Hi! I'm Hippiechic81. I am not new to Fanfiction having written several Criminal Minds fics but this IS my first SSD fic! Hope you enjoy! Please read and review! Thanks!

"So how's your Mom doing now that she's back in the States?", Norman Dorman asked Pheobe Amadahn. It was lunch hour on a nice day in the late spring. Norman and his co worker and friend Rita Haywith were walking around the park with Phoebe and her dog,Liberty.

Phoebe smiled and said, "She's doing really great! she was honorably discharged from the military and now she has a job with the Government as an interpreter. It's alot less dangerous then what she was doing for the Army though."

"Aww, that's wonderful Phoebe. I know you and your grandpa are really relieved to have her back.", Rita said, giving the girl a one armed hug.

"We really are. Mom and I are living with Grandpa, too, so he won't be alone again.", Phoebe replied. Just then, Rita's cell rang. She looked at the ID and then answered the phone.

"Hey Shane! What's up?", she said cheerfully. After listening for a few seconds, she added, "Oh, of course. Norman and I are in the park with Phoebe right now so we'll drop her off at her place and be right over. Bye!" Rita pocketed her phone and then clarified things for Norman and Phoebe who were looking at her curiously.

"That was Shane. Oliver wants us both down at the DLO right away. Apparently he found a VERY mysterious letter. I'm sorry Phoebe. We have to leave a little sooner than we thought."

"That's ok. I hope you guys solve the mystery. It was great hanging out with you guys. Thanks for spending your lunch hour with me."

"It was our plessure, Phoebe. You're a pretty cool kid.", Norman replied, making the girl smile and blush a little.

The two postal workers dropped the teenager and her dog off at home. They walked her to the door, each recieving a hug before getting back into the car and driving towards the Dead Letter Office.

Back at the DLO, Rita and Norman entered to see Shane Mcinerney and Oliver O'Toole pouring over a piece of paper looking very perplexed.

"What do ya have there, guys?", asked Norman. Shane looked up with a start while Oliver remained engrossed in the mysterious paper.

"Oh, hey, guys. Sorry to cut your lunch hour short ,but this letter is going to take all of us and it may be time sensitive."

"Oh,wow! Let's get to work then.", said Rita. At that point, Oliver broke out of his reverie and finally seemed to notice Norman and Rita. He nodded at them and said,

"Norman. Rita. Thank you for joining us. Shall we fill them in now, Ms Mcinerney?" Shane rolled her eyes at Oliver's formality and replied,

"I think that would be a good Idea, Oliver."

"So, don't leave us in Suspence. What's going on?", Rita asked in exasperation. Oliver handed her the letter which was now sealed in protective plastic to avoid fingerprints from them. Norman came up next to her and read it aloud over her shoulder.

Aug 10th, 2009

" My Darling Kelly

I know you will probably just throw this letter away, but please don't without reading it. I just really wanted to say how sorry I am for what happened last night. I had no right to take advantage of your emotional state. What was supposed to have been a special night was ruined by one moment of indescretion. I've dissapointed you and myself and worst of all I've dissapointed God. I was raised better than that and if I could go back and do things differently I would! I was planning to propose that night. I have the ring and everything. My Sweet Kelly, I still love you with all of my heart, and I want to still spend the rest of our lives together. I am willing to do whatever it takes to win you back. Please forgive me, Kelly. That's all I have to say for now. I hope to hear from you soon. If I don't, I will understand that to mean you want nothing to do with me. I love you, my darling. Yours always(I hope), Garret."

Rita and Shane both had tears in their eyes by the time Norman finished reading.

"Oliver, that was Seven years ago. She never got the letter.", shane whispered shakily.

Oliver sighed and said, "I know."

"So Garret thinks he got his answer ,and it was no.", choked Rita. Norman put his arm around her and she leaned into him. Shane took a deep breath and wiped away the rest of her tears. Clearing her throat, she said,

"Ok. Time to get to work. We have a date on the letter and a post mark from Colorado Springs. The return address and the mailing address are both smudged, but the zip code in the mailing address is readable. Rita where is it located?" Rita looked at the envelope and thought for a moment then said,

"Oh! it's in Boulder,Colorado. But the last names are smuged too and there Have to be a whole bunch of Kellys and Garrets in those areas!"

"Yes. And we can't be sure that Kelly and Garret haven't both moved in the last seven years." , Oliver added. The others sighed dejectedly. Then Norman spoke up.

"So, what's our plan of action?" The others smiled at him and Shane said,

"That's the spirit, Norman." They all settled down to work. This might just be their hardest case yet.

Well That's chapter one for ya! Hope you enjoyed! Hope to post more by Monday! Reviews are much appreciated! Catch ya later!