Hey guys, okay so i can't be the only one that ships Sansa and Theon, right? There aren't a lot fanfics about them so i decided to write my own. I've also only watched the show, so if i get something wrong, tell me. I took inspiration from The Saltwater Princess by seraph7.

(Theon POV)

Walking towards Ned's office, i noticed Sansa was sat outside. She was fiddling with her dress, trying to look busy, failing however. As i sat opposite her, she looked up giving me nervous smile. I returned it with a cautious smile, knowing there were people watching. Sansa was always like forbidden fruit, Robb and Jon have always warned me when ever it seemed like i was flirting with her, so i tend to normally stay away.

Why did Ned want both of us? I haven't done anything well not that i'm aware off, and Sansa's never does anything, never steps out of line because it's too unladylike. As the door opened Sansa and I both looked up. Ned appeared at the door, looking at both of us solemnly.

"Come on in" I was the first to stand, walking slowly to the door with Sansa following not far behind.

Inside the room was Lady Cateyln, she wore an anxious expression, which made me dread even more for what was to come. I glanced over at Sansa, she was looking at her mother confused. Ned closed the door, then walked over to Cateyln.

"I guess your wondering why your both here" Ned said. Looking at us both with caution. "Well, Sansa as you have just reached the age of ten and five, the prospect of marriage has arisen" I looked over at Sansa and she'd gone pale and her hands clutched her dress. "Your mother and I have been considering matches for you"

Wait why did they need me here...unless they're considering me? Do they want me to marry Sansa? She's just a girl, not even past ten and eight yet.

"Sansa" Her mother said softly, taking a step forward "We have thought long and hard about this, but we think we have made the right choice." Ned was looking at me, his mouth in a hard thin line.

"Who is it?" Sansa squeaked, I caught her eye for a split second and in them was panic. Ned sighed heavily.

"Your mother and i couldn't think who, so i asked the king and he suggested I marry you to Theon, it would secure the Iron islands." What?! The king suggested it? If the king suggested it, then there's no way i can get out of this.

I looked over at Sansa, she looked like a ghost, she had gone so pale. Ned and Catelyn were staring at us both, probably waiting to see how we react.

"Has my father agreed to this?" I said through gritted teeth, if my father says no, then that means something right?

"Yes, your father has agreed" Ned replied soberly.

"Is this what you want, father?" Sansa said calmly trying to hide her shock.

"You'll be doing the region a great deal, it's a very noble thing" He said trying to reassure her. I doubt Sansa cares about that. All she thinks the world is about is fairy tale princes and true love, i very much doubt that i fit into either of those categories. To her i'm just the ward that grew up with her family, not a prince or a lord like in her dreams.

My jaw had been clenched the whole time, muscles tensed. I'm not angry that it's Sansa that i'm getting married too, i'm angry because it wasn't my choice, i had no say in the matter.

My eyes went to Sansa, she looked like she was either going to cry or throw up. Her face was completely drained, except her eyes which gleamed from the tears in them.

"May i be excused?" She choked out, her father simply nodded. Then with out a word she darted out of the room, leaving me alone with her mother and father.

Okay so that's the first chapter, hopefully you guys like it. I'm planning on making this a series so please leave a review letting me know you want me to continue.

Kaitlin xx