Hey Sailor Moon fans! First I must tell you that I do NOT own Sailor Moon and that those characters belong to Naoko Takeuchi! Also that this story is going to be set during the first season, but with a twist. The characters have been facing Beryl for quite a while and still is in search of the Princess and it's crystal. Usagi and her friends are in high school, not middle school, and Mamoru is in college. The ages will be listed below as follows:
Rei: 17
Makoto: 18
Minako: 17
Amy: 17
Mamoru: 21
Motoki: 21
This is not going to focus so much on the Sailor Scouts in the beginning and so the mentions of the battles will be short and sweet, but later on this may change. Also, this is aiming more at how Usagi and Mamoru acted before the remake of Sailor Moon so if their affection for one another doesn't seem so...sweet, that's why. Obviously there will be some rare moments of affection, but love doesn't just bloom over night and although they were lovers in the past those memories are not truly there yet in this present world. Be patient though. Things will slowly change.
Anyways, hope you enjoy!
"What am I going to do? Just what am I going to do!" The blond shook her long hair as she dodged yet another poor pedestrian on the side walk before stopping at a large tree in the middle of Juuban Park. Grabbing hold of it's trunk, the poor girl acted like she was holding on for dear life as she kept replaying the images in her head.
'Wha? Um...Riku-san...What exactly are you doing here?...' Blue eyes met Green as the boy before her grinned happily.
'Here to walk my beautiful Usagi to school obviously. After all, what else is a boyfriend for?'
A chill ran down her spine as the blond merely patted the buns on the sides of her head as she processed what the 10th grader just said. Boyfriend? He thinks he was her boyfriend?
'Riku-san...we've talked about this last week didn't we? I told you that I'm not interested in you like that...And besides, you never even asked me to be your girlfriend so how can you just assume...'
'Usagi-chan, look I know we did have a little argument in class, but that isn't any reason to break up with someone. You know I love you.'
That word. He said it again! Usagi let out the sigh she had been holding as she just stared at the boy before her. He was cute, there was no doubt about that. He had a decent complexion and a nice head of short brown hair. He was nicely toned and honesty, most of any girl at school would be jumping at a chance to be with him...all except for her. She barely knew him and only talked to him in the beginning due to his new status at school, but this? This was just to much for even her!
'Agruement? Me not wanting to go on a date with you wasn't an arguement, it was me letting you down easy. Look, I am...we are already ten minutes late for class. We should go.'
Usagi merely tried to walk past Riku before she felt a very strong grip on her arm. She turned her head to the side to look at Riku's stern gaze. She tried to read him, but at this moment she was starting to panic. After all, she never even told the kid where she lived so how was he even here on her door step? Did he follow her? Was he actually stalking her?
His voice was masked with something Usagi just couldn't put her finger on. It made the hair on her body stand up, but before she could even question it, the moment was done. He simply let her arm go and smiled weakly at her.
'I know you're just tired from studying all day. It's ok, we'll talk about it later. For now, I'll walk my love to school.'
Love. Again with that word! Smacking her head, Usagi came up with a plan quickly as she gave Riku one last look before dashing off the steps and down the sidewalk that led her from the house. She silently thanked whoever decided to make her Sailor Moon for the added talent for running as she listened to his steps falling pretty quickly behind.
"This just can't be happening. I mean...The guys totally nuts!"
Sliding down the base of the tree, Usagi just sat there as she tried to formulate a plan. If her communicator didn't go off, she was sure she would had fallen asleep.
"Usagi, is everything OK? Where are you? Are you hurt?"
Opening her tiny pink compact, Usagi stared at the face of her friend Amy as worry reached her features.
"Oh Amy it's just terrible! You know that new kid Riku? Well when I left my house this morni..."
"Are you serious Usagi? You skipped school for a boy? I'm so disappointed in you!"
"Wha? No Amy you got it all wrong! I wasn't even trying to skip school, but Riku..."
"No excuses Usagi! Look you need to take your education more seriously! Now come to class!"
Before the blond could even object, Amy left the conversation. Sighing Usagi had every intention on ignoring her but then a familar voice reached her pale ears.
"Usagi! Man can you run! At first I didn't think I could keep up but...Hey wait for me!"
Usagi rolled her eyes as she prayed her feet could move faster as she once again heard his fainting steps fall behind hers.
"He showed up at your house? Well...That's concerning...I guess he doesn't handle rejection well..."
Usagi nodded in agreement as she stared up at her rather tall friend.
"You're right Makoto and because of that I don't know what to do anymore! I've told the guy off like ten times and each time it's like he just doesn't hear me! I mean...I get that I'm gorgeous and all but come on!"
"You're such an idiot meatball brains as if! I mean the guy obviously has poor tastes if he has his eyes set on you. He must be the biggest loser around!"
Glaring across her shoulder, Usagi didn't seem to pleased with what the raven beauty stated. Her friend's violet eyes seemed to glare right back before Usagi could even come up with a retort.
"Rei you're such a jerk! He is actually a very handsome guy, I just happen to not be interested. Well after all of this...I guess no one can blame me."
"Rei that was pretty mean...You should be helping Usagi, not making fun of her."
"Amy is right. Stop being mean to me Rei!"
"I'll do as I please. You should just be more clear with him. Obviously you're doing something wrong seeing as he hasn't got the point yet. I bet you actually gave him directions to your house and you just forgot because you were reading some stupid manga or something!"
"No I didn't!...Take that back!"
Amy shook her head as she watched her two friends butt heads for the fifth time that afternoon. She couldn't help but be amused and disappointed all at the same time, but before she could even separate the two, another spoke up first.
"Hey, I know! What if you got a boyfriend! If you just lied to him and told him that you already have a guy, the poor boy will have to leave you alone. I mean, it works for me!"
Rei and Usagi immediately stopped as Usagi slumped back down on the shrine step. She understood where her friend was coming from, but what part of 'she tried everything' did she not understand?
"That would be a good idea Minako...if I didn't already try it. I told him that two weeks ago when he came up to me with a bouquet of roses proclaiming it to be for our 'first week anniversery'. You know the week he moved here and I decided to befriend him because I felt sorry for him? That week."
Looking at the defeated girl, Minako simply ran a hand through her long blond hair as she pressed the matter a bit further.
"Well what did he say? I don't understand how he can argue that point...I mean...you can't just date another guy's girl!"
"He said that he never seen me with anyone. Can you believe that? He called me out on the lie before I could even fully go with it! I mean who does he think he is? Just because I didn't hang out with alot of guys at school doesn't mean that I can't have a boyfriend. I mean...you don't have to date a guy from the same school anyways..."
Trailing off the tallest of the females seemed to understand her frustration. Some guys just didn't know where to stop. Curling a long strand of brown hair with a slender finger, Makoto sighed in defeat.
"I'm sorry Usagi...I just don't know what else to say. I mean...It's not like you can just grab some random guy and make him pretend to date you. I've tried that and trust me...it's not always as easy as you may think. "
Before anyone could even question why she even had to have a random guy pretend to date her, Rei grinned at their conflicted friend.
"That's it! All Usagi has to do is grab some hot random guy and get him to date her for a few days to fake Riku out! That's perfect!"
"Um...Rei didn't you hear me? I said that doesn't always work! Believe it or not, some guys just isn't keen on dating a girl they just met, even if it is for a good cause..."
Again the women wanted to question Makoto until Rei laughed mischeviously at them.
"Who said it will be a guy she doesn't know? We happen to know a few guys that we grew to love in the years we've been fighting the negaverse. I mean...it's only for a few days right? Surely one of them will agree!"
As the others tried to process what the priestess just stated, Usagi seemed to smile brightly as an idea came to her mind.
"That's it! I can date Yuuichirou! After all we see him almost every day so..."
"Oh no you don't meatball head, he's not even your type! He's off limits so you might as well come up with someone else!"
"Who? And exactly why is he off limits Rei? I mean he's decently cute and tall and single and..."
Before Usagi could even say anymore she ran off screaming as Rei chased her with a broom in her hand while yelling in the process.
The girls just shook their heads while wondering why they were even offering their help in the first place.
"Usagi don't seem so upset. You know you have much more important things to worry about then bothering with some guy. Just ignore him and sooner or later the situation will get better...I'm sure of it!"
Sighing again, Usagi nodded her head as she stared down at her unusual companion. She had been worrying all night that Riku would just show up at her house again declaring his love, but to her amazement it never happened. She woke up late as usual and was able to run to school as usual while getting detention as usual. It seemed like a pretty usual day had it not been for her pet cat meeting her after school to tell her about another meeting at Rei's temple. The talking feline did worry for her, but knew there was much more pressing matters.
"I know you're right Luna, but I'm just not used to some guy following me around. I'm happy he wasn't at my house today, but he still kept turning up everywhere I looked at school. I just can't shake him off!"
" I know it seems like alot now...but just wait and see. I bet this time next week he'll take the hint and move on. I just know it!"
Smiling slightly, Usagi picked her black cat up off the side walk while absentmindedly petting the crescent moon bold spot on her forehead.
"Thanks Luna. You always know how to cheer me up!"
"Usagi! Usagi! I'm so glad I ran into you! Tell me, was my girlfriend visiting her priestess friend? I thought you just did that on Fridays..."
Stopping dead in her tracts, Usagi just stared blankly at the young man before her. He seemed so happy she just wanted to smack the smile right off his face. How did he know she just visited Rei? How did he even know about her in the first place? He was stalking her! Luna seemed to think the same thing as her reddish eyes seemed to bore into the man before them. She didn't like him. Not one bit.
"You...you know about Rei?"
"Of course I do! I know everything about you Usagi! I mean, what kind of boyfriend would I be if..."
She didn't mean for it to come out so harshly, but she just couldn't take it anymore. She never even introduced him to any of the girls aside from Makoto and Amy who happened to be in the same class and school as herself. In fact, other then the arcade and temple, here lately Usagi never got a chance to really introduce Rei and Minako to any of her other friends since they never seemed to have alot of time to hang out aside from those two places she just thought of. He was really freaking her out and she had just about had it!
The name came out so soft that it shook the blond from whatever stupor she had been in. He looked so defeated with his shoulders hunched over and bangs covering his eyes. She actually started to feel bad for him and was just about to place a hand on his shoulder in comfort until he started to laugh alittle nervously making her take a few steps back.
"You're so funny! It's ok, I guess you're still mad about me not walking you to school today. I'll just let you go home and cool off, but don't worry, I'll call you tonight to be sure you're OK. "
Smiling another big smile, Riku turned on his heel and walked off down the side walk, the opposite way in which she had been heading. Luna shook her head as she mumbled something about 'stupid boys' before looking up at the senish of the moon. Worry clouded her eyes as she seen the blank stare on Usagi's face, unsure of how to snap her out of whatever daze she was in.
"Usagi...Why did you give that man your phone number in the first place?"
Blue eyes darted to the cat in her arms as she slowly moved her head to either side.
"Luna...I didn't. I never did."
Concern once again reached her tiny friend's eyes as relization dawned on her.
Usagi did actually have a problem. A problem that if wasn't fixed soon, could possibly jepardize the scout's mission and ruin Sailor Moon's real identity. That was something that even Luna just couldn't risk.
"Ok...Not there either...Good. That's good."
Making sure the close was clear, Usagi ran from one tree to the other before she actually reached her destination. She smiled as she stared at the arcade before her.
'The new Sailor V game is out today and I will be damned if Riku ruins it for me!'
Smiling triumphly Usagi just about reached the entrance whenever she heard a familiar voice coming from down the street. Fear came into her eyes as she glanced down the side walk at Riku. He was wearing what looked to be a red joggers outfit that hugged his body just right. Oh she hated that he did look hot just then and if he wasn't so crazy she might actually have been flattered with his sudden obssession with her. Before his eyes could even land on her petite form, the blond ran straight into the arcade and jumped right behind the counter. A tall man with short blond hair just looked at her nervously.
"Um...Usagi-chan? What...what are you doing."
"Shh, Motoki-san, please pretend I'm not here. Please!"
The man's blue eyes seemed to scan hers for anything that could tell him why she was hiding under his drink machine and before he could even voice it, a young man ran inside, nearly out of breath.
"Um...Can I help you sir?"
Motoki didn't even know what to make of the kid and Usagi merely ducked further under the machine the moment she heard the guy enter. He was sure this was the person she was hiding from...but why?
"He...Hey. So...Sorry was trying...to catch up with...with my girl." The young man tried to catch his breath as he knelt with his hands on his knees. Motoki just raised a brow as Usagi made a snort at the man's confession.
"Your girl?"
"Ye...Yes. She's yay high, with long golden locks, and the deepest blue eyes." Finally steadying his breathing, the man went on about his 'girlfriend' and how she was just down this street not long ago and she just loved the game center so just knew she had to be in here.
Motoki stared down at what Riku believed was deep in though where in reality, he was staring straight at his blond friend. The girl made a desperate gesture to be sure she wasn't found out. She kept making movements with her hands which Motoki took as she really wanted the guy to leave without him being aware she was even here. If she didn't look so horrified, he might have believed it to be just innocent fun, like hide and seek. He knew there was more to this story though and he was certian he'd find it out.
"I'm sorry but I have tried to think if a woman of that description had come in here or not but I do not believe anyone has. It's been pretty slow today and I do believe I'd remember her if she were to come in shortly before you arrived..."
"Oh you'd know her if you seen her alright. Her name is Tsukino Usagi. You're her friend so you should know who I'm talking about."
Tilting his head to the side, Motoki began to wonder if he even seen this kid before. He knew that Motoki knew her? Did they come in together? He'd remember that if they did...right?
"Um...Yeah. No Usagi-chan hasn't come in today. I'm sorry to disappoint you. If she does though I will be sure to let her know you are looking for her...And your name is...?"
"Riku. Miyazaki Riku. It's a pleasure! I'm glad for your help, but if she isn't here there isn't a reason for me to stay. Have a good day!"
Although the guy seemed happy enough, Motoki found it odd that the moment he knew she wasn't there, he dashed right back out of the arcade and back down the street. Whenever he knew Riku was a good distance from the arcade, he bent down to let Usagi know the close was clear. Usagi let out a deep breath as she grinned at her savior.
"You have no idea what you just done for me. You're the best friend a girl could have!"
Jumping up to give the man a tight hug, Motoki laughed as he returned it full force. He almost forgot to even ask what the situation was about until another seemed to interrupt their short tender moment.
"Meatball head, what are you doing behind the counter? Working for your quarters now? If only you could show that same initiative in school like you do your gaming...you might actually gain a brain inside that empty head."
Before Motoki could greet the new comer, Usagi had already let him go and glowered at the man across from them. The man simply smiled in return.
"Mamoru baka! Why do you always have to ruin everything huh? What are you even doi..."
Before Usagi could even properly yell at the man she heard Riku's raspy voice getting closer to where they were standing. She ducked right back under the drink machine while Mamoru simply raised a brow at Motoki who just shrugged. Within seconds Mamoru just stared as a young man ran into the arcade, gasping for breath.
"He...Hey. I...I couldn't...find her down the...other streets and stores...Are...are you sure...she isn't here?"
Usagi felt her heart stop as Motoki merely laughed nervously as Mamoru was the one to answer him. She just knew he would ruin everything just to piss her off. Bracing herself for having to face Riku again today, she simply put down her head in defeat. Motoki wasn't even sure what to make of the scene.
"Who isn't here? Who are you?"
Riku didn't even bother to look up as he simply answered Mamoru's question with ease.
"My name is Miyazaki Riku. I'm here for my girlfriend. She's the one who..."
Mamoru was always fast at accessing things and this was just one of those things he actually had experience with. Usagi obviously was avoiding this man and this man was obviously looking for her. Before Riku could even say Usagi's name, Mamoru already beat him to it.
"The meatball head was actually down near the park not long ago. I believe she was heading home after failing yet another test. You should probably help her with that if you really care for her...She's not exactly the brightest."
"That's not...not true! She's brilliant! But...If she is heading home. I should too. Thanks again!"
Taking one last deep breath, Riku ran right back out of the arcade and back in the direction in which they all believed was possibly his home. Usagi counted to twenty before getting back up from her spot and glared at the haughty man across from her. Sure he just did a HUGE favour for her, but did he have to insult her in the process? Mamoru wasn't even phased.
"You baka! Look I will thank you for getting rid of the pest but how dare you call me stupid! Why if you wasn't..."
"Usagi-chan...That Riku guy...was all that true? I mean...what's going on with that?"
The steam seemed to leave blond as she almost slumped over the bar in a very limp way. The guys wasn't even sure what to say as she sighed even a deeper sigh.
"The guys nuts! He started at are school not too long ago and since he was new I thought I'd be the person to befriend him. After all he was alone and didn't know anyone so I could tell he needed a friend. Basically, he took it as me liking him and I haven't been able to get rid of him since! It's getting a bit ridiculous to tell you the truth..."
The guys just simply stared while Mamoru patted the blonds head awkwardly. He actually could relate to that and knew where she was coming from. However, Mamoru knew from experience how to rid of people that were unwanted whereas Usagi only knew how to be friendly and sweet. This couldn't have been easy for her.
"Well meatball head your just going to have to let him down easy. I mean...being nice to people like that could really get you into some awkward situations...You don't really want to make it even more of an issue..."
"Baka you just don't understand. None of you do. It's already an issue. I just don't know what to do!"
Before either could respond Usagi hopped across the bar and laid down on the long couch in the corner of the arcade. She forgot how tired she was from hiding from Riku all day and laying down on anything felt nice. She could have fallen asleep if it wasn't for Mamoru towering over her form. She cracked open an eye as she just stared at him annoyingly. She hated how he always smirked down at her. Well...even when he didn't. She just hated him.
"I do understand. I actually understand more than you think."
Rolling her eyes, Usagi would have slapped that smirk off his face if it wasn't for Motoki coming up beside him with a knowing look in his dark green eyes.
"Mamoru's right. He's had a fan club since highschool! Trust me, if anyone knows how to fix a fanatic, it's him."
Snorting Usagi merely stared as she took in Mamoru's appearance. It wasn't hard for her to believe Motoki. After all, if she was completely honest with herself, Mamoru was possibly the hottest guy she'd ever met. He was tall, dark, and literally handsome. His eyes were the deepest shade of blue, she sometimes would think they were colored from earth's oldest oceans. His hair was the color of night and god if he wasn't perfectly built in ALL the right places. Yeah, she did admit that he was a hunk, but there was a lot more to a person then just looks. Where he may have looked like a god, he acted like a demon. He was possibly the most annoying person she had ever had the pleasure of meeting and she knew the feelings were mutual from him to her. They just had this understanding that neither of them wanted to be in the same room with each other for longer than five minutes or they would surely commit suicide. What was worse was the fact that Mamoru KNEW he was hot and flaunted it! He may not cared for the girls in his little clubs, but that doesn't mean he didn't like the looks and attention he'd receive from them. Oh how she hated it. How she just hated him.
"That's because all they care about is looks. I promise if they spent just ten minutes alone with him, that would change. The issue I have is far more worse because I have an actual personality...Just talking wouldn't fix it for me."
Scowling, Mamoru merely rolled his eyes at the haughty blond. She knew how to rub him the wrong way and loved it. Oh she had a personality all right. A personality that made him want to jump off a bridge...into a freezing lake...filled with piranhas. Could she just accept a little help from someone who actually could help? She was just too stupid for her own good.
"Usagi-chan...Mamoru just..."
"No Motoki. If miss air head doesn't want help, then I won't give it. She can just live with the guy chasing her...maybe it will keep her in shape from all that junk food she throws down her mouth...No one wants a meat ball head actually shaped like a meat ball. That's just unappealing."
Mamoru was about to turn around when he felt a very soft hand grab him by the arm. He turned around to see the most desperate look he'd ever seen in Usagi's deep orbs. Tears...That always got him.
Usagi tried so hard not to cry, but she couldn't help it. In truth, she was a crybaby, although not as often as years before. After fighting youma day and night, you kind of run out of things to make you cry. She grew much stronger and braver and although she believed she was much more mature now, in truth she was still Usagi. Usagi cried when things got bad and this...this was way worse then a negaverse freak.
"You don't understand...I NEED you. Please...you just gotta help!".
Mamoru raised a brow at her plea as Motoki sat a hand on her shoulder in an effort to comfort the frantic girl.
"Ok Usagi...Mamoru will stay to help...Just please, tell us everything so that we can understand."
Letting go of Mamoru's arm, Usagi told them everything. Long after the arcade was closed, the three just sat there as Usagi laid her head on her knees. Mamoru was the first to break the silence.
"I'll admit...I never had a girl greet me at my door step...So the guys off his rocker, but what are you going to do about it? If he doesn't listen to reason...I guess...me and Motoki might be able to help in another way."
Motoki hesitated but agreed, knowing exactly what Mamoru meant. Before he could even add to it however, Usagi's mood seemed to brighten as she jumped up startling them both. Happily she smiled down at the two as she squealed in happiness.
"Are you...are you serious? That's perfect! If you two were to pretend to be my boyfriends then..."
"What? Boyfriends? Usagi...That is not what I meant...and besides, why would you need two boyfriends? I don't think being a slu..."
Before Mamoru could even finish his sentence Motoki quickly jabbed his best friend in the side as he laughed nervously. Although Usagi had grown into a mature young woman, even Mamoru should have known better than to use such language around her. Enemies or not, she was still a woman and women should never be talked to in that kind of way.
"What Mamoru is trying to say is...We meant in a more...physical way. I mean, most guys will back off the moment another is telling them to. It's a natural reaction and your friend doesn't seem like..."
"What? No way! Look, I know the situation isn't the greatest, but that doesn't give anyone a reason to get violent! I mean, the guy is crazy, but he still is sweet. I don't want to hurt him, I just want him to leave me alone. There has to be a better way..."
Mamoru was about to protest but Motoki just shook his head in disapproval. He knew what Usagi was talking about and although he did believe it wouldn't have to become violent just a simple warning, he did understand Usagi's need to be nice. She was a nice girl after all and nice girls never intentionally wanted to hurt anyone. However, her outburst certainly gave him an idea. Glancing at the guy at his side, he merely laughed at the entertainment it would bring.
"Well I think you were on to something Usagi. After all, even though you tried telling him you had a boyfriend, you just didn't have the proof to back it up. If you had that proof however..."
"Really Motoki? You will do it for me? Yay!"
Usagi jumped on the man only for Mamoru to laugh at the idea of it all. Was he serious? He was going to be her 'pretend' boyfriend?
"Motoki, I think you are forgetting about a certain someone...After all, isn't Usagi's friend Makoto completely and hopelessly in love with you?"
'And you her.' Mamoru wasn't going to add in his tiny thought seeing as Usagi was just as clueless as Makoto when it came to Motoki's affections, but Mamoru didn't miss a beat. He knew that it would put a tiny rift between the growing couple and wasn't sure if Motoki wanted to chance it or not. Before Usagi could even question what Mamoru just stated, Motoki just laughed as he placed a hand on his friend's back. Mamoru just stared confusingly, wondering exactly what he was up to.
"Oh I didn't mean me. You're right. This wouldn't be the best of idea's seeing as I might be potentially taken...but you however...you are completely single. Not one claim on that pretty little head of yours. You're perfect."
While Usagi pondered what Motoki just stated, she was more curious about how he was taken and who could have stolen him from Makoto when Mamoru just burst out in a fit of laughter. She just glared as he had to fight back tears at what Motoki just insinuated. Him and Usagi? Was he nuts?
"Are you...are you crazy? Me and the meatball head can't even be in a room for more than five minutes without fighting and you want me to pretend to date her? How on earth could you even think that is a good idea? I mean...that is doomed for failure. It would never work!"
Although the words stung Usagi, she hated to admit he was right. It wouldn't work. They hated each other and this...this was just proof that it was mutual.
"Nevermind. I'll handle it myself. With or without your help, this will be fixed."
Mamoru just stopped his laughing as he watched Usagi glare his way while making her way out of the doors to the arcade and down the street to her house. Before he could even contemplate what just happened Motoki jabbed him yet again in his ribs. He knew that stare and he hated to admit he may have just deserved it.
"She needed our help and you just let her walk out. I was being serious Mamoru...we should help her. You guys don't hate each other...albet you're not the best of friends, but you're not the worst of enemies either...At any case maybe this will teach you two to get along a bit better. You never know."
Mamoru was taking in his words as he just shook his head in irritation. He wasn't thinking about this tonight. Usagi even stated she'd handle it on her own. He wasn't going to guilt him into that death trap.
"Yeah...no. Well, good night Motoki. See ya tomorrow!"
Before Motoki could stop him, Mamoru followed Usagi's lead as he too left the arcade and headed home. Motoki just sighed as he shook his head. He really did wish that would have worked. After all, it would be interesting to say the least. Hopefully Usagi had a back up plan because plan A was a no go for sure.
'Sorry Usagi...Good luck.'