James Wild (Victor of the 104th Hunger Games)

When I left the Capitol just a little over six months ago, I was so sure I'd be able to find a way to come to terms with everything I'd seen and done in the arena, especially if I could just get away from the Capitol and back to my comfort zone. What I didn't know at the time, and looking back this is probably something I should have realized from the get go, is that the peace and comfort I was longing for was now forever beyond my reach. And from the second I stepped off the train to the cheers and admiration of my fellow District Tenner's nothing I've done has been remotely the same as it used to be.

Hell, about the only thing I can do anymore without it being the talk of the town is stay inside, and that's about the most pointless and boring thing in the world. I mean, Wren told me being a victor was going to be tough and require me to make what she called 'lifestyle adjustments', but I never expected it to be like this. I mean, I can't even go with my sister to help her watch her flock without a small army of people following us and spooking the hell out of the sheep with all their noise. And don't even get me started on how impossible it is for me to go into town right now….

Before long I'm so wrapped up in my little pity party, that I don't hear someone knocking on my door. In fact, I'm so oblivious to what's going on around me that my sister Addie almost breaks down my door before the sound of her pounding breaks through my stupefied state and snaps me back to reality.

"What do you want Addie?"

"Wren stopped by and asked me to tell you that Sparkle and the rest of your 'entourage' should be here within the hour."

"I really wish you wouldn't call them that."

"I'm sorry, would you prefer I use the word posse? Or is there a special word for them that only victors are allowed to know and use?"

"I don't know, is there an unwritten rule that says sisters have to be the most annoying people on the face of the earth, or do you just do it for fun?"

"Little bit of both, but you already knew that. After all, the instructions manual for annoying brothers is almost identical to the one I was issued for sisters."

She offers me a sideways smirk and an amused chuckle as she slips around me and plops down in the armchair next to my little desk next to the only window in my little study. All I can do is shake my head in disbelief, mainly because doing so is the only way to obscure my own amused smile at the outcome of our little exchange. Addie is one of the few people in the District that still treats me like she did before I won the games, and for someone that's desperate to recapture even a modicum of the normalcy he once possessed, there aren't many bigger things someone can do for him.

But that doesn't stop her from being more than a little bit nosey and annoying, and considering she's currently rummaging through the notes on my desk that I'd been rereading and studying in preparation for my Victory Tour speeches, she's most definitely coming down on the annoying and nosey side if things right now.

"What are these for James?"

"What are what for?"

"Don't play cute with me smartass. These notes and things about the other tributes from your games, what are they for?"

"I was using them to help write eulogies for me to deliver to their families. I only get a few minutes to speak to each crowd, and I wanted to make sure I covered all the important things about each of them in the time allotted to me at each stop. I owe it to all of them to make sure the whole nation knows how important each of them was, not just to their families or to their district, but to all of us."

"When did my stern but playful baby brother turn into such a big softie?"

"First off you're only older than me by a couple minutes, at most. So don't try and act like you're so much older and more mature than me.

"And for you information I've always been a 'big softie'. But it took going through the shit I did in the arena, and more than a few long talks with Wren and Paige about how I'm supposed to deal with all of this, for me to realize how important it is force myself to fully express my feelings about what happened."

"I didn't mean anything by it James; I was just trying to lighten the mood a little."

Well now I feel like an ass. I should have known that Addie would be able to pick up on how I'm feeling and would automatically want to do whatever she could to make me feel better about it. But I was too wrapped up in my own bitter thoughts and memories about what I did to see that.

"I'm sorry Addie; I guess I'm still a little stressed out about this stupid Victory Tour."

"Well, if it'll make you feel better, I could take a look at the stuff you've written about the other tributes. It might be a good idea to have an outsider's perspective on it, especially if you're going to be directing it at the families of the fallen."

"I….I'd appreciate that a lot Addie."

"D1F- Kerensa Oddette

Kerensa, you were a very prepared girl and someone that tried her best to plan for any and all eventualities. And while you were able to push yourself farther than most people thought possible, your inability to think quickly on your feet and to adjust to a constantly changing dynamic proved to be too much for even you to overcome. May you Rest in Peace.

D1M- Claro Alabaster

Claro, you were a breath of fresh air in a career alliance that was always so serious and structured. Your ability to bring humor and ease to the most tense and awkward of situations, regardless of the pushback you received from others, was an undeniable advantage to you and your allies. But in the end, it was your unwillingness to watch as scorn and disdain was heaped on those that didn't deserve it that was your undoing. May you rest in peace

D2F- Cassia Decima Maximus

Cassia, you were the personification of a career in a time where your drive and dedication were a hindrance instead of a boon. Your drive and fire would have carried you to the top in any number of years, but only served to alienate and undermine the foundation of your alliance. In the end, it was this fire, along with your belief in your own infallibility, that was your undoing. May you rest in peace.

D2M- Augustus Rowkin

Augustus, underneath your outward image of a strong and confident young man that was always in control, beat the heart of a good but scared young man. Forced to play the part of confident and cocky career without the skills to back it up you managed to will yourself much farther than anyone thought possible. But the farther your good luck carried you the more you started to believe in your own abilities, and this was your undoing. Instead of taking what you were given and running with it, you tried to manipulate the odds in your favor and the further you pushed the boundaries, the closer to failure you started to get. And in the end, this was your downfall. May you rest in peace.

D3F- Paxx Carthage

Paxx, you were forced to survive experiences that no child should have to endure. From watching as your step-sister replaced you in your mom's heart to being reaped for the games your life was a constant battle to be noticed and stay relevant. And in the end, it's a battle no one, not even you, could have possibly won. I hope you find the love and solace in death you were deprived of for so long in life. May you rest in peace

D3M- William "Will" Java III

Will, your way of thinking and ingenuity brought a new dimension to the games at a time when the crowd was ravenously searching for something different. Your willingness and ability to view the games as what they really are, games, was a refreshing and unique way of doing so and allowed you to look past the traditional ideas that have dictated how people approach and play the games. Unfortunately, this also caused you to overlook some of the more serious problems with your plan, and in the end, that was your undoing. May you rest in peace.

D4F- Deverin Aldous

Deverin, you were born to be a career but smart enough to know that isn't what you wanted. Your outspoken nature and opinionated stance against killing without reason made you the an outsider in a district trying to come to terms with itself in a rapidly changing world. And even though it would have been easy for you to turn your back on those principals once you stepped into the arena, you held firm to them even as it cost you your life. I hope you find peace in a world without violence or death, and that you can forgive us for not living up to the example you set. May you rest in peace.

D4M- Docker Henderson

Docker, you truly were a mountain of a man, and the kind of person that personifies the phrase, no better friend no worse enemy. You lived in a world of black and white, right and wrong during a time when all anyone else saw was shades of grey. And your ability to see things in that way was both a blessing and a curse as it inevitably drove you to madness despite allowing you to tolerate things that no one else could have fathomed. In the end, I hope you find solace in the embrace of eternity, and peace in a world where everything truly is seen and painted in a black and white way. May you rest in peace.

D5F- Tesla Brite

Tesla, the level of emotional turmoil you endured in your short life would have been enough to bring down even the strongest of people, but through it all you never stopped trying. Even when you were at your lowest point, when it would have been easy for you to give up, you never did. I hope you find peace in the embrace of eternity. May you rest in peace.

D5M- Barrett Martinez

Barret, you were yet another pure and innocent soul that was unnecessarily sacrificed on the altar of unity. Your carefree outlook and desperate need to be accepted and appreciated are traits any insecure teenage boy would have, but they also weighed you down and made it hard for you to connect with other people when you needed to most. I hope you find the happiness and acceptance in the next life you so longed for in this. May you rest in peace.

D6F- Keyna Rane

Keyna, you were a cold, calculating and merciless young woman that held district six by the throat, and you knew it. You had power over life and death for dozens of people, and always enjoyed toying with them so they knew it. Unfortunately, that devil may care attitude was what prevented you from striking when you had the chance, and it cost you two kills, and eventually, your life. I hope you find the peace and happiness in death you denied others in life, as no one deserves to live, for a moment or for eternity, in that kind of hell. May you rest in peace.

D6M- Perriwood "Perry" Coltrove

Perry, you were an incredibly deceptive and cagey young man who possessed an almost unmatched ability to play others with the same ease and confidence as a musical prodigy plays their instrument. BUt your smooth talking, misdirecting ways and slight of hand couldn't save you from the fury of nature. In the end, I hope you find a new appreciation for life and enjoy your trip to eternity. May you rest in peace.

D7F- Larkin Lindell

Larkin, you possessed such a kind and gentle soul, and I regret every day that I had to be the one that snuffed out your light. You were never meant to endure the horrors and evils of something like the Hunger Games, but you never looked for nor accepted sympathy for your unfortunate situation. Instead, you continued to strive for goodness and order in a world gone mad, and never stopped searching for the light inside others even when they couldn't see it themselves. I hope you find peace in the embrace of eternity, and can find a way to forgive me for what I did in the arena. May you rest in peace.

D7M- Bryden Maier

Bryden, I want to hate you for the awful and unnecessary things you did to Mazie, but I can't bring myself to do it. Because you, like me, have been the strong one in your family for so long, it was a shock for you to see something you couldn't overcome,. For you, it was the death of Larkin that shoved you over the edge, and even though I'd love nothing more than to harp on the difference between me killing her in a fight and what you did to Mazie, I can't. Instead I'll ask that you be remembered as the loving brother, uncle and man that you were instead of the unhinged monster you became. May you rest in peace.

D8F- Twyla Monroe

Twyla, no one should have to watch their friend die such a violent and horrible death, and then to be thrust into the same situation so soon after is a travesty of epic proportions. My only hope is that you can find a sense of normalcy and peace now that you've been reunited with Connor in the afterlife. May you rest in peace.

D8M- Inigo Cambric

Inigo, your sheltered existence and protected life allowed you to enjoy wonders and experiences other can only dream of, but it also left you unprepared for the evils of the real world. In the end, I hope you died with the same positive and upbeat view of things you lived with, because so few people get to live and die in a world as screen and perfect as yours. May you rest in peace.

D9F- Briar Sycamore

Briar, you were everything a young girl should be, reckless, impulsive, and totally caught up in the materialistic world and frivolous things that keep it spinning. You were ashamed of your past and the poor upbringing you had, and it wasn't until you were reaped that you realized how stupid those things were. But in the end, you strove to survive the games so you could make it home and apologize for your past mistakes, and you died knowing that your family would always love and treasure your memory. May you rest in peace.

D9M- Hudson Levanten

Hudson, you were a bright and genuine person that always understood the importance of laughter in life. You were always willing to help other laugh and feel better, even when you needed someone to do the same for you, but were left wanting. In the end, I hope you're making others as happy in the next life as you did in this and that you find peace in the embrace of eternity. May you rest in peace.

D10F- Mazie Vernon

Mazie, you were the one good thing I had to hold onto in the arena, and I wish I had been able to help you escape that hell and live the life you so richly deserved. But I wasn't fast enough, I wasn't strong enough, and you paid the price for my weakness. I promise that I'll spend the rest of my life striving to live up to the example you gave me, and I'll do everything I can to make sure the people of our district, and the nation as a whole, never forget the impact you had on all of our lives. MAy you rest in peace.

D11F- Tepary Plantae

Tepary, you may be the best representation of just how fragile innocence and trust truly are. Being forced to rely on yourself from such a young age meant that you had to grow up quicker than other children, and your inability to understand how they could be worried about things like toys and games while you were worried about survival, made it hard for you to trust them. And while your lack of trust and self reliant nature helped you survive the horrors of your home life, it also signed your death warrant in the games. Unable to see the necessity of allying with people and forming true and lasting attachments to your fellow tributes singled you out as a threat and left you without anyone to lean on when you needed them most. I hope you find the joy and happiness in death, and the ability to trust your fellow man, that you so longed for in life. May you rest in peace.

D11M- Javon Lykes

Javon, you spent your entire life standing tall when it mattered most, so it should come as no surprise to anyone that you died doing so as well. Your kind and gentle nature, along with your willingness to sacrifice yourself for others singles you out as a man of character and principle in a world increasingly devoid of both. I hope you find the same peace and happiness in the after life that you spent your whole life spreading to others. May you rest in peace.

D12F- Ruby Magnus

Ruby, you were so much more than a pretty face, even if you never thought so yourself. And underneath your mask of sarcasm and whit, was a lonely girl desperate to find the attention and acceptance she'd always wanted. And it was this longing, coupled with your deflated sense of self worth, that led you to settle for an ally that didn't care and to protect him when he wasn't willing to do the same for you, and in the end, it led to your death. I pray that you find the peace and acceptance in death you denied yourself in life, and that you finally learn to appreciate your own value. May you rest in peace.

D12M- Frazier Von Haren

Frazier, you were a man amongst boys in your district, and in the end what made you special was also what made you so miserable. You spent your entire life wishing you could be normal instead of embracing your individuality, and that made it hard for you to be happy despite all you had to be thankful for. I hope you can find a way to accept your true self in death, and that you enjoy a peace and happiness you so long denied yourself in life. May you rest in peace."

"Wow James, that's….How did you get all of this information about them?"

"I learned a lot of it during training and from watching the interviews. And Wren called in a few factors to help me get the rest.

"Do you think their families will like it?"

"There are a couple of, suspect things in here. And I might suggest a slightly more, tactful approach to talking about Bryden when you're standing in front of his family. But as a whole, this is absolutely amazing. Just the right amount of honest and playful with a dry, sad undertone."

"You have no idea how reassuring it is to hear you say that. I was worried that I'd butcher this or that it would come off as snobbish and superior."

"Well you have nothing to worry about.

"But I'm starving, so I'm going to go have some lunch. Would you like to join me before your trip?"

"I would, thank you Addie."

She offers me a warm smile before jumping up out of the chair and racing out the door while I take a second to gather up all my stuff and straighten up the room a little before I go. After all, I'm not going to see this place again for about two weeks so I should make sure my mom doesn't faint at the sight of it when she comes in to clean. Once that's done I slip on my clothes and slip on the outfit Sparkle sent for me to wear before giving myself a quick once over and heading down to join my sister for lunch. And as I head down the stairs and slip into the kitchen to see her stuffing her face with unabashed glee and fervor I realize something that I hadn't managed to do before now in the six months I'd been home.

The more things change, the more they stay the same. And even if my life has been turned upside down by the Hunger Games it's nothing that hasn't happened to one person every year for the last hundred and four years or won't keep happening for a hundred more. It's up to me to make the best of my situation, and when you consider how fortunate I really am there's no reason for me to be so blue. I've got a family that loves me, two other mentors to lean on, and a second chance to live the life I thought I'd never have when I was reaped. And you can be damn sure that I'm going to take advantage of it.