Chapter 1: A World in Need

Slowly fading into the light emitting from a giant sphere, a giant red and blue robot smiled happily as the light engulf him completely. He finally fulfilled his destiny of restoring life to his home and now future generations can live in peace without the fear of war. Despite leaving his friends behind with the responsibility of watching over their home, he has no regret. He was ready to join his fallen brothers into the afterlife. Little did he known, his destiny was not complete yet.

"Optimus... Optimus... Optimus..."

The red and blue bot slowly opened his eyes to see he was in different place. Fog covered the ground entirely while the sky showed a clear view of the cosmos. Optimus could not identify which sector in space he was in and continued to glance around, "Who is calling me?"

"I was."

A bright light appeared before the Prime forcing his to cover his eyes. As it slowly dimmed down, a short figure, who was floating in the air with his legs cross, emerged from the light. The blue eye short figure's armor was cover in white and different kind of light blue armor. He appeared to be around the same age as Optimus, but what really caught his attention was his power. Optimus could feel his power and it felt very familiar to the Matrix.

Wasting no time, Optimus asked an important question, "Are you a Prime?"

"Yes," he answered as he began to float around Optimus, "My name is Micronus Prime."

Optimus's eyes widen with shock for just a moment before placing a hand over his chest and bowing, "It is an honor to meet one of The Thirteen."

"The honor is mine. Now Optimus, I sure you are wondering why you are here?"

"Indeed Micronus... Where are we? The last thing I remember was entering the Well of All Sparks and becoming one with the core to reunite the AllSpark to bring life back to Cybertron."

"Yes.. You restored Cybertron back to its former glory resulting in your death, but the Primes and I rescued you before becoming one with the AllSpark. You are currently in the Realm of the Primes. Come the others are waiting. All will be explained there."

Optimus nodded to his predecessor and followed him. The two walked in silent for a while until the reach an area where the fog was higher than the other. Optimus slowly look up to see five huge shadowy figure standing before him. He could not identify four of the five Primes standing before, but the one he did brought a smile on his face. It was none other than Alpha Trion, the one who taught him about life and his oldest friend.

Alpha Trion smiled at his young student before returning to a neutral look when the Prime in the middle spoke, "Welcome young Prime. We have been expecting you."

Optimus bowed in respect for a moment, "It is an honor to meet you all. I humbly ask why I am here?"

"You needed to fulfill your new destiny."

"My... new... destiny...", the confused Optimus slowly muttered, "I do not understand. Haven't I fulfilled my destiny that the Covenant of Primus had foretold?"

"You have fulfilled a part of your destiny young Prime. The Covenant foretold that once you restore Cybertron, you be sent to a new world where you will save the people from their darkness hour. We rescued so you can be prepare for what may become."

"For what?"

"Optimus," Mirconus called to causing him to shift his head, "This world is fill with dark creatures, mysterious creatures of destruction that bring death to this world's specie. Despite their resistance, they are slowly heading for a dark future. A future that is leading to their extinction. They need a light that will guide them through their darkest hour, they need you."

Optimus slowly looked at each of the Prime noticing an uneasy feeling from them, "What are these creatures this world's specie is fighting?"

"We do not know..."


"These creatures, Grimm, are born from destruction and live for destruction. How these creatures are form is a mystery even to us. Every being is born into this world by life, but these monsters are not. We need you to discover who is creating these creatures and put a stop to it. Only you can accomplish this task, do you accept Optimus Prime?"

Optimus closed his eyes remembering his friends before giving a serious stare, "I do. If there is a world that I can help save from destruction then I will do it. It is the duty of the Prime to protect all sentient beings and I will carry out this duty as long as I live."

The Primes proudly smiled at the young Prime's decision. Though he was young compare to them, his spirit and determination rival theirs. The Prime in the middle nodded, "Very good Optimus Prime... You bring great honor to the Primes and we know you will continue to do so. Alpha Trion..."

The shadowy figure farthest to the right nodded, he lifted his hand to create a holographic image of a world with its moon being partly destroyed. The planet resembles greatly like the planet Earth. The only difference is that the continents were different and they were not as many. Optimus examine the world closely as his old mentor provided detail about this world.

"This world, Remnant, is much like Earth. Its citizens are humans like the ones you encounter on Earth. They have another specie call Faunus who possessed physical animal traits, but the difference between them that the people of Remnant have a power called Aura. Aura is the manifestation of one soul. It can provide offensive, defensive, and healing properties that help the person against the Grimm. Also, each person has an ability call semblance which represents the aspect of their character. Semblance give the person a special power unique to them like controlling fire for example."


"Unlike Earth, Remnant has an energy source called Dust. Dust is used for numerous things like their weapons and technologies for example. There are different kinds of Dust ranging from Fire to Lightening. Dust can take one of two forms, a powder or a crystal. It is thanks to this source that allows them to fight the Grimm and build civilizations."

"It sounds a lot like Energon", Optimus commented before Alpha Trion answered that it is.

"Optimus, before you enter this world you be given a new form and new weapons."

"Why? The Earthlings could handle my current form, can't the people of Remnant handle it too?"

"No they cannot. They haven't even gone beyond their world unlike the Earthlings. If we sent you in your current form there will be chaos."

"I understand."

"Also, your new form will be that of a human. The process will be painful and costly."

Optimus raise an eyebrow at the short Prime in confusion, "What do you mean?"

"Optimus in order for you to become a human, we must extract your soul from your body and transform it into a body of a human. In exchange you will not be able to change back into a Cybertronian. You will stay human until the day you die", Alpha Trion explained causing the young Prime to become tensed.

If he goes through with this, he will never be able to return home again. Humans cannot survive Cybertron's atmosphere because it lack the properties like Earth's atmosphere. He slowly raise a hand and stared at it for a few seconds before clutching it then stared at the Primes, "No matter what form I take, I will fulfill the task I am given."

The Primes nodded before turning their attention to Micronus who nodded, "You will be given weapons when you become a human. They will be the ones you before you were repaired by the Forge. Your blaster cannot fire Energon blasts like they did before, but we created a slot that will allow you to use Dust for your ammo."

Optimus nodded then stepped forward, "Let's begin."

The Primes nodded and the center of their chests began to glow. Coming from their chest, a trail of light blue electrical beam went into the air creating a giant orb of energy. Soon a beam of energy circled around Optimus, lifting him up into the air and tilting him to the point when his chest faced the orb. Another beam attacked Optimus causing him to scream great pain and his body began to glow. Slowly a bright light engulfed Optimus as he began to settle down before becoming a pillar of light that shot up into the air. The Primes prayed that Optimus will be ready for the challenges ahead.

As he slowly opened his eyes, Optimus saw he was no longer in the Realm of the Primes. He was transported into a dark forest with a clear night sky laying on the ground. The moon was partly destroyed caused Optimus to realize that he was now on the world of Remnant. All around him he sensed a dreadful atmosphere fill with nothing, but death, fear, hatred, and chaos. He hasn't felt something like this since the war for Cybertron. Memories of the war flashes before his eyes while Optimus slowly stand up. He swore to himself that he will save this world from suffering the same fate as his planet.

He placed a hand on his head, "That was painful... Never going through that again." The sound of his voice caused him to flinch because it was a lot younger than it supposed to be. Wasting no time he hurried to find a reflecting surface and came across a pond. He swiftly stood before it only to see his new form.

His new form was now of a human wearing a mix of causal and armor. His torso was covered in red armor along with his shoulders. He wore black fingerless gloves while his forearms were cover in red mechanical armor bracers. His helmet was identical to one he wore in his Cybertronian form. For causal, he had a silver t-shirt underneath the armor, blue jeans with a black leather belt, and black shoes.

Optimus reached for his helmet and pulled it off to see that he had onyx hair with some shades of blue in it and his eyes were the same color as before. Judging be his new look he was 17 years old and he stood 5'11. He slowly placed a couple of fingers on his cheek as he continued to look at his reflection, "Incredible..."

"I see you made it to Remnant in tack, Optimus", a voice said.

Optimus look around for a moment before noticing his reflection was changing. He narrowed his eyes as the image began to change into the face of a familiar person, "Mirconus..."

"Yes", he nodded, "Is there any problems with your new body?"

Optimus put his helmet back on and took a moment to throw a few punches and kicks, "Nope, it is perfect, but I do have one question."

"What is it?"

"Why am I so young? Also, why have taken a form that doesn't match my previous form?"

"Your young body will allow you to adjust to the life styles of this world. The Primes and I figure it would be more beneficial to have a form that was less menacing. I pretty sure the people of this world don't need a towering muscle man over them."

"That makes sense."

"I have to leave now, Optimus. The Primes and I can only maintain a link with you for a limited amount time. We will contact you later on in the future. Be careful out there, Optimus."

"I will. Till we meet again, Micronus."

Once Mircronus's face disappeared, Optimus began to walk aimlessly through the forest hoping to find civilization nearby. As he continued to walk, he felt two powers within him, one new and the other was quite familiar. The familiar power was none other than the Matrix of Leadership. He thought the Primes would take it from him since he was no longer a Cybertronian instead they left it with him. This made him question why, but he would had to wait until the next time they contact him. The new power felt similar to the Matrix yet different. It was as pure and full of light like the Matrix, but instead of being concentrated in a single object it was coming from all over his body.

Optimus stared at his hand as he continued to walk, "This must be the Aura that Alpha Trion spoke of. Still, why does it feel similar to the Matrix?"

He soon came to a halt when he felt a bloodthirsty and dark presence surrounding all around him. He narrowed his eyes at the forest to see glowing red eyes piercing through the darkness and they were coming closer. As they appeared in the moonlight Optimus was able to see what they were. They were ten of them and all of them were exactly the same. They appeared to be some sort of werewolf with black fur and red eyes and stood close to human size. They had bone spikes sticking out of their arms, knees, and back. Their face was a bone-like mask with red markings.

Optimus could hear their angry growling as he slowly took his stance, "These must be the Grimm." The Grimm took their position of getting ready to lunge at the Prime who had his mouth guards connected over his mouth. He recalled that his weapons were the same as the ones he had before he was repaired and clutched his fists. This caused his bracers to transform into gauntlets that were similar to ones he had as a Cybertronian. Coming out of his gauntlets, two silver Cybertronian swords appeared that were identical to his old ones. The only difference is that the bracers did not cover his fist like before.

A Grimm leaped towards Optimus from behind, but Optimus sliced it's head off with ease causing the others to attack. Instead of standing around, the young Prime charges to attack. Optimus delivered a slash to each Grimm he saw either decapitating them or cutting off their limb. As he was fighting, Optimus noticed that a light appeared from the sword slash wounds he gave. The light consumed the one he killed leaving a small sparkle behind. For the ones he cut off their limbs, they became more furious and vicious because of the pain the light seemed to give them. Optimus swiftly finished each of them off before gazing his surroundings.

"There's more coming..."

Now they were twenty more of them and they all were growling at the Prime. Optimus narrowed his eyes at them and prepared himself for their assault. A Grimm leaped towards him, but Optimus cut off his head with ease. Two more attack Optimus on separate sides at the same time. Optimus delivered a spin kick to the one on the right before stabbing the Grimm on the left through its head. He then duck down to avoid a claw attack from behind. Optimus plunged his sword through the jaws of the Grimm who attack him before charging. A three Grimm leaped in the air to get the jump on him, but Optimus rolled forward to dodge. He quickly got back up and killed the three. He called off one of his sword in order to grab a Grimm, that attempted to attack him with its claws, by the arm allowing Optimus to deliver a vertical slash at him. The remaining thirteen gathered around ensuring their pray won't escape. Optimus simply called back his second sword and was ready. Optimus simply dodged their attacks while delivering a series of attacks at them. He cut off a few limbs before delivering the final blow by either beheading or slicing them in half.

As the last one fall, Optimus watched them being engulf in light before becoming sparkles all the while being conflicted with situation that transpired, "The way they move... It was almost like they wanted me dead more than anything... Why?... More importantly, why do they feel so familiar?"

Before he questioned himself even more, three loud snarls echoed the air causing the Prime to take his fighting stance. The three appeared out of the woods and they were same Grimm as before, but their appearances were different. They had more bone-like armor and spines along with larger teeth. Their masks were more angular and they much taller. The three howled at the broken moon before they stared at Optimus.

"These must be the leaders of the pack..."

Without hesitation, the three charged at Optimus delivering a series of vicious attacks. Optimus dodged their assault by either rolling, stepping aside, or leaping over it. When leaped over the last one, a Grimm caught him by surprise and attacked him with a forward thrust claw attack. Wasting no time, Optimus crossed his swords together to block it, but the assault was stronger than he anticipated causing him to be pushed back a little. Still holding his ground, Optimus grunted a little before pushing back. The two had a small contest of strength for a moment before the other two decided to attack the Prime from the sides. Optimus noticed them and pushed the paw aside in order to backflip to dodge the attack.

The Grimm growled at the Prime before prowling around him in a circle. Optimus brought his swords in position, "Let's finish this."

The Grimm heard him and charged straight at him. In response Optimus went straight up to one and stabbed it right through the chest. This was followed by a low kick forcing the Grimm to fall backwards allowing Optimus to deliver a stabbing blow through the jaws. The second Grimm tried to slash him, but Optimus simply cut of its arm then stab him through the side. Optimus pushed the wounded Grimm with a kick and went after the third one. The Grimm attempted to bite the Prime, but it received an elbow blow from the side of its face. This was followed by a sword swing that cut off the Grim's head. The remaining Grimm was about to attack sadly it came to halt when a silver sword penetrated through its head.

Optimus pulled his blade out and watch the three vanish into thin air. Before calling off his weapons, Optimus turned to the woods to narrowed his eyes, "I know you are there. Come on out."

"Well, well... Look like you got some skills there", an older male voice commented. The figure appeared into the moonlight allowing Optimus to see what he look like. He had graying black, spiky hair with red eyes and a slight stubble along his jawline. He wore a red, tattered cloak, a gray dress shirt with a long tail, black dress pants, and black dress shoes. He had a black handle silver sword on his lower back and a flask in his hand.

Optimus narrowed his eyes at him before switching one of his swords for blaster and aimed at the man. The blaster was identical to the one he had back before he was reformed. The only difference is that it didn't cover his hand instead it gave him a black trigger handle. It was the good thing he pulled it out because the man was right before him with his sword near his neck.

The stranger chuckled even more, "And good instincts..."

"He's quick and skill. If I faced him when I started out I would had been at his mercy. Still I shouldn't underestimate him. Why didn't I sense him before the battle?"

"Relax, I was just testing ya. Here," he showed him his flask, "have some."

"No thanks."

"Suit yourself. You have no idea what you're missing", he replied before taking a sip.

"How about we lower our weapons and talk."

The man sighed and wiped his mouth with his arm, "Sure why not, but first let me take care of this Beowolf here." Coming out of the bushes, a Grimm that was similar to the ones Optimus fought before, jumped towards the man from behind. Sadly the Beowolf was slice in half and the bodies slid besides the men. Optimus noticed that the corpse was dissipating into black smoke instead of being engulfed in light. The man putted his weapon away along with his flask, "Now that's over, how about you take off that helmet of yours?"

Optimus called off his weapons and had them revert back to its bracer form. Reaching for his helmet, the mouth guards slid apart allowing him to take it off. Optimus rested it on his right side before noticing the man's shock expression, "Is something wrong?"

"Nothing... It just that I'm surprise that someone so young is all the way out here. Also," the man had his eyes lock on Optimus' bracers and formed a smirk, "Gauntlet, sword, and gun... a triple changer weapon and two of them, huh? It's quite rare to see someone with a weapon like that. What's your name?"

"I am Optimus Prime."

The man raised an eyebrow as a response, "That's an unusual name... The name is Qrow Branwen."

"You have few questions for me Qrow and you won't leave me alone until they're answer, right?"

"The kid's smart I'll give him that." Qrow crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes, "Yes I do. Tell me, where did you learn how to fight like that? I find it difficult to believe that someone your age was able to take down 30 Beowolves and 3 Alphas by himself despite seeing it for myself, so spill?"

Optimus made a connection that the Beowolves was the name of the creatures he fought before answering, "I was taught a little by a couple of people, but I was force into learning how to fight through battles due to certain circumstances."

Qrow muttered to himself a little before asking his next question, "He's not lying... How did you do that? Killing the Grimm and not having them dissolved into black smoke, how?"

"That I'm afraid, I do not know." Optimus was able to come up with a story that did not involve him lying to Qrow. He never like to lie to people and doing it once was enough for him. "I have been trying to figure that out for a while and I came here hoping to find the answer, but no such luck."

Qrow placed a couple of fingers on his chin while having a hand underneath his left elbow, "It could be his semblance, but I never heard nor seen a semblance that engulfs Grimm in light before... Also, why did the Grimm seem more vicious than usual during that fight? What does this mean?"

Qrow placed his hands on his waist, "I know somebody who may be able to help you."


"An old friend of mine... So are interested?"

Optimus took a moment to think. Though did know this man, he sensed that he could be trusted and if he knows someone who can provide answers to some of his questions. He could ask the Primes, but Mircronus said that they could only contact him for a limited time and it's not like he could contact them either. Left with little options he made his decision.

"Where are we headed?"

"To Beacon Academy."