Thanks for the support guys, really liking the reviews lately, brings a tear to my eyes.

Blu didn't get much time to enjoy Minnesota as he was sent back to Rio with Jewel. Although Blu was not happy that he couldn't spend more time with snow and hot chocolate, he decided to content with Jewel's wish so she doesn't get homesick.

They had a great time with each other, playing games, cuddling, and kisses, but they will soon realize that none of these will be relevant in the presence of another dangerous hunter that had already set up an ambush for their return.

"The course of true love never did run smooth."

Of course the challenge of these lovers won't be easy to overcome and sometimes may seem impossible. But with the love of true words, there is nothing blocking their path to the realm of the sweet and glorious success of love.

Time quickly swept by as the plane traveled through the air. Two birds were sitting against each other, embracing each other's presence with nothing but sweet looks. They would often look away blushing when one would often gaze upon their partner's looks. Even in such lovely and situation, a scarlet macaw rolled around the luggage, trying to find anything fun to do other than interrupting the two lovers' time and ending up getting smashed in the face by Jewel.

"Boring, boring and boring!" The scarlet macaw rolled around the hard scented carpet.

"Knock it off will you?" Jewel said to him while in Blu's warm lap.

"Nah girl, you only get one life, better spend it on fun things than blankly staring at something that you probably won't eat," He stood up and shook off the debris off of his feather only to roll again.

"If you were a god, you are definitely a god of annoyance," Blu mocked.

"I wouldn't call myself a little greatest god, but thanks for calling me that," Perito looked at him upside down playfully.

A few hours later.

It didn't take them long before reaching the airport of Rio, again. The screeching sound of the wheel sliding on the hard surface woke the three birds up after a long slumber. The plane slowly came to a stop as the three macaws experienced the same procedure as last time. The trip back to Minnesota was almost unnecessary because the three came back just one day after arriving their destination, but for the newly born couple, it was a thrilling experience that almost included all of their lively emotions.

"Well, we are here," Blu said thrillingly looking up to the wide blue sky while being taken to the aviary.

"Can't wait to be free in the jungle again!" Jewel exclaimed looking out towards the jungle.

"But you haven't taught me how to fly yet."

"Oh… About that… Do you think I can teach you in the jungle?"

"No, absolutely not, I'm surely going to get eaten by a ten feet snake if I try to learn."

"Don't be so negative Blu, you'll be fine." Jewel gave him a promising look.

"I'm not being negative… I'm just…"


"Yeah…" He replied.

"Hey, it's not bad in the jungle, I'll teach everything you'll know to survive." Jewel placed one of her wing on him.

"Thanks Jewel, but I really do think we should start in the aviary because that's where we are heading."

"That sucks, I guess we still have to wait…" Jewel said with a grumpy face but changed to a soothing one," At least I have you."

She took a step forward and rubbed her face against his beak. Blu smiled at her and put his wings behind her back and stroke it with care. The feathers tangled with each other as they passed, creating heats that melts one's heart, and their beaks moved up and down in harmonious rhythm.

They eventually stopped at the aviary and unloaded all their stuff. Linda arrived at the front door and entered, and everything still seemed to be normal. Birds flocking around and loud screeching noise of them squawking still ringed around the building as usual. She walked past the workers and knocked on the lab door.

"Come in," A man said inside the lab.

Linda turned the knob and opened the door, she then saw that Tulio was doing a small surgery on a bird. She felt bad for just leaving him and his only chance of proving himself by reviving the Spix macaw.

"I see that you brought both of them," Tulio placed the metal tools down and inspected the two macaws, but noticed another one behind them," There's another one?"

"Yeah, he was with me also."

"Well, if he's not hurt or anything, I gotta release him," Tulio said as he opened the cage and grabbed the scarlet macaw. He struggled and squawked, but none seemed to work as Tulio examined every part of him.

"Hmm, nothing was broken I see," Tulio said as he opened the window in the room and released him out to the wild.

"There we go," He said and closed the window as he walked back to Blu and Jewel.

"So what are you going to do with them?" Linda asked.

"Well, maybe we can keep them here for a while and we'll see what we can do," Tulio said as he let Blu walk on his fingers.

"Now let's see if she repels me," Tulio carefully approached her with his skinny hand, hoping to not get bitten by her powerful beak. He closed his eyes and expected her to cut his hand down violently, but all she did was climbing onto his hand and onto his shoulders. He sighed in relief but noticed she had aggressive eyes that stared deeply into his soul, telling him not to mess with her.

"Good girl…" Tulio smiled nervously as he carried both of them back to the room where they used to be. He placed them in the fake jungle and closed the metal door.

"Now that they are in there, we can have some free time," Linda said as she sat down on the sofa.

"Yeah, how about we… Go get something to eat?" Tulio smiled at her as he scratched the back of his head.

"Sure, let's go," She said as they both exited the aviary.

Breeding Room.

The two macaws were back at their first meeting sight where everything it all started. The fake trees and water ponds were still in their same old place, and the recorder of jungle sounds still played in the background restlessly.

Jewel flew up to the hollow that she had been sleeping in before he came and waited for Blu to follow him. Blu saw that Jewel already had flown on top of the tree so he hurried up and ran towards the little stairs.

He panted as he finally reached the top of the tree where Jewel had been patiently waiting, and looked at her with a tired look.

"Still want to walk all the way here?" Jewel asked with a mocking smile.

"No…" He panted and looked at his wings.

"Then you gotta learn how I live, you just gotta fly all the time," Jewel said as she pulled opened his wings and examined it just like Tulio, and said," Nice wingspan, you are certainly suitable for flying."

"Can you just teach me how to fly? I really want to be like you."

"Only if you agree to not interfere with those humans again."

"What?! Linda will get really sad if I don't see her."

"Oh I forgot you are a pet," She said sarcastically," If you want to fly, shake those traits off."

"But can I just visit her occasionally?"

"Fine, you can," She rolled her eyes," Now let's get to the lesson shall we?"

Blu nodded his head as he followed every step of Jewel.


"Where did you say they were?" A red-tailed hawk asked as she walked around the bushes.

"I'm sure the blue macaws went back to the humans," Nigel said even though he didn't know where they are also," Let's split up so we have wider coverage."

"Fine," Sana said annoyingly with her being ordered by other birds.

Sana wandered around the forest alone, trying to find any trace of the two blue macaws. As she looked around aimlessly, she spotted a few blue feathers lying on the ground. She became suspicious and picked them up when suddenly out of nowhere came out a few toucans who surrounded her and pecked her brown feathers.

"How cute and delicious, too bad I'm not hungry," Sana said to herself as she picked them up one by one and threw them to the side.

"Attack!" One of the toucans yelled out as he was thrown in the air. Immediately fifteen more toucans rushed out and buried her alive with their feathers, but Sana pushed all of them out of the way and grabbed one of the toucans by the neck.

"Go away you oversized beak birds, all of you are imbeciles, you should be thankful that I didn't kill you yet," Sana said as she slowly applied more force on the toucan's neck, making him scream in pain.

"What's going on?" An adult toucan came out of his hollow and spotted a hawk hurting his son. He gasped and charged towards the hawk, she didn't see the adult toucan coming and was rammed a few feets away, and landed on its back, releasing the toucan in its talon.

"Ahh! Who did that?" Sana climbed up to her feet and saw the toucan that had just rammed her was flying away. She cracked her bones and caught up to him with ease, and held his neck with her sharp and dangerous talons.

He struggled to get out of her grip but it wasn't any use as she strengthened her talons.

"What do you want?" The toucan said to her with hatred.

"Oh you know, your kids' blood and maybe yours too," The hawk said casually," No one is going to save you."

"Leave my children alone!"

"Don't worry, I'll end your life after I let you watch every one of them slowly die," Sana said dreamily," But that's not the point, I'll let you and your kids go under one condition."

"Ok ok," The toucan said scared.

"Where are the blue macaws?"

He knew who she was talking about and didn't want her to find them even though he didn't know where they are, so he tried to lie to her but actually giving away their position on accident," They are at the aviary where humans take care of birds."

"I don't believe you," She said and hardened her grip even more.

"Please, I can't tell lies to you," The toucan said almost passing out.

"Fine, but if you lied to me, I'll be sure to torture your family," Sana gave him and smile and threw him into a bush, and flew away to find Nigel.