A short prologue into a story written in the ungodly hours of morning after copious amounts of coffee.
Disclaimer: I do not own the Labyrinth, but the things I would have done if I did... Oh the things...
This story of course will lead to an eventual romance between J/S. It is mostly a story that I work on when facing writers block, or just extreme boredom and carelessness. There's no certain direction that the plot is going, mostly just things I find humorous. I'll still be working on my other story The Fairy Ring, especially this summer when I finally get a break, but for now I wanted to leave you with this little plot bunny that I wrote a few months ago, but was too unsure to post until now.
Thanks for reading! Tell me what you think! -FreakinGodzilla
"Get back here, you - you menace!"
The creature let out a high pitched chuckle as it scurried across the carpeted floor. A young woman growled in frustration, bending into a crouch and preparing to launch.
She pounced towards the mischievous creature, but not before it quickly dodged out of her way. The tiny, hairy beast dashed underneath a leather recliner. Once it was out of her range, it let out a loud chortle, taunting her with its celerity.
"Give it back!" She cried, standing before the chair and waiting for the perfect moment to snatch the fiend from its hiding place.
The old chair groaned as the somewhat intelligent critter snickered from underneath it with amusement. A furry limb fell out of concealment, and the young woman took quick action, stomping a foot upon it with no hesitation. It hollered in pain, but she did not relent. Instead, she got on her hands and knees and jerked the creature out from under the chair.
Holding it by its tail, her eyes bored down upon the tiny goblin as it squirmed and fought to break out of her iron grasp.
"Now will you listen?" Sarah mocked.
The goblin stopped its wriggling long enough to stick its green tongue out and unceremoniously blow a raspberry. She cringed in disgust and held the creature further out from her, but did not release it.
"You'll never find it!" The goblin wailed.
She narrowed her green eyes into slits while clenching her teeth, and the critter trembled before her.
"Give. It. Back."
"Never!" Its high-pitched voice maintained stubbornness, despite the non-subsiding shaking of terror.
The young woman shook the creature by his tail, wanting so desperately for the piece of evidence the goblin had stolen to fall out of his grasp. Though, it seemed as if fate was not on her side today, for the object she was so hopelessly seeking was no longer on the goblin's person.
"Where'd you put it?" She frowned.
The goblin stopped his quailing, becoming completely silent before his body began shaking once again, but these movements felt different than the ones before.
Sarah held the goblin up closer to her face. Was he - laughing?
Her face contorted in absolute fury.
"You…Will…" the beast said between a cruel, mocking guffaw, "Never… Get… It back… Nows… Hah!"
"You didn't…" Sarah gasped.
The goblin only responded with a loud cackle, pleased with itself and the situation.
"No, no, no, no, no!" She cried and dropped the goblin on its head without care, racing to the recliner on her knees.
Using her hands, she desperately clawed underneath the seat, hoping that the goblin had only been jesting.
She was wrong.
"How did you do it?" Sarah groaned.
"Magic!" The goblin cried with another loud and crude laugh. It held its sides, bending over as it continued to mock her with its mischievous roar.
"No…" She whispered to herself, her ears burning with humiliation. Sarah stared back at the couch, wishing with all her might that the goblin had left the object under it, but to no avail.
The goblin had sent it via magic, and there was nothing she could do now but wait.
Wait and know that the Goblin King now had the most embarrassing piece of information she owned.
A sketched picture of them smooching.