Disclaimer: I do not own anything.

Also the cover image is sad clipart because I have no art ability.

So here's another AU, even though I know a lot of you want me to write in universe stuff. I do have some plots for in universe stuff, but my sister was rather disapproving of me writing the short fluff story I had planned out and I wanted to write something maybe 10 chapters ish and short, so I chose to finally get my witch AU out.

Summary: Witch AU. The familiar and witch world have been connected for a long time, the familiar's having a symbiotic relationship with witches, getting magical power in return for their help. However they don't feel it's benefiting them and send a team to infiltrate humanity. Natsumi is a witch who just wants to make love potions. Who knew her familiar would be her enemy?

This story will only be 10 chapters long. As you know Gironatsu, kurumois as always.

Will be K+ for now, but the rating might change to T. I'm not sure.

"Another F...Augh...Mom's going to be so mad..." Natsumi tore at her report card, setting it ablaze with a flick of her wand. She tucked the wand away in her pocket after the action.

"At least I can still do fire magic. Geez, I most be the worst witch in the city to get this many F's. No! The worst witch in the world." Natsumi complained, grumbling. The ashes of her report card fell to the ground. She didn't know how she'd explain to her mother why she didn't have a report card.

"Tough luck, sis..." Fuyuki looked at Natsumi sympathetically. He hid away his report card before Natsumi could see that it was mostly A's and B's. A lot better than hers.

"You probably got all good grades again, I bet." Natsumi shrugged. "You'd have to be smart to have chosen the scholar course as a wizard."

Fuyuki rubbed his head a little bashfully. Natsumi was always telling him how smart he was. But really he just liked research, he liked to learn about the unknown. He believed that was the purpose of wizards and witches after all. To learn more and more. To use magic. To research the occult. It was perfect for him.

Their entire world was filled with witch's and wizards just like them. All humans were born with magical power and started learning how to use it by the time they were little. In addition to their academic classes about mathematics and reading they learned how to use spells and cast magic.

Each witch and wizard got to choose what sort of thing they would focus their career on, what kind of magic they'd primarily learn and study. Fuyuki had chosen the scholar course and excelled at writing new spells and inventing various new magic.

Natsumi envied her brother. He was so smart and he was living his dream. She however; not so much. Natsumi was in the charms course, learning how to cast good luck charms and trying to primarily learn how to make love potions. She wanted to be a sort of cupid to witches because she thought love was amazing. Being a cute idol like witch that was her dream.

However, she couldn't make any sort of charm worth crap. She hadn't yet made a love potion and in their school and even their city she was well known for making the worst attempts at love potions in history. They were disgusting. She was hailed the anti-cupid.

"You're going to have to tell Mom about your bad grades, you know. Even if you did set your report card on fire." Fuyuki told her.

"I can only hope Mom doesn't care." Natsumi didn't know if she would though.

Aki was a pretty supportive mother. She was usually at work though doing editing for books. She wasn't the biggest on magic, only using it to make life easier and so she wouldn't have to do housework.

On a broom was where Aki excelled. Natsumi admired all the dangerous sports that her mother did.

"So many F's, huh, Natsumi?" Aki didn't look too mad. Just like she was laughing.

Natsumi held her head in shame. "Don't tease! I really am trying my hardest. I don't know what I'm doing wrong!" Natsumi cried.

Aki thought for a moment. "Well, show me your stuff. Maybe I can figure out where you're messing up."

Natsumi nodded to her mother, thankful for her help. She quickly got out her potion kit and started throwing in the ingredients she was 35% sure made a love potion.

"Okay...So some lizard guts, a clump of hair...Durian for taste...Fish eyes..." Natsumi threw some other various disgusting things in and mixed the concoction that now had tentacles with her wand. She uttered a chant from the heart. "Slay someone! Make them fall in love!" Her potion was now bubbling.

It exploded.

"I did most of what the book says!" Natsumi cried, rubbing the ashes from her face. "The ingredients I remember, and uttering a chant from the heart. Then I tried to focus my mind on romance and cast the spells with my wand...So I don't know what's happening!"

Aki looked sadly at her daughter. She had some guesses. Despite what the schools were doing in this generation of letting the students choose what kind of career they wanted and want kind of magic to practice, each person was born with a special type of magic that they excelled at. And sometimes people couldn't do other types of magic. Their bodies just weren't meant for it.

And Natsumi looked like the typical sort of person who wasn't ever supposed to be in the charms course. She had no magical abilities whatsoever for charms or love potions.

"Natsumi, hun..." Aki tried to be nice, "Are you sure love potions are really what you want to do with your life? I mean, maybe the problem isn't your technique but that you don't really want to do this. Maybe your body is trying to tell you something."

Natsumi looked dumbfounded. "Of course I want to make love potions!" She giggled. "It's what I've wanted to do for the last-"

"Ten years?" Aki suggested.

"Three years." Natsumi corrected. It wasn't really a life long dream. But when she was passionate about something she threw herself in it.

Aki sighed. "Well I'm not sure what I can do for you then."

Natsumi frowned sadly. She didn't know what anyone could do for her.

That night as she was getting ready for bed, Fuyuki visited her.

Natsumi opened the door to her room to let him in. "What is it you need? I've had a pretty crummy day you know. And I know you're trying to be helpful, but being around someone who's so good at magic-"

"I'm not." Fuyuki confessed. "I wanted to tell you I know how you feel. Not being able to do what you want."

Natsumi looked confused. She didn't know what Fuyuki was talking about. Fuyuki was great at making new spells and he loved doing that! "What do you mean?"

"I'll tell you a secret." Fuyuki told her, "I'm no good at magic either."
"That's a lie." Natsumi accused.

"No! It's true. I can write really powerful spells but other people have to test them. I can't use them ever." Fuyuki admitted. "I have a very low magical output. Basically my magical power is weak. I wish I was born with more magic because I want to do so much with my power. But I can't." Fuyuki looked quite sad. "Grades are only so much. It isn't real world power."

Natsumi's eyes widened. She was shocked. She had never realized her brother was struggling. She tapped the cushion on her bed, letting Fuyuki sit by her.

Everybody had a level of magical power they were born with. People with a lower magical power could control magic better because they had less of it to focus on. Higher magical power was uncontrollable but had a huge potential for greatness.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't know." Natsumi told him. She knew her brother loved magic more than anything.

"I'm so good at writing spells because I've got an extremely low magical power. The reason you're struggling with spells is because you've got an extremely high magical power." Fuyuki explained.

Natsumi tried not to smile. It was kind of nice knowing she had a high magical output. It meant she wasn't hopeless. At the same time though she didn't know if Fuyuki was just trying to comfort her.

"You're strong, sis. So don't worry about your grades." Fuyuki smiled, "I have a weak power level to pair with my weak body. But you...You'll be making great love potions eventually."

"Thanks. But I'd like to know how to make them sooner rather than later." Natsumi shrugged. "And I might not listen to your occult rants much, but don't worry about yourself either. You can write up great spells and you do amazing research. So you're a great wizard too."

"You don't listen to my rants?" Fuyuki seemed a little hurt, but he hid it. "You know maybe my rants had some sort of secret technique to make your love potions better."

Natsumi's eyes sparkled and she grabbed Fuyuki. "Do they?" She asked, "You must know some way to make my love potions better, right? To make my magic stronger? To make me not the laughing stock of the school?"

Fuyuki smirked. "I actually do."

Natsumi hugged. "You're a hero!"

"But why do you want to make love potions so much? Is it really that important to you? Out of all the careers you could choose love potions seems a little...Out there I guess. Different." Fuyuki shrugged.

Natsumi blushed, "Well, I kind of want to make a love potion to impress this guy... He's an upperclassmen named Saburo in the crafting course. He's interested in embedding items with magical properties. I want to give him a love potion so he'll fall in love with me." Natsumi confessed.

"Um...You are aware love potions can't make real love, right Natsumi?" Fuyuki asked worriedly. Love potions were popular, mostly among teen girls, but they were very fake.

"I'm going to create love potions that will make real love! I'll be the witch that can create the best love potions. I'll be a love master!" Natsumi declared pumping her fist in the air. "So tell me how to get stronger."

Fuyuki rolled his eyes. His older sister was so childish. "Well, my suggestion if you want to be stronger is to tap into your familiar's power."

"My familiar?" Natsumi asked. She knew a little bit about familiar's. A witch or wizard could choose either an animal as their familiar when they were old enough to have one, or could summon one from the familiar lands. The familiar lands was a plane of existence that existed on the opposite side of the witch plane. She heard the familiar's there were some short frog like creature that were as intelligent and sentient as humans. They didn't have magic but once they were summoned by a witch or wizard and made a sort of soul-bond they could share their power. The witch's power would maximize with their new friend and the familiar would be granted magical powers of their own. It was a beneficial relationship to both because all of the familiar's didn't natural have magic and wanted power, it also helped the witches.

It was truly a symbiotic relationship. Most people summoned a familiar from the familiar plane of existence and usually gained a lifelong friendship. (Until the human passed away at least, then the familiar goes back to the familiar plane and their magic is again gone until they make contact with a new human.)

Natsumi though had chosen to take an animal as her familiar. At the time she had viewed it as more traditional. However her cat, (named Ms. Furbottom) hated her and hadn't acted much as a familiar and hadn't helped her power at all.

"I'm going to get one soon. I'm so excited!" Fuyuki smiled.

Natsumi frowned. She knew everybody accepted the familiar's and witches relationship as symbiosis, both parties seemed very happy about it, but she believed anyone sentient shouldn't be used as a tool to make humans magic more powerful. And for that reason she had put off the summoning.

It's not as much symbiosis to me. It's like slavery. Still, she knew all the familiar's liked the relationship. She believed their species was called keronians.

Maybe she should go with Fuyuki to the summoning and go for it. It wouldn't hurt her love potions in anyway after all.

And perhaps she'd get a nice cute girl frog that would enjoy love potions as much as her. She could just imagine what she looked like in her head. Pink, maybe with a heart insignia. It would be perfect.

"You should come with me." Fuyuki suggested, "I'm sure you can bond with a keronian too." Fuyuki suggested, "Don't worry about the slavery thing. It really is symbiosis. I've done a lot of research on it to make sure our relationship with their species really is good for them, and it really does benefit both parties! Their magic was sealed off long ago and can only be jump started by us. Apparently when our dimension was looking into other dimensions of existence we found them at the exact time they were looking for us! We've shared technology and we've both become more advanced thanks to each other and have a lot to offer the other side. It's really a lot like an alliance." Fuyuki smiled.

"And are they bitter once their magic fades when their human dies?" Natsumi asked.

Fuyuki shook his head. "Their magic only vanishes if they go back to their realm. After their wizard dies they have the choice of going back a respected but powerless elder in their realm, or staying in our realm where they have their powers. Because of us they can travel freely between the two realms."

"And if they're fired?" Natsumi asked.

"Then they lose all magical ability and the bond they shared with their wizard. The bond breaks." Fuyuki frowned. "Their plane lives on the opposite side of ours. It's like...If we were a coin shaped planet they'd be the other side. It's really cool, huh?"

Natsumi wasn't really listening to his rant. She was just happy that there was nothing wrong with the relationship between familiar and witch.

I've never heard of one going rogue too and betraying their witch. So I guess they are happier with their relationship with us than I thought. Natsumi realized. "Fine. I'll go with you."

Fuyuki gave a gleeful smile. "It's tomorrow! So you better study up for the magical test."

"Augh! You never told me there would be a test!" Natsumi was ticked. She heard the test wasn't too bad though. It was just a summoning ritual.

She was excited. Maybe she'd finally get the power to make love potions correctly. And maybe she'd make a good friend along the way.

"FAMILARS. DO. NOT. HAVE. A. SYMBIOTIC. RELATIONSHIP. WITH. HUMANS." Keroro pronounced each word loudly and individually as he made his claim, banging his fist on the table. He looked around at the four pairs of eyes staring at him. His platoon that had been chosen with him to make an important mission to the human realm. "They have a dictatorship over us." Keroro continued. "It's not fair! We study how to use magic just as much as they do! And yet we can only use it to help our dumb witch!"

Tamama nodded, agreeing as he munched on a bag of chips.

"We know. You don't have to tell us every meeting. We joined this group same as you. We believe in all the same views you do." Giroro told him.

Unaware to the humans, the familiar world was in a time of rebellion. At least half the familiar's did not believe the humans and them had a symbiotic relationship. They instead felt taken advantage of.

"Well actually, I just want to take down the humans. It's about time that there's a leading group – Us." Kululu corrected. "But I don't believe we don't have a symbiotic relationship. Ku, ku, ku. Cuz I'm not a dumb like the rest of you."

Keroro looked hurt. "What do you mean?"

"I'm a genius. I've done the math and research. Fact of the matter is we do have a symbiotic relationship." Kululu shrugged.

Nobody believed him or listened to him, except Dororo. "We do?" Dororo asked curiously. But Kululu didn't respond to him.

"If you believe that why did you join the team that's supposed to start this invasion of the human world. That's supposed to take them down from the inside?" Giroro asked.

Kululu shrugged. "I think it's US that should have the dictatorship over them."

"You're kind of awful, you know that, right?" Tamama asked.

"Ku, ku, ku. I pride myself on it!" Kululu boasted.

Keroro paled. "Well, nobody's listening to you!" Keroro stuck his tongue out. "Why would so many keronians make up that the humans were taking advantage of us?"

"Simple. We're bored and want to cause some mayhem." Kululu shrugged. "And I completely agree with that logic. Familiars have had the same world, the same lives for a long time. And we've reached all the growth we can exponentially without magic. Ku, ku, ku."

Keroro wagged his finger. "You're wrong! We the Keroro Platoon have an important job to spread the seeds of discourse and rebellion in the human plane and gather information for war on those humans! Because they're taking advantage of us and our relationship is parasitic, rather than symbiotic." Keroro paused. "Our job isn't what we were trained for to protect our witch or wizard. It's to figure out how to defeat these humans."

"Sure, don't listen to the super-genius. Suit yourself. Ku, ku, ku." Kululu laughed.

Keroro glared at Kululu, "Now each of you joined this mission for a reason. You wanted to free the rest of your people, right? So I want to hear each of your reasons for why you joined, so no matter what happens, how tough it is on the human plane, you'll remember why you joined." Keroro smiled. "My reason was fame! I mean...Uhhh respect! And to free everybody of course. Also, cuz my Dad wanted me to be part of the rebellion."

Everybody didn't look all that inspired by Keroro's reason.

"I guess I'll go next." Dororo offered. "I just wanted to help Keroro because he asked for some support-"

Nobody listened to Dororo. Dororo cried.

"I wanted to enslave humanity! Ku, ku, ku." Kululu proudly declared.

"Suddenly I'm questioning my reasons to come on this mission." Dororo joked. But everybody was kind of thinking it.

"I wanted to get in good with Keroro and cuddle up with him! And maybe get super close to him...We'll fall in love on a tough mission like this...I mean!" Tamama blushed, "Uhhh it was to be close to my idol! Mr. Keroro!" Tamama pointed.

Keroro nodded and smiled, flashing his teeth like some sort of celebrity. They were pearly and white. Nobody swooned except Tamama.

"Well I wanted to free the people suffering on our world. I won't have anybody enslave by those witches. Me and my brother joined this rebellion to bring hope to the people. And um...To be war heroes. I'm going to be something us keronians can be proud of." Giroro smiled. "And when I go on a mission I always complete it. That I can promise you."

Keroro rolled his eyes. Giroro was always going on and on about his war fantasies. And he knew that Giroro had never completed the mission of purchasing all the items on his grocery list.

"Sure, Mr. War hero." Keroro teased, "Anyway, are you all ready to say good-bye to the familiar plane?" He asked, the tube contraption that they'd go in to get summoned was in the middle of the room after all.

Everybody nodded.

"Then let's not waste anytime. Let's go!" Keroro walked towards the tube, chickened out, and pushed Dororo in first.

"AHH!" Dororo screamed.

"Seems safe." Keroro shrugged, going in next. Everybody followed after them.

The five keronians were surrounded by a bright light.

"What's it doing?" Tamama asked as he hovered in the air with the rest of them. He held onto Keroro's arm. It felt like they were in some limbo, train station signs were floating around.

"Reading our aura." Dororo explained. "It matches us with the human who best fits our naturally sealed power. Isn't that romantic and great?" Dororo sighed. Out of all of them, he and Kululu were the only ones who had been to the human plane before. Dororo had been in the rare case of being matched with a very old man who had died after a few years sending Dororo back. But he had been good friends with him having learned all sorts of things.

Keroro bopped Dororo on the head.

"Keep your head in the game, Dororo." Giroro scolded. "We're not here to enjoy ourselves or help. We're here to start a war."

Dororo frowned. He knew. What a sad circumstance they were all in. His mind went back to what Kululu said. If it truly was a symbiotic relationship he didn't want to hurt it.

But he supposed he have to wait to figure that out.

Natsumi was antsy as she sat on a chair in the familiar channeling building. She kept glancing at Fuyuki wondering if her group would be called yet to go into the main room.

The people who helped with summoning usually took in groups of five. But Natsumi was still a little embarrassed about being there. She was probably the only one of her age to summon a familiar. After all she should have already had one.

"What's taking so long?" Natsumi asked, tapping her foot.

Momoka, a blue haired girl around Fuyuki's age clung to her brother's arm. "Our last two group members are late. They'll probably arrive sooner or later."

Fuyuki nodded. "It shouldn't be too long after that." Fuyuki promised.

The door opened and the two group members they were waiting on sat down.

To Natsumi's shock she recognized Saburo, the upperclassmen she had a crush on, and a girl her age who had transferred into her class a little while ago named Koyuki.

"What are you doing here?" Natsumi asked, "I thought you'd already have familiars. Never mind that, I'm just glad I'm not the only one with familiar issues!" She laughed a bit.

Koyuki gave Natsumi a kind smile, happy to talk. "I only recently transferred here." Koyuki admitted, "Before that I was living in the forest trying to get in touch with nature, like the rest of my sort of tribe do. We're a sort of witch who try to keep to our roots worshiping nature and trying to do things like our ancestors did to have a strong connection with the planets magic. I had a dog as a familiar and most of the animals were my friend, but once moving to the city it was suggested I get a familiar from this thing called a familiar plane. So after putting it off, I finally came here. Wild, huh?"

"What's wild is you living in the forest for most of your life. But nature magic is pretty cool. I've heard the witches who are naturalistic are pretty powerful." Natsumi complimented.

"You think?" Koyuki smiled, "You're the first person to say that's cool! And your aura looks like it has a powerful magic too."

Natsumi blushed a bit.

"What's your name?" Koyuki asked.

"Natsumi Hinata. Yours?" Natsumi asked.

"Koyuki Azumaya." Koyuki grinned.

"I can tell we're going to be great friends. We should hang out in class sometime." Natsumi grinned.

"We should!" Koyuki looked so excited. "I would love that!" Instead of giving her a hand shake, Koyuki pummeled Natsumi in a hug causing Natsumi to giggle a bit.

"What about you, Saburo? I thought you had a familiar." Natsumi was still confused why Saburo was there.

"I fired mine." Saburo said bluntly. "Thought seventh would be the charm. But I guess not." He sighed.

Natsumi paled. He had already fired seven familiars? "Why?" She asked.

"I was bored of him." Saburo shrugged.

Natsumi didn't know what to say.

"Group Eight. You can come in for familiar placement now." An attendant told them.

Natsumi smiled. It was finally time.

Soon, she'd have the magic she craved. They all got up, ready for their big day.

Unlike my other AUs I'm not going to remind you of what the characters are like every chapter. I'll just include it this chapter and possibly next chapter.

Keroro, Tamama, Giroro, Dororo, Kululu-Familiars on the familiar plane sent to infiltrate the human, part of the rebel faction that believe witch/familiar contracts are parasitic. Keroro is of course the leader of their platoon.

Natsumi-A witch trying to specialize in charm magic and love potions.

Fuyuki-A wizard who invents spells. Scholar class.

Momoka-Fuyuki's classmate. Super rich, is a Nishizawa.

Saburo-In the crafting class.

Aki-Editor, but uses a broom to perform dangerous sports.

Koyuki-Used to live in the woods with a tribe that specialized in natural magic and a strong connection with the earth.

Please review!