hello this is my new story and i hope you like it
It was a warm day Finn was out wandering around looking for a dungeon that no one had explored yet after a while of roaming around Finn found a cave, Finn walked in the walls of the cave were smooth and every ten feet there was a spot for a light bulb, Finn followed the cave for fifty feet were the cave stopped in the middle was a steel door about seven feet high and fourteen feet wide, it was a bulkhead door with a wheel in one side it looked like it was rusted shut, Finn pounded on the door nothing happed, Finn tried to turn the wheel it was hard at first but as Finn moved it, it was easier and easier to turn till it came to a full stop, Finn started to push it, it barely moved Finn pushed it with all his might he pushed until the door wouldn't move any more Finn was now in a room the was made from the smooth stone he was in sort of a waiting room but every chair was made out of the stone and was connected to the floor there was a desk in the center of the room and a candle was burning on the desk at the back with two doors on either side Finn went through the right door the hallway he was in now was lined with candles Finn followed it, the hall twisted and turned for what seem like for ever but Finn started to walk past windows on the other side Finn could see a mirror in the mirror he could see himself and the room that the mirror was in, the room was empty besides the candles that were placed around the mirror in a semi-circle with a path so someone could walk up to the mirror Finn could see windows on the other sides of the room, he continued to follow the hallway till he was the mirror room, but this time Finn didn't see himself in the mirror but a man wearing black pants a white shirt under a black sweater, the man had brown hair and a brown beard that was more like scruff, he had a tired look in his eyes, and freckles on his nose "who are you?" he asked in a deep voice
"I'm Finn the human." Said Finn
"well Finn the… uh… human weird name calling yourself a human I mean there are like over a billion of you, well any way I will answer three questions that you have, any at all if it's the answer to a math question or where the good dungeons are, even which girls love you."
"well what is your name?"
"my name?" the man looked up to the ceiling "how long has it been since someone asked me my name was I ever even given a name?" he started to scratch his scruff then he stopped and looked Finn in the eyes "you can call me the beast or just beast, that's what the other humans called me."
"what are you?" asked Finn
"I am the darkness that is in everyone's minds and if I wasn't here people will be a lot meaner, so because of that I was imprisoned in this mirror, a group of humans did worship me at one point as a god, now here I am the god named beast trapped in a mirror."
"now let me think about the next question." Said Finn
"take as much time as you need Finn." said beast Finn sat down on the ground and began to think about what he would ask beast he thought and thought till finally he thought up the question he thought would be the best "I got it." said Finn
Beast who fell asleep curled up on the floor jumped at the sudden noise he sat up "yeah what is your question?"
"I want to know how to help Simon."
"Simon other wise known as the ice king, that is something I don't know he is a weird one, it is like he has more then one conscience like they are all in there some where running about, ask another." Said beast he sounded disappointed with himself
"well how many people love me?"
"in total four."
"that would be four questions."
"ok then can I come back tomorrow and ask another three or no."
"no but can you do something for me?"
"fine, what is it?"
"just touch my mirror and we will be square."
"fine beast I just have to touch it?"
"yup just touch my mirror and we are square." Said beast Finn made his way through the path to the mirror, beast moved at the same time and in the same way Finn touched one hand to the mirror beast was touching the same spot with his hand "now the other hand." Said beast sounding impatient Finn touched the mirror with his other hand then beast faded away and it was just normal Finn standing there looking stupid touching a mirror "what happened to beast where did he go?" said Finn out loud to himself
Finn looked around the rest of the building he was in there was nothing of use the walls were all the same smooth stone, the only thing Finn saw that was questionable was a row of what Finn thought were computers they looked to still be on and working but Finn couldn't make any sense out of what was on them, as Finn left he closed the door behind him it felt weird closing a door like that and a part of him felt weird like he should have stayed in that place but the feeling past when he got out into the light of the warm sun "I should head back to the tree house Jake may start to worry soon." Finn started his walk home, but something was different then when he left it felt like something was walking right beside him but it was only Finn around, no monsters, no animals, no enemies, and no friends, just Finn and his thoughts, once Finn got home it was already dark out Jake wasn't around and Finn was too tired to stay up waiting for Jake to come back so Finn decided to go to sleep as soon as his head hit the pillow he fell asleep