Soooooo, lets see, the third chapter of this short-fiction, i hope you like it, even if it a short one, again, sorry for the big delay, for now, lets just enjoy the new chapter
Daily life with a Queen and her Dragon, Part 3
It has been a month and half since Kamui arrived to the Shirasagi Castle, and of course, even if most of the Hoshidian Royal family were glad to have him back after so many years, for his side, Kamui couldn't help but feel…out of place.
It was simple actually, as the albino prince sighed looking at the golden fields in the distance from his room, there was only one thought in his mind
'I wonder if is really ok to be here'
Kamui though, of course, he was relieved to know that he wouldn't be executed, that in fact (or at least as they claimed) he has more family of what he really thought before, but it was really that simple? It was certainly something that in Nohr wouldn't happen, especially with King Garon, obviously he knew Xander, Camilla, Leo and Elise loved him, and they weren't like their father, but the truth remained the same, if Garon commanded it, then it would be impossible to be a family again.
"Perhaps he really wanted me dead" he whispered to himself "Perhaps im really just another pawn for Father…." expecting that the dreams claimed him until the next day, mumbling more words, words that were meant to nobody, but someone heard without him noticing at all.
"…..So that´s my report Lady Mikoto, Lord Ryoma" Kagero stated, as and always kneel down in front of the royal family, it has been a while since Kamui fall asleep, and of course, the always sharp eyes and ears of the ninja never failed to notice the smallest of the albino´s complains
"I see…"Ryoma sighed, leaving his cup of tea in the table, Mikoto and him always had this ritual, or at least as often they could afford in war times, having a nighty tea to share their thoughts, dissents and of course, to deal with the problems of the people and the council, recently however, all the topics were about Mikoto´s lost child, it was to be expected, after all, the first thing Kamui did after returning to the Palace was rescuing his sisters, but lately the rumors slowly transformed from his heroic rescue to some ill plotting, of course, Mikoto and him always silenced them, the last thing they needed was that even Kamui believed that him was a sign of bad omen "Thanks Kagero, i will have a private conversation with Mother, so you may leave now"
"Of course milord" she disappeared with the typical cloud of smoke, Ryoma rubbed the bridge of his nose he waited for some seconds as Mikoto tenderly smiled.
"…..that goes for you as well Saizo" Ryoma said, both of them could hear how from somewhere in the room someone grunted and after some seconds, a cloud of smoke came from the ceiling, Ryoma sighed as Mikoto giggled with her hand on her lips
"Well, now that we´re alone, what did you wanted to discuss Ryoma?" Mikoto asked, leaving as well her cup on the table
"At this point, it is obvious mother" Ryoma frowned "As much as i hate to admit it, Kamui presence is… best, uncertain"
"Ryoma….." Mikoto slightly frowned
"Dont get me wrong, im glad that after so long, he´s finally back…." Now was Ryoma time to frown "….but in a way, he´s right, sometimes i wonder how much King Garon manipulated him, does he know everything? How Norh had been the last years?"
"Whenever he´s aware or not, he´s still my son and your brother" Mikoto said closing her eyes for a brief moment "…perhaps….this call for something…." Mikoto smiled briefly before standing up and looking for something in her desk
"Mother?" Ryoma was startled with the speed Mikoto was searching for something in her drawers, after roughly five minutes, she giggled victorious when she took something at the very back of the drawer, she returned to her spot in front of Ryoma, leaving said object on the table
"Is this…" At first, his curiosity moved his eyes for one side to another, just to find it was just a regular Hoshidian jewelry box, Ryoma was bewildered for his mother earlier behavior, he just waited for a moment before Mikoto opened searching for something inside "….mother?"
"You know….." Mikoto began "…at first, i was…really scared, the first time when i reached this same castle…..i was afraid, not for me, but for Kamui´s future….." a pained expression appeared in her face "…without a place he could call 'home'…."
"…." Ryoma frowned, at first, when Mikoto arrived, even he was reluctant to accept her, not that he would say it aloud, but it was indeed difficult, now even if he didn't say something harmful at that time, he regretted that the only one that accepted her with open arms were his late father.
"….but now, after all, my fears are settled down, i know for sure that even if im not here, he will be loved" Mikoto handed something to Ryoma, again, he was confused for the unusual gift, he recognized it, but again, Mikoto was always enigmatic at best
"…..Mother? What´s the meaning of-"
"You know….lately, ONE of your sisters has been really attached to him…..perhaps is it time to reveal the truth?" Mikoto said with such whimsical tone and a soft smile
"Wh-What?! B-But Mother! W-Wait, what you-" Ryoma rose, still disconcerted for the first part of that sentence, until his brain processed the rest of the sentence "-wait" he furrowed "….mother you ca-"
"Oh my, just look at the time" she cheered up "We can continue this tomorrow, after attending your duties as the older brother"
Even if Ryoma was bigger and stronger, even if it was against his best judgment, or if it was the craziest thing Mikoto asked in her life, for some reason he was unable to stop her when she was pushing him outside of her room with a gleaming smile, after some moments he was in the hall, hearing how his 'Mother' closed the door and said her goodnights
"…..Brother duties…" Ryoma sighed, with bags under his eyes, and an obviously issue at hand, he didn't sleep all night, he couldn't, or better said, how could he? Looking at the shiny object in his palm, the implications in such small object were evident, Mikoto was clear, even if he knew that there were times when his mother was 'childish', to suggest this was something he never expected, in his chambers he tried to think in a different way, or a hidden meaning behind all that, but as the sleep eluded him all night he finally gave up when the sun rose in the distant hills, the only regret he had now was that he should have put more resistance, at the very least, that topic was in a lot of ways uncomfortable, and more when he was the one explaining the truth, he only wished that wherever his father was, and if he was watching for them in the afterlife, that the only thing he wanted from him was his forgiveness.
And indeed, it was a difficult task, how to start? Perhaps with tea or a gathering? Tilting his head he discarded that option, when something happened between them he always used that method, and the question that haunted his dreams, who?
Of course, the obvious option was Hinoka, she was so attached to him from the first time she laid her eyes on him, she was literally his shadow, but then, why Mikoto was so….unspecific?
Was Sakura seeing him in another way? Of course it was bad that one of them were developing that kind of feelings, he needed to stop that ri- he again shook his head, it was so complicated, he always was stern but calm with all the topics, listening them and always providing the best answer that he could share, but now he was closed minded? Perhaps it was the whole 'over protective big brother' thing, but now, now this was new terrain, he always knew that this day would come, but never in such twisted way, Hinoka or Sakura? Ryoma was in a halt, unable to thing straight he decided that the first thing he needed to do is mediate outside.
As he was walking he found himself walking outside Kamui´s room, even if it was early, perhaps he could speak with him? What better option that seeing the problem? He smacked himself mentally, he wasn't going to think that ever again, he was his family, not a problem.
Opening the door, he looked inside, even with the faint light, he could see that old room again, it was curious how the significate of that room changed in the last week´s, it was before a reminder of his weakness, now it was a symbol of hope, as he tried to see throught the dark shade of the room, he was surprised for the sight inside.
There were some futon´s in the floor, Kamui sleeping on it, he heard before from Saizo that Hinoka and Sakura were making a tendency to sleep in his room, but he didnt heard that it was in that way, how in his right Hinoka was using his arm as a pillow, how she tenderly moved her head, and Sakura using his chest to rest her head, in the blink of an eye, that image changed into a memory, in the old and cold days of winter, how they used to do the same thing when the wind hit their windows and both of them looked not him, but Kamui instead, as they said, that calm aura around him made it possible to soothe and dispel any frightening night under the white vail of the Winter, closing the door, Ryoma continued to the gardens, it would take more time than he expected to decide the correct answer.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand thats all for now
Phew, three freaking chapters, two longs and one small, good for me :v
Anyway guys, expect the next updates this Monday as i said in the other fanfictions, please just wait a little longer
For now, just enjoy this, see ya at the next update, have a good day and weekend!