So this is a little 30 chapter story, kinda like the 30 Day OTP Challenge, only this is something I created, so it will be a bit different than the actual challenge. Anyway, check it out on my forum, and day one is 'First date'.

Type: Regular FT World

Theme: First date.

Pairing: Gratsu (My OTP, obviously.)

Natsu adjusted his scarf in the mirror for the hundredth time, taking a deep, nervous breath. Gray would be there any second, and Natsu wasn't really sure if he was actually ready for this. He'd liked the Ice Mage for a while, and going on a date with him was a dream come true, but that didn't stop nervous butterflies from rising in Natsu's stomach or stop his hands from shaking as he fiddled with the fabric once again.

A knock at the door made Natsu jump, and he locked eyes with himself in the mirror and smoothed down his hair and clothes once before rushing to answer it. Gray stood there, his hands hidden in the deep pockets of his jacket. The two smiled nervously at each other as Natsu shut the door, and the two headed for the park. Despite his scarf and jacket, Natsu shivered, and Gray almost imperceptibly moved closer to him, making the Dragon Slayer shiver even more, only with excitement instead of cold this time.

When they arrived at the gates of the park, they walked down the sidewalk, admiring the snow on the ground, which made the trees appear as if they were dripping in diamonds and quartz crystals, glittering brightly under the sun's lazy gray light. They stopped briefly at a bench as Gray excused himself for a moment, leaving Natsu shivering and wondering where the Ice Mage had gone, feeling a tiny bit scared that he was being abandoned, and on their first date, to make matters worse.

After a minute Natsu noticed a few girls blushing and giggling, shooting glances at him from across the park. Natsu shifted uncomfortably, his scarf suddenly itchy around his neck. When Gray got back, he didn't tell Natsu where he'd gone, only that he had a surprise saved for him for later. Gray noticed Natsu's uncomfortably glances towards the girls as they got up and started walking, and with a smirk the Ice Mage wrapped an arm around his back, sticking his hand in Natsu's coat pocket. The girls blushed and turned away quickly, and Natsu's own face heated up, his heart beating like the wings of a frantic dragonfly in his chest.

The pair walked to a cafe where they ordered hot chocolate and muffins, claiming a table in the corner. Natsu slowly warmed up to Gray's company and shook himself of his nerves. The two laughed and the conversation flowed easily between them as the date progressed, and Natsu laughed at his earlier nervousness and insecurity. He was having a great time, and he could tell Gray was, too.

After they'd finished their muffins and cocoa, they walked down the street, checking out the many different market stalls. Eventually they found their way back to the park, and Gray led Natsu to a frozen fountain, and they sat on the edge. Gray pulled something from his pocket, and he smiled as he handed it to Natsu. It was a tiny silver snowflake on a chain, and Natsu was shocked. "Is this what you went to get earlier?"

Gray nodded and took it from Natsu, clasping it around the Dragon Slayer's neck. "Now everyone will know," Gray said, smirking. Natsu fiddled with the snowflake charm nervously. "Know what?"

"That you're mine, and only mine."

Natsu blushed and glanced over at Gray through his eyelashes. Natsu's hand was resting on the bench, and Gray placed his own over it as he leaned forward. Natsu closed his eyes as their lips met. It began to snow, and when they pulled away from each other, both of them had snowflakes stuck in their hair. Gray smiled and stood, offering Natsu a hand. He helped the other boy up and they held hands all the way back to Natsu's place.

There was a long goodbye, which involved much kissing, and when Natsu finally pulled himself away and closed the door, he was breathless, his cheeks red from the cold. Natsu smiled to himself as he took off his coat, and he fell asleep clutching the snowflake charm Gray had given him, replaying his words. Now everyone will know that you're mine, and only mine.