(*Ahem* Best Lord Death impression, activate!) Wassup, wassup, wassup lovely people? Sorry for the delay, but here's the final chapter of Maka's Weekend Plans! Please read, review and enjoy!



I slammed my door shut before leaning up against it, quickly finding out that I was unable to catch my breath. Having no idea what to do next, I slid and remained pressed up against the door, willing the barrier to be enough space between me and my partner.


Why would he do that? Why would he say that to me? Did he sincerely mean it? None of this makes any sense. He could date any girl in our grade, but he chooses me? No, that's impossible. He would never choose a flat chested bookworm… it's 'not cool.'

"...Damn it!"

I was startled out of my thoughts by my partner's frustration, and quickly realized something.

I left him out there without a clear answer... Shit.

After thinking about it, I really had no idea how to repair this current rift in our partnership without confronting the elephant in the room, so I decided that I would lay low for a couple of days to think about what Soul had said, and avoid him at all costs.

It might mess with our ability to resonate, as well as my ability to wield Soul in general, but it's a chance I'm willing to take. I'll just let Lord Death know that he shouldn't give us any missions for a while.

I managed to half smile, but then I realized…

How am I going to avoid my roommate?!

I moved to my bed and flopped down on my collection of pillows before screaming into the pile in complete frustration.

Why does my life have to go from being difficult to being complicated?!

I screamed into my pillows once more, still having no idea how our partnership could be saved.


The warm breeze blew through my hair as I weaved through the streets of Death City to make my way to the DWMA, and I tried to forget about the fact that Maka doesn't have her arms wrapped around my waist like she usually does, because she has been declining all of my offers to drive her to and from the academy. As I turned down another alley, the laughing sun was suddenly hidden behind a bank of dark grey clouds, and my mind drifted towards what had happened that day.

"I… I… I… need to think about this!"

It had been a week since that had happened, and Maka has been doing everything in her power to avoid me. Being the cool guy that I am, I gave her the space she needed to think about this. That doesn't stop me from being her partner and being worried about her though. I can feel our soul wavelengths slightly moving out of sync, and I can only imagine that our ability to resonate and Maka's ability wielding me as her weapon is going to keep getting worse until she decides to stop avoiding me and have an actual conversation about our relationship. Hopefully, when that time comes, our ability to resonate isn't damaged beyond repair...

I guess all a cool guy like me can do is wait and hope for the best. I just hope Maka makes her decision quickly.

I finally arrived at the DWMA and parked my bike in its usual spot before climbing the stairs to enter the academy. With my backpack in hand, I made my way to Stein's classroom, and found my friends hanging outside, waiting for the bell to ring.

"'Sup," I said.

"Greetings peasant!" Black Star exclaimed.

"Morning Soul!" Tsubaki smiled and waved.

"Hello Soul," said Kid.

"Giraffe, giraffe!" Patti sang, as usual.

"Hey Soul, where's Maka?" Liz asked.

I sighed. "I honestly couldn't tell you. We had a huge argument after… Travis, and she's been avoiding me ever since."

"That doesn't seem like her. I mean, I could understand how she would be mad at you for a few days, considering what we did, but I figured she would have forgiven you by now," Liz mused.

"I don't really understand how this concerns you, Liz," I said.

"It concerns all of us, Soul. You both are our friends. We only want the best for you. Besides, I bet her behavior is messing with your soul wavelengths. That is never a good thing for weapon and meister," she remarked.

"Don't you think I know that, Liz?" I growled.

"Hey Liz, why don't you leave him alone? He's had enough to deal with this week. Come on, let's go." Tsubaki jumped to my defense, and I would never be able to thank the Dark Arm weapon enough for doing so.

"Yes, come on Liz," Kid added.

Liz was about to say something else, but the bell signaling the start of class rang, and I was grateful that the universe decided to save me for once.

As we entered the classroom, Liz pointed one of her painted manicured fingers at me. "We are not through, Soul Eater. Got it?" she ordered.

I coolly shrugged her off as I made my way to my seat. "Whatever, Liz."

I tossed my bag on the desk and reclined back in my seat, but not before I noticed a flash of pale blonde out of the corner of my eye. So she did make it here okay…

Maka the bookworm had her head stuck in another book, and I watched as she quickly read the words on a page before flipping it only to start over once again. I decided that I was going to treat her like my friend and partner, regardless of her current behavior towards me.

"Morning Maka," I said.

"Soul," she stated, not even moving her eyes from her book.

"Alright class, today we're going to learn about something… interesting!" Stein exclaimed, and our class collectively groaned.

As if today wasn't difficult enough, Stein's experiment is probably going to make me regret eating breakfast this morning...

The crazy professor waved his hand dismissively at our class, signaling that we could finally leave. I lazily packed up my belongings, while Maka hastily stuffed her books into her bag and quickly made a dash for the exit, but not before mumbling about how she was going to study at the library and not to wait for her.

I left the classroom shortly after, only to watch as Kid, Liz, Patti, Black Star, and Tsubaki observe the coattails of Maka's black overcoat disappear around the corner. They turned to look at me, all with quizzical expressions on their faces.

I sighed. "Will you guys stop staring at me like that? It's not cool."

"Soul, we're your friends. We're concerned for both of you. Don't you know that you can tell us anything?" Tsubaki remarked.

"Okay, Soul. Time to cut the crap and tell us what the hell is up," Liz stated.

I angrily glared at her. "I know we're friends guys, but this issue is our private business, which means it doesn't involve any of you."

"Last time I checked Soul, cool guys don't hide things this important from their friends. It's not cool," Liz shot back, matching my glare with one of her own.

Next thing I knew, Black Star had me in a headlock and screamed directly into my right ear, nearly bursting my eardrum.


I winced, and managed to slip out of Star's grip, quickly backing out of his reach so he wouldn't be able to do that again. Although I was free from Star's headlock, I bumped into someone that was standing behind me, and it was Patti with another giraffe drawing.

"Hey Soul, do you think Maka would love my giraffe drawing? He's so cute!" she exclaimed.

My gaze bounced from Black Star to Tsubaki, then to Liz and Patti, and finally Kid, who simply raised an eyebrow in my direction. "Soul?" he asked, the silent question filling the corridor rather quickly.

I didn't like this. I really didn't like this. Cool guys need to keep their partner's (remaining) trust intact, but at this rate, a cool guy like me also needed to tell something to my friends so they would back off. I felt the need to restate, I really didn't like this. Being boxed in by my friends is so not cool.

So I told them a half-truth, that we argued and things took a turn for the worse when Maka brought Italy back up. I watched as their quizzical expressions turned to shock just like mine had that night, and continued to recount the events that had happened. Of course I left out all of the important highlights of our argument, all for the sake of Maka's privacy. Once I finished my story, I only hoped that they wouldn't ask any more questions. I was already close to telling them the whole truth, but I held my ground, knowing that Maka would never trust me ever again if she ever found out I had folded to our friends and told them everything that had occurred that night.


"Black Star!" Tsubaki scolded, and glared at her partner. He complied and actually clamped his own hands over his mouth before muttering the rest into his palm.

I quickly looked at Liz, and watched as she slowly pieced together what Black Star was going to obnoxiously yell before Tsubaki stopped him. "What were you supposed to ask her, Soul?" she asked.

I glared at her. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Come on, hasn't he already answered enough questions for one day?" Tsubaki sighed.

I flashed a grateful glance in her direction. At least Tsubaki is on my side… hold on. That means… I'm going to kill him. "What else do you want to know, Liz?"

I felt someone poking my shoulder, and turned to see the source of my current stress, Black Star. As if we were alone (when we really obviously weren't) he quietly asked me a question I did not want to answer right now.

"So, did you finally ask Maka out?"

Forget about being mad, or angry. I was pissed off. I clenched my fists and tried to get a lid on my furious rage. How the hell can he be a ninja and have a motormouth this bad? I'm going to kill him!

I quickly glanced at my friends (except Black Star. Just... no.) and I saw Liz smiling knowingly at me, which only doubled my enraged state. I turned and stormed away from my "friends".

As if I could call them that. This time they pushed me too far.

I barely heard Kid mutter, "I guess not," as I made my exit.

Stupid Kid. Stupid Liz. Stupid Black Star. Stupid, stupid, stupid.


Stupid me.



Even after a week of doing everything in my power to avoid Soul, I still had no ideas on how our relationship could be fixed. Of course, I knew that there was a way, but I wasn't sure how it would end up. Even if I chose to reveal my childish crush on Soul, I have no idea how he would react to it. I treasure our partnership and friendship over that kind of relationship any day. Soul means too much to me to try something like that, knowing that there's a possibility he could be lying because he feels bad for me; our friendship and partnership would never be the same. No. I can't take that chance. Besides, even if I did risk it, I'm not 'cool' enough for him.

I had taken refuge in the library once again to avoid Soul, and I only hoped that my friends would leave me alone right now as well. I don't think I could handle their poking and prodding of my personal life. This is between me and Soul. They have no reason to get involved in this. It's our private business.

"Hey Maka."

I looked up to see none other than Liz, who seemed to have a concerned expression on her face. I noticed that Tsubaki had tagged along, and I scowled. "What do you want?" I hope Soul didn't tell them anything… No. He would never do that. We might not be on good terms right now, but he's loyal to a fault. That's one of the many things I lo- I mean, like about him.

"We've all noticed that since last Friday, you've been avoiding Soul like he's a plague. We were wondering if there's anything you would want to talk about, so this entire situation can be cleared up, and you two could go back to being partners."

"It's complicated," I growled and returned my attention to the book in my hand, but Liz wasn't letting it go. She reached over and sntached my book right out of my grip.

"Hey!" I exclaimed, and tried to get my book back, but Liz quickly moved to the second floor of the library and I followed her. I stopped reaching for my book only when she dangled the priceless edition over the balcony.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" I yelled.

Liz smirked. "I could ask you the same question, Maka."

"That's not true!" I protested.

""Come on Liz, can't you ease up just a litt-" Tsubaki was quickly silenced by a glare from Liz.

"No Tsubaki, this is a very serious problem that needs to be addressed. Maka, I think you of all people should know that the longer you act like this towards Soul, the greater the chance that you two might never be able to resonate ever again. That you might never get to wield him as your weapon again if this charade keeps up."

"Don't you think I know that?! When I said it's complicated, it's really complicated!" I shouted. I could feel tears building up in the corners of my eyes, and quickly rubbed my sleeve over my eyes to get rid of them. "And who said anything about a charade, anyway? If you want charades," I grouched, "go talk to Soul."

Liz had the audacity to laugh at me, and I glared at her. "What's so funny?!" I demanded.

Liz finally calmed down and looked me straight in the eyes. "It's just that I just had a similar conversation with someone else in a similar situation as you. Right Tsubaki?"

"Oh, um… I guess?" Tsubaki said.

I glared daggers at Liz, hoping she would back off. "Why can't you leave me alone? This is my own personal private business! You have no right to get involved!"

"I'm going to say this only once, Maka. You made this our business when it started to affect Soul. You're both our friends, and friends don't stand by as they watch a pair of their best friends put a strain on their relationship. Not when there's something that we can do about it." Liz glared right back at me, refusing to back down.

I broke eye contact with her first, and moved my gaze to my combat boots. "Alright, I guess I can tell you… but no laughing at me, got it?!"

As Liz and Tsubaki nodded in agreement, I began to tell them what happened that night, briefly going over our argument on Italy, but mostly focusing on the fact that Soul had told me he had feelings for me.

Needless to say, my girlfriends didn't laugh. They both screamed and crushed me in a huge hug.

"So what did you say?" Liz asked.

"Are you sure you want to ask that Li-" Tsubaki started, but was hushed by Liz.

"Well?" Liz inquired.

"I said… IsaidthatIhadtothinkaboutit," I quickly muttered.

"What?! Why?!" Liz shrieked.

"I…I don't really know. I mean, I don't even think that he meant it. I'll always just be a 'flat chested bookworm' to him anyways. He can date any girl in our grade, so it's not like he would ever choose me. Besides, I'm not 'cool' enough for him," I quietly said.

"I hate to break it to you Maka, but you're wrong," Liz remarked.

I looked at her, puzzled. "What do you mean?"

"Seriously, Maka? Have you ever seen Soul pay any attention to the girls who constantly throw themselves at him? Can't you see that those girls mean nothing to him?!" Liz ranted.

"I bet you see a side of Soul none of those girls ever see, too," said Tsubaki.

"...You know what I can't believe, Maka? Soul told you how he felt, and you ran away because you thought he lied! Has he ever lied to you Maka?" Liz angrily asked.

Memories of late night dinners, movie nights, game nights, and Soul and I carefully tending to each other's wounds flashed through my mind as I thought about what Liz and Tsubaki had said. The crowd of thoughts swirled into a single gut feeling: I've been a complete idiot!

Soul had meant it, hadn't he? He… he had meant every word!

"Look Liz, I appreciate the intervention, but I need to leave. I owe someone an explanation." I flew down the stairs leading to the first floor of the library, only pausing to snatch my book back from my blonde haired friend. I quickly stuffed my books into my bag and began to sprint out of the library.

"Hey, I'm not done with you, Maka Albarn!" Liz yelled.

"I think she understands, Liz," Tsubaki softly said.

"Thanks, girls!" I shouted before I exited the library.

I can't believe how stupid I've been! I hope it's not too late to fix this!


I shut the door to my room and tossed my backpack in the corner before walking over to my nightstand and moved the needle onto the current record sitting on the turntable. I flopped down on my bed, as the smooth tune of John Coltrane's "Naima" began to play. As I stared at the plain white ceiling of my bedroom, the music faded into the background as I let my thoughts drift towards my pale blonde haired partner.


My mouth curved into a small smile as I thought about the day we met. How I ended up so lucky that day, I will never know. I'll admit, I was pretty skeptical of her at first, but once she decided to give me the benefit of the doubt that day, and I figured I could at least do the same in return. After we partnered up, it was a rough couple of weeks. We had just moved into this apartment, and we were slowly learning how to live together. The first thing I learned about Maka was her parents' divorce. Of course, she only explained it after her father basically knocked down the apartment door to check on her. I felt kinda honored that despite her father's example when it came to the male species, she picked me as her partner anyway. It gave me a sense of hope that our partnership could last forever.

Too bad I couldn't help but fall head over heels in love with her.

Maka is many cool things, that's for sure. She's intelligent, and an avid book reader. When she's not reading books, she's certainly the most fierce meister I know (Black Star can go to hell). She's brave, courageous and above all, loyal. Her emerald eyes sparkle whenever she's talking about something she's passionate about, not to mention how big her eyes get before she Maka CHOPS someone (mostly me). She trusts me with her life, with everything sacred to her. In return, I trust her with my deepest secrets.

I sighed in exasperation. Maybe things can go back to normal if I just tell her to forget about what I said that night, and we can go back to being friends… I'm sick of Maka's cold shoulder and the way she constantly avoids me. I'd rather be her best friend who watches movies with her, laughs at her terrible jokes, and cooks dinner for her every once in awhile. I don't know how much longer I can hold out. I miss my best friend. I miss my partner.

I miss Maka.

With my decision made, I slipped off my bed and removed the needle from the record before walking over to my bedroom door. Hopefully Maka's back. She's either in the kitchen or her room. I was about to leave my room and make my way to the kitchen, when I barely heard the soft knock on my door.

"Soul?" Maka asked. "Are you in there?"

"Yeah Maka, I'm here," I coolly replied.

"Good. I need to tell you something," she said.

I closed my eyes. No matter what she says, remain cool. "Okay, what is it?"

I opened the door and saw Maka sheepishly staring at her combat boots. This is unusual…

I coolly leaned against the doorframe. "So what did you want to tell me?"

"I understand everything now," she quietly said.

"Huh?" I asked.

She moved her gaze from her combat boots to meet my crimson eyes. "Everything, Soul! I understand everything! The past few years, Italy…" she trailed off.

"Hold on. Just… what are you saying?"

"Everything that's happened, everything we've done together, it all seems like so much, but at the same time, I guess it hasn't been all that long. In some sense. I mean, in a weird way, neither of us have been much of anything for long, but also, we're ancient to a cat, so… this is pointless, I shouldn't even be saying any of this!"

"I… think I agree, a little." What the hell has gotten into her? First she ignores me for a week and now she won't stop talking? The attention is nice, but come on! Say something meaningful, Maka!

"Exactly. That's exactly it. Even when I have no idea what I'm saying anymore, you still understand, and I guess I forgot that. I missed something somehow, but now it's back, and I just… I have to tell you!"

"Okay…" I think I understood where she was going with this, but I just hoped that I was right. Has she finally realized that I would never lie to her? That I would never betray her like that?

"What I'm trying to tell you is… is… I love you too!"

I suddenly found myself grinning like an idiot. Maka, on the other hand, had turned a deep shade of red. Still smiling, I held out my hand. "It's kinda stuffy in here. Do you want to go on a walk?"

She shyly nodded and smiled before slipping her hand into my own. "Sure."

Keeping hold of her hand, I moved through the apartment, tugging Maka along behind me. Her hand was small, but delicate and seemed to perfectly fit into mine.

I'm glad the universe decided to give me one good thing in my shitty life. I'm extremely grateful that it's Maka.

The park was certainly small in size, considering it was a part of Death City. Upon entering our destination, I noticed how the trees were scattered around the public property in a methodical chaotic manner and delicate flowers had begun to bloom in their respective gardens. As we moved further into the park, benches lined the small, beaten, paved pathway for visitors to sit and observe the park's wildlife. I ignored those though, and went straight for my favorite bench in the entire park.

It was placed by a small pond that was a little ways off the path. Even though it's known to the citizens of Death City, I quickly figured out that I'm the only frequent visitor to the slightly secluded space. Some days, I even bring bread for the small animals that occasionally stop by. Other days, I bring my guitar and play a few chords.

As we approached the small clearing I could already hear the ducks quacking, and bugs hidden in the nearby bushes begin to chirp their nightly calls to one another. The laughing sun was sleepily sinking below the western horizon, and the grinning moon was beginning to reveal itself in the dusky night sky, along with the twinkling stars that were shining like small gems as they emerged. I turned to Maka, who had her eyes locked on the pond, and a small smile appeared on her face as she watched the ducks argue amongst themselves.

I looked to the grinning moon to gather my courage so we could continue the conversation that was started in the apartment. I gestured for her to sit down on the bench just inches from the small body of water. She sat on one side and I sat down on the other. I glanced at the moon one more time before advancing the conversation.

"Hey Maka?" I asked.

"Yes?" she replied.

"I just wanted to say thank you," I bravely said.

She looked at me in confusion, but only for a brief second, before her expression softened. "No Soul, if anyone is going to be doing the thanking, it should be me," she remarked.

Now it was my turn to be confused. "What do you mean?" I inquired.

"For choosing me," she muttered.

"Choosing? Maka, there was never a choice."

She looked puzzled at my comment, and I sighed. "There was never a choice because it was always just you, Maka. There was no one else, and there will never be anyone else. Do you understand?"

"What about your fangirls?" she asked.

"I don't care about their attention. I could live without all of their constant nagging and begging. However…" I trailed off and smiled.

"You see, there's this one girl who I'm pretty sure lives to nag and bug me every second of every single day. 'Soul, do your laundry!' 'Soul, do your homework!' 'Soul, can you please make dinner for once?!'" I laughed, and noticed Maka was giggling as well.

"Whoever she is, she sounds very bossy," said Maka.

I laughed once more. "Oh, yes she is. But she's not only bossy. She's the most caring, passionate, overwhelmingly fierce girl I know. Not to mention she's extremely beautiful."

I grinned as I watched Maka blush in the moonlight that was reflecting off of the water. Heavy silence filled the air as we both studied the reflection of the moon dance in the ripples of the pond.

"I know you must be scared. Your dad hasn't set the best example for you Maka, and I realize that you're afraid. And it's okay to be afraid…" I paused, and took a breath.

"It's okay to be afraid, because I am too." Maka locked her emerald eyes with my crimson ones, and I knew I couldn't back out now. This had to be spoken, right here, right now.

"I don't really know what is coming next, but if there's one person I had to pick to face the future with, it would be you." I reached across the small distance between us, and extended my hand.

Maka warmly smiled, and I yelped in surprise as I quickly found that my partner had latched herself completely onto my right arm and snuggled into my side.

"So I guess that's a yes?"

"Actions speak louder than words, Soul. You of all people should know that."

"I guess you're right, bookworm," I chuckled.

Maka quickly retaliated by elbowing me in the ribs. "Ouch! Come on, Maka! That hurt!" I whined.

"Cool guys shouldn't whine," she countered.

I shook my head and laughed. "But cool guys always get the girl."

"Watch what you say Soul."

"I didn't realize I had to."

"Are you asking to be Maka CHOPPED?"

I winced. "Uh…"

"That's what I thought."

I looked to the grinning moon hanging in the sky, and mirrored its grin with one of my own. "I could get used to this," I muttered.

Thank you all so much for leaving reviews and all your support! I hope you enjoyed the ending! :D

A/N Announcement: If you would like to see an epilogue covering their first date, please leave a review below! After all, I'm not a mind reader! :D
