The Dupain-Cheng bakery was considered the most revered in all of the kingdom. The establishment of various breads and sweets could not be matched in taste. Bakers Tom and Sabine put their whole heart into their work. However, the same could not be said for the daughter, would rather daydream than bake. She often sighed with an unknown longing.

Her parents could see that their own love of baking was not her calling. More than once she would be put in charge of a pan of bread only to abandon it while smoke poured out of the oven. Though she tried very hard to be of help she was a lovable klutz of an apprentice. She was always making messes in the kitchen, spending more time cleaning up after herself than cooking up goods for the store to sell.

That is how the compromise was proposed.

Marinette became the bakery's delivery girl and the fastest in the kingdom at that. She was very good at this new task and finally she was out in the kingdom, free to explore like she desired. Marinette set out on every run determined to give her parents' bakery a good reputation. What Tom and Sabine did not know is that the girl had discovered more than one shortcut through the woods. If they found out of her methods she would be back to kneading dough for eternity.

Marinette couldn't understand why it was forbidden to be out in the wooded area. There were easy paths to follow and so much more direct if one knew where they were going. Did they really perceive her as so naive?

She made many friends along the way when making her deliveries. She had never met so many young people her age. Nathaniel apprenticed for the town's painting guild and he loved macaroons. Rose wrote wonderful tales of romance and enjoyed anything with fresh berries baked in. Marinette couldn't decide who loved their croissants more, either the blacksmith's son Kim or the inventor's daughter Alix.

On this particular day she is visiting Duke Bourgeois' estate. Their order is rather heavy... How could one family eat four large pound cakes? It is a struggle to knock on their large door with the large basket in her hands. She lifts the heavy cast iron handle that hangs from a lion's mouth. Her arm lifts the knocker high enough to drop so that a loud bang could echo inside.

Almost immediately the family's butler opens the door startling the young delivery girl. His chin is lifted and very proper and he addresses her in a most intimidating manner. "State your name and business, little girl."

"O-oh!," She stammers shyly, "I'm Marinette from the Dupain-Cheng bakery. Duke Bourgeois should be expecting these." She extends the delicious sweets, but bows her head with humbleness.

He deems her answer acceptable, "Right this way."

Marinette follows behind the Duke's butler to a large hall where a dinner party would soon take place. The four pound cakes now seem trivial compared to the long table filling the room. Her eyes are wide as she stares at all of the covered platters and the wonderful aromas barely escaping from underneath.

"Daddy! Why can't I have a new dress!" A whine calls from across the room. It is a younger girl about her age. Next to her is a man with a head like a gourd. His way of dress indicates he is clearly influential. The girl's hair flows from a silky ribbon over her shoulders in a slim blonde waterfall. The dress she currently pouts in is much nicer than any Marinette owns in her closet. She had never seen such beautiful fabric.

"You have many lovely dresses, my darling," the Duke argues feebly with his daughter.

"But none of them are good enough for Adrien! We are talking about Prince Charming!"

"Prince Adrien?" Marinette mumbles to herself. She wondered who that could be.

Marinette approaches them in a professional manner with her heavy basket, "Pardon me, Duke Bourgeois, I have your fresh pound cakes for you."

"Ah! How convenient of you to bring these all the way here! It saves my servants so much time."

"It was my pleasure!" Marinette beams at him, "I have a written bill for you here."

He calls for a servant to bring the desired amount. He also leaves a wonderfully generous tip for her. Marinette is very thankful for his kind gesture. That is until his daughter makes an offhanded insult.

"Oh daddy, are you quite sure that will be enough? The girl is in rags!"

Marinette refrains from frowning at her for the sake of repeat business. Instead she gives a bitterly sweet remark. "Not all of us can have as many pretty dresses as you."

"That is so true, Miss Peasant!"

Marinette bites her tongue before she can say something regretful. Perhaps she is being a little defensive and thought too highly of her seamstress skills. The painstaking process is one that not all enjoyed as she does. She particularly liked this dress however. She had dyed the fabric to a lovely light pink. She lovingly hand stitched every seam.

"Would a new dress suffice as a substantial gift on our part?" He suggests.

"Oh no no sir! You've done so much for us already!"

"Absolutely not! I insist you take one of my drab old dresses off my hands." Chloe announces to her father with an overzealous push. A suspicious instinct tells Marinette that this gesture is not coming from pure intentions.

She is lead deeper into the grand home until she reaches the future Duchess's quarters. Hanging in an immaculate wardrobe are an overflow of poofy skirts.

"I don't believe I would have any place to wear such a dress," Marinette explains to the well off girl.

"Oh I would not doubt!" Chloe scoffs rudely, "But I need to be rid of these atrocities if I'm ever going to make room in my closet for something more suitable."

Marinette dares to inch closer despite her better judgement. She knows she is being used by being offered the hand-me-downs, but she couldn't hide her interest. Any one of these dresses could transform her into a princess, "May I look?"

"Hmph! Know your place commoner!" Marinette quickly steps away with a shamed blush coloring her cheeks. A giant cannonball of fabric is thrown to her with distaste. The weight of it causes the simple delivery girl to stumble and fall to the floor. A table falls on top of her and a jewelry box spills out its contents on top of her.

Chloe gasps at her with rage, "A thief are you!?"

Marinette scrambles to her feet in bewilderment, "No! I'm no thief! It wasn't my fault!"

"Guards! A thief! Thief!" The brat cries out for help as if she is under attack.

Though she is not guilty Marinette runs out of the room in a fright. She does not bother to be escorted out by a servant and runs into the street to escape a terrible fate. Stealing did not receive a light penalty. The only safe place she can think of is to run into the woods. Most would not venture there she knew. Her feet carry her deep into the trees until she trips on a thick root and rolls into a shallow stream. The cold water's chill hangs on her clothes as she stumbles out to find her way home. The wind pushes her farther east than she would have liked. Her teeth rattle like dried corn being popped in a skillet. That's when she sees a tiny cottage nestled deep in these trees. Smoke from a chimney is a sign of haven as she quickly runs up to the perimeter of a low gate.

An old woman leans low to the ground to tend to a garden of herbs. Upon seeing the distressed girl she slowly extends her knees which pop audibly, "What seems to be the trouble, Cherie?"

"I-I don't mean to be a bother, madam," Marinette's teeth chatter, "But could I possibly sit by your fireplace for a minute?"

The woman's blue eyes are clouded with sympathy, but they are understanding and wise. "I will make you some tea too." She begins to hobble weakly towards her to unlock the gate for her.

Instead of letting her go to so much trouble Marinette bravely jumps over her tiny fence and extends aid to the woman, "Let's both have a rest," she offers her arm for the woman to hang onto and helps her walk to her front door.

Inside the cottage, Marinette is propped up in the only chair and draped in the thick red wool of the woman's own cloak. The tea finally stills her anxious jaw. Marinette empties her satchel and offers a bundle of cookies to the woman, "Thank you for your help, Madam..."

"You are too kind, Marinette!" She smiles with delight beside her, "Please call me Tikki."

Tikki? What an odd name she has. "Excuse me, but how do you know me?"

The woman still smiles though she has been caught knowing more than she should. She sets down her dainty teacup on a side table to make a strange request, "Can you keep a secret, Mari dear?"

"Yes," she affirms.

The room is suddenly filled with a brilliant pink light. As it fades Marinette now faces a young and beautiful woman with hair of crimson and a dress that is radiating more beauty than any of Chloe's. It shines red, but with further examination there are tiny black spots that would be impossible for even the most skilled seamstress to embroider.

This new woman lifts her teacup again to resume enjoying the warm beverage. Marinette's tea is now on the ground and the shakes of her body return. "What sort of magic was that, Tikki!?"

"I am what most would call a witch, but I assure you I am a good witch."

"A good witch? So you aren't going to put a curse on me?"

"Oh heavens no Marinette, quite the opposite! You have a kind soul. You've proven that to me through your innocent heart and acts of selflessness. I have a gift for you." She reaches behind Marinette to touch the red cloak over her shoulders. It flashes behind her in the way that Tikki had during her transformation. Marinette lifts the end of the cloak to see it now had the same small spots that Tikki has. "I've enchanted this cloak for you. Whenever you go out you will find good fortune. This should protect you from the cold and anymore trouble in these woods," Tikki explains.

"Thank you! This will be so useful." Marinette jumps up to spin had never had such a warm, beautiful cloak to wear. "I can't wait to show Maman!"

Tikki quickly tugs on the end of her hood before she could run home, "Marinette I must warn you to guard this cloak carefully. Anyone who wears it will gain the luck. You must be careful not to let it fall into anyone else's hands."

Her eyes are unusually stern for such a kind faced witch. Marinette nods seriously at her instructions, "I promise to take good care of it. I'll only wear it to make deliveries."

"You ought to get back to the bakery, your parents will worry."

Marinette nods obediently. "Goodbye Tikki!" Upon returning to a path she recognizes she follows it home with her cape flying in her hurry.