Harry Potter and the Heaven's Feel.


Author's Notes: Yes, another story, but my first foray into an official Harry Potter/Type Moon universe and most likely some Clamp-verse things crossover! When I was brainstorming for new ideas to use, I was taken over by perfect ideas for a FSN/HP crossover. So instead of letting them disappear like most plot bunnies, I decided to do something about it. Now, for those hardcore fans of both series, I apologize in advance if something doesn't make sense, I claim the author or artist's prerogative to tweak canon to make my ideas work.

I also want to thank Sakurademonalchemist who gave me her permission to use some of her own ideas from various stories she posted on her Fanfiction page. Thank you girl, I owe you one! ;) Now, let's go to the story shall we?

Disclaimer: I own nothing except my own ideas. The Type MOON universe belongs to Kinoko Nasu and Takashi Takeuchi while Harry Potter is J.K Rowling's baby. Clamp belongs to Mokona, Tsubaki Nekoi and Satsuki Igarashi. Please support the original releases. Thank you.

Addendum: The Harry Potter style magic will be the most used style in the western hemisphere of the world including most of Europe and the Clamp verse and Nasuverse magical styles will be the most used styles in the eastern hemisphere, including most Asiatic countries. Other magical disciplines such as shamanism, voodoo and pagan magic for example, are still present but are a minority. The Dark Arts are addictive and harmful to one self if you do not cleanse yourself regularly after using it.

They are banned in many countries around the world and in those where they are not banned, you must obtain a special international licence to use them legally. Illegal users of the Dark Arts whom are arrested are to be prosecuted without mercy to the full length permitted by the international laws. The so called Unforgivable Curses are part of the Dark Arts package. Only their use without a Ministry edict in the British Isles will get you a one way permanent trip to Azkaban.

Last Edit: May 20, 2017.

He was the greatest sorcerer to ever live in the last four hundred years. His dual heritage of British on his father's side and Chinese on his mother's side gave him access to two different branches of magic and a unique insight on how to combine both into something never seen before. But being hailed as the greatest was both a blessing and a curse. He lived for more than a hundred years before showing some signs of aging. Now, the same potent magic that had permitted him to create his master piece bounded him to the world of the living as a very powerful spirit. In the time he was gone, the Li family had became one of the top dogs of the magical Chinese society.

He had watched over them for a time, before going to look after the other half of his heritage. In time, his father's family had married and had been absorbed into the Potter family. They shared many of his physical traits, the hair colour, the eye shape, the great potential for astounding magical feats and also the sense of humour. What is the name of this famous sorcerer you ask? It is, or rather was, Clow Reed.

He had watched as his youngest British descendant alive, James, formed the Marauders and ran roughshod all over Hogwarts with the pranks he and his gang committed. He freely admitted that he had laughed at many of their pranks. He was also proud of his decendant for pushing himself as hard as he did to become an animagus only to be with his werewolf friend during his more trying time. The panties raids in the girls' dorms of different Houses were a bit much in his opinion though. The Marauder's Map was a true masterpiece of magic!

Now, James and his delightful wife were dead, giving their lives to fuel a love based sacrificial ritual to save their young son's life from Death's grasp, returning that pretentious pretender Voldemort's Killing Curse on the Warlock.

Latching onto his last British descendant life force as a beacon, Clow followed the gentle Half-Giant while he delivered the now sleeping and exhausted toddler to Dumbledore. Being a free roaming spirit had its perks, while he could only interact in the subconscious of those who were blood related to him with one or two exceptions; he was privy to all sort of information that people wouldn't normally let slip. Thus he knew everything there was to know about the British magical civil war and their major players. It was why he recognized Albus Dumbledore and Minerva McGonagall.

Listening to their conversation, he couldn't hold back a frown. While Blood magic could be used in the way the elder wizard was talking about, creating Blood Wards from the sacrifice of Harry's parents on a muggle's house where Lily's older sister and her family where living could and would likely have unintended consequences. Clow was, admittedly, no expert in sacrificial magics, but you didn't need to have a mastery degree in the subject to realize that forging and basing a protection charm on a non-magical for the protection of a very active magical child was inviting for trouble to find them in the long term.

Maybe the first few years wouldn't be so bad, but when Harry would be old enough to understand consciously how his powers worked and started to experiment with them, it could lead to conflicts with the family, since it was human nature to fear something you didn't understand. Add to that, that the boy had something foul behind the rune scar branded on his forehead; it was bound to corrupt things really fast if left unchecked. Clow stayed with baby Harry even as the two wizards and one witch left, watching over the sleeping toddler in a crib basket holding a letter in his small hand, waiting on the doorstep he was settled down on.

He was contemplating his available options to start planning ahead. He could let things go as they were set right now and just hope for the best, but where would the fun in that would be? He always loved to meddle into things too much to just let them be as they were right now. Clow shook his ethereal head in silent denial and let out a small amused chuckle. He must have spent too much time around Zelretch before his passing. The Dead Apostle Ancestor was a treasure trove of knowledge and they bonded over their sense of humour.

His others options where rather limited. He could remove the soul leech easily even in his current state since Soul Magic was one of his specialties after all, but that would let little Harry open to possession from other nasty spirits. Limited as he was as a ghost, the only protections he could give his descendant would be to take the place of the leech and fuse with the child. The boy was already a very strong mage even untrained, what with the feats of accidental and wish magic he was doing.

Like unbinding his core all by himself a few days after his parents put a temporary limiter on his magical reserves and restarting his reign of terror all over again, much to the Black Heir's amusement and his parents' frustrations. Having the kid apparate all around the house until they got fed up and put anti-apparition wards or summoning his father's broom rather than his own toy broom to chase down the family cat all around their house while laughing until he was sick the second they started to get "intimate", did put a big damper on things.

But taking the place of the leech in the boy's psyche would leave him inactive until Harry was old enough to really practice his powers and communicate with him, which would take years. And while Clow easily understood that family was important; imposing a magical child on a mundane couple with already a child of their own was not the way to go. And without checking if they are amiable to the idea first is really bad form. Did Dumbledore even arranged for a stipend to be paid to the family to help them with raising a second child that was not their own?

Letting out a breath, he decided that his only choice was to call for someone who had been dear to him in the past. He was reluctant though, after all which man would not be when you needed to call a huge favour from your former lover after parting on rather bad terms?

Thus Clow decided to man up and sent a signal to one of the only living persons he could interact with that wasn't of his blood. Ichihara Yūko, the Space-Time Witch and more importantly, his ex-wife. Boy, he was in for a good ass chewing at the very least. The spirit of Clow waited for half an hour before a deep blue Magical Circle with far eastern runes engraved into said circle began glowing near #4 Privet Drive. From the Magic Circle came out a beautiful young looking woman that was sporting a milky white skin, with very long silky midnight black hair floating free in this cold November wind.

She was wearing a rather simple red kimono badly tied, letting see glimpses of her collar and breast bones, since apparently she had dressed in a hurry. Yes, she slept in the nude, get over it. Her red eyes were glaring the spectre of the deceased sorcerer into submission and Clow had the good grace of looking very apologetic. Ichihara Yūko was not one who liked having her beauty rest interrupted in any way and being urgently summoned half way across the world without prior warning did nothing to improve her temper. She was about to see if she could hex the ghost-like balls off of her ex-husband with the trusty and tried Castration spell when she saw the bundle left on the doorstep.

Yūko never had any children of her own, mostly due to some personal problems with her former paramours even with her very active sex life and clear disdain of condoms but she had always had a thing for them. Bypassing the spectre of her former husband without a word, she crouched to the ground and took the bundled child out of the crib basket into her arms, cradling him against her breast and cooing at him in a motherly tone with a beautiful smile on her pale face. Once satisfied, she turned toward Clow and hissing venomously at him without raising her voice, she then said

"You better have some very good explanations for me Clow Reed, or I'm going to find a way to resurrect you, castrate you without anaesthesia and then banish you forever to the Island kingdom full of transvestites that scared you so much in the One Piece universe! Calling ME from the other side of the world after all these years without any news after our bad breakup and divorce! The nerve of you!

Did you know that the annoying troll of a Death Apostle Ancestor Zelretch is still trying to hit on me centuries later just because you had to open your big mouth and brag to him about our sex life?! I am not into Necrophilia just because we had sex once in an empty morgue, thank you very much!"

She finished with a righteous huff that did wonderful things to her breasts. Harry was a lucky bastard to be that close to them. A year and half old and already a lady killer!

Clow's appearance had shifted with the chewing he got, getting smaller by the second until he was no bigger than a Smurf! Taking hold of himself, the deceased Sorcerer still tied to the world of the living began to explain what happened on Halloween or more known as Samhain for the mystic community. Needless to say, Yūko was very impressed. While the Killing Curse was one vile Western spell that she wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole, you had to give credit where it was due. A one hit one kill spell that bypassed magical shields no matter how powerful they were; it was a very ingenious curse.

That the boy's father and mother decided to sacrifice their lives for their son and that the sacrificial ritual based on love had done its job in vanquishing the so feared Dark Lord by reflecting his own curse to hit the bastard instead was nothing short of prodigious. It was just too bad that it had cost the lives of two very accomplished magicals in the process. They were so young! And now, that orphaned baby boy was to be left with his mundane family until it was time to start his magical schooling. Frowning, she asked her male counterpart

"You still haven't told me why you called me here. I would have learned what happened one way or another soon enough. There was no need to summon me for giving me those news in person. I have little interest into the United Kingdom's modern affairs, be they mundane or magical."

Clow let out a sight and after explaining the options he had considered, he asked

"If I went with the process of expelling that abominable soul shard lodged behind Harry's rune scar and taking the spot to protect him from possession from bad spirits, I will be unable to guide him until he is at least around eight or nine years old. Dumbledore forged Blood Wards on this house, but you know more than any others how magical protections on a magical child based upon the feelings of a mundane relative can backlash. I also know that you always wanted a child to care for. Well, here's your chance. The boy is an orphan with no direct magical relatives on both sides.

The godfather is too young and brash to raise a child adequately, one friend is a Werewolf, even if I have nothing against the majority of them since they are only dangerous during the full moon, the Ministry won't see things like that and won't let him take the boy and the other is a traitor currently on the run. The godmother is still somewhere under a Fidelius charm, so unavailable right now.

It's a win-win situation, Yūko. Young Harry will get someone magical who will able to raise him with care and you will have a child to spoil and love. Maybe even an apprentice to pass on your teachings."

Clow could tell that his ex-wife was really tempted, so to sweeten the deal, he revealed the content of a few visions that he had recently

"Yūko, I had multiple visions of the future featuring my last British born blood descendant. Harry here will be the one able to awaken Camelot from under Hogwarts and once Camelot is truly awake once more, the isle of Avalon will be accessible once again. You know how there are at least a prodigy with a power exponentially higher than everyone else once a few generations? Dumbledore was one, Riddle or Voldemort if you prefer, was one too.

Harry has the potential to outshine them all, even both of us. There is also the possibility that he could use the Third True Magic to summon Servants, Heroic Spirits from the Throne of Heroes, outside of a Holy Grail War!"

If the Space-Time Witch was very tempted before, she was sold to the idea now. While she still hold some resentment towards her ex-husband, she knew him well enough to understand that he had nothing but little Harry Potter's best interests to heart right now. And having a child to nurture would keep her occupied and grounded in reality. She would have to cut back with her Sake consumption and no longer smoke her hallucinogen herbs inside the house though. It would be a challenge, but she would meet it.

Using a fraction of her will, the Space-Time Witch dismantled the still inactive wards over number four Privet Drive and with a twist; she added them upon her shop in Tokyo. She would take the child and raise him as he was her own yes, but living in Great Britain? No thanks. Her English was very good, but she was Japanese and proud of it.

Clow let out a relieved sigh. He was glad that things were going to be alright. Now they just had to go to Gringotts to make sure everything would be in order and to request a secure Ritual Room for him to expel the soul shard and take its place. By the use of her Magic Circle, all three of them were gone, the letter and basket crib fading away as if they were never there in the first place.