Ganrougel tried to calm his heart but his brother was right, it was a painful wait. He twisted and wrung his fingers, unable to fight off the images of what Natsumi must be going through at that moment. He could feel the blood on his shirt drying as the minutes passed slowly into over an hour.
"Excuse me, you're here with Natsumi Hinata?" A man in a lab coat over soft blue scrubs approached Ganrougel.
Ganrougel quickly stood and replied. "Yes…. H-how is she?"
"She's awake and seems to be doing just fine. She's asked to have you with her." The doctor explained calmly.
Ganrougel nodded and followed the man through the building. He paused only after the doctor entered a room. He slowly opened the door and saw Natsumi on the bed, laying on her side and curled up. Natsumi opened her eyes and upon seeing him, seemed to brighten up with a smile. She held her hand out to him.
Ganrougel felt himself wilt a bit at the sight but smiled and happily complied to her request. He knelt beside the bed and cautiously took her hand in his. His voice was a whisper when he spoke. "How are you feeling?"
"Overall? So tired." Natsumi replied, her voice almost cracking from a dried throat.
"She's on IV for her dehydration and she's been given other vitamins and supplements. We also took a couple scans once we were told about her pregnancy." The doctor spoke up.
"The baby didn't survive. Did it?" Ganrougel asked.
"I'm sorry. No." The doctor sighed. "We can't figure out how either. Despite the unusual traits, it seemed to be developing very well before failing."
"Unusual traits?" Ganrougel asked nervous what had shown up.
"Hoofed feet and a small tail along with some residual traces of magic… d-did you not know? I assumed at 3 months you would have had check ups and been told." The doctor looked confused.
Ganrougel stood surprised to hear the man casually mention the baby having inhuman features. He felt Natsumi pull his hand weakly. "Red it's ok. He knows, I told him about you."
"What?" Ganrougel asked without taking his eyes from the doctor.
"Oh right yes. My apologies." The doctor put his hand to his chin and removed his face like an old opera mask, leaving nothing but a blank space of skin.
"A noppera-bo." Ganrougel sighed. He had heard about the faceless monsters, although frightening to humans they were peaceful.
"Yes." The doctor returned his face before continuing. "We knew this wasn't a normal case as soon as you stepped into the building. You'd be surprised how many supernatural beings come here. No need to worry, you and yours are safe in our care."
"You were saying about the baby?" Natsumi asked as she slowly sat up.
"Were you not receiving prenatal care?" The doctor asked, his mask now returning to displaying proper emotions.
"We didn't know that I was pregnant for the first couple months." Natsumi explained. "Some things came up and I hadn't even noticed till a friend mentioned it."
"Initially I didn't think I even could… you know." Ganrougel added.
"I see. I would suggest being extra careful the next time. Mating between two different supernatural people can be extremely risky. For now we can look at a couple options if you're ready." The doctor accepted there was information they might not be ready to give and was prepared to move on but hoped not to rush them.
Natsumi nodded. She took a deep breath before straightening up. "Alright. What's next?"
Ganrougel watched her as she talked with the doctor. Despite the circles under her eyes and her weak grip on his hand, she held herself as she usually would. Wearing determination and strength with grace. She was going to go into this new challenge head on and Ganrougel only thought she was as strong and beautiful as ever for it. He had feared that she would have changed and lost herself.
Once her vitals and condition was stable a short while later, Natsumi was allowed to go home. Ganrougel stayed by her side as their friends rushed to hug and comfort her. He rode with her in the car as they went home. As the sun began to rose the next morning she finally reached her own room and Ganrougel helped her change into clean clothes and climb into the soft comforter of her bed.
"You'll be here when I wake up right?" Natsumi asked pulling the blankets to her cheeks having missed them.
"I'm staying here all night, don't worry. I'm not going to fade out like in the crystal. You're free and home again." Ganrougel assured her. Natsumi smiled before finally falling into sleep.
Two weeks trailed by, Natsumi was updated on what happened. Her school who had been told she was in a coma was made aware she was awake and soon should be able to return. Her friends Satsuki and Yayoi visited whenever she felt she had the energy. They would often bring gifts of snacks and tell her normal stories of shenanigans in class.
Ganrougel spent every day happily bringing her anything she needed when she was too tired or cramped to move. Rubbing her back when she felt her body passing more tissue and blood. On her good days he would watch her clean around the house and mutter about Kurse missing the corners of the room when vacuuming.
In small moments she would stare off into space or out a window. Ganrougel caught her in such a moment in the bedroom and hugged her from behind, looking to wherever she had been. "Do you think it's weird I'm not crying so much?"
"I think that like me, you spent all that time in the crystal thinking about it. Probably already mourning and preparing yourself." Ganrougel answered. "We also didn't get to spend any real time to look forward to have it. I don't think we got properly emotionally attached. Sorry if that sounds a little heartless."
"No, that makes sense." Natsumi rubbed her hands over his. "I didn't want to look like the woman who didn't have the heart to cry when everyone else just found out. They're all crying more than me."
"Like you said they only just found out for certain after all these months of hope. It's different when you're the one carrying it and can feel and sense it." Ganrougel nuzzled his head into her neck. "Everyone also knows you much better than that."
"Hmmm." Natsumi smiled. She loved being able to feel again, to be held, to smell him so very close to her. "Once I'm done with this and my body starts doing normal things again, we are looking into preventative measures."
"Of course. Anything you want." Ganrougel eagerly agreed. He never wanted to see her go through this another time.
"Until maybe one day… where we plan things and maybe I get bored of normal. Definitely after I finish school." Natsumi giggled.
Ganrougel's eyes flashed open. He straightened up and looked down to her. "You'd consider… actually trying for one? With me?"
"Why not? I mean now we know you can so it's not a closed door and I looked it up, one miscarriage doesn't mean I can't ever have a successful pregnancy." Natsumi explained as she turned and looked up to his eyes. "I know I'm going to be sad about this one every now and then but I like to always hope for better days and trying again."
"You are a master of getting up again and fighting on." Ganrougel smiled. "I love you for that."
"Another thing that's been bothering me..." Natsumi continued as she blushed at the compliment.
"Name it and I shall handle it for you." Ganrougel lowered his head as if to bow to her.
Natsumi giggled, enjoying his playful comment. "Everyone's been focused entirely on me for what feels like forever so go do something for yourself tonight."
"What? But-" Ganrougel was interrupted as Natsumi place her finger to his lips to silence him.
"I mean it red. I know I've just been through a lot but I'm doing much better now and I'm tired of being treated like a glass doll." Natsumi slightly pushed him away as if to send a child off to school. "I bet you haven't been on patrol since I got home."
"Natsumi," Ganrougel pulled her closer again. "I'm already doing something I want. Being near you again is the happiest I've been all year. Besides there may be too much publicity on me right now."
Natsumi almost melted under his words before realizing his last sentence. "I'm sorry, publicity?"
"We went out a couple times last week while you slept and some one caught a video of me during one of my uh... fights, judgments, whatever you want to call it. Now it's gone viral and everyone's looking out for the 'Red Demon'." Ganrougel explained with a slightly annoyed huff.
"No way." Natsumi laughed.
"I'm not even kidding." Ganrougel sighed. The event bothered him a bit, now that he would have to be careful where he handled things and how many saw him, but to hear her laugh again warmed him.
Natsumi pulled out her phone and started searching for news about it. "'The red demon and his companion the blue spirit have been spotted offering a man who attempted murder to either sentence himself to the void full of other sinners or death.' Wow its a good picture too."
"Yeah apparently I went all red again for that one. It's a little different each time." Ganrougel crossed his arms and sat on the edge of the bed.
"I think it's great. You're using your skills to save people and in a way honoring who you were before." Natsumi ran her fingers through his hair. "Cool thing is now you have multiple forms and can have a secret identity if you want."
"True." Ganrougel smirked.
A soft knock on the door caught their attention. Fuyuki stood in the open doorway a weakened smile on his face. "It's time. Everyone's outside."
"We'll be there in a moment." Natsumi felt her breath had thickened. Fuyuki left with a silent nod. She placed a kiss to Ganrougel's forehead before resting her head to his.
Today they were all gathering for a small remembrance or memorial of the child. Even Molioke's father, the King of terror, was attending as this was the first star ever lost in the longest of time. Molioke had been hiding away in the moon for most of the time since Ganrougel told everyone about the miscarriage. Natsumi felt bad for her. This wasn't just hers and Ganrougel's child they lost, it was a soul. An entire history of lives and people in one star that will never be able to live again. Despite everything Molioke tried, it was still lost. The first time she ever failed her job.
In silence Natsumi walked with Ganrougel to the backyard. Everyone was indeed there and stilled their conversations as the couple joined them. Natsumi spotted Molioke and her father at the far back and started towards them. She nodded to Koyuki with a small smile and squeezed Aki's hand as she passed. She found it hard to look at everyone and instead glanced at the sky. The dark of night settling in as the moon and stars beamed their brightest. She figured even they were aware and felt just as sad as they all did.
Natsumi stopped just before Molioke. Seeing the normally cheerful girl so solemn and dim broke her heart. Molioke looked so small compared to her father beside her. Natsumi turned her eyes to the large figure.
"My dear," His voice was as sturdy and commanding as his frame yet it had warmth and patience as well. "You and I share sorrow in this trial. I'm certain you've hear many apologies and condolences but hear mine as well. It was not from any part of yours that caused this but a failing of mine. Bear no guilt in your sorrow."
"I won't but don't blame yourself either." Natsumi smiled kindly. "The only ones to blame aren't here."
Molioke sunk into herself and she turned her head away from Natsumi. Her voice a jittered whisper. "I'm so sorry. I really thought that I fixed… It was supposed to be fine and-"
Natsumi pulled Molioke into her arms, hugging gently in case the frail girl were to break. "Thank you."
"But I didn't-" Molioke started tearing into Natsumi's shoulder.
"You tried. And you cared. That's more than enough. I know magic can't fix everything and I had kept that in mind this whole time. I knew there was a chance nothing could be done." Natsumi replied.
"She's right." the King placed a hand on Molioke's shoulder, turning her to face him. "Magic can't heal everything. Before you were in this world, I lost one other soul. Despite all my talents and will, I couldn't save it."
He turned to the crowd before continuing. "Humans seem endless, an expanding population and so many varieties. One might think there could never be an end or loss of possibility in who will be born next. But there are only so many stars… only so many souls. Another cannot just simply be created to replace one. I never thought I would have had to face this again and yet here I stand. I have many reapers collecting any and all evidence of soul manipulation magic and skills to rid the chance of this ever repeating.
Usually I never take any action to influence or affect events on earth. Your murders, your sins… they are yours to handle with each other. Your deaths have never been the final, so I never took stance, but your souls… they are under my protection. The loss of that is final and I will not tolerate any more."
His speech wasn't met with applause but sincere tears and nods in agreement and appreciation. He turned back to Natsumi and Ganrougel. "Look at the stars. They know all, and feel in this as much as you and I. Even your father. He shines the brightest tonight."
Natsumi frowned. "He doesn't… he isn't mad is he?"
"No." The King sighed with a small smile. "He is not upset nor disappointed in you. In mankind as a whole though he has a few words. He might be able to carry these feelings and ideals into his next life. I've seen magnificent changes carry from one life to the next. As much as my daughter and I try to say 'completely wiped of the last life' it almost never is completely true. After the last time I lost a soul… Humans changed so much. The stars reborn brought new ideas and morals to the way they lived and I feel this will be no different. Society and the entire race as you know it should move in a whole new direction in the next generation or two."
"We could probably use some change." Natsumi sighed as she watched the glittering sky. She smiled as Ganrougel's fingers wrapped around hers. Her heart was heavy but she was ready to move on. Ready to live a normal and magical life. She knew she could face just about anything now, so long as she could come home to her Ganrougel. Her monster.
Four years and I'm ready to end this one. Thank you for reading and commenting. For showing me patience and care throughout this and my other stories. Live your best and take care