
Gingka wiped the sweat off his forehead with one of his free hands while setting folded clothes into a huge suitcase. There were many things on his mind that troubled him but he could not pin point even one. His thoughts were muddled up completely, like the foamy froth on the clear seawater. He took another pair of folded pants and stuffed them inside the overflowing suitcase. He made a mental note to buy another suitcase.

"Oto-san!" a boy's footsteps pattered into the room, followed by another patter. It was very normal for these patters to resonate through the old house, and maybe somewhere, Gingka actually liked these sounds, they were what kept him going.

The 11-year-old red haired boy brushed his long shiny red locks out of his little freckled face and warm smoky golden eyes. He was not dressed in very fancy clothing, just a pair of khaki shorts and a wrinkled red t-shirt, along with a pair of red trainers. Beside him stood a younger boy and a girl of the same age. The younger boy had short dark brown hair; baby blue eye and a smooth tan skin while the girl had pale skin, sharp golden eyes and red hair that fell past her little shoulders.

"Tsukata." Gingka kept his palm on the 11-year-old boy, "Ky" His hand moved to the other boy's head who flashed a toothy grin in response. And at last, his palm moved to the little girls head, "Midori." He said and heaved a big sigh. However, it was hard to raise all these little energy balls up but Gingka loved them. Sure, there were times when he had to run to the city at midnight just to get a fusion wheel fixed or had to leave the little ones to school on a broken bicycle. It was a pain. But now that he recalled all those sleepless nights, he realized that without the kids his life would be like a colorless painting. Dull and empty.

"Are you all ready?" Gingka flashed a fatherly smile to his kids, his hands on his waist and his head bowed to look at the cute little devils and their mischievous grins.

"Hai!" the kids exclaimed in unison, punching their little wrists in the air. Gingka chuckled in response, he could feel their excitement radiating into the air, filling it up with glee. It was almost natural; this was their first time out of the village and in a plane.

After achieving the title of the world's number one blader, Gingka's aspirations had pretty much died down. It was a huge accomplishment! Not everybody was capable to achieve that. And he did realize the fact, though it took some time, but he did; in all modesty and good reverence, he did. There was not much for him to aspire for…except a family.

The idea had popped up into his head very vaguely. He had been drinking coffee and looking far into the horizon from the little café just beside the bright seashore. Madoka was there with him, to give him some company. He remembered, she was drinking coffee when he asked her to marry him. He also recalled how she sputtered all that scalding coffee on his face and neck. Madoka was ecstatic and it did not take her another thought to say yes.

After almost one year into their marriage, they had Tsukata and two years later had the twins- Ky and Midori. Together they moved into his village and settled down there. Far from the city's chaos. Gingka was so happy then…it was perfect…

But perfect does not last forever…

Just two years ago, Madoka had vanished. Without a trace except the note, she had left on the refrigerator saying she had it with him and could not take them anymore. She said she wanted to be independent of him and their kids. It filled Gingka with rage and agony, how could she leave her own children.

It was not long before that rage cooled down to regret and the feeling of hurt faded into the feeling of resignation. He had learned that holding up hate would only create more hate, which would not form a good environment for the children to grow up in. after a few months of misery; he decided to put all his time and strength into raising his children well. And he did a good job at that too. All three of his children had piqued an interest in beyblading and Gingka could not be gladder. He coached all three of them after school; he started with basics and promised them to get them their own beyblade once they were old enough.

However, somewhere in his heart, he still could not come at terms with Madoka's absence. His mind raised many questions; questions he could not answer. She loved them, so how could she leave them so abruptly? Why did not she express her irritation before? Why did she not talk to him about this before leaving? All of these questions left his mind in a raze of misery and grief.

Even his kid posed such questions about their mother that Gingka could not answer. Everything went downhill after she left. No matter how much he tried to make it all right, he could not. He had lost his job and was going through a major crisis, both mentally and economically. Everything seemed dreadful…even his home did not seem like a home anymore.

He wanted to bring Madoka back, he was reluctant but soon realized that the kids needed a mother, they need Madoka. And he would not lie, he needed Madoka too. Reason wise here he was with a packed up suitcase, a pocket full of money and a mind filled with strong resolve. The destination was not clear, he did not know where he was going or where he should go but he had to start from somewhere. Moreover, with the determination they had, soon the fog over their destination would lift too…

He had determined in his mind that he would find some answers, bring Madoka back and turn everything all right.

So now, here he was, packing his bags and giving up everything, he had to find his Madoka.

A/n: Hello readers! Thank you for reading, I hope you liked it! Do not forget to drop a review if you did. I am accepting OC's so if you want to submit one, keep reading! All the OC's will be accepted through PM's and not through reviews. This story will feature all the character from the MFB series except Shogun steel. Please submit all the details of your OC mentioned below.

Name: the name of your OC goes here.

Age: their age goes here

Gender: their gender goes here.

Appearance: their physical appearance goes here.

Beyblade: description and name of their beyblade goes here.

Love interests/relations (if any): note that once a love interest is allotted to a particular OC, it will not be allotted to any other OC. It will be allotted on the first come first serve basis.

Personality: need I say more?

Profession/education: example sophomore, clerk, professional beyblader etc.

Other: any other important information goes here!

I would be more than glad to answer all your queries, so drop me a PM if you have any! Thank you once again for reading again and stay tuned for more! Stay awesome!