Disclaimer: I do not own Victorious. Victorious is the property of Nickelodeon, and is not my intellectual property. There is no financial gain made from this nor will any be sought. This is for entertainment purposes only.
A/N: Hey, so this is my second Victorious fanfiction, I guess. It is going to be Jori, if you haven't already guessed. Here's the first chapter.
It was a warm-temperatured, spring day in California. Glowing orange sun poured through the pale-white, puffy clouds in the open, vast sky. The thick, humid air stuck around for weeks at a time in the Hollywood Hills. But, many did not mind the extreme weather, as they were used to it after the hefty amount of years of putting up with it. The busy students of Hollywood Arts, one of the best performing arts schools in California, hustled through the colourful hallways to their second period classes. Tori Vega sped to her locker, struggling to put her Drama History textbook away, preparing herself for her acting class with Mr. Sikowitz.
Sikowitz was Tori and her group of friends' favourite teacher. Most thought he was a little crazy, but they just did not appreciate him as fully as they should. Trying to remember what he said they would be working on in class the prior day, she stood in thought for a second. Giving up when she couldn't remember, she shoved her bag in her locker, turning with a jump in her step, shutting her locker door behind her. When it clicked shut, Tori started for her classroom. Her journey was interrupted when she heard Jade West, one of her 'friends', come storming down the hallway behind her.
"Hey, Vega!" Jade shouted, dashing to catch up with Tori. Tori stopped in her tracks, looking behind her to see who was calling her. Great, she thought. Jade dressed herself in black, as usual, and her dark hair was curled, exposing the violet streaks of colour peaking through in some areas. She adjusted the strap of her Gears of War laptop back on her shoulder, crossing her arms.
"What?" Tori asked, unimpressed. "I've got to get to Sikowitz's class. And, so do you." she pointed out, running a hand through her wavy, chocolate brown hair. She pushed her hair over her shoulder, fanning herself from the humidity in the air.
Jade smirked, flattening out the black tennis skirt hanging loosely on her hips. "Look, it's not often that I talk to you without gagging, so listen, okay?" she snarled, going into her bag. She pulled out a white flyer covered in information, handing it to Tori.
Tori sighed, taking the paper from Jade's hand. Jade's nails were coated with a deep, black nail polish and her fingers were decorated with an assortment of different rings. "What is this?" Tori inquired, reading the information on the flyer. "'A special screening of The Scissoring. May 15th, 7 PM. Meet and greet with the actors after the show.'" Tori read, looking up to see Jade's hopeful face. "I don't quite understand." she articulated.
Jade ripped the flyer from Tori's hands, pointing out the location of the event. She made sure to hold what she saw up close to Tori's face. "Look. It's in San Francisco, Tori." Jade announced, putting the flyer back into her bag.
"Congratulations?" Tori asked, not sure of how to respond. She shrugged and continued her walk to their acting class.
"No, Tori." Jade said, pulling on Tori's arm. Tori stopped once again, waiting for Jade's explanation. Jade exhaled, sharply, letting go of her grasp on Tori and crossing her arms, uncomfortably. She opened her mouth, but it took a few seconds for her to come up with the words she needed to find. "I...I need..." she looked to both sides of her. "I need your...help." she whispered, unenthusiastic.
All at once, Tori relaxed, then smiled, raising her eyebrows. "Ah, I see." she said, chuckling slightly. "And, why exactly do you need my help?" she asked, taking note of the fact that Jade was actually coming to her in need.
Jade's light eyes were piercing with rage. "Oh, don't flatter yourself. Look, I just need you to drive with me to San Francisco so I can meet the cast of The Scissoring. It's this weekend." Jade announced, not happy with the fact that she'd sunken so low she asked Tori for help. She looked up and down the hallways once again to make sure no one was overhearing her plans.
Tori pursed her lips, looking to Jade with resentment. "Jade," she began looking her in the eyes. She dropped a hand down at her side in defeat. "San Fran is, like, a 5 hour drive from here." Tori said, biting her cheek.
Jade shrugged. "I knew you'd say that. That's why on Friday, we'll leave right when school ends, at 2. We can get to San Francisco around 8, check into our hotel room, go see The Scissoring on Saturday, and then go home the next day. Is it really that much of hastle for you?" she explained, tugging on her black chain necklace.
Tori still seemed confused. "I guess that sounds good to me, but I still don't understand why you need me to come?"
Jade rolled her eyes. "My parents said I need to take someone with me because last time I went on a road trip alone, I got my license suspended for a week. Happy?"
"Really? What Happened?" Tori asked, smugly smiling in triumph.
"It's none of your business, Vega! Now, are you going to come or not?" Jade asked, growing impatient.
"Fine, but why me? Why not Cat? Or Andre? Or anyone other than me?" Tori inquired, feeling the fabric of her sleeves become damp with sweat.
Jade shook her head, as if Tori didn't already know. "Beck is my ex, I don't even want to remind you what happened last time Cat made me go on a road trip, Robbie's tiny bladder would make the car trip go by twice as slow, and I don't want to put Andre through this, I mean, he's not as annoying as the rest of you."
Tori considered all the awful things that Jade really could have needed Tori for instead of a road trip and nodded her head in affirmation. "Alright, fine," she agreed, beginning to speed to Sikowitz's class with Jade following her at her side. "I'll go. But, only because yesterday you actually got me a soda at The Grub Truck when I asked you to do so."
Jade's face lit up in pure elation. "Finally, Vega. You did something good for once in your life." Jade murmured, thinking for a second. They reached their classroom, when Jade began to laugh uncontrollably.
Tori became disoriented, once again, as they walked through the classroom and took their seats. Their class had not started yet, as Sikowitz was running late. "Am I missing something?" Tori questioned, taking her seat next to Andre.
"The only reason why I got you that drink yesterday was because I spit in it." Jade recalled, looking down at the ground, trying not to laugh out loud.
"Ugh, ohhh my, God, Jade!" Tori uttered, scraping her tongue with the palm of her hand.