Cassiopeia Potter-Black: Well then, I guess I'll just have to go a bit more drastic then won't I? I SHALL MAKE THIS SO HARD TO GUESS THAT...ummmmm...yeah, I lost it there, but I will be more unpredictable then the rest of them. I will say this though I feel like there should be a scene sometime soon where Umbridge gets bloody well ruined/humiliated or heck even a punch or 2. *Bows down to the queen of smug and sarcasticness* (Sarcasticness is now a word according to the author of the current fanfiction and we have not been able to find her and question her why she thought it was a good idea to come up with that word.)

Anyways...*Looks around* On with the chapter, before they find me. *Sneaks off like a ninja*

"Who is reading next" came the drawl from Snape who was trying very hard to hide any and all emotion from his face as well as his mind itself, He couldn't, wouldn't feel pity for the mutt, and he wouldn't remember his own childhood, he refused to so, like he had been doing for years now, he shoved all of it into a corner in the back of his mind that was shaped as an old rickety house that was a street down from a park with a swing set.

Only 1-no 2 hands went up.

"We" Started Fred

"Will" George continued

"Professor" The 2 finished together.

The Prison of Fire

Marlene McKinnon was having a pretty great day so far. She had gotten almost everything planned for her wedding in exactly 3 days to Sirius Black, she had picked out bridesmaids, her Maid of honor, a flower girl and a ring bearer, and Sirius had chosen his Best Man and his groomsman.

Most of the girls squealed at this, and then they remembered that if she had a chapter that means that she dies.

Marlene had said goodbye to Sirius earlier in the morning when he had gone of to work, he was an Auror and they would see each other again at the Order of the Phoenix

Most of the students filed that information into the back of their heads, after all, 2 of the chapters now had mentioned this Order of the Phoenix.

meeting later that night. With that in mind she fell into a restful sleep. A few hours later she was awoken by a smell of smoke that felt like it was choking her and a searing heat that felt like it was burning her skin off. Then she realized. It was going to burn her skin off,

There were many shudders of realization at what was happening.

She sprung into action. Grabbing her wand and yelling out Aguamenti, trying to put out the flames, but nothing worked the flames were still going, closing in on her she realized in horror that this was fiendfyre, it couldn't be put out like how she was trying to, she cried out in desperation, trying to remember how to put it out, if you even could put it out, the smoke was choking her airways, she was starting to see black the heat was unbearable, it was burning, searing her skin, outside, distantly, through her own screams of agony and the crackling of the flame, she could hear someone screaming her name, her brain was clouded in the fog of agony as she thought briefly Siri? and in the back of her mind she noticed that the fire was starting to get really cold, unbearable cold, before everything went black as the smoke filled her airways and the flames licked at her skin, hair, clothes, everything.

There was complete silence throughout the whole paragraph and when the chapter was finally over, a first year let out a choked sob and burst into tears, many others following her example.

One of the twins (George) swallowed thickly before asking, "Who's next?"

A/N : So how'd you guys like my description? To explain a little at why the fire was so cold at the end is that when something gets to a certain heat, your nerves can't take it anymore and it feels cold. Anywho, see ya.