Weiss stabs at with her sword blake. Instead she stabs through a copy of blake, and right into Ruby.

Weiss gasps and removes her sword fast and jumps to Ruby's side. "Ruby You Idiot! Are you ok?!" Ruby smiles and coughs up blood and says, "You hit... (cough cough) Before I die.."

"NO NO! You cant die! dont die on me ruby!"

"Weiss listen, (she touches her cheek) Know, I love you, I always will, All of this...was for you..." blood starts draining from Ruby's body all over weiss's dress, changing the color to a Reddish Purple. Weiss cries and holds Ruby in her arms rocking her gently.

Ruby opens her eyes for a moment and says with her last bit of energy, "Weiss...Kiss me..." Weiss cries not realizing she was alive still and quickly gives Ruby what she wants, The first person to ever kiss Ruby back.

Ruby kisses Weiss as she dies in her arms and blood rushes out of ruby's mouth into Weiss's. Weiss doesnt stop, she just tears heavier and kisses her deeper swallowing her blood.

Weiss grabs Penny's sword from Ruby and pushes Ruby gently away from her. She takes Penny's sword and slices her own wrists, hard. She holds her wrists, over Ruby's injury and pushes her blood inside of her. Weiss falls vackward blacking out and Ruby falls on top of her, their blood falling onto Weiss's head, dying it crimson red.

Weiss Gasps waking up coughing and looks around the hospital room she's in.

May walks up and puts her hand on Weiss's shoulder and says, "Eeeasy, You lost a lot of blood don't move around too much."

Weiss answers, "Wh...where am I...How am I...where's Ruby!?"

May replies, "Calllm down, Ruby is here too"

Weiss answers beginning to cry, "You mean she!..."

Blake answers from a nearby chair holding onto a book, "No she's alive, for now. The doctors and...some other people, said they can keep her stable. But the only way she can come out of it alive is if she gets an essence left behind by her mother."

Weiss confused asks, "What does that mean?"

In walks Ozpin, "It means you must go and find her mothers remains, She will have left something for her daughter behind."

Weiss answers, "Ozpin!? Wh...What happened to you where did..."

He answers, "To prepare future generations for the world they will rule, they cannot have their hands held. Only can they be given information and helped to reach their goal. Your path has changed, but you did stop a destiny that was coming. Ruby was supposed to die, and you take over as the new Reaper leading her team. It seems your actions have changed the course of what is to come. Maybe you still will be. Maybe you will turn this group around. Or maybe You will find an adventure and a life that no one can predict. Only you can follow and change your own destiny, and in doing so you have the power to change the fate of others lives you touch."

Ozpin stands out of the way as Oobleck roles Ciel in in a wheelchair.

Weiss gasps filled with suprise and joy. She tries to get up to hug her. In forgetting her own Injuries, she almost fall off the bed. May grabs her and helps her sit up but urgers her, "Weiss your injuries were too severe you can't get up yet!"

Ciel smiles, and nods her head toward Weiss gesturing to get closer. Ciel tries to speak, "Its been...a long time...Thank you weiss, I'm so glad you're okay."

Oobleck says, "yesss, she hasnt spoken to anyone sense she found out what happened to you. Yet here she is talking and smiling. You have something powerful in the bonds you form miss Schnee, Don't take them forgranted."

Weiss takes everything in feeling slightly puzzled as she thinks everything over. Then a question comes to her mind, "Can I...see Ruby?"

Ozpin answers, "She is in the room next to yours, being kept on heavy survelliance. We wouldnt want her attacking anyone here if she woke up, we also dont want anything unfortunate to happen to her. If someone decided to inact violonce upon her."

Weiss sees a cloaked person in the corner of the room just standing there, "Hey I just noticed you, who are you?"

The cloked person just looks over at Weiss. Ozpin answers for them, "That Weiss is Ruby's right hand Neo. I suggested she wear that as to not draw attention to anyone, including the authoritys."

Weiss asks, "If she's so dangerous, why keep her...why keep her, ruby, and everyone else here...running free?"

Oobleck answers, "We are all in charge of our own destiny's as Ozpin has said. But our paths can change. If a deranged monster were to bring 2 helpless injured creatures here trying to save their lives and protect them. We would not harm the creature, even if the creature was responsible for one of their injuries. We are all living creatures. Part of moving forward is studying the past, but also knowing, when it belongs there."

Ozoin reiterates, "Neo and the rest of Ruby's team brought you, her, and Ciel here. They searched for any other survivors in the field and found none. Some bodies were even unaccounted for, (looking at Neo) including a very old Robotic one."

Neo shrugs in response.

Weiss takes everything in and looks around at everyone.

Ozpin says a final word, "This group cares about you as much as they care about Ruby. I beleive they will follow you as they do her. You know where to start looking."

As Ozpin begins to leave the room Oobleck says, "Heal your wounds girls, Your friend is counting on you."

Oobleck leans down by Ciel's ear and she shakes her head at him. He nods and leaves the room leaving her there with Weiss and the ones who harmed her. May walks over to Ciel. Ciel gets a little scared as may soeaks to her, "Would you like to be closer to Weiss?"

Ciel nods nervously and May gently moves her next to Weiss. Ciel looks down at Weiss who smiles at her. Weiss takes and holds Ciel's hand.

Blake continues reading her book, and everyone else is watching, waiting, for the time to move forward.


THERE WILL BE A SEQUAL! If you aren't happe with the end, I will post the original chapters of 17/18 that went a different direction entirely. Plllease give reviews letting me know what you thought everyone! If you pay close attention to the part where Ozpin mentioned Weiss changed her fate, that fate was the original story. If you want to see it just make a reviw stating so and why. Give me full detailed responses on what you liked and didnt like about this fanfic so I know where I should go with Things in the Sequal. As it stands the sequal has a plot, clearly, but orignally with what I had ib mind it was, "Weiss and her team shall burn the world in Ruby's name and do things they beleive Ruby would want."

So let me know!