
Gina said I should write a letter to you, and to Mommy, and now you live in mine and Gina's heart and you're looking over us every day.

Thank you for saving Gina from Hades, as he was a big fat idiot. Aunty Zee named my sister Robin, after you, and the two of them cried after they put poppies on the wooden basket you're in.

I'm writing this with the pen you got me when we were in New York, the sparkly one with the red ink. I really like it, it's very preety pretty. Mommy would have liked it.

Please ask Mommy if she's okay, because I haven't seen her for a while, and if you're both in my heart you could talk to her.

After you saved Gina, Aunty Zee ran into the office to protect Hades. But then she saw you on the floor and Gina was hugging you, she said, and then she realised Hades was being a poo-poo and had been lying to her. He also killed Arthur. And then Aunty Zee got hold of the crystal, because Gina tackled Hades, and Aunty Zee put the crystal through Hades's heart because even though she loved him, he was going to kill Gina and Aunty Zee didn't want to lose her sister.

Gina's been looking after me, because I don't want to go back to school yet. I only talk to Gina and Aunty Zee, and Henry comes round sometimes to talk to Gina, and we play Transformers in his room. Henry lost his daddy too, so he is okay when I cry about you. Henry doesn't cry over his daddy, because he's very strong, Gina told me, but that doesn't mean crying is weak, because Gina says she cries about you as well. She says you were true love, and that means you were soulmates. But, she said, if you and Mommy hadn't had me, that would have been horrible.

I asked Gina is she would be my mommy now, and she said she would. I really like Gina, daddy, thank you for saving her.

Anyway, Gina says I have to go back to school on Monday, because if I don't I might start missing some important things. She says if I go back, I'll look really strong and all the girls at school will like me. But girls are gross. Except Gina and Aunty Zee.

Aunty Zee has been crying too, because Hades was her true love. I asked her y why she killed him if he was her true love, and she told me that Gina said true love means sacrifice, and that Hades wouldn't sacrifice anything for Aunty Zee because he was very bad. But Aunty Zee says she used to be a very bad person, and she wanted Hades to change, but he wouldn't. She also said Gina used to be a very bad person, but now Gina is very lovely.

I really like Robin, although she does cry a lot. Aunty Zee looks after her most of the time, but Gina has been helping her out because Gina had to look after Henry when she first adopted him. Robin likes me too, I think, and I like giving her hugs. She likes hugs.

I miss you, daddy. Gina misses you even more. I love you lots and lots and lots and lots.

Roland xxxx

An : Satan has reappeared. Okay, I thought that we needed a story about Roland, being left all on his own, an orphan, and I love writing letters. Sorry if I have ripped open your heart.

mystery x x