Beca's spent the better part of the afternoon kicking herself. She didn't want to bring up The Incident with Chloe, but there was no way they weren't both aware of what had happened last night. She knew she could never face her neighbor again if they didn't acknowledge it and move on.

She didn't expect Chloe to be almost flippant about the situation. Almost like she enjoyed knowing Beca saw.

She regrets shining the light on the matter, though. It means her voyeurism is going to end.

It's past midnight when Beca makes her way upstairs. She's not worried about what she'll see tonight, because they texted, albeit briefly, about the matter, and she knows Chloe will heed her warning and keep that curtain closed.

Only before Beca's even reached for her light switch she sees that she's completely wrong.

Chloe's curtain is wide open.

Her big overhead light is off, though her bedside lamp is on, but Chloe's nowhere to be seen. Beca rushes across the room to yank her blinds down, but the piece of shit cord won't cooperate and only one side is coming down and she's still fighting with them when she sees movement, and she glances to see Chloe wandering around her bedroom putting away laundry.

Beca tries to keep her focus on fixing her blinds as efficiently as possible but she sees Chloe slow to a stop and Beca knows she's standing in front of her window. She only hopes her back is to it, but when Beca steals a glance, she can see that Chloe's looking right at her, hands on the windowsill as she leans forward a little. Smiling. Smiling at Beca.

Beca forgets what her hands are trying to do when she sees Chloe start unbuttoning her shirt, and her blinds choose that moment, for better or worse, to finally respond and they crash down into place.

The next night, Beca waits until it's after 1:00am to venture to her room. She's starting to feel like it's a war zone, and she debates doing an Army crawl to enter unnoticed. Until she remembers she never reopened her blinds that morning for this exact reason.

She enters her room with confidence but something tugs at her wrist. Pushes at her back. Nudges at her feet. Until she's spreading two slats of her blinds apart to look.

Chloe's awake. She's in bed, reading. Wearing glasses, Beca notes. She doesn't seem to be wearing a shirt, a sheet pulled up and tucked under her arms. Beca swallows hard, unable to ignore the definition in the woman's arms.

Chloe lifts her head and Beca yanks her hand away to let the blinds snap back together, and her heart races. It was one thing to happen upon something; it was a horse of a different color to be actively spying and get busted.

When her phone chimes in her pocket, she knows who it is before she even looks at it.

Chloe Next Door: Nighty night!

Beca's started dreading going to bed. It's near impossible to ignore the impulse to peek through the blinds. Her curiosity is killing her, and despite wanting this girl, her brazen [presumed] flirtation is almost too much for Beca to handle.


She gives in on a Thursday night after staring at the ceiling for an hour. She knows Chloe's up - the ambient light is visible despite her blinds, because Chloe seems to refuse to ever have her curtain closed now, like she has a point to make.

So she rolls out of bed and considers crawling to the window, but she walks like an adult. She debates how to do it, how to see through her blinds without giving herself away. The distance between them and the window doesn't work because the angle from either side is too steep to see straight across. But there's a natural gap near the bottom that's been there since they slammed down so she crouches to bring herself level with it.

She was right - Chloe's still awake. She's not in bed, though it looks like she was because her bedding is pushed back, though Chloe's nowhere to be seen.

She reappears just when Beca feels disappointment sneaking in, but it's replaced with a different type of disappointment when Chloe isn't topless like she was the other night.

But the disappointment doesn't last long, because despite being clothed, all she's clothed in are a tiny pair of shorts and a matching tank that were obviously purchased as a set, and it lets Beca appreciate those toned arms again.

She watches Chloe crawl into bed and turn off her lamp, and she returns to her own bed, mind buzzing.

Beca blames her hormone cycle. In the morning she twists her blinds open - not up, just open to let the light through - with full intention to "forget" to close them later.

She leaves her own reading lamp on as she lays on her stomach in bed, reversed so her head's at the foot where she can easily see into Chloe's room, which, thus far, has been dark since Beca laid down at 10:33pm. She has her laptop in front of her to avoid boredom as she waits, and it's nearing midnight when the light comes on and Chloe appears.

Beca lifts her eyes just enough to watch through her blinds, and though her line of sight is repeatedly broken up by the slats, she can track Chloe's movement, and she sees it slow to a stop in front of the window. Beca knows she's looking her way; she kind of wants Chloe to know she's there. That it's possible that she can see Chloe.

She wants to know what would happen. If what Chloe seemed to tease the night she started unbuttoning her shirt at the window would happen again.

She can see Chloe at the window, closer, clearer. She's rocking back and forth a little, and then Beca sees her arms cross at her waist and she lifts her shirt up and off in a move so smooth and confident it makes Beca's jaw drop. Her bra is black. Maybe blue or purple. Her shorts are gray. Potentially lavender.

Chloe turns around and walks back to her bed, her back to the window, and Beca's iMessage notification on her computer makes her jump.

Like what you see?

Beca reads it three times to make sure she's reading it right, and that the sender is actually 'Chloe Next Door.'

She is, and it is.

Her hands hover over her keyboard. Her palms are sweating and she glances up to see Chloe back at her window. She's just standing there. Waiting. There's a square of light in her hand that Beca knows is her phone.

Beca chews on her lip, heart pounding. Chloe's opened the proverbial door, and it's up to Beca whether or not to enter.


It's noncommittal and a little safe just in case she needs to backpedal for any reason, in the unlikely but still possible event that she's completely misread the situation and Chloe's text is actually her way of telling Beca she's a creeper. She's still rereading the short text when another one pops up.

How bout now?

She lifts her eyes and, "Shit…"

Chloe's topless, and still standing in the window.

Not bad.

She tries to play it cool and confident; she's grateful she's all but anonymous right now, because she's dying inside and could never carry on this type of communication if it had to be verbal and face to face. Not with this girl, who, in these short months of being neighbors, has managed to thoroughly ruffle her feathers.

I can feel you staring. Don't lie to me.

Something in the tone of the text makes Beca's heart pound.


Her fingers type it before she was ready to and she curses at herself for it because now she has to follow it up with something relevant.

Yeah. I like what I see.

She counts to three and then hits the Enter key with more force than necessary to send it.

I wish I could see you too.

Beca's heart is in her throat. She didn't expect this, any of this. And now Chloe's, well she's about three texts from turning this conversation into sexting and Beca's pretty sure she wouldn't care if she did. This is quickly becoming a YOLO situation, as much as she detests the phrase she respects its core meaning, and if Chloe's into it…

Oh yeah?

I've seen you before
With your friend

Beca inhales at the response. The "Mhmm" is suggestive and the fact that Chloe had indeed ended up seeing her reunion weeks ago makes her head spin.

Wouldn't mind seeing you again tho
Like right now

The texts come in fast succession and Beca's hands are trembling and her body's on fire and the back of her neck is sweating and she can still see Chloe standing in the frame of the window, still topless, still rocking back and forth, face lit up brighter than the rest of her by her phone.

It's only fair.

She doesn't register that she's even moving until she's standing in front of her window, her fingers curled around the cord to her blinds. She hears her computer chime again and she has to turn back, opting to grab her phone instead to read it.

Open them

Beca looks down at herself. She's not wearing a single sexy thing - her T-shirt is too big and her sleep shorts have Spongebob on them. "One, two, three," she says to herself and yanks the string on the blinds to lift them. It's not as smooth as she would have liked, having to fight with them for a few seconds to get them to stay up, but when they do and she remembers the reason why she's doing that at all, she drops her eyes and there's Chloe, naked save for a pair of shorts.

And she waves at Beca, the same cute wave she does when they see each other outside or passing on the street. But then she's gesturing at her, miming pulling off the shirt she removed from herself five minutes ago, and Beca realizes what she's asking for.

Her phone dings.


She cracks her knuckles with her thumb and then counts to three again and whips her shirt off before she can second-guess herself.

Chloe's reaction is immediate; she hops a little and claps best she can with a phone in her hand, and the motion transfers to two specific areas of her body that Beca can't help but stare at until she's still and her phone chimes.

Oh my…
No bra?

Beca takes pride in the response - like Chloe wasn't expecting her to go for it, or go for it to that degree. She hasn't decided how to respond yet when more messages come through.

Your hot

Beca sniffs a laugh at Chloe's need to correct a typo in this particular contextual situation, and she finds it endearing.

So are you

It's a weak response, and she recognizes she's really letting Chloe carry this conversation, but she seems content in that role.

I think about you sometimes

Beca looks up from her phone. Chloe's innocent giddiness is gone again, and she's staring at Beca like she was waiting for her to look at her, and the moment their eyes meet, Chloe's hand is moving to her breast. It covers it and Beca nearly falls forward, her crazy pulse making her dizzy.

Chloe's eyes drop and she's texting one-handed.

Do you think about me too?
Touching yourself when you saw me with Tara

Beca blushes hard at being called out for it. Chloe hadn't mentioned it when Beca had done the considerate thing and notified Chloe of her visibility. Obviously Chloe had offered her own consideration in not mentioning to Beca what she saw.

Until now.

She's glancing back and forth between her phone and Chloe, not sure what to do or say and Chloe's still looking at her phone, typing, her left hand still idly caressing her breast.

You were wearing a shirt tho
I couldn't see you
Like I can now

Beca knows what she's implying; what she's requesting. She looks up to see Chloe's finished texting, at least for now, and she's watching Beca expectantly. The moment their eyes reconnect Chloe gives a particularly obvious tug to the nipple she's been toying with for however many minutes and Beca's hand is on her own without conscious thought.

She sees Chloe react, eyes wide, lips pursed, and then eyes closed and mouth open and Beca imagines the sound that she just made and makes one of her own.

When Chloe opens her eyes again, she looks different. Hotter. Determined. It makes Beca feel weak in the knees and she watches Chloe toss her phone behind her onto her bed so she does the same. Chloe takes a step forward and she lifts her arm to lean against the window frame and her hand drifts from her left breast to her right and Beca toys with her own almost absentmindedly. It feels good, but watching Chloe is more pleasurable.

Her brain keeps trying to interrupt what's happening, telling her she should be embarrassed, that for some reason this is wrong. But she shoves the thoughts away, burying them under the sound rationale that they are both consenting to this mutual voyeurism and Chloe's appreciative and intense gaze spurs her to make the bold move to let her other hand sweep down over her stomach. Her thumb catches in the waistband of her shorts and she gives it the tiniest tug. She's watched Chloe track her hand's motion and as soon as it hooks in the elastic to pull it down one suggestive inch, Chloe turns away and is hurrying out of the room and Beca's stomach drops.

"Fuck. Fuck, fuck fuck." She feels like an idiot. She didn't know she even could take what was happening too far, but clearly she had. Her shirt is missing; she can't remember where she dropped it because she wasn't thinking when she took it off and it's nowhere on the floor and her hands are rooting through her bedding for it and it's nowhere and she feels like she's going to cry in humiliation and her doorbell rings.

She freezes. She imagined that.

It rings again and it's followed by knocking.

She knows it's Chloe. It has to be. Furious, probably.

Or maybe not, the other half of her brain battles back, the one that was in charge just a minute ago in front of the window.

The doorbell rings for a third and fourth time in quick succession and Beca finally finds her shirt under the edge of her bed and she runs down the stairs.

Her heart's pounding and her body is still throbbing and she's preparing herself for whatever is going to be there, good or bad, and she hesitates, knowing Chloe is on the other side of the door she's staring at. She has yet to put on her shirt; she's just holding it and the part of her that's scared thinks she should put it on, but the part of her that's turned on thinks she should leave it off, so she compromises and just holds it against her chest.

At this point, what does it matter anyway?

"One, two, three," she counts aloud quickly and then flips the deadbolt and jerks the door open.

Chloe's standing barefoot on her welcome mat wearing a blue track jacket that's only half-zipped and there's clearly nothing underneath it, and they stare at each other for what both feels like an eternity and a nanosecond.

And then Chloe takes the step forward and pulls Beca right into a kiss that immediately steals her breath. She feels the shirt get yanked out of her grip and hears her front door close and she leans forward, conscious enough to reach and lock it and the motion gets Chloe pinned against the door and the realization of what's happening finally hits home and Beca groans and presses her body up against Chloe's.

She reaches for the zipper on the jacket and whips it down. She doesn't even bother hesitating. Her hands run up Chloe to cover the breasts that, until this moment, she's only seen from afar.


She's never heard Chloe curse before, but it's sexy as hell mumbled against her lips.

It's her turn to swear when Chloe's hands knock Beca's out of the way and her breasts are in Chloe's hands and Chloe capitalizes on her distraction. She pushes off the door and walks to force Beca backward and they're heading for the stairs and Beca finds it awfully convenient that their floorplans are similar enough that Chloe knows where she's going despite only ever seeing half of the lower level.

Lips are sucking on her neck hard enough that Beca barely notices the sharp pain that comes with her back getting slammed against the banister at the foot of the stairs. Her hands shove at the jacket, needing it off Chloe and Chloe finally gets the point and releases Beca long enough to let her yank it down her arms and throw it aside. Her arms are around Beca's waist immediately to pull their bodies flush as she reconnects their mouths.

Beca's had her share of hot and heavy hook-ups in her time, but none of them have been as intense as this, and she doesn't know if it's because of the build-up tonight or the build-up since she moved in or something else entirely but she feels like she's simultaneously drowning, burning alive, and being resuscitated every time Chloe's tongue twists around hers.

She feels hands on her ass and she's being guided to take a step to her right to actually climb the stairs, and she's never climbed stairs backwards but it seems like she's going to have to learn.

She makes it up four steps and is trying to find the fifth when Chloe's hands hook into the waistband of Beca's shorts to pull them down to her knees, making it impossible for her to lift her leg to climb that stair.

Hands run up her legs and one is back on her ass and Chloe's lips are sliding down her neck very obviously heading for her breast and her other hand pushes between Beca's thighs -

"Jesus, Beca," Chloe says.

Beca knows what she's referring to. She's insanely turned on and she just moans and nods and pushes Chloe's mouth the rest of the way to to her breast.

She's never going to make it up the stairs now, not backwards, not with her shorts around her knees, and definitely not with a hand between her legs. She tries to sit but Chloe wraps her arm around her waist and keeps her upright, instead turning her to press her into the banister again.

The movement is quick and it throws off Beca's balance and other than the wooden beam pressing across her back there's nothing behind her and she gets the distinct panic sensation that she's going to fall at the same time that fingers press into her, but Chloe's arm moves to hold her around her shoulders and she's completely at the mercy of her neighbor. The precarious position sends adrenaline shooting through her and heightens everything she was already feeling.

Chloe isn't being gentle. It's not painful, but it's rough, and her hips are adding force to what her hand is doing and Beca finally manages to get one of her feet out of her shorts and Chloe capitalizes on it immediately. She pushes Beca's thigh with her hip and Beca gets the hint, moving her free foot up a step, creating more room for Chloe to work.

Beca's restless; she moves with Chloe and her hands drag up her back to tangle into her hair and yank her up from where she's been sucking at the swell of her breast to crash their mouths together again. She keeps Chloe occupied long enough to work her arm between them, which is no small feat because there's really no space to be had, until she gets the palm of her hand on Chloe's stomach and Beca rolls her eyes because of course this chick has rock hard abs.

She marvels at them for a second before twisting her wrist to send her hand down into Chloe's lavender shorts and the moan that hits her ears nearly makes Beca come apart. Chloe's soaked and she bites Beca's lip when she breaks the kiss to moan. Chloe didn't hesitate and Chloe isn't gentle, so neither is Beca and Chloe leans heavier into her.

The arm at Beca's back, the one that's saving her from potentially flipping right over the handrail, disappears and Beca sees it move instead to grip onto the polished mahogany.

Beca has to do the same to cut the fear that she's going to fall, and for a second she can see herself like an out-of-body experience. Their positions mirroring each other, arms outstretched and hanging onto the balustrade for dear life. She's naked. Chloe might as well be. Hands are between thighs and hips are thrusting and they're staring at each other like they're watching each other from their windows.

"I watched you fuck that girl."

The voice reaches Beca's ears and pulls her back into her body. "You did?"

Chloe nods. "Turned me on so much. I got myself off watching you. Twice."

Beca doesn't know how her body is even capable of generating more heat, but it does. "Fuck," she says with a groan and Chloe shifts her angle a little and really starts hitting it right. "Fuck, that's fucking hot."

Beca's rhythm falters and Chloe reaches for Beca's hand to yank it out of her shorts. "Let me," Chloe husks in her ear and drops her mouth to Beca's neck, working it over as her hand moves furiously between Beca's legs, and Beca's grip on Chloe's upper arms lets her feel how strong she is and how hard she's working.

"Oh God," Beca groans. She feels it, the coil tightening deep inside, threatening to break any moment. She's teetering on the edge waging a battle with herself to fall over it or keep the reins tight to live in this heightened state of consciousness as long as possible.

"I listened to you come for that girl. I want to hear what you sound like when you come for me." Chloe's lips pull at her ear before teeth nip at it and Beca moans. "God, you sound so good."

Beca feels her eyes rolling. She's losing it, and Chloe's filthy mouth is going to be her undoing. Beca's not one to be quiet, but she's not usually particularly loud either, but Chloe's trying to make a point. Chloe wants to be better than someone else, and fuck Chloe is better than anyone Beca can think of so she lets her know with an appreciative groan and then she's throwing her head back, trusting Chloe to keep her upright, letting every possible sound that makes its way to her lips escape and Chloe's echoing them like she's getting just as much pleasure out of it.

But Chloe goes silent when Beca tenses in her arms, the spring finally snapping and Beca's falling forward into her when she sees stars.

She's vaguely aware that she's being kissed and when the hand that's been helping her come down from her high disappears, she's able to return the kiss, and then she pulls back and opens her eyes.

Chloe's looking at her with such lust that it makes her knees almost give out - or maybe it's the lingering effects of her orgasm. Regardless.

"I'm going to take you upstairs and you're going fuck me like I know you want to." Chloe says it so hotly that all Beca can do is groan when a wet hand grabs her own and nearly drags her up the rest of the stairs to her room. "Yours is bigger than mine," Chloe says observantly when they enter, like they weren't just and aren't about to be fucking each other's brains out.

"Is it?" Beca responds, and she considers laughing at the absurdity of this sudden friendly conversation as she finally kicks her shorts off her other foot. Instead of laughing she stalks forward and simply shoves Chloe into her bed and climbs up to follow her. The surprised little sound Chloe makes does things to Beca and she drops to capture her lips.

She can feel Chloe squirming beneath her but Beca's hovering on her hands and knees and no matter how high Chloe lifts her hips she comes up short and Beca savors the power she's wielding after being stripped of it on the staircase. She rips her mouth away and lets a smile play at her lips as she looks down at Chloe, who seems to be beyond frazzled. "Fuck you like you know I want to?"

Chloe nods quickly, adding a frustrated groan when another thrust of her hips comes up empty.

"And how do you think I want to fuck you?" She's not usually quite this bold in bed the first time she's with someone, at least not without several glasses of alcohol. But something about Chloe makes her feel like all bets are off. She waits until Chloe's looking up at her again and Beca licks her lips.

"Christ. Just fucking go down on me." Chloe's pushing at Beca's shoulders and her strength and Beca's lack of desire to resist are a winning combination and Beca drops low enough to run her tongue down Chloe's body as she's pushed as far as Chloe can reach.

She moves the rest of the way of her own volition, her short fingernails dragging across Chloe's skin that feels like it's on fire until Beca's kneeling on her bedroom floor. She hooks her fingers into Chloe's shorts and slips them down her legs to run her hands up thighs that are so toned it should be illegal. She curls her hands under them and yanks to pull the girl closer, and the sudden jerk makes Chloe squeal in a way that's so sexy it makes Beca groan and she doesn't even bother to tease.

She just leans down and drags her tongue between Chloe's legs. Chloe's hips surge up to her with a moan and she pushes her back down to the bed. She's still working on getting Chloe's legs over her shoulders but she already has her flesh caught between her lips to grind her flattened tongue into it and it makes Chloe's back arch.

Fingers twist into her hair and pull Beca in closer and she lets her own hands roam over Chloe's legs and stomach and ribs and reach until her fingertips find Chloe's breasts to squeeze and twist and it makes Chloe sit up a little.

Beca looks at her; she's propping herself up on her elbows to look down and watch Beca, and Beca isn't even surprised that Chloe wants to watch. Everything about their association thus far has been about watching each other and there's something thrilling and even flattering about it.

It boosts her confidence and she sends a wink up at Chloe before reclaiming one of her hands to utilize it in a more intimate way. It's satisfying when Chloe throws her head back at the press of Beca's fingers, but she's watching Beca again soon, and she's chewing on her lower lip in a way that makes Beca's stomach flutter and she twists her tongue to make Chloe's jaw drop so instead of biting her lip she's moaning.

Chloe's legs shift, an absentminded twisting and spreading and squeezing and Beca feels her heels dragging up and down her back in a way that serves as an unnecessary but fully welcome reminder of what's happening right now.

"Fuck, Beca, that's so good," Chloe says through a groan, and then there's a loud catch in her breath and Beca knows she has her. She doesn't falter in her rhythm or pressure; she just holds steady and looks up at Chloe and waits. Chloe's moans have shifted to broken cries, and she's barely looking at Beca now, and with a gasp Chloe's body freezes and Beca just keeps hold on her, knowing she's going to snap.

And she does with a cry that makes Beca hum proudly. Chloe finally stops watching and falls back onto the bed again, hips lifting and twisting as it subsides.

Beca straightens and sits back on her heels, fingers easing Chloe down while Beca takes her turn at watching the way Chloe's chest heaves as she fights for oxygen, how one hand is twisted in the quilt and the other is over her own forehead, eyes staring at the ceiling. Beca turns and presses a kiss to the side of Chloe's knee that's still over her shoulder and waits until she recovers.

"Get up here," Chloe finally says. She still sounds winded and her voice doesn't have the same chipper, clear tone it usually does. It's rough and lower and Beca finds it incredibly sexy.

She eases out of the frame of Chloe's legs and watches as Chloe drags herself higher on the bed so her legs aren't hanging off it anymore, and then Beca follows. She keeps a cautious distance between them, because while suspecting Chloe's a cuddler in all scenarios, this entire situation blew up into some crazy porno encounter and Beca's not about to assume anything about what happens next. She lays down, and a moment later Chloe's on her side to tuck herself along Beca's body, feet tangled, arm over her waist, and face sharing the pillow close enough that her breath tickles Beca's ear. She recoils from it and scrunches her shoulder up to rub her ear against it and it makes Chloe laugh and tickle it all over again.

"So," Chloe says once she's finished laughing.


"You okay with this?" Chloe squeezes her around the middle to indicate what she's referencing. Beca lays her hand over Chloe's forearm. "Not everyone's a cuddler after."

"I don't know that I am." Beca feels Chloe's eyes on her and smiles. "But this is okay."

Chloe sighs and it sounds happy and content. "Good." There's a beat. "So."

Beca chuckles. "So. Yeah."

"That was kind of amazing."

Beca coughs and bites the inside of her cheek. She wants to not make some pompous comment right now because it's a nice moment. She swallows it back and runs her hand down Chloe's forearm and she slots her fingers between Chloe's. Something about all this seems so right despite the admittedly crazy way things have happened. "Yeah it was."

She feels lips on her shoulder, a kiss, followed by another kiss, and another, slowly working their way along the curve of her neck until Chloe's propped up and looking down at her. "I know we haven't spent a lot of time together," Chloe starts, still playing with Beca's fingers. "But I really like you."

"Yeah? I couldn't tell." The sass is out of her mouth too fast to censor and she cringes but Chloe throws her head back and laughs.

"Was it that obvious?" She's biting her lip again and Beca stares at it.

"It got pretty obvious with the window strip tease. But that business on my stairs kind of erased any lingering doubts."

Chloe jostles her playfully and Beca looks at up her, feeling utterly at peace and at home, and it's unlike anything she's ever felt after a hook-up. There's no tension or awkwardness and she has no desire to make up an excuse that will get the girl out of her bed. "I like you, too," she finally adds.

The comment makes Chloe light up and they're kissing again, but not the rough, biting kiss of before. It's slow and soft and Chloe's tongue only grazes hers rather than the filthy things it was doing earlier.

"So what's your last name, Beca?" she asks when they part. She's still propped up to talk easily, and their fingers are still playing together.

"Mitchell. And you're listed as Chloe Next Door in my phone."

Chloe laughs. "It's Beale. Beca Mitchell? I like that."

"Well I'm kind of stuck with it, so," Beca shrugs.

"So, Beca Mitchell."

"That's my name; don't wear it out."

Chloe rolls her eyes but keeps smiling. "Can I take you out to dinner sometime? It'd be the neighborly thing to do."

Beca feels her stomach flutter in the same way it does when she sees Chloe bite her lip. "Like on a date?" Chloe nods. "You do realize you already got into my pants and don't have to buy your way into them with dinner." Chloe's face falls and Beca realizes she's made a horrible mistake. "No, no! I'm sorry. I didn't mean - I wasn't saying no. Poor attempt at humor. I'm sorry. I do that sometimes."

Chloe's smile returns, though it's a little tentative around the edges, and Beca feels terrible. "So is that a yes?"

Beca nods. "Yeah. That's a yes." Chloe's smile is confident again and Beca reaches up to slide her fingers through that gorgeous hair and pull her down into a kiss.

Beca loves her new house.

Her new neighbor is pretty great, too.