It's short, but better than nothing.
Hope everyone is staying safe in during these rough and scary times.
Please review
Severus placed multiple vials on the table then turned to the coven leader. "These will help Potter with his control and bloodlust. I made enough to last him six months. I also made a few extra for the empath. When you require more, contact me at least two weeks in advance and I'll brew some more. I'll also escort you to the closest wizarding district, but I guarantee you their potions won't come close to the quality of mine."
"Conceded much?" Emmett snorted.
"At the risk of sounding like I'm taking up for Snape, or singing his praises," Sirius grimaced distastefully. "You won't find a better potions master than Snape. He was the youngest person in wizarding history to gain his positions mastery and he has won countless awards. I don't like him and I wouldn't trust him to have my back in a duel because he'd love nothing more than to see me rotting in a grave, but you won't find a more gifted potions master than him. Any potion from him will be top of the line."
Severus narrowed his eyes at the wizard. "I don't think you're the real Sirius Black. The real Black must still be behind the veil because the real Black would never compliment me...not even if his life depended on it."
Sirius gave the wizard a big cheesy grin. "It's sad, but I was bound to grow up someday. Knocking on death's door changes a person, Snape. I was a spoiled, immature little shit in school who should have gotten his ass kicked for how I acted. I'm sorry."
Severus continued to look at the wizard suspiciously. "I want to run a full scan on you later, Black."
Sirius rolled his eyes dramatically. "Fine, for Harry I'll agree to that. I left the hospital before any of the medi-wizards could check me over. Harry needs me, I don't want to drop dead on him because something was missed."
"Professor, how exactly will we be able to contact you for more potions?" Billy asked. "When I met you at the airport you said there was no quick and easy way to contact you."
Severus turned to look out the large picture window. "That was before you were in the know, Mr. Black."
"Whoa! Is it real?" Emmett cried, looking up at the large white owl that was perched on a tree outside the window.
The owl in question pierced Emmett with her intense eyes before fluffing her feathers then turning her back on him. "That is Hedwig," Severus chuckled. "She's Harry's owl, and the smartest owl I have ever met. I stopped a couple determined and bullheaded Gryffindor's and a Ravenclaw a while back from trying to use her to send a message to Harry. I'm sure Harry would have loved to have heard from them, but given his situation I was concerned it would depress him even more."
Knowing that Ron and Hermione were gone, Remus was curious who wanted to get in contact with Harry. "Who were the kids?"
"Mr. Longbottom, Miss. Weasley, and Miss. Lovegood. They were determined to get in contact with Harry, they're worried about him."
"Weasley!" Sirius spat. "That's someone else I'm going to be having words with. How dare Molly Weasley attack Harry, especially seeing as they owe him two life debts."
"She's mourning," Remus said gently.
Sirius spun around, glaring hatefully at his mate. "You would side with her, especially seeing as you did the same thing to Harry. Harry is not at fault for Ronald's death!"
"As much as it pains me to say this, Black is right," Severus sighed. "I questioned Weasley, Longbottom and Lovegood, all three said that Harry tried to go to the ministry alone, but they insisted on going with him. Harry even begged them to remain behind but they refused. They were a group of inexperienced kids going against wizards that were trained by the Dark Lord himself, the fact that any of them made it out alive is a miracle. Harry is not at fault."
"I-I never said Harry was at fault," Remus stuttered.
Sirius tightly clenched his fist at his side. He probably would have punched his mate had the alpha shifter not placed a firm hand on his shoulder. "You did blame him!" he hissed instead. "You blamed a child for my foolishness. I was the one who was making a game out of dueling my cousin even though I knew she was a better dueler than me. I was so busy taunting her and toying with her that I wasn't paying attention. It's my fault she cursed me and sent me through the veil, not Harry's."
Remus' eyes darted nervously around before they finally landed on his feet. "You wouldn't have been there in the first place had it not been for Harry." He said, voice barely auditable.
Sam was quick to wrap his arms around the wizard, preventing him from launching himself at the werewolf. The werewolf, in his opinion, needed his ass handed to him, but there was already too much tension and negative energy in the house. Everyone's nerves were already shot with Harry being bitten and the wolves and vampires having to stay in the same house together, a fight between the wizards was the last thing they needed.
"You're such a bastard, Remus!" Sirius roared. "The only reason Harry was at the ministry was because he was tricked into believing Voldemort had me there and was torturing me. That boy risked his life to save me. That's more than what you have ever done for me."
"The Dark Lord has tricked much older and wiser wizards than Potter," Severus pointed out, a look of disappointment on his face. "To blame Potter for that night is unfair. The Dark Lord knew exactly which buttons to push to get the boy to rush to the ministry, there's was no way that Potter could have known that it was a trap...and even if he had suspected it was a trap, he still would have went anyway to save his godfather. "
"I can't believe you're still blaming our pup," Sirius said his voice cracking as tears stung his eyes. "I can't do this, Remus. I can't keep going back and forth with you. After Sam's little talk with you earlier I thought things were going to change. I love you, you are my mate, but Harry is my son. He may not be my son by blood, but he is by heart. You need to leave. I can't deal with you right now, not while my son could possibly be dying."
Remus' eyes widened in panic. "Please, Si..."
"Jared!" Sam barked loudly. "Escort Mr. Lupin back to the reservation and set him up in one of the empty hunting cabins."
Remus looked desperately at his mate. "I'm not leaving!"
"I think it would be for the best if you left," Carlisle said sternly, "At least until tempers cool. Jasper is stressed enough and barely containing his vampire, he doesn't need all this arguing and fighting...and neither does Harry."
Remus inclined his head in acceptance. "I'll go if that's what you want, Pads."
"It is. I can't deal with you right now, not when I'm scared out of my mind for Harry."
Jared motioned for the werewolf to follow him. "Hope you don't mind walking."
Remus sadly shook his head no. "I think a walk will help clear my head."
"I'm just going to go and sit with Harry," Sirius said softly as he left the room.
"Is it always like that with them?" Billy asked after Sirius left the room.
Severus snorted. "Pretty much. Though, Black is different since he woke from his coma, I just don't know if it's a good different, or a bad."
"It's not uncommon for a coma patient to wake up with a different personality," Carlisle explained. "There are even cases of patients speaking in a different language after waking. The brain is an amazing mystery."
"Black has always been extremely immature and a bully, but he's different now. The way he is taking up for Harry over Remus, not to mention how paternal he's being, is not the Black I have known and despised since I was eleven. I don't know if the change is due to the coma, or the magical veil he fell through. No one has ever went through the veil and returned. No one even truly knows what it is or were it came from. I'm just concerned and I feel that Black should be watched closely."
Sam looked towards the bedroom door, cocking his head to the side as Jasper whispered low enough that Black couldn't hear him, but he could with his enhanced hearing. "Jasper says Black's emotions are extremely chaotic and all over the place, there's a lot of anger and anxiety, but he truly loves Harry."
"We should still keep a close eye on him," Billy said, his face grim. "I don't know anything about magic, but when you explained the veil to us last night is sounded pretty ominous.,
Emmett slowly raised his hand, a sheepish look on his face. "I do have a question, and it has nothing to do with the crazy man or the wolf. How exactly are we supposed to use the owl to contact you."
"Right," Severus smirked. "You tie a letter to her leg, tell her the name of the person you wish for her to deliver it to, and then send her on her way. Though, Washington State to Scotland is a bit far for her, so I'll probably just set you up with a monthly delivery service using a post owl, just don't let her know, Hedwig gets jealous. I mainly just brought her because she's Harry's bird and the two of them are very close."
"Incredible!" Carlisle said in awe. "I can't wait to visit the closest wizarding district so I can learn more about magic."
Jasper lovingly ran his finger down his mate's cheek, wishing that Harry would open his eyes. It was late evening of day two after the bite and Harry hadn't so much as twitched since the block on his magic broke. Harry's heart was still beating so he hadn't fully turned yet, but his leg was now completely healed and his temperature had dropped to ninety nine degrees.
Carlisle smiled softly when he entered the room and saw his son staring at his mate with the most loving expression he has even seen on Jasper's face. He was so happy for his son that he finally found his other half. "You need to hunt, Jasper?"
Jasper reluctantly took his eyes off of Harry to give his father an incredulous look. "You do realize that every time I leave something happens to my mate? I'm fine, I don't need to hunt."
Carlisle opened his mouth to argue, but then snapped it shut when he realized that his son had a point. "I would feel better if you are fit and strong when Harry wakes, you know how unpredictable newborns can be, but I understand you not wanting to leave your mate. At least take a quick shower and change your clothes. You have been wearing the same thing for three days."
Grimacing, Jasper looked down at himself. His clothes were dirty, but at least they didn't smell of bad body odor seeing as they don't sweat. "I guess I really should clean up and look good for Harry."
"I'm sure he'd appreciate it," Carlisle chuckled. "I'll sit with him."
Leaning forward, Jasper placed a kiss on his mate's forehead. "I'll only be gone twenty minutes. I promise."
Sirius passed Jasper as he was entering the bedroom. Shaking his head, he smiled. "That boy has it hard for my pup."
"That he does," Carlisle agreed easily. "I know you have your concerns, which are totally understandable giving everything and Harry's age, but Jasper is a good guy, a true southern gentleman. He'll treat Harry right."
Sirius sighed wistfully as he took a seat on the edge of Harry's bed. "I'll always be worried about Harry, but I know he can take care of himself. He may be stubborn and rush into things, and boy can he attract trouble, but the kid is smart and resourceful and insanely powerful. I just...I missed so much of his life. Truthfully, I barely know Harry. The most time I have spent with him was last Christmas when he got to spend two weeks with me. I have loved that boy more than anything since the moment his father placed him in my arms, it's just not fair that twelve years was stolen from us."
"You're right, it's not fair," Carlisle agreed sadly. "I can see how much you love him, you are even standing by him over your own mate and I know that that can't be easy. Harry is very lucky to have you in his life, even if you missed out on the first half of it. He's still going to need you, regardless of his age. My kids still need me and they're insanely old."
Sirius threw his head back laughing. "Yeah, I guess they are pretty damn old. Hopefully when Harry is over a five hundred he'll still need me."
Carlisle chuckled when he heard his kids protesting from the other room. "None of my kids are quite that old, but I'm pretty damn close to it seeing I was turned in 1663 when I was twenty three. Do wizards live longer than normal humans?"
Frowning, Sirius looked down at his pale, thin hands. "If healthy, a witch or wizard can live to around two hundred, but I'll be lucky if I see a hundred. Azkaban prison and the dementors really did a number on me." Looking up, he looked intensely at the vampire. "I was actually going to ask you for the bite."
Carlisle's eyes widened. "You want to be a vampire?"
"I want to be with Harry," Sirius said his face grim. "To be with him, I'll gladly become a vampire. Harry has lost so much, I don't want him to lose me in fifty or sixty years."
Carlisle looked between the man and the boy thoughtfully. He really shouldn't be all that surprised by the man's request, if he were in his shoes he would want to live forever with his children too. "This is a big decision, I want you to give it some serious thought. Take some time and talk it over with your mate and Harry."
"Remus has nothing to do with this," Sirius said, a hint of a growl in his voice. "As soon as I agreed to Harry getting the bite I knew that I would be getting it too. I'm not leaving Harry to live eternity without me."
Carlisle slowly nodded his head. "Okay, if that is what you really want, I'll give you the bite myself after everything with Harry is settled. It will be a few months, we don't need two newborns running around Forks."
Sirius sighed in relief. "I can agree to that. Thank you."
"This life isn't easy," Carlisle warned. "It's not just the control and bloodlust, it's also the day to day living and trying to fit in with the humans. I can't even tell you how many times my children have attended high school. It's"
"Thank Merlin I'm not a teenager," Sirius snorted. "I understand what you're saying, Carlisle, but I want this. When Harry was born I took a magical oath to always look out for him and protect him. Well, I have done a shit job so far, but I can be there for him from here on out."
Jasper walked briskly into the room, his hair dripping wet but wearing fresh clothes. He had overheard his father's conversation with the wizard, and he was surprised he was giving in so easily. Carlisle didn't like turning humans, and adding two wizards to the coven was surely going to get the Volturi's attention. He was grateful though, at least this way his mate will never have to lose his father figure.
"You look better," Carlisle smirked. "I'm sure Harry will appreciate that you showered and changed when he wakes up."
Jasper moved to stand at his mate's side, when he froze, his eyes immediately dropping to Harry's chest. Carlisle also froze, the smile sliding off of his face. Sirius, noticing that something was off with the vampires, stood up, but then dropped to his knees a half a second later with a loud cry of pain.
Sam came bursting into the room, his eyes wild. Severus was a step behind the wolf, his wand out. "What is it? What's going?"
Carlisle clenched his son's wrist when he saw that his eyes were bleeding black. "Easy, son, you know that this is part of the turning."
"His heart has stopped beating!" Sam said fearfully.
Severus took a deep breath then slowly released it. "Black, you okay?" He asked of the wizard who was deathly pale and shaking.
Sirius shakily raised his head then tearfully shook his head no. "I felt it, I felt him die. It felt as though someone ripped my heart out of my chest then ran it through a blender."
Severus' eyes widened. "You and James performed a blood ritual, you bound yourself not only magically to Harry, but also by blood?" At seeing the animagus nod his head, Severus whistled. "That's some serious dark magic, I'm surprised two light Gryffindors managed to pull it off."
Sirius snorted. "Snape, I'm a Black, I'm far from a light wizard. I may try to come off as light, but I'm as dark as my last name. It's in my blood!"
Sam held his hand out to the wizard, Black was still looking sickly and weak. "Are you better now?"
Sirius accepted the wolf's hand. "I still feel a bit of pain from Harry's passing, but the fact that I can still feel his magic is helping ease the pain. It's kinda of confusing, feeling his death, but also feeling his very much alive magic. I couldn't feel his magic this strongly before."
Severus hummed thoughtfully. "The blood magic you used to perform the ritual probably latched itself onto the only thing alive on Harry, his magic. Physically the boy is dead."
"Can we please stop saying that?" Jacob cried in distress. "Harry's not dead, he's going to be like the Cullens. I know we're not blood, but Harry is like a brother to me and I hate hearing his name and the word dead in the same sentence. When he wakes Harry will be walking and what if his heart isn't beating."
Billy wheeled into the room, placing his hand on his son's lower back. "Take it easy, Jake, Harry is going to be okay."
Jacob's shoulders slumped forward. "I'm sorry."
"You're tired, Jake," Sam pointed out. "You have barely slept in days. Go and rest for a few hours, it will still be a while before Harry wakes."
"After the heart stops beating it's normally another twelve hours before they wake." Carlisle informed. "You can use Jasper's room."
"No," Jacob said pursing his lips as he looked to Jasper. "Sorry, dude, but it smells like vampire in there. I'll shift and rest outside, but close enough so I can hear if there's a problem."
"Thank you," Billy said patting his son on his back.
Still feeling shaky, Sirius sat back on the edge of Harry's bed. "So now we wait?."
"Now we wait," Severus said heavily.
"This is going to be the longest twelve hours of my life." Sirius whined.