposed to be. Banners decorated with lions and stags filled the courtyard. Sansa was saying the name of everyone who entered the courtyard who was worth mentioning, loud enough for Elaena and Jon to hear.

"That's Joffrey – the King's oldest son and the Hound." Sansa told Robb, he didn't seem to be paying much attention. He must have only been about Sansa's age but he had an air of complete confidence about him. It bordered upon smug, Elaena thought. He looked along the line, his eyes lingering over Jon and Elaena in apparent curiosity. It made her skin crawl.

"That's Jaime Lannister." Sansa was saying next. Everyone knew who Jaime Lannister was, Elaena didn't even look in his direction. Her stomach was starting to churn, Jon holding her arm for support. A carriage entered next and Sansa seemed to have fallen silent, Joffrey looking in her direction. Just as the carriage was about to open, King Robert came around the side of it, not at all like Elaena had imagined. In the stories, he had been spoken about as though he was godlike. In person, he looked more like a blacksmith. As he rode through to the centre of the courtyard, Ned fell to his knee and every person present followed suit. Elaena kept her eyes trained on the ground, but it wasn't hard to tell that Robert was dismounting his horse, the grunts and groans giving it away. He made his way over to the line of Starks with determination in his footing before indicating for Ned to get to his feet. The courtyard followed suit, Elaena exchanging a nervous glance with Jon.

"You've got fat." King Robert said to Ned after a few moments of silence. Ned cast a glance at Robert's own waistline before they burst into laughter. "Cat!" King Robert smiled, embracing Catelyn. Robert and Ned began a conversation about how long it had been, but Elaena's attention was distracted by the Queen exiting the carriage with the rest of her children.

"Who have we here? You must be Robb!" King Robert started down the line, shaking Robb's hand. "Ah pretty one." He commented to Sansa before ducking to talk to Arya. "Your name is?"

"Arya." She smirked confidently, Robb laughed lightly at her.

"You'll be a soldier." King Robert said to Bran which seemed to thrill the boy before he reached Rickon and ruffled his hair. He stopped in his tracks once he reached Elaena and Jon. Ned looked down the line nervously. King Robert's eyes seemed to look on Elaena longer than she felt comfortable with, as she tried to keep her eyes downcast. It was only when she raised her eyes to meet him that he looked away. "Take me to your crypts Ned. I want to pay my respects." Cersei, who was currently exchanging formalities with Ned and Catelyn protested but Robert wouldn't hear of it. "You two." Robert gestured to the Stark twins. "Come."

Elaena and Jon exchanged a panicked look before following Ned and Robert down to the crypts where their mother lay. The walk was quiet apart from the huffing and puffing that was coming from Robert.

"This is a lot easier than I thought it would be." Robert finally broke the silence, turning towards Jon and Elaena. "I hope you don't mind me saying this but I had visions of you both, visions of you being the image of him. I wouldn't have been able to stand it. Pardon me saying this but I have enough blonde shits in my life." Robert rambled as he reached Lyanna's crypt. "Seven hells, the resemblance is uncanny. Must you keep her below the ground like this Ned? She should be on a hilltop, surrounded by flowers, the sun bearing down on her, the stars above her by night. I'm sure you both agree?" He turned to us, his mourning apparent.

"All of our family lies here." Jon commented simply, earning him a shoulder clasp from Ned. Robert nodded, saying no more on the matter.

"Matters at hand, Ned. I need a new Hand. I need you Ned." Elaena and Jon felt as though they were now privy to a conversation that they shouldn't have been hearing. It was only when Robert started talking about other affairs that their attention was once again peaked. "We'll join our houses best we can. Sansa is about Joffrey's age? We'll betroth them. Bring these two with you to King's Landing, I'm sure we can find them a pairing to cement our bond further. Gods know I've been looking for a match for my wife's brother for longer than I'd care to admit."

"Tyrion?" Ned was quick to respond, Elaena's attention peaked. Surely they weren't talking about her? Ned caught sight of her looking, excusing her and Jon from the crypt. Once they had gone, Robert continued talking.

"Don't be stupid Ned. I wouldn't marry someone of Lyanna's line to him." Robert lowered his voice. "There have been talks of Targaryen's in Pentos, I won't have it Ned. I want to marry Elaena to Jaime. I've got more than enough reason to excuse him from the Kingsguard and what better way to quell any Targaryens rising than by having my brother-in-law married to one. It's the perfect solution. Starks, Lannisters, Targaryens and Baratheons, Westeros' most powerful families all coming together as one. No one could stand against that. Don't argue Ned. I've already made up my mind."

Elaena went to bed that night, her dreams disturbed by nightmares. Dreams of Robert chasing her down like a boar in a hunt. She awoke screaming, her hair matted across her forehead, sweat glistening down her arms. She nearly jumped out of her skin when a rattle echoed across the room, coming from the door. Wrapping her furs around her nightclothes, Elaena got to her feet and headed to the door to find out who her late night caller was.

Thank you for reading my stories. I would just like to point out that in this story Jaime and Cersei have no other relationship than being twins. The Baratheon children are actual Baratheon's. Cersei and Robert still have quite a poisonous relationship however. Reviews are welcomed, and I look forward to seeing you next time! ~Sapph