
The following morning was awful. Mom slept far later than normal, although I guess she was just exhausted. So I went down to breakfast on my own and met dad on the stairs halfway. He frowned and asked, "Is your mother coming?" I shook my head, "She was crying until late last night. I think she needs some more sleep." Dad nodded and whispered, "Best not to wake her then."

I nodded and we walked down the rest of the stairs in silence. Carlotta greeted me warmly, "Ah there's our Melody! Your tutor will be coming over in a minute." I groaned and shook my head, "Not Miss Douglas!" Carlotta smiled cheerily at me, "She phoned to say she will be slightly earlier than anticipated. You better hurry up your breakfast Miss Melody!" I sighed and shook my head.

Dad chuckled and nudged my shoulder, "Come on, Miss Douglas is not all that bad!" I rolled my eyes and replied, "No…but she irritates me. She always harps on about…" I paused for a minute and realized I'd said too much. I gulped and my dad eyed me suspiciously, "About what Mel?" I sighed and whispered hoarsely, "She always harps on about you!" My dad froze mid-step and I swear he went into shock. He shook his head and grimaced, "Best not mention that to your mom alright?"
I nodded as we reached the dining room. I didn't want to add fuel to her fire. We had just sat down at the table of our massive dining room when Grim answered the front door, "Oh! Miss Douglas! Why don't you come in and wait in Meldoy's bedroom! I'm afraid she hasn't gotten dressed yet. She's just eating with her father…"

He trailed off and Miss Douglas's high-pitched voice echoed across the hallway, "Oh, Grim dear thank you! I'm actually rather peck-ish myself. Haven't had breakfast yet you know!" Grim sounded awkward a he said, "Perhaps I can find you a snack in the kitchen." My dad rolled my eyes and I couldn't help but giggle as Grim came running through and said, "Prince Eric, I'm going to find something for Miss Douglas. Where should she eat?" Dad coughed loudly as we sat down at the head of the table and replied, "I think she can eat in Mel's schoolroom." I smirked and dad grinned at me. Grim nodded in agreement, "Alright Prince Eric. Is the Mrs coming down for breakfast?"

Dad grimaced and shook his head, "No…not to my knowledge Grim. Maybe Carlotta could take something up for her please…" Then mom's voice echoed across the hallway, "Hi Miss Douglas. I'm sorry you have to see me in such a state. I'm just on my way to break…" Grim interrupted her and dad sighed in relief, "Ariel, I am just going to go and get Miss Douglas some breakfast upstairs. Your family is waiting for you." Mom thanked Grim and then nervously entered the dining room. I was having extra lessons for those I had missed yesterday.

Mom came in and I smiled happily at her. She sat down at the long table and tried to wipe the remaining tears from her eyes. I thought it was a good sign that she had joined us for breakfast. Dad evidently did too because he was trying not to smile happily. It made me laugh a bit inside. Mom nodded at dad briefly before Carlotta came into the dining room with a food trolley which was laden with eggs, sausages, bacon, hash browns and the like. There was even my dad's favorite cereal and a variety of other different breakfasts. I had to say that the one thing I did like about being royal, if anything, was the scrumptious food we got for breakfast every day. After all, breakfast was the most important meal of the day…wasn't it?


I was somewhat relieved when Melody finished breakfast. It meant I could talk to Eric alone. I had sat in silence while he and Mel tried to make conversation, but I felt out of place. I had seen the hopefulness in Eric's blue eyes when I had entered the room and he had good reason to feel that way.

I waved goodbye to Mel as she dragged herself upstairs. I laughed lightly at her less-than-enthusiastic demeanor. I then turned to Eric and inhaled sharply before staring at him and saying, "I'm sorry." He had been all tense, his shoulders taught and his mouth had formed a thin, pierced line which I knew meant he was anxious. He nodded stiffly and murmured, "You don't need to apologize. It's my fault."

I shook my head and whispered, "No, I over reacted. And I shouldn't have let Melody become involved." Eric smiled forcibly and shrugged, "Mel kind of chose to get involved. Anyway, it's not like she took sides." I could tell he was trying really hard to be decent about this, even though he was still upset with me. I sighed and placed my spoon down on my golden lined bowel before whispering, "I'm sorry Eric. I just…my mind went into overdrive. I went crazy. I don't normally handle things this way…but seeing that girl…she looked like a clone of Melody. It freaked me out. And I mean the fact that you have actually been with her mother just makes it so much worse."
I placed my head in my hands and sobbed throatily, embarrassed at my obvious display of distress, but unable to stop myself. I heard Eric move so that he was beside me and softly took my hand in his. Eric had seen me crying before of course, but this was new territory for us. I had never really been angry at him before. Well, at least not to the point where I felt like my world was falling apart.

Eric spoke softly and I glanced up from my misery. He whispered, "I understand completely. I don't hold anything against you. But I think next time, Melody was try and stay out of it as much as possible. I do agree on that score." I smiled and went to go and sit on Eric's lap, "I'm sorry," I whispered before going to sit in his lap and then I leant forward and kissed the spot in between his neck and his shoulder. He shivered and chuckled, "All is forgiven."
I smiled still slightly wearily at my handsome prince. I murmured, "How did I ever get so lucky?" Eric grinned and said teasingly, "Well, if I remember correctly, you were determined to be with me. So determined in fact, that you were willing to leave your family and become a human." He shook his head in amazement, as if he couldn't really believe it were true. I rolled my eyes and kissed his cheek, "I was the lucky one. I didn't think it was possible for my dad to ever let me be with you." Eric leant closer and whispered , "I know. I guess we're both lucky."

He was so close I could see the flecks in his blue eyes which made me melt inside. I had been really horrible to him and I felt so guilty. I took my hand and placed it gently against his cheek, stroking it up and down. He closed his eyes and inhaled sharply. I couldn't help but giggle at the look of pure please on his face before I leant in and kissed him. He sighed and replied with quite a forceful response, which made me laugh.



I was going to go and tell Eric that the King of Thailand was still waiting for their phone conversation since last night. I opened the main door of the dining room just a little bit more to see if he was ready to come and have that conversation. When I opened the door, a small smile spread across my face, almost automatically. Ariel was in Eric's lap and they were embracing and laughing together. It made me happy to see. I decided I should leave them be. I didn't want to interrupt. It got seriously tiresome and I hated seeing how much it disappointed Ariel whenever I called Eric away from her.
Carlotta came up behind me and asked in a whisper, "What are you doing Grim? You look suspicious!" I shook my head and grinned, "No, not at all. Eric and Ariel are just…patching things up. I wouldn't want to interrupt that." Carlotta caught on quickly and she grinned, "Oh good! I was really worried for a second there!" I did not like to think the worst of most situations, but this had undoubtedly been the worst fight Eric and Ariel had ever had. I nodded in agreement, "I'm glad they sorted it out so soon. Seems all the needed was time alone." Carlotta sighed and shook her head, "I pity them, I do. They never get to be on their own." Then a thought came to me, "You know, you're right. I'm going to book them that holiday to Thailand, whether they like it or not." Carlotta giggled before walking in to go and take the breakfast trays away.

A/n: Hi All, I'm sorry for those who have been wanting more of this story. I just had a really nasty and somewhat disturbing review because it kind of put me off writing this story. Anyway, there will be a Tip and Dash reunion at some point. Probably when Melody goes to Atlantica to stay for the week. Thanks for staying tuned!