Alright guys the final chapter is here along with the epilogue

Chapter 20:Mission and Epilogue

The boys and girls were inside the Lady Stella office

"Girls and Boys it's time to go to wish world and collect positive energy"Lady Stella "Now you will need to be everywhere on earth where there is a wish orb and collect it here but make sure it continues. Now go"

(Common Room)

"OMS we're going to Wish World"Libby said as Kendall chuckled

"Well where going to a HQ"Kendall said as they left and went to HQ

(Simulation Room)

The boys and girls entered and saw Kendall go over to a panel

"Kendall why are we here"Sage asked

"This is our HQ"Kendall said as it morphed into a Headquarters (AN:Think Justice League)

"Over the moon"Vega said as they saw Kendall walk to a case with different cloaks similar to the one Vega wore as they approached him

"So Kendall what are this"Ganymede asked

"Team Uniforms"Kendall said as he handed each one theirs. The Star Darlings were written in the back as each one had their signature color.

Ganymede and Kendall got new ones. Ganymede got Star Protector while Kendall got Elemental Star Protector. So they left as the room went back to normal as their cloaks became normal

(With Kendall)

Kendall was on the observation deck as he looked over the city and wish world

"I will not let this world be destroyed. We will find a way to collect all Positive Energy"Kendall said as he looked at his ring "I will not let anyone be harmed especially my precious people that's a promise"

In Darkest Nights

In Stormy Days

Let Your Wishes Shine Bright

And Let's Hope Guide You

And Believe In Yourself

And Look To The Stars

For Hope Shine Bright

Kendall then began to walk back to the dorm as the Stars Shine and his eyes morphed from blue to a multi color and returned to blue as he got in his Jaguar F Type as he switched on the radio as music began to play

And when you're weak I'll be strong
I'm gonna keep holding on
Now don't you worry, it won't be long
Darling, and when you feel like hope is gone
Just run into my arms

Kendall then saw his life flash before his eyes up to the special day

I'm only one call away
I'll be there to save the day
Superman got nothing on me
I'm only one, I'm only one call away
I'll be there to save the day
Superman got nothing on me
I'm only one call away

I'm only one call away

Kendall then got out as he saw his team and smiled as he knew the negative will end soon


Alright guys the final chapter but I will make a sequal soon so adios