Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight.


Chapter 1


"Edward, NO!" Bella shouted as she exited the huge fountain and slammed into the Vampire Teen.

"Heaven. They are very good, I didn't feel a thing." Edward whispered into Bella's hair.

"I'm not dead, neither are you, open your eyes." Bella coaxed, hiding her irritation with her ex-boyfriend.

"Aro wishes to speak with you." A male voice came from deeper in the shadows of the clocktower.

"Of course, Bella, why don't you join the festivities?" Edward ordered Bella, causing her to glare at him angrily.

"She comes too." A second male voice insisted gruffly. Edward tenses, preparing to fight, before a young girl's voice rang out.

"Aro sent me to see what's taking so long." She growled causing everyone to flinch.

"Jane." The two males acknowledge happily as Edward gives up on the idea of fighting.

"Just do as they say Edward." Alice says appearing beside her brother. He nods and wraps an arm around Bella's waist, possessively. The group turns to leave when Bella notices a young girl coming towards them.

"Wait, a child is approaching." She whispers, knowing that they all could hear her. She pulls away from Edward and approaching the little girl. "Sweetie, don't wander too far from your parents." She advised causing the girl to look at her in shock. "You could get lost." She added, causing the child to look around in fear before finding her parents and rushing back to them. Bella then rejoined the vampires as they look at her in confusion.

"We have delayed long enough, Felix carry the human." Jane ordered, causing one of the males to flint over to Bella and lift her with no further warning. The vampires then run off at their top speed, stopping only when they reached a set of huge doors. Jane throws the doors open with a flick of her wrists.

"Sister, we send you out for one and you bring back 2 and a half." A boy Jane's age says, taking her hand. While he is speaking the entire group enters the room, a Throne Room, by the looks of it.


We enter a huge room and I am suddenly dropped by the vampire that was holding me. As I try to catch my balance I feel my ankle snap, causing me to flinch at the pain. I gain my balance and make it look like I am using both feet while not putting any weight on my right foot. ~Note to self, if I servive this get that looked at.~

"So Bella is alive after all." A black-haired man exclaims excitedly. Edward wraps his arms around me. ~Possessive jerk~ I Think knowing he wouldn't hear me. "Aren't you glad we denied your request?" ~Nope, you should have killed him~ I say mentally sarcastic.

"Yes, Aro." Edward grounds out. I look up to see all three Kings and realize how disrespectful he is being. "We were not exposed, as your guards can relay to you." He bites out, eyes black in anger. ~He is going to get all three of us killed!~ I realize angrily.

"Sorry for this, Majesties." I say abruptly before turning to the idiot caging me in his arms. "Edward. SHUT UP!" I scream in his face, shocking everyone.

"Bella, what are you doing?" He demands as if I am a disobedient dog.

"First, Let Me Go." He does, looking confused at my demand. "Second, don't act so much like a child, they are Royalty!" I add making him flinch at my reminder. "And lastly, be respectful to Your Kings!" I hiss the words at the imbecile before turning back to said Kings. "Again, Majesties, I apologize for my volume and my ex-boyfriend's idiocy." I inform them with a bow.

"It happens all the time." Aro answers dismissively.

"Sire, that doesn't make it right." I respond politely.

"I would like to see if you are able to block my ability as well." He says as he approaches me slowly.

"I don't mind, but if you are willing and able, Sire, please don't hurt me." I request as he reaches for my hand, gasping when he takes it, shocked.

"I see nothing, if you are willing, Jane!" Aro orders, causing Edward to move infront of me and get hit with her power instead of me. He drops, screaming in pain before Aro speaks again. "Jane." His tone is bland. She stops glaring at the idiot and looks up innocently.

"Master?" She asks blinking.

"Not him, and the lowest setting." He informs her before stepping back.

"This may hurt." She warns me before activating her power on me. "Nothing is happening." She says in disbelief.

"No matter, she confounds us all." Aro says dismissively to the girl. "Now, what to do with you?" He says looking at me before turning and going back to his Throne.

"You already know what you are going to do with her, Aro." The brown-haired king says looking off to the side, tone dead.

"She is a liability." The Blonde says. "She knows too much." He adds eyes on me.

"If only your intent was to change her." Aro sighed.

"I have seen her be one of us." Alice says with a curtsy. Aro's eyes lit up at her words. He flashes to her side and reaches for her hand, which she offers quickly. His eyes close taking in her memories, Edward explains to me. ~I would hit you if it wouldn't cause me harm.~

"To see what you have seen, Magnifico." Aro says, eyes on me once more. "You may go, but after you graduate you must be turned." He orders me before nodding for us to leave.

"Thank you, Sire." I say bowing again before hobbling towards Alice.

"What happened to your foot, Isabella?" The blonde King asked confused, I blush before turning back towards the Thrones.

"When we fires arrived in the room, Sire, the guard that carried me here, dropped me and due to my balance issues, my right ankle broke." I answered honestly.

"You have been standing here for almost an hour on a broken bone?" Aro demanded in shock.

"Yes, Your Majesty." I answer confused at why they cared.

"Why didn't you say anything about it?" Aro wondered aloud to me.

"Your Majesty, my list of priorities was to make kit out of here alive, with both Cullens, not my ankle and complaining." I say bluntly.

"Alec, numb her ankle, Felix get a doctor, Chelsea, get some rooms ready for our guests; you three are staying the night so you are taken care of before leaving." Aro ordered causing me to sigh and pull out my cell phone.

"Any ideas on what to tell Charlie and Jake?" I ask, knowing they were freaking out.

"Who are they?" Caius demanded, at least I think the blonde is Caius.

"My father and best friend. I don't want them to worry so I need a cover story." I explian.

"How about an education abroad." Aro suggested lightly.

"For a 4 day adventure? Sire, that makes no sense to me." I say, confusion evident in my expression.

"Master, my gift isn't working." The boy beside Jane states worried.

"Don't worry about it, Alec. Felix where is the doctor?" Aro snapped at the guard.

"He told me he needs an X-ray of the injury before he could do anything, Master Aro." He answers.

"For that I have to go to an ER room at a hospital." I say with a sigh. "Here I go again." I whisper to myself, forgetting everyone could hear me perfectly.

"Chelsea, Afton, escort Ms. Swan to the nearest hospital. Stay with her then bring her back once she is cared for properly." Aro amended his orders.

"Then let us be done with this business." Marcus (?) declared in his bored ton, still not looking at us. ~Is he always this way?~ I wonder silently.