Chapter nine is here… time is full of cheer…

No, I was not watching the Charlie Brown Christmas special! Shut up!

So chapter nine will sort of be a long chapter. I'm thinking it'll be the longest chapter in the story so far, and this is their trip into the Void. I've loved my reviews, and that you guys love this story. I'm thinking after this chapter, we'll have one or two left. If you want me to write a sequel, vote in my poll!

Olivia screamed and clung to Chara as they fell.


"THIS IS INSANITY!" Chara yelled.

Kristen looked down and realized the ground was coming up fast. She used her godly powers to make them float unharmed to the floor. Asriel let out a sigh of relief.

"What's that?" Olivia asked, looking at the black water river in front of them.

"Branch River," Kristen replied. "Made of the tears of humanity. Sorrow, joy… any tears shed end up here. It's the only way to enter the Void." She stuck two fingers in her mouth and whistled. A hooded person on a boat came up.

"Tra-la-la," they sang. "I am the Riverman. Or am I the Riverwoman? It doesn't really matter. I love to ride in my boat. Care to join me?"

Kristen dug into her pockets and produced four gold, which she handed to the Riverperson.

"Thank you. Everybody on!"

They all got on the boat and travelled across the River. Olivia stared in awe at her surroundings. Chara put a hand on the blonde human's shoulder.

"Welcome to the realm of the gods of death," she said. "Kristen's home."

"I wonder if Daddy's home," Kristen murmured. "Probably."

"Where do human souls go once they die?" Olivia asked.

"There are four areas of the Void. First off, we have the Fields of Ash, where normal human souls wait to be judged by Sans, my dad. Then, we have Tartarus, where the worst criminals are punished. We also have the Isle of the Blessed, where those who are considered heroes or saints are kept. Finally, we have the Hall of the Favored, where favorites of gods are left. Frisk will be there. To get there, though, we'll have to pass through Tartarus and the Fields of Ash. Think you guys are up for it?"

"Ready!" Olivia looked determined.

"Then let's go."

As they made their way through the Fields of Ash, several souls turned to look at them. Specifically, though, they were looking at Kristen.

"There must've been a mistake!" one wailed.

"Let me through, goddess!"

"Let my soul be judged! I deserve the Isle of the Blessed!"

"Typical," she sighed. "I can't walk through this crowd without being harassed."

"Mary Sue!" teased Chara.

"Demonic fan favorite!" Kristen retorted.

"Is this normal?" Olivia asked Asriel.

"Yes, and as usual, I have no idea what they're talking about."

"Let's keep moving!" Kristen declared. "We're almost to Tartarus."

Tartarus was a dark, foul-smelling cave. They could hear screams of agony as sinners were punished for eternity. Olivia shivered.

"You're wondering if Vernon's down here, aren't you?" Kristen asked the girl.


"Oh, yes, he is. Definitely. Daddy wouldn't have let him get away with what he did to Frisk."

"That's… good…"

"What's wrong?" Chara inquired.

"It's just… I was never able to stand up to him when he was alive. I was too scared, and now we're here because he killed Frisk. If I had just said something…"

Kristen tapped her chin in thought. Before she could say anything, a hand grabbed Olivia's ankle. She screamed.

It was Vernon.

"Olivia!" he rasped. "Please! I'm your father!"


"You know I've always loved you! I just hated your cousin for taking what should've been yours! Please, help me!"

She looked to her companions. Kristen nodded and Olivia stomped on her father's arm. He let out a howl of pain and stood up. Before he could touch her, Olivia backhanded him across the face and punched him back into the pit he'd crawled out of. As his screams of agony faded away, Chara rested a hand on the human girl's shoulder.

"You did what was right. Liberating, huh?"


They continued on, Olivia feeling much better that she'd stood up to her father. The Hall of the Favored was before them, and they could see every mortal that had been favored by the gods. Asriel moved faster, trying to find Frisk among them.

"She's not here." He balled his fists.

"FRISK!" Olivia called in desperation. "WHERE ARE YOU?!"

"Where could she be?" Chara asked, looking at Kristen.

"Olivia? Asriel? Chara?"

They looked to see Frisk looking healthier than any of them remembered her ever looking. She had a confused but happy look on her face.

"Frisk!" Asriel hugged her. Olivia stayed back to give them some space before hugging Frisk herself.

"What are you doing here?" she asked.

"We came for you!" Olivia replied, a massive smile on her face. "To bring you back to life, so you can become a goddess!"

"How would you do that? It's impossible."

"We had a little help. Come on!"

Olivia grabbed her cousin's hand and they began to run out of the Void. Frisk looked confused again, as if she had no clue what was going on. Which, to be fair, she didn't.

" ! (STOP!)" a voice called. Kristen turned and they saw Gaster coming towards them. Kristen had a determined look on her face as she gazed at her grandfather.

" ! (We're taking her and you can't stop us!)" she said in the same ancient language. Chara looked at Asriel, who was gripping Frisk's hand tightly. Gaster made a bone appear in his hand. " ? , ! (You would attack your own granddaughter, who is also a god? You can't kill me, you know!)"

" , (I cannot allow you to take her)," Gaster rasped. Kristen held out her arm and glanced at the others.

"I'll hold him off!" she declared. "Take Frisk across the River. I'll join you as soon as I can!"

The others nodded and ran for the Riverperson. Kristen made pillars of rock for her to stand on.

" , ! ! (Let's see whatcha got, old man!)" She flew towards him, and their powers meeting caused a massive explosion.

" ! (Insolent minor goddess!)"

" ! (Foul old man!)"

Frisk panted as she ran alongside the other three. She couldn't believe it! She was about to become a goddess—to live on Mount Ebott alongside the immortals!

A massive spray of dirt went up beside them as Kristen hit the ground. Golden blood poured from a head wound, but she wiped it away and faced her grandfather again.

" ! (I WON'T GIVE UP!)" she yelled.

" . (You're disrespecting the natural order.) . (Leave the girl, Kristen.)"

" ! (NEVER!)"

Before Gaster could land one last blow on his granddaughter, Sans appeared out of nowhere and teleported his daughter away. He glared at Gaster.

" . (The mortal is free to leave.)," he told his father. " . (She is to become immortal on Mount Ebott.)"

Gaster lowered his attacks and bowed his head in shame. Kristen wiped the last of her blood off her head and turned to the Riverperson, handing them five gold.

"Thank you," the Riverperson said. "Tra-la-la. Everybody on!"

The boat travelled back across the River. Upon disembarking, Kristen looked exhausted.

"We'd best head back to Chroma," she panted. "Then we'll go to Mount Ebott."

In Chroma, Marissa and Alexander looked overjoyed to see their daughter.

"Mama! Papa!" she greeted them, tears in her eyes.

"Oh, I'm so happy to see you!" Marissa sobbed, hugging her precious child.

"Just don't die before your time again, okay?" chuckled Alexander, but he had tears of joy streaming down his face, too.

It was time.

And that concludes chapter nine! An early Christmas present for all you lovely people.

Now, because I don't know how it will look online, I thought I should explain something about the chapter. All of Gaster's initial text was in Wingdings, and, because he doesn't speak any other way, Kristen and Sans talked to him in the same way.

You're probably wondering why Kristen couldn't bring Frisk back herself, though, if she's a goddess of death. It's because she didn't have the necessary powers to do so. Asriel's powers, as well as Frisk's tether to the mortal plain, were needed.

That being said, leave any questions in the comments!

So long and thanks for all the fish!