A/N: The story that no one asked for, but I wanted it, so I did it. The Neighborhood kids story. Also, keep in mind I based their houses off of more Western style because that's mostly what I'm familiar with. Just imagine it was a western style neighborhood okay? (The power of fanfiction~~~)


(P.S. I'll probably post other stories, cause I was writing the next chappy for Dragon and the Prince but I couldn't end it in a way I liked so I left it to rattle in my brain for a few more days)

(P.P.S. Sorry I totally missed AoKaga day, but I spent some quality time with my sister bingeing on Beelzebub and Yona of the Dawn while drinking and then pausing to talk about our lives and getting into a Jerry Springer marathon.)


"Hurry up Taiga, you can look for your basketball later honey. Its in there somewhere," His mother, Akako, stated with a small smile playing at her lips.

"But mom—,"

"No buts, now get moving. We have a lot of stuff to get in the house before it's dark out." She merely rolled her eyes at his put out look, and then pinched his cheek. "Stop that or it'll stay that way permanently and then you'll scare all your classmates away on the first day. Wouldn't want that now would you?"

"Che," He pouted. "They'll probably be scared of me either way." Kagami unconsciously brushed his forked eyebrows with a frown. Everyone always said that they were strange and demonic, especially all the older women whenever he was younger and wanted to play with their kids at the park.

Akako scowled and squatted down a bit to look in her son's eyes as she pushed his hand away from his face. Her soft hands guided his chin so he wasn't looking at the ground, "Tai, anyone that cares how you look isn't going to be a good friend. The people that really matter will only care how you act, so look for people like that. And anyways," She pinched his cheek again, making him swat her hand away playfully. "They're adorable."

"Mooom~" He groaned, exasperatedly, but the smile was back on his face. "You're just saying that cause you're my mom," Kagami mumbled and grabbed some boxes.

"Heh," She smirked, "Of course I am. I'm allowed to be biased towards my twelve year old son, but that doesn't mean it isn't true." Akako's bright red eyes glowed in pride, looking at her little man, the only one that mattered in her whole world.

"Ugh, shut it with the mushy stuff."

They continued their banter as they carried their stuff from the van and into the house. It was a western styled house that had a small porch in the front that led up to a bright red door, which would've probably scandalized most respecting citizens. It came cheap since the old lady that used to live there with her family had wanted to get rid of it quickly, so it was in a relatively good neighborhood. Plus, no one really wanted to buy it because it stood so close to the other house on the left of it, where everywhere else in the neighborhood were more spaced out. Akako didn't really mind, and so here they were, starting their new life.

Finally, after a couple hours of moving boxes, they were finished. Akako dragged her son inside with a big grin, "To celebrate finishing early, let's go play basketball!"

"Hell yeah!"

"Watch your language, little man!" She bonked him on the head, and he glared up at her.

Kagami groaned in pain, twisting this way and that on his bed after a vicious basketball game that he had with his mom. She never knew exactly how to hold back, being a former WNBA star alongside her longtime friend Alex Garcia. He mostly learned basketball from Alex with his friend Tatsuya because his mother used to be busy with her work after quitting the sport once he was born. While he appreciated her taking him seriously in basketball, it didn't make it any less painful afterwards.

He was still a little sweaty, even after taking a shower, due to the air conditioning not being installed yet, so he popped open his window. Kagami's side of the house was the one that was really close to the one next to it, but he didn't mind. There was a ledge just outside of it that he could sit on so he took out the screen to climb out. The cold night air instantly cooled him off and he sighed appreciatively, leaning against the wall next to his window. It was a nice night out and he smiled a little to himself as he looked up at the stars, just thinking about how tomorrow would go.

When he was younger he had originally lived in Japan when his father and mother tried to be together for him, but when that didn't work out again they moved to America. It had been awkward for him, being the strange redhead Japanese boy that couldn't speak proper English. He hated to go to school, since he was always picked on and got into quite a lot of fights. That was until he met Tatsuya and learned that even one person meant a world of difference. They instantly became friends and formed an instant bond, so he was really disappointed when his mother got another job in Japan. But she had looked so happy since she finally got her dream job, other than basketball of course, so he couldn't fault her for it.

Tomorrow he would go to another new school and there was a ball of nervousness sitting in his stomach. Most wouldn't be able to tell from his appearance, but he was pretty sensitive and actually cared. He hoped that he could at least find one friend, although it was already a few weeks into the school year of starting middle school. Kagami figured that friend groups would already be formed and he'd be the odd man out. That thought made him sigh and hang his head, the previous smile falling from his lips.

"Oi, what's eatin' at ya?"

Kagami's head jerked up in shock, eyes fixing instantly on the boy sitting across from him. He yelped, "Where the hell'd ya come from?!"

The boy snorted inelegantly, "Geez, you're noisy. And obviously I live in the house next to you." Kagami blinked and realized that the boy was sitting at the edge of the ledge coming from the house next to him.

His anger fled from him, face flushing in embarrassment. "Oh."

Blue eyes peered at him from underneath dark blue lashes that were thicker and longer than Kagami had ever seen on a male. He probably makes all the girls jealous, he thought then shook his head at the strangeness of that. Hell, even his eyebrows are nice and smooth, really elegant. It wasn't odd for Kagami to look at other people's eyebrows, since he had always been so self-conscious of his own. He realized that the boy's mouth had been moving but he hadn't heard since he was so wrapped up in his own thoughts.

"Eh? What'd you say?"

The bluenette huffed in annoyance, "I repeat yet again, what's eatin' at ya? You look down."

"Why would you care?" Kagami blurted out then cringed at how mean he sounded. "Ahh, sorry, I'm not used to people asking that."

A slender blue eyebrow rose and Kagami felt a little jealous, "You're a weird one."

He scowled, "Oi! And you're rude!"

The boy held his stomach as he burst into laughter, bright blue eyes twinkling in barely restrained amusement. "Pot," He said, pointing at Kagami, then at himself, "Kettle."

"Tch. Whatever, I'm Taiga. What's your name?"

"Oh, I'm Aomine Daiki. Nice ta meetcha!" Aomine gave him a little grin. "So, what's up with your eyebrows?"

Instantly he went on defense, growling out harshly, "Shut up!"

Aomine tilted his head, "No need to freak out man, I just wanted to see if I could get ones like that!"

"EH?!" Kagami gaped at him. "Why the hell would you want eyebrows like mine?"

"Dude they're totally fucking cool! Anyways I—,"

"DAIKI YOU BETTER BE IN BED RIGHT NOW!" Came a yell from inside Aomine's house, and Kagami cringed in sympathy.

"Shit, I gotta go, night!" Aomine whispered and crawled back through his window quickly, years of practice let him easily put the window screen back on and close the window.

Kagami was still, a little bewilderedly, staring at him and watched as Aomine grinned at him and gave him a small wave before closing the window shade. Figuring that it was getting late, he too went inside, having a little more difficulty putting the screen back in. That night he went to sleep gently brushing his forked eyebrows and couldn't help but grin. Someone thought they were cool, Kagami's smile brightened and he ended up falling asleep with his lips curled upwards, for once not hating them.

A/N: This is not the end~ I'm just posting this because idk if anyone wants me to continue this cute little story of these dorks. Should I? I probably will even if no one wants me to lol, cause i'm Aokaga trash. And there's already a second chapter brewing in my mind~

Comments are love :3