It was going to be okay. He was totally going to be fine. Nobody would say shit about him being a skeleton; these people were totally too polite to say anything about it, right? He was dressed as a proper human; his hoodie over top a white shirt and shorts with tennis shoes. There was nothing to worry about, he'd be fine.

One look at the massive school building made Sans gulp as he looked at Frisk.

"This it?" Sans asks, faking a smile and confidence. Frisk nods, smiling. Sans lets out a breath of air, turning to face the school building once more.

It's just a parent-teacher conference, calm down….

Sans chastised himself, squaring his shoulder bones and letting DETERMINATION fill him. He felt his blue soul pulsing in his chest, and he focused on its beating before take a deep breath.

"Whelp, let's go then." Sans walked with Frisk up to the front door, holding their hand until they got to the door. The door handle was at San's eye level, but he didn't sweat it; using his magic to hold open the door to let Frisk and another family through. He ignored their looks, smiling at Frisk's giggles.

"C'mon kid, let's find your classroom." Sans walked over to a small map on the wall, looking down at Frisk.

"What room is it?" Frisk thinks for moment before holding up 7 fingers, and then a sign-language sign for C. Sans nods, turning back to the map.

"7C huh? Says it's all the way across the school. We got about 10 minutes before the conference starts… so how about we just take a shortcut?" Sans asks, Frisk nodding and smiling excitedly, making Sans chuckle.

"Looks like the music room is right next door, I know where that is so let's just pop in there." Sans murmurs, tightening his grip on Frisk's hand before teleporting through the void. They popped back into existence right next to the music teacher who was leaning against the wall. The man yelps, jumping what looked like 10 feet as he lurched away.

"What is your kind doing here?!" the man shrieks, catching several parent's attentions. Sans smiles, mentally groaning in annoyance.

Every time I go to teleport there's an asshole there.

"I'm here for the parent-teacher conference, Sir; did you not know? I thought they have been announcing it during school hours?" Sans questions, sounding as sincere as he could just to put the guy on the spot. Why? Because Sans didn't like this guy, so fuck him.

"W-Well yes… they've been announcing it for a while now, it's just I didn't think that…"

"It seems like you haven't been listening to Frisk's presentations during music, because they've done several of your projects mentioning me if I'm correct." I look down at Frisk, and they nod in conformation, glaring at the teacher. The man sweats nervously, glancing at onlookers.

"w-Well I um.."

"It seems like you need to take better notes next time, after all, the keys to being a teacher are musically difficult to hold up to." Sans smirks, and Frisk giggles. The music teacher pauses, his miniscule brain suddenly catching on to the joke. He took the save, laughing loudly.

"Oh, that's a good one sir!" the teacher laughs, waving them off; "Your class conference is going to start soon, don't waste time on me!" Sans smiles, walking off with Frisk and to the classroom. They were thankfully there on time, and Frisk pulled Sans over to her desk in excitement. There were two seats there, and Frisk gestured to one.

"That one for me?" Sans asks, Frisk nodding and smiling.

Ms. Linda said we could set out seats for our parents if we wanted, so I got one for you. Frisk signs, Sans cracks a grin.

"Why, thanks kid; I wasn't expecting to get any CHAIR-ity today." A choked laugh sounds out from behind them as Sans sits down, Frisk smiling and shaking their head.

Don't get too con-seated, Sans. They sign, and Sans laughs, high-fiving them.

"Nice one kid, you're getting better at those." Frisk smiles, leaning into San's side. Sans smiled, wrapping his arm around their shoulder and pulling them close. He settles his cheek-bone on Frisk's head, nuzzling affectionately into them. Suddenly, a woman walks through the classroom door; Sans winces at the horrible purple-and-yellow dress and terrible makeup and dye-job.

"Hello students and parents alike! I am Ms. Linda, your children's teacher! Please get in a line outside my office and I will talk to each of you in turn." Sans sighs, getting up with all the other parents. Looks like this was going to take much longer then he thought.

Frisk and Sans managed to get the 5th place in line behind an elderly couple and in front of the people who had laughed at San's joke from earlier. The line moved slowly, clearly this teacher was taking her sweet-ass time.

"So… you look new to this." The mother behind us states awkwardly, looking nervous. Sans smiles, nodding and looking down at the human.

"Yeah, Frisk's mother couldn't come, and she's usually the one who takes them; so I kinda have no idea what I'm doing." Sans admits, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. The other mother smiles, looking down at Frisk.

"Why, hello Frisk. It's nice to see you again." The mother smiles, pulling her kid forward; "Say hi to your classmate, Aarav." The little Indian boy hiding behind his mother's skirts peeps out his head, waving shyly and hiding again when he saw Sans. Sans smiled, Frisk waving back.

Hello, Aarav. Frisk signs, and to San's surprise, Aarav quickly replied with his signs.

Namaste, Frisk. Aarav signs, bowing slightly. Frisk smiles, bowing slightly back. Aarav giggles, and Frisk joins him. Sans smile grows, looking back up at the mother.

"Wow, it seems like Frisk and Aarav really get along." The mother nods, smiling as well.

"Yeah, Aarav is so shy that he doesn't speak much at all. He was ecstatic when he met someone who had no problem having a conversation without opening their mouth. And it seems that he has taught Frisk some of our culture, I can assume sh- sorry, I mean they, have taught Aarav some of monster culture." Frisk nods, turning back to Aarav. The two continue their sign-conversation while Sans and the mother continue theirs.

"My name is Sans, it's so nice to meet you." Sans smiles, holding out his hand. The other woman smiles, shaking San's hand warmly.

"My name is Abha, it is nice to meet you as well Sans." Abha smiles, readjusting her bright red headdress. Sans nods, noticing that the line was moving forward once again.

"Well Frisk, looks like it's our turn." Sans says, familiar nervousness crawling up his spine. Frisk nods, bouncing up quietly to San's side. With a deep breath, Sans holds the door open so the elderly couple can get through easily, the old woman smiling and thanking him kindly. Frisk bounces into the little office, and Sans follows inside.

With a quick observation of the room, Sans could tell that he and this teacher might not get along as easily as he had hoped they would. There were crosses and multiple quotes from the Bible on the wall, a little sculpture of the human's… deity?... on her desk. It was uncomfortable for an agnostic like him, and he could only imagine how uncomfortable it would make Abha and Aarav after them.

"A skeleton?" a shrill voice asks, and Sans turns to focus his attention on the other woman in the room. She was staring at him like he had the plague, making Sans rather uncomfortable. Frisk was staring questioningly at the teacher, and she lifts her hands from her lap to start signing.

Yeah, Ms. Linda; my daddy is a skeleton, I told you, remember? Frisk signs, and Ms. Linda glares at them, and Sans felt his eyes narrow when he saw that Frisk instantly stopped.

"What have I said about signing, young lady?" Frisk winces at the wrong pronoun, and Sans comes to the rescue.

"Excuse me, Ms. Linda; but Frisk isn't a girl. Nor are they a boy. Frisk's pronouns are they/their/them; and it would be in your best interest to keep that in mind." Sans growls, and the woman just stares back defiantly.

"Nonsense, Frisk was born a girl, she will be referred to as a she; and speaking of nonsense, please tell Frisk that she needs to start talking instead of this ridiculous hand-language she insists on using!" Frisk looks down at the ground, clearly uncomfortable. Sans held their hand, trying his best to calm them down as he faced the monster of a teacher.

"Frisk is mute; they do not wish to speak verbally and prefer to sign. And regarding your opinion on Frisk's gender, I yet again tell you that Frisk does not have one. Frisk in not comfortable as a female or a male, and would like to be called by their proper pronouns, not the ones you decide to call them." Sans argues back, enraged at the other woman's views about his child.

"She acts like this because her parents are monsters!" Ms. Linda retorts, confidently, only for Frisk to raise her hand as if asking a question.

"Yes Frisk?" Ms. Linda asks, annoyance dripping from her voice.

Is that why Jimmy is a spoiled, bullying, brat? Frisk asks, and Sans held back a snicker as Ms. Linda's face turns red.

"Excuse me?! Are you accusing my perfect, darling son as a spoiled bully?!" Frisk nods, their facial expression not changing. They continue to sign through Ms. Linda's sputtering.

And like daddy said; I don't want to be a boy or a girl. I would like to be called neither, so my pronouns are they, their, and them. I am not a her, or she. I am not a he, or a him. Frisk's rapid signing ended, and Sans smiled at the kid.

"Well said, kid." Sans smiles, grabbing Frisk's hand and turning to the door.

"Now, if that is all you have to say; Frisk and I will take our leave from your rather unpleasant presence." Sans growls, about to walk out before he heard Ms. Linda call from behind.

"You monsters are all the same! Horrible influences!" Sans sighed, turning back once more to face her.

"Your attitude and manor are unbe-LINDA-ble, teach; I'd clean up your act a little bit, ya 'know, be a little bit CLASS-ier. You specialize in math correct? Well, you certainly don't want this ADDING up to a bad time, now do we? Or will I have to DIVIDE my time and teach you myself?" Sans threatens, lacing puns in there all the same. Ms. Linda shakes her head, and Sans nods; walking out with Frisk. On the way out, he gives a pointed look to Abha and Aarav.

"The woman is a racist, sexist witch. I can also hypothesize that she isn't respectful of other cultures; I'd prepare myself for the worst." Abha nods, looking worried.

"It was nice to meet you Abha." Sans smiles, and Abha nods.

"Same to you, Sans. Goodbye Frisk." Frisk waves, smiling at Aarav.

"Wanna take a short-cut home?" Sans asks, and Frisk nods happily. Sans smiles, tightening his grip on their hand before teleporting them through the void and back home.

He never wanted to go back to that wretched school again.