A/N: So here is the final chapter for this massive idea. This entire fic is dedicated to Sage013, who gave me this Idea and I ran with it. I hope the ending meets your expectations. Enjoy!
"You can't wear that." Donna said, without even glancing up from her magazine.
She puffed out an exhausted sigh; they had been at this for what felt like hours, "you didn't even look up from that extremely fascinating article, what's it about skinny dipping in the sunshine?" She asked sarcastically as she peeled off her top and throwing it on the ever growing mound of 'Donna Disapproved" attire.
"Actually it's about twenty-three different ways to see stars, if you catch my drift. The only problem is that Opie and I have only mastered seventeen of them." Donna said carrying on in her pursuit to see starts tonight in a brand new way.
She glared daggers at her friend before stomping over to her slowly depleting supply of clothes. If she didn't find something to wear in the next five outfit changes she would be arriving to the party in her skimpy green bikini and heels. Definitely would get Jacksons' attention, but also every male with eyes.
"Donna Abigail Reed, get your nose out of that damn magazine and help me find something to wear or I swear to god I will show you stars, painfully. David is going to be here in two hours!" She snapped marching over to her bead and ripping the glossy volume out of her friends reach.
"Two hours? The party starts in like an hour and a half. You going to reward David with a half-hour of your company, that will surely drive Jax up the damn walls." She wiggled her eyebrows driving home the point.
"No, I want to put Jackson in his place. Not cheat on him, as much as the idea of seeing his face fills me with a sense of power I'm not Gemma. I'm just going to make it seem that way. Gemma came by this morning and told me to show up with my 'arm candy', her words not mine, a half hour later then everybody so that I make the ultimate impact." She explained, before going back to rifle through her limited supply of options.
"I was just about ot say, that you are taking this game a little bit too far, but considering its just play acting then by all means, make him wonder." Donna giggled before scurrying off the bed and taking the top from her hand and throwing it behind them, completely missing the pile of discards.
"Here where this." Donna told her, grabbing a black fitted top that showed off more of her assets then they hid.
"It still has the price tag on it." She said stupidly as she looked at the shirt.
"Perfect, Jax will think you bought it for David and it'll make David happy because for one night he can ogle you all he wants until Jax busts his nose and you guys make up." Donna explained, smiling all the while scrounging around for a pair of jeans.
She had to agree Donna did have a point the fitted top and tight jeans looked like a second skin on her.
"Now for your hair and makeup, easy. Your hair should be half up and half down, because well Jax has told Opie and by association me, how he likes to run his fingers through your hair and it won't be too hot all lying on your neck. Makeup, is simple we don't want you to be a croweater but we want to make it seem like you put effort into it so brown eyeshadow for a bit of mystery and that peach fizzy lip gloss that is all the rage right now." Donna prattled on a list of instructions as she went about the room gathering the essentials to pull off the look.
With hair twisted into place and makeup applied all that was left was time. The clock ticked by painfully slow and she had to stop herself from pacing a hole into her bedroom floor.
"Quit pacing, you're making me nervous and I sweat when I'm nervous. Relax, David Isn't the type of guy to go back on his word. I've got to go I'm meeting Op at the club. Not to mention I promised Gemma I would help out. See you in a bit." Donna said glancing at the clock before picking up her bag and leaving her standing in the middle of her room.
After Donna left, the clock literally was at a standstill. Note to self, don't get in a staring match with a digital clock she thought as she turned away from the evil contraption and decided to clean up her nuclear bomb fallout of a room.
Before long she heard the gravel crunch under tires and the padding of footsteps up her walk. Throwing the last few remaining tops littering her bedroom floor onto her bed she grabbed her purse and hurried out to the front room before David could knock on the door and possibly run into her father, and that was definitely not something she wanted to happen. Town Drunk Interrogates Golden Boy she could see the headline in the paper now. Quickening her pace to an all-out run she made it to the door just as David started to knock. Whipping open the door she bulldozed through and slamming it shut behind her, nearly tackling her 'date' in the process.
"Are you late for a very important date?" David chided as he ran a hand on the back of his neck.
"Something like that, you're late." She replied distancing herself from the door and taking in David's 'date worthy outfit'.
"First off Alice, I am not late, I am actually two minutes early and second, you look, Wow, just wow." He stumbled, blushing as he looked her over head to toe.
By his reaction alone she knew this plan was going to be a success. Jackson is going to be puddy in her hands and every skank from here to Belfast will know that Jax Teller is hers'.
"Why thank you, and you don't look to bad yourself." She complimented before retreating down the steps and heading towards his car, leaving him to catch up with her.
"So let's go over the plan one more time" She spoke up, turning off the radio as they got closer to the garage.
"You mean the ground rules in which I am under no circumstances getting lucky tonight." David chortled, correcting her all in good fun.
"Exactly!" She agreed before laughing away some of her nerves.
He shook his head and eased up on the gas going as slow as he could making a few turns to take a roundabout way to the Teller-Morrow lot.
"Rule number one, you can be touchy feely but no groping, not that I think you'll grope me but I thought I should put it out there. Number two, if Jax makes some off handed comment about us just go with it, but don't add too much fuel to the fire. Oh and number three, if Opie offers to get you a drink, actually scratch that if any of the guys offers to get you a drink decline. The last guy that was sniffing around Gemma got a 'Tig special' and I nearly hurled when I found out what exactly makes it special. So just don't do it, trust me." She went over the mental list in her head, finishing just as the party scene came into full view.
"So I don't even get to kiss you?" He asked light- heartedly but his eyes never wavered from hers as they parked just outside the gate.
She never did get a chance to answer his question as a honking horn tore her attention away and her nerves came rushing back with a vengeance.
She grabbed the door handle, released it, ran a hand over her impeccable jeans before grasping for the new handle and pushing it open and getting out before she could turn tail and run for the hills.
Just as they walked into view for all of SAMCRO to see she clutched David's hand like a life line before plastering a mega-watt smile on her face and meeting the world, or rather Jackson's world head on.
The ruckus laughter and sounds of childish debauchery quieted as they walked past the gates and firmly into the Reapers den. She felt like chum in the water as the women of the club sized her up, sniffing for any trace of blood and a sign to attack. She flicked her eyes from left to right as the crow eaters seemed to flock towards her, whether to say hello or to peck her eyes out she would never know, but she figured it would be a mix of both. She kept her hold steady on her human life preserver as she walked with authority and dignity towards the drinks table where Gemma was topping off Happys' tall glass of Scotch.
"Well look what the cat dragged in. How ya doin' darling?" Gemma hollered as she motioned over to her before turning to SAMCRO's resident hitman and artistic savant and handing him a double.
"Quite the turnout, for a measly little shindig." She ribbed as she took whatever was in the red cup before handing it off to David and taking the next available plastic cup.
"Tacoma and Nevada showed up with the whole charter, so I'd say it was a success for the official patch in." Gemma explained before waving over at a dark haired betty latched onto the President of Tacoma's arm.
"Of course, nothing but the best for Jax, heir apparent. Where is he anyway? Off scouting out his harem of girls for the night?" She asked, feigning interest. All the while clutching the plastic beer cup and squeezing the life out of David's hand. He however seemed perfectly content to have lost the feeling in his fingers.
"He just went into the club house with Opie and Donna to grab something for Clay; he should be out any moment." She said conversationally, before lowering her voice so the eavesdropping crow eaters and sweet butts wouldn't hear, "Ready to show your man whose boss?"
I smiled back before clinking cups with David before chugging a hearty sip, answering Gemma with a wink just as the club door opened and the twinkling laugh of Donna met her ears.
She could barely hear Gemma's compliment about her outfit over the hum in her ears as Jackson's eyes landed on her.
Relief flashed in his eyes as he took a half-step towards her before finally realizing that her hand was clasped in another, and when she saw him recognize who that hand belonged to the relief she saw shining through clouded into fiery rage.
For a heartbeat she was so excited and proud that he felt even a smidge of how she felt last week before all hell broke loose.
"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HER!" Jackson screamed as David's hand was ripped from hers and he was pushed backwards.
"Jackson STOP" she yelled after him as he lifted his fist to smash in David's eye.
He halted his attack for a moment, turning to look at her. Lowering his hand his eyes roved over her looking for something, for what she couldn't be sure but before she could ask David sealed his own fate.
"Good thing you found a woman in your league Teller. We all know Tara isn't going to be happy being some biker's bitch, filing tune ups and taking care of your ingrates. She's meant to be with someone worthy, someone who will make her a queen and push her to follow her dreams not keep her back." David spit out before his jaw was smashed and he was tackled to the pavement.
"You-" Punch "Want-" Punch "To-" Kick "Know what I would give her, everything." He wheezed out as Jax was pulled off of the town's golden boy and dragged a little bit away.
She could hear Clay giving him a talking to about reigning in his anger especially on a Hale, while Opie held his arms back, restraining him from going another round.
"Are you okay?" She gasped out falling on her knees next to her friend and pseudo date for the night. David nodded his head before spitting out a spray of blood before croaking out a yes.
"Here, have a sip. It'll numb the pain and clean out that cut." Gemma said offering up a drink of tequila, while pointing at his busted lip.
"Thanks." He said graciously, even beaten to a bloody pulp he still had the manners of a saint.
"Don't mention it; I knew there would be casualties I just thought he would be more liquored up when it happened." The queen said with a trace of pride before heading over to her son.
"You baited him" She said simply once some of the attention was off of them.
"I got you what you wanted didn't I? And I didn't even make you kiss me." He joked before wincing slightly as the alcohol came in contact with his cut up mouth.
"Oh, well how kind of you. I would say your job here is done if you want to make a clean, and I do mean clean getaway." She told him gently placing her hand on his already purpling face.
"I think I have one more thing to do, ya know to really sell my part." He told her placing his hand on top of hers before looking off to the side of her.
Following his line of sight she saw her leather wearing biker boy steeping in thinly veiled rage while ignoring the clear warning given out by the queen's subjects.
Before she had time to react or protest David had guided her face away from the hypnotizing sight of the future king and pressed his lips firmly on hers for a count of two before she was literally hauled away from him and David was fighting round two against an angry unbeatable biker.
"INCASE I HAVEN'T MADE MYSELF CLEAR, FROM THIS MOMENT ON TARA IS OFF LIMITS. NOTHING AND NO ONE WILL STOP ME FROM ENDING YOU OR ANY OTHER MAN WHO PUTS HIS HANDS ON WHAT IS MINE." He bellowed before delivering one final kick to David's left kneecap, effectively ending any chance of him making the pros, heck or even the college team at Sacramento State.
"Now get out of my sights, and spread the word that the reaper is vengeful." He said kneeling down to David's before whistling and having two of the Tacoma boys hauling his ass out of the gates.
The onlookers were all in a tizzy gossiping back and forth about the heir to the throne going all hulk on the town's hopeful star.
She waited beside Donna and Opie, watching as Jax' back muscles clenched in his leather vest and he worked out his hand before finally gathering up what little courage she had left and made a move to go check his hand.
Gemma's bejeweled hand stilled her movements, holding her in place before motioning her head to the newest croweater slithering up to Jackson. "Now make your move." She said with authority as Jax paid no mind to the wanting and willing buzzard.
She squared her shoulders, eyes laser focused on the hand that was running what would have been soothing circles into the leather of Jackson's kutte.
She felt the static electricity humming below the surface as all eyes from Jackson's club, both far and wide watched as she walked lazily two steps till she was effectively standing just behind the will-be king.
She cleared her throat catching the attention first of Jackson who turned fully on the spot, eyes blown wide while he unconsciously flexed his hand, and then by the sleaze who had the nerve to lean in closer and drag her brushed aside hand across the new members' chest.
She smiled softly at Jax for a split second, before she drew back her own hand and felt flesh that seemed more like rubber before a small snapping noise and then she was looking down on the insolent little twat.
"Take a hint bitch, if you think He gave a beat down, you haven't seen anything yet. He might have the reaper on his side but honey; I have the fucking kingdom, make sure you remember that the next time you or one of your used up skanks comes sniffing around." She decreed, voice dripping with venom and power. "Now go find someone else who will use your piece of trash body." She said looking down at the girl, who was holding her purpling nose.
The girl scrambled up off her butt and past Jackson without a sideways glance and as soon as her heeled foot hit the garage line the whole lot burst into cheers and hollers, demanding a shot for the 'Heir and his lady'.
With the adrenaline slowly ebbing out of her system she felt her hand starting to ache like a Son, the irony, of a bitch. She whipped her hand around trying to get some of the stinging to go away and it seemed to only make it worse. She tried to bite back the groan of pain as she rotated her fingers but with every centimeter of her pointer finger the aching intensified.
"Christ Tara, are you alright?" Jax asked concerned grabbing her hand and holding it steady.
"Yeah, yeah I'm fine I think I fractured a finger or two on that trollop's nose. That nose job must have been worth it if they replaced her bone with steel. Ow, Ow." She told him before pulling her hand out of his as he started to run small circles above her pointer knuckle.
"I think you broke it babe." He said, a split eating grin taking over his face.
"Why the hell are oyu smiling? It hurts." She pouted, ignoring the urge to punch him in the shoulder knowing it would only do more damage to herself.
"Sorry babe, but that was so hot. I nearly combusted on the spot at the sight of you staking your claim." He whispered huskily as he inched closer to her ear.
"Well don't get use to Teller, I am staking my claim once and if you or any of the used up hang arounds think I don't mean it then I am gone, done, forever Jax. I mean it, cheating is the end of us. I won't ever recover if you do." She told him sternly, pushing him away from her and staring into his eyes, making sure it sunk into that thick skull of his.
"I got it babe, honest. I finally get what the big deal is, when I saw you with Hale, every fucking day this last week and then here. I nearly committed murder when I saw his lips on you. I don't even want to think of what I could do if he was with you, in the way that only I am. Forgive me?" He asks so shyly her heart stutters at the bashful way his eyelids flutter as he waits for her answer.
She pulls him in by the front of his shirt with her good hand and latches her lips to his. Home the thought flashes through her head as their lips make contact.
"I knew you would put that bitch in her place, I'm proud of you. You'll make a good queen one day if that little display of power had anything to say." Gemma piped up, interrupting their reunion. She blushed slightly as her lips pulled away from Jackson's to smile at the Queen who was grinning like she knew a secret that no one else knew.
"She will be." Jax answered for her as he locked his bruised hand with her good one, "In fact, since I made it abundantly clear to Davey-boy and every other member on this lot that you are off limits, I think it's about time that you took your place by my side officially." Jax said, underlining nerves as he fiddled with her fingers.
"You want me to get the Crow?" She asks stunned. They had talked about it briefly before he had pledged but nothing since.
He smiles and shakes his head eagerly before giving her a soft squeeze of reassurance as his mother looks on, keeping quiet for once.
She doesn't answer; she simply looks down at their joined hands before meeting Gemma's gaze who calls for a drink for the lady in waiting and for Happy.
Only way to fight a cold is to play it at its own game. After all wasn't Penicillin just a fungus once?
Well that is it…. what did you think? Good? Bad? Please Review