I've decided that I don't care how many stories I have ongoing... at least for now I don't care. I haven't written much lately cause my brain is drying up a bit but I've been sitting on this chapter for a bit now and just want to get it out there. Please enjoy.
Here is a story that will eventually be lost between the rest and forgotten over time; but while you are here you should know it's about a young girl. A little girl who just turned five. She has a mom and a little brother who is four. Her father is away often and her mom worked when ever she could. The little girl was very happy and loved to see everyone else happy. She is friendly and very understanding when things were rough with everyone else. Her name is Natsumi.
Her pink hair is usually tied in pigtails. She would wear warm clothes that she described as 'feeling like summer' either because it was pink or orange or was actually designed for summer. She loved summer and smiled with every sunny day. She would pretend often that she was a professional sports player of every sport she could think of. In magazines she would see women playing sports and would declare she would be a very pretty sports player when she grew up.
Her brother, Fuyuki, is different from her and preferred fantasy stories about monsters and aliens. He loved to read and play make believe of other worlds. Natsumi would only play along if she were a princess or leader of the humans that fought them off. Other times she would make fun of him.
One evening their fighting had grown worse than usual. Natsumi was tired of hearing about monsters when she wanted to watch a movie about small forest animals.
"It has nothing to do with your stupid creatures Fuki!" Natsumi shouted as she pushed Fuyuki away from her.
"I didn't say that! We were supposed to watch my movie tonight!" Fuyuki yelled right back at her. He toppled over on his side before crawling to his feet.
"Well your monsters are dumb!" Natsumi stared her brother down. Challenging him to come up with something better to say.
"Well I hope a monster finds you and shows you just how scary and interesting and NOT DUMB THEY ARE!" Fuyuki cried as he ran to find their mother.
"Fine." Natsumi muttered to herself. "I'm super sure a real monster can't be cool."
Later that evening after they were given dinner and cleaned up, Natsumi and Fuyuki were sent to their rooms for bed. Natsumi curled into a ball under her soft covers. She hugged her stuffed pink doll to her chest as she waited for sleep.
A very long while of shifting and trying not to think had passed. Natsumi still couldn't get to sleep.
"Come on brain. Turn off." She whispered to herself as she clenched her eyes tight.
"Having trouble?" A low voice hissed.
Natsumi bolted up. Her eyes darted all over her room but couldn't find the stranger who spoke. No one was in her room but her. She soon calmed and let out a yawn.
"I must be close to falling asleep. I thought I heard someone talk." Natsumi rubbed her eyes and settled back under the blankets.
"You didn't imagine it." The voice spoke again. This time Natsumi didn't sit up or look around even as her eyes shot open. She froze under her covers knowing full well she wasn't alone. Maybe... I can pretend I'm asleep. I do it with mommy all the time. Then whoever is there will go away. "That's it. Feel that fear. I can smell it running through you."
Natsumi tried to block out the voice but it drilled into her mind. Her skin crawled as her tiny hands strangled her doll, grasping for any comfort. She tried to think about what to do next.
"I can hear your heart pounding tiny one." The voice hissed once more.
"Who is there?" Natsumi's voice squeaked as she tried to make it sound as strong as possible.
"You don't need to know me."
"But you're in my room. I didn't invite you and I don't think my mommy knows you're here." Natsumi tried to talk a little more. Hoping it would be easier and she could eventually convince the stranger to leave.
"You're mommy won't ever know that I was here," The voice scratched at a lower pitch. "Or how to explain what she's going to find in the morning."
"What do you mean?" Natsumi couldn't understand what he was saying. Maybe whoever it was, was going to leave a strange item or make a mess of her toys that she would have to clean up. Before she could try to think of it more, Natsumi heard something shuffle over the carpet floor against the far side of her room. It then scraped against her wooden dresser. Natsumi could see the dark silhouette flash from one wall to another. She whimpered at the part she could make out. The crooked bone antlers. "S-stay away m-monster... don't hurt me."
"Come on Natsumi." The shadowed figure gave a menacing chuckle that made Natsumi shiver. A single eye shined down on her. It was murky white with a thread of red down the middle. "I thought you didn't believe in monsters."
The creature evaporated instantly. Natsumi blinked before looking around to see where it would show next. Shortly after she glanced at every corner, her bedroom door slowly widened and Fuyuki leaned in.
"Natsumi, are you awake?" Fuyuki whispered. He walked closer to Natsumi's bed and climbed up. "I'm sorry about wishing a monster to find you. I didn't mean it."
Natsumi stared at him for a moment. Did he know a monster was just in her room? Can he really send monsters after people who made him mad? Fuyuki got worried when she didn't immediately respond.
"What's wrong?" He asked curiously about her silence and staring.
"Nothing. I think I just had a super realistic dream." Natsumi shook her head deciding he didn't have the slightest clue. She glanced around her room once more. "I'm sorry I called your monsters dumb. I just wanted to watch my movie and not have to think about monsters in it."
"It was supposed to be my turn today." Fuyuki explained nearing to a whine.
"What one were you going to pick?" Natsumi asked.
"The one with the giant robot who reads the comic books and learns to be good." Fuyuki described his choice having forgotten the title as he did many movies.
"That one's a good one. Ok, we can watch that tomorrow as soon as mom lets us." Natsumi smiled at her younger brother.
"Yeah!" Fuyuki shouted as he threw his hands in the air victoriously.
"Are you kids making up?" Aki whispered from the door. Natsumi and Fuyuki winced, knowing they were in trouble.
"We'll go to sleep right now." Fuyuki assured as he and Natsumi hurried under the blankets. Aki walked over and helped tuck them in. She gave a kiss to each forehead and smiled. "Natsumi said I could watch my movie tomorrow."
"Yeah like super early so we can still watch another later in the day?" Natsumi added.
"That's fine by me." Aki chuckled before leaving the room and leaving the door ajar. A small sliver of yellow light gleamed from the hallway.
Fuyuki fell asleep almost instantly. Natsumi wiggled to her side and held her stuffed doll. Her eyelids slowly drooped down as she could finally feel sleep greeting her. Through the night all she could see in her dreams was the single glowing eye. In the morning she searched her room for any proof but she couldn't find anything.
"That's it I've had enough of monsters! I don't need to be fussing over them in my dreams!" Natsumi stomped down angrily and fought with her brother once again.