Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or Warhammer Fantasy (Despite it being dead now). They belong to Hiro Mashima (Fairy Tail) and Games Workshop (Why you kill Warhammer Fantasy with Age of Sigmar guys? Just why?). Any way to say I own those ideas will force me to send Maxwell on your butts and redirect lawsuits to you.
Author's Note: Underline is Disclaimer, Italics is Thoughts, Bold is Flashback, Bold and Underline is Author's Notes and other important things, Bold Italics is dangerous beings such as Demons, Undead, and such; and Underline Italics is Attack Moves, Spells, and such. Also this story will be less grim then the Warhammer Fantasy Universe just to warn those looking for such things.
To expand on the description, after The War of Vengeance (War of The Beard to Elves), great natural disasters happened and a magical rift transported a entire Dwarf Hold with a small Human Settlement nearby, to Earthland as well as a few other groups of beings. The Heartphilia Clan found and befriended them with the Humans swearing allegiance to the Heartphilia Clan's Leader and their chosen successors and the Dwarfs becoming Oathbound Allies.
On the continent of Ishgar, the Kingdom of Fiore stands as one of several major powers of Earthland. It is a place full of culture and tradition as well as magic. To most Magic is a tool and it is rare to see something not magical in ones home. Those who practice as a art form, are called Wizards and band together in guilds. Unless you live in the Dwarf Hold of Karak Trado or Onyx Peak to Humans; or Onadheim, The Unmovable City.
Both city states exist within Fiore and have strained relations with those kingdoms other then Fiore, who acknowledge the Magic Councils Rule, with both not acknowledging the council and remaining isolated from other kingdoms for a long period of time. While other Kingdoms have invaded the small isolated independent city states, they failed as none could match the forces of either. However, both cities refused to retaliate in force to their invaders as they viewed it as detrimental to them.
When the Alvarez Empire invaded, the Magic Council received aid in beating back the Alvarez Empires Military thanks to Onadheim's Nine Wizard Lords, The Dwarf's Inventions and War Machines, and both of their professional standing armies. After the War (called The War of Repayment by the Dwarfs and Onadlanders), the rulers of Onadheim and Karak Trado gave their word to the Kingdoms of Ishgar that their people would not interfere in magical policies of the Magic Council and trade technological achievements to Ishgar, if they in turn left the Wizard Colleges of Onadheim alone and not arrest their members if they present proof of their affiliation (Though could deport them to home), and land around their homes to belong to both the Dwarfs and Onadlanders.
The Magic Council and rulers of the Kingdoms of Ishgar reluctantly agreed to the treaty and as agreed, the independent rulers gave the kingdoms of Ishgar great military advancements as well as magical seals to the Onadland Wizards, to identify them and allow them to practice their magic in other lands. However, if the wizards attacked those with no good reason, their seals would instantly absorb the Wizard's magic and use it to teleport back to Onadheim, leaving the mage in hostile territory. Though the Dwarfs still refuse to allow outsiders into their home city, they have recently agreed to have small trading outposts in all the kingdoms of Ishgar to trade. Through out the years Guilds have popped up all over Ishgar, with a few now in Onadheim, but one has it's name known across Ishgar that has created multiple legends, and will most likely do so into the future, through chaotic war and benevolent peace. It's name is Fairy Tail.
(Heartphilia Konzern, X774)
In the courtyard of a mansion, two young blonde girls are sparring with a short stocky man in intricately threaded clothes, and a elaborately braided black beard that reaches his belt. One girl has pale skin and uses a wooden sword and shield, while the other girl is dark skinned who wields a two handed wooden sword. While most would have difficulty fighting these two girls, who use their weapons skillfully, the dwarf easily parries their attacks with a single hammer and a black stone gauntlet.
"Come now, Lucy and Liz. You should have dealt a single blow to me by now!" the dwarf laughs, taunting them. "Easy for you to say, Grimek." Liz laughs as she continues her spar, but Lucy pants tiredly, and adds "You and Liz train constantly back in Onadland, Grimek. I barely get time to train because of my dad.". Watching from the sidelines at a table under a pavilion, a business man with blonde hair and fair skin, sits with his wife, who has blonde hair and fair skin as well, with brown eyes like Lucy.
Also with them is a man with blonde hair, fair skin, and dark brown eyes, in a colorful regal outfit. Sitting on his left is a dark skinned woman with silvery grey eyes and golden blonde hair as well. She is dressed in a suit of armor and clothes as a military leader of nobility. To the left of the man is a dwarf with a long braided bright brown beard and icy cold blue eyes. He is wearing a elaborate black metal suit of armor, with a arsenal of weapons on him. The three look at the blonde business man as if he is insane.
"What? It is very unbecoming of her to learn to fight." the man begins to explain, but is interrupted by the dwarf, saying "An if she has none to protect her when bandits attack, what then Jude?" with a glare that screamed, answer wrongly and die. As Jude stutters to come up with a good reason, with the blonde man across from them, then says "Honestly Azkarzhul, give Jude a bit of credit." then turns to Jude asking with a smile "My dear brother-in-law Jude, why don't you talk about business with Grimek while my dear wife Maria goes to read some stories to our children Lizabeth and Lucy? Me, my sister Layla, and Az here need to discuss some things together."
Jude then shouts in fear "Last time I tried to talk about business with Grimek, he tried to smash my face in with his oversized hammer!" to which the dwarf responded coldly "Just tell im I want to hear about yer ideas at home. The lad should get tha message, unless ye want me ta beat yer face in with my fists?" and punches a fist into his other hand, which convinces Jude to go deal with Grimek instead of staying to suffer the wrath of the Dwarf King.
As Jude, Grimek, Maria, Lizabeth, and Lucy head into the mansion, the blonde man loses his happy friendly demeanor, as he speaks seriously to his sister "Layla, why have you not told Jude or Lucy about the plan you will have to carry out in three years?" to which the woman looks to her brother and says calmly "I don't want Jude to ruin himself because of my health issues, Luthor, and Lucy would try to stop me from doing it. Though I do ask if I do pass away from this, that you promise to both look after Lucy and Larz if Jude neglects them."
Luthor then sighs and nods his head, saying "I will care for Larz should Jude neglect him." as Azkarzhul also promises the same for Lucy but then says in annoyance "I still don't see what ya see in Jude, Layla. I fear that he might lose his mind if you die. While I understand that he wants the best for his family, even a dwarf knows that ya should keep yer clan ties strong. I still feel ill when he said he based his business policies off of Dwarf politics and guilds."
Layla then explains with a smile "I don't expect anyone to see what I see, but I still thank you for your oaths and opinions. Also, Azkarzhul could you look into the guild known as Fairy Tail? Lucy plans to join it when she is old enough, and I figured it might help you in the long run." to which the Dwarf agrees as well as Layla walks away to the mansion with her brother. Azkar sighs then says to no one in particular "I will never understand humans and their minds. I best hope me older brothers don't go ballistic on me."
(Port Town of Hargeon, X784)
A train has pulled in with a spiky pink haired boy in arabic style clothing suffering from motion sickness with a talking blue cat trying to encourage him to get up as passengers are passing them by as the leave the train. "Does he need help?" asks the conductor, with the cat turning to say "He's fine" at which a short man with a elaborately braided black beard and a helmet with goggles or binoculars attached to the eyesight place, approaches and hefts the boy onto his shoulder and carries him off the train, with the blue cat following in surprised shock though thankful the man is helping him.
As he sets the boy down he says "Get up Manling. Your not on the damnable mage train." and kicks the boy, freaking the talking blue cat out. This gets the boy up and as he looks at who helped him off, notices that the short bearded man is in a suit of elaborate metal armor and a strange disturbing black stone gauntlet on his left hand. On his belt are two well crafted pistols, with a masterwork repeater rifle, a large two handed hammer, and a elaborate stone carved tool kit on his back.
The man grins then lends his right hand down to help the boy up, while introducing himself "Names Grimek Grudgefist of Onyx Peak, Master Engineer and Traveling Runesmith. At your service. You?". The boy smiles as he grabs Grimek's hand and simply says "Natsu. Natsu Dragneel, Dragon Slayer." as he is pulled to his feet, while his cat friend says "Aye and I'm Happy the talking Cat!". Natsu notices the Dwarf smile while saying "Good to meet ya laddys, though I must ask why ye both are in this town?" while raising a eyebrow at Natsu as if he is really serious about something or not.
"We're looking for Igneel, Natsu's Father." Happy explains to which Natsu further elaborates "We heard a Salamander was here and we thought that we check up on it". The Dwarf nods in understanding and asks "Mind if I tag along with ya both then? I figure I help you find yer father and ye both help me find three girls that I am to meet up with. Sound like a fair trade?" at which Natsu and Happy agree to as they head into Hargeon.
Meanwhile, in the only magic shop in Hargeon, a young teenage girl with brown eyes and short blonde hair, looks astonished at the fact this is the only shop in Hargeon. The girl wears a white t-shirt with a blue cross on the front and blue short skirt under a light leather armor vest, brown heeled boots, and a elaborately crafted shield with a dwarf face above a heart and a sword pointing down below the said heart, and a beautifully crafted angelic winged hilt long sword sheathed on her back, as well as a well carved longbow with a quiver of quite a bit of arrows.
Behind her as she talks with the shopkeeper two girls are browsing the store. The first is dressed a orange robe with red trimmings with a staff that has fire erupting from the head constantly but not burning anything. Her red hair looks as if it is fire itself though it seems unlikely, while her eyes shine as if they burn a fiery orange. The other appears to be a young girl with dark brown skin, short wild golden blonde hair, and bright silver eyes. She wears a suit of plate armor that reveals her navel showing her fit abs, though not really pronounced, and is barefoot; with two war hammers at her sides and a large sheathed two handed sword on her back with the blade being two times her height, but strangely she is bouncing all over the place like a over caffeinated squirrel.
"I'm sorry how much was that again?" the blonde girl asks the old shopkeeper, who simply says "20,000 Jewels' making the girl to try using her looks to charm the man into reducing the price, which he says he will reduce it by only a thousand Jewels. This makes the fiery looking girl to come over and angrily demand "Cut it to five thousand mister or I burn this place down." which makes the blonde girl hastily nervously ask "Calm down Aqshy. We don't need to cause a incident." while scaring the poor shopkeeper senseless. Though at that moment, the three feel a very threatening aura come from behind Aqshy, which the Shopkeeper notices the little girl giving off that aura.
"Lucy, Aqshy, don't stoop to being criminals now." the brown girl says sickeningly sweet with a smile, which the shopkeeper notices her aura seeming to grow from the little lie he said of it being 20,000 Jewels, when actually it was worth half that amount. "Now apologize to the nice man you two." she demands with a cold emotionless tone, and notices both girls quickly apologizing to him. The shopkeeper then changes the deal to half the amount as he does not want to see this little girl angered and causing destruction, if the shadowy aura like figures behind her were by any means to go by.
As they walk away from the shop, Lucy says nervously to the brown skinned girl "Seriously Lizabeth? How do you project your aura like that?" to which the girl known a Lizabeth responds confused "What do you mean? I was just reminding you both that we are not supposed to be criminals." to which Aqshy says with a laugh "View it this way Lucy, your cousin got you a better discount when she did that then you could with sex appeal or my threats." to which Lucy sighs in defeat.
They then hear cheering in a courtyard to the side below the bridge they are passing over, overhearing some girls exclaiming in excitement "Wow it's really Salamander!?". Lizabeth scratches her head a bit and asks her cousin if Salamander is a type of food, to which Aqshy smacks her upside the head for with her staff, saying "No. Salamander is Fairy Tail's Fire Mage that is really strong from what I hear. He has spells not found anywhere except maybe from our home city, which makes me curious if that is true." with Lucy saying in excitement "Well let's see him! I am surprised he showed up in this dead end part of town."
When they arrive, they see a man with purple hair and two magical rings with purple clothes, in the middle of a bunch of fan girls. From what Lucy can tell, the man is using the Charm Spell Ring to attract the girls to him, while the other is a Sleep Spell Ring, that puts those who drink sedatives to sleep instantly. Aqshy then says in disgust "Really? This is the famed Salamander?" to which the man tries flirting with them, thinking the blonde girls are under the spell, saying with a smug grin and his eyes closed "Indeed, my ladies. Did you want my autograph as well?"
The man feels a extremely hot fireball fly past his face and explodes in the distance in the sky. The man then opens his eyes to see the fiery redhead had sent that fireball, to which she smiles smugly as well while saying "Good because I want to see what your capable of Salamander." and notices that the girl is actually challenging him to a magical duel, and realized he may have backed himself into a corner if not for a untimely arrival of a pink haired boy and a short man with a beard.
"Igneel, it's me!" the boy shouted as he got to where he could see Salamander with the the brown girl going over happily greeting the short bearded man known as Grimek, before the boy askes with a blank look "Who are you?" which causes the man to panic a bit and introduce himself yet again, as Salamander but notices that the Dwarf, him, young girl, and a blue cat walking over to the girls, to which he says in shock "Hey wait a minute!" and several really fanatical girls charge to where they are but are blocked by a wall of fire surrounding their targets from the fiery redhead calling it Cascading Fire Cloak when breathing the fire in the fan girls path, astonishing all but the Dwarf and the two blondes.
"Next time you will be ash if you threaten my friends and any accompanying them." she states while glaring dangerously at the girls and man if they should try to provoke her again. Natsu is amazed the girl could do something like his magic but in a very different way. The man in purple decides to leave with out escalating things, conjuring a carpet of fire to ferry him away while inviting those girls charmed to his soiree on his yacht.
"Stupid sleazy loser punk." is all Aqshy says as she turns to Grimek and his two companions, which the spiky pink haired boy still staring at her in amazement, which she mistakes for perverted ideas "Don't even think about it, you pervert." she says coldly, to which the boy is offended, yelling "Who you calling a pervert?!" to which Grimek holds him from starting a fight and scolds her "Shame on ye Aqshy. This laddy was helping me find ya three as I helped him find his father. His name is Natsu Dragneel and he is probably amazed by your magic. What did I tell ye about being brash?" to which Aqshy blushes in embarrassment and mutters a apology to Natsu.
"Good to see you Grimek. Did you find a place for all of us to stay or did you have to make one on the cities outskirts?" Lucy asks her old friend and mentor, away from Natsu and Happy, to which the dwarf looks to her and whispers "Had to make one but it is not going to be cheap. My people are paying about 850,000 Jewels worth of Gold for it but they expect ye to pay 8500 per month till the debt is paid off, with no interest. I hope that is fair?" to which Lucy nods and thanks him with a smile "That is fine. I'll make sure not to ask for much else from your people. They have done a lot for me." then says to Natsu and Happy, with the cat and Lizabeth chatting with each other and getting along well, "Do you two want to join us for lunch. I'll pay for it."
Later at a nearby restaurant, a large meal is laid out for them, with Natsu, Happy, and Lizabeth devouring all the food quickly, as Lucy is trying to slow them down. "So Natsu and Happy, Grimek says you are looking for your father Igneel, a Salamander?" Aqshy asks then takes a sip from her tea, to which Natsu says with excitement "Yeah but turns out the rumor was fake though that magic was awesome! How did you do it?" hoping to incorporate it with his magic.
"Years of discipline mastering the Western Wind of Magic allows me to cast that magic." she explains, which confuses Natsu but Happy then says "Bet that fake can not breath fire like a real dragon. Right Natsu?" which catches the table's occupants attention, making Lucy ask "I don't get it, your dad is like a dragon?"
"No Igneel is not like a dragon. He is one." Natsu states simply like it was common knowledge to which shocks all of them except Lizabeth, whose eyes gleam with excitement and glee, shouting "That is so awesome! A real dragon being your dad? I got to meet him when you find him." which get's Natsu and Happy to chat about him in excitement though is interrupted rudely by Lucy, who is still somewhat shocked still as she asks quite loudly "Why would a Dragon show up in the middle of a random town?!" to which they are about to reply but realize that Lucy has point.
Lucy sighs and says as she gets up with Lizabeth "I am going for a walk okay. Aqshy, why don't you stay with Natsu to talk about your magic, then catch up with us okay?" to which Aqshy agrees and as they leave Natsu asks Aqshy "So what is the Western Wind of Magic and how does it relate to Fire magic?".
Aqshy simply begins explaining "The Eight Winds of Magic are fundamental forces of Magic for my people and the Dwarfs. The Onadlanders, my people, can cast magic from them but can only use one wind. Our powers also increase or decrease depending on the direction the wind blows. The Eight Winds are identified as The Western Bright Wind, my magic; The Northwestern Amber Wind, The Northern High Wind, The Northeastern Gold Wind, The Eastern Jade Wind, The Southeastern Astral Wind, The Southern Grey Wind, and The Southwestern Amethyst Wind."
As she is drinking her tea, Grimek explains how the dwarfs use the winds "Me people, The Dwarfs of Onyx Peak, channel the magic winds into runic gear, whether it be a weapon, armor, trinket, or even a cloak. However, we can not use magic ourselves, due to our resistance to it." at which Natsu and Happy look at him in confusion, to which he continues "You manlings can use magic and be really powerful, but a dwarfs magic resistance is something ya should always consider. Trust me, lads." and thus continued to eat in silence but Natsu was thinking of challenging Grimek to a fight, just to know what he means by his people's magic resistance.
Grimek then turns his attention to Aqshy and says "I am going to take the Gyrocarrier and it's cargo to our new home, so let Lucy know, kay?" as he gets up, leaving the three with the new information with Aqshy agreeing and wishing Grimek luck. Natsu asks then surprised "Wait, your moving to Magnolia? I can show you guys around as I live there." with Happy agreeing with a 'Aye!'.
Outside on a bench, Lucy is reading the latest news on Fairy Tail in Sorceror's Magazine. "Fairy Tail wizard wipes out a bandit clan but destroyed seven private properties?! Ahahahah!" Lucy laughs as Liz leans against her shoulder napping, with Lucy then asking herself as admires the centerfold "Wonder how you join? Do you have to apply or do a interview?".
Both Lucy and Liz jump to their feet as the hear sudden rustling, having their weapons ready. "Wait!" a masculine voice calls as a familiar purple themed man appears out of the bushes, the voice belonging to him. He then explains "Look, I don't want any trouble. I just wanted to invite you to my party as well." to which Lucy asks in disgust "And why would we agree to come to a party hosted by a arrogant creepy jerk like you?" which seemingly hurts the man's ego.
"Look, I'll help you and your friends get into Fairy Tail by putting a good word in for you with the master if you both come to it. Deal?" the man explains, noting how the two girls look at each other, weighing their options. Lucy then sighs, with both girls sheathing their weapons, saying sternly "Okay, but only if me and my cousin here are allowed to keep our weapons during the party?" to which the purple man says with a smile "Very well then but I must ask then you do not bring your fiery friend if you both have weapons." with both girls nodding in agreement.
Later that night, on a cliff overlooking the harbor, Natsu, Happy, and Aqshy are walking around looking for Lucy and Lizabeth though not having much luck, with Happy noticing the boat in the harbor, says pointing there "Hey, isn't that the boat where that Salamander guy is hosting his party?" to which when both Natsu and Aqshy look, both become ill as if they are on the boat.
"Yeah but I didn't know Fairy Tail owned a ship like that." Aqshy groans to which both Natsu and Happy ask in surprise "Wait, what do you mean Fairy Tail's boat? They don't own one." which grabs Aqshy's attention. "But that guy is the infamous Salamander of Fairy Tail?" Aqshy begins to explain but notices the darkened looks on both their faces and realizes then that the man may not be who he claimed he was, which she runs off to the harbor and stop the imposter, leaving Natsu and Happy on the cliff.
Meanwhile, on the boat, Lucy and Lizabeth sit in a private room with Salamander, who says "A toast to your beauty, girls." which he levitates little wine droplets into the air, then continues "Now open wide and let the sweet nectar of the vine to dance upon your taste buds." then floats them towards both Liz and Lucy. However, Liz slams a hammer into the table in front of them, saying darkly "So you can drug us to sleep and have your way with us? I don't think so mister." to which Lucy begins trying to calm down Liz as Salamander looks at the little girl, wondering what was with her personality switch.
Soon several men try to grab the girls arms but are broken as Liz slams her hammers into those who would grab them. Now a bunch of shifty looking men show bearing weapons, with Lucy behind Liz. "Well, not have my way but yes I was about to drug you." the leader says darkly with a smug grin, then continues "I just lured you here to make you both slaves in Bosco, but obviously this is going to have to get a bit painful." at which Lucy begins to reach for her keys but notices immediately that they are gone and in Salamander's hands.
"Celestial Wizard huh? These keys are useless to me, so-" Salamander begins and when he trails off, throws the keys out the window. The crew then begin to chuckle darkly, but are soon interrupted by Natsu falling through the ceiling of the boat. "Natsu!" Lucy exclaims happily but as the boat bobs in the sea, Natsu begins to feel ill, saying "I think I'm gonna be sick." to which both Lucy and Liz yell in shock "LAME!"
"Lucy! Liz! This is where you two were?" Happy asks as he floats in the air with wings then continues "Aqshy was looking all over Hargeon with us for you two." to which Liz explains "Hey, Happy. Lucy and me were invited by this creep who promised to get us into Fairy Tail but turns out he is just some no good slaver!" but Lucy interrupts them, asking Happy "Wait, since when could you fly?".
"No time for that Lucy, I need to take one of you out of here." Happy explains but is interrupted by Liz this time, standing over a prone Natsu, saying "Take Lucy, Happy. I'll hold them." twirling her pair of war hammers, with Happy saying "Aye!" and wraps his tail around Lucy and begins to fly away. The leader then sends forth multiple rays of purple fire though Happy dodges them easily. "Stop them! We can't let the Magic Council get wind of this." the leader yells to his subordinates as some are trying to disarm Liz but are beaten back every time by her hammers, as Natsu kneels asking weakly "Fairy... Tail?".
"Wait, we need to go back and help Natsu!" Lucy begins to insist to Happy, who exclaims nervously "Lucy, we got a problem." to which Lucy asks "What problem?!" with Happy's wings suddenly disappearing. "My magic's run out." he says as both fall into the ocean, with Happy managing to hit his head, with Lucy swimming to find her keys, then heading back to the surface with Happy.
"Right then. Open the gate of the Water Bearer, Aquarius!" Lucy says, as she enters a golden key with blue waves on it, summoning forth a blue mermaid with blue hair and Greek like symbols on her clothes of a bikini and seaweed belt, as well as several golden bracelets, and holding a urn. Happy then gasps "Wow." in amazement, as Lucy then orders the summoned woman "Now Aquarius, use your power to send that ship back to port!" with Aquarius then tsk in annoyance.
"What's with you?! Just do it already!" Lucy then yells angrily, at which the mermaid states coldly "Let's get one thing straight. If you drop my key like that again, I will end you, got it?" as she gives a harsh death glare towards Lucy, who apologizes in fright "Sorry, won't happen again.". Aquarius then spins around with her urn in the water, causing a large tidal wave to push the slaver's boat, Lucy, and Happy to shore, with Lucy shouting "Don't wash me away as well!".
As townfolk go to see what the commotion is about, Lucy then asks angrily to Aquarius "Are you trying to kill us all?!" to which Aquarius then face palms, saying in annoyance "It was carelessness. The boat got in the way, and washed away with you as well.". "I was referring to Lizabeth on the boat, Aquarius!" Lucy shouts at her spirit, which Happy notices the mean fish lady stiffen and nervously say "I see. I am going to take a week long vacation with my boyfriend, so don't summon till then." which Lucy takes as a insult from her, and shouts as she vanishes "You don't need to rub it in, you know!".
Lucy and Happy then arrive to see Natsu now standing next to Liz, both with murderous looks at the slaver and his lackeys. "You're a Fairy Tail wizard?" Natsu asks calmly to the purple man, who simply asks smugly "What about it?" and motions two men to deal with both Natsu and Liz. "I want to see you face real good." Natsu simply states as he removes his overcoat, which flies onto Liz, making her unable to see, and run over into Lucy and Happy, knocked unconcious.
Natsu then smacks both men away, saying "Cause I'm Natsu of Fairy Tail!" and shows the trademark Fairy Tail guild crest on his shoulder in red, then continues "And I've never seen you before in my life!" which shocks everyone present at the new information, with Lucy ask in shock "So Natsu's a Fairy Tail wizard?". A crew member then turns to his leader, saying in a panic "That one's the real thing, Bora!" to which the leader now known as Bora says in anger "You idiot! Don't use that name!".
"Bora" Happy states then explains from something he heard "A few years back a man named Bora the Prominence was expelled from the Titan Nose Guild for using magic to aid in thievery." to which Natsu simply states in anger "I don't care if your a good guy or a bad guy, but I'm not going to let you slander the name of Fairy Tail!" but is suddenly enveloped in flames from Bora, saying "Save your breath for someone who cares, brat.".
"NATSU!" Lucy yells and is about to go help but is stopped by Happy. "Are you really a fire wizard?" shocking those seeing this there, seeing Natsu breathing in the flames as he continues "I've never eaten fire that tastes this bad." to which freaks both Bora and Lucy out of their minds. The fire dissipates, with Natsu standing unharmed, saying "Thanks for the meal." with Bora questioning who this is, and his crew realizing that Natsu ate the fire.
"So your Salamander of Fairy Tail, huh?" a familiar female voice says from the sidelines. Lucy, Natsu, and Happy look with Bora and his cronies, to see Aqshy, standing with her staff, with the wind blowing westwards. "Deal with the girls and cat. I'll handle the Salamander." Bora instructs his men, and begins to fight Natsu in the air, though the fight is taken into the city.
"I don't understand. How is he doing this?" Lucy asks Happy, who simply explains "A dragon's lungs to exhale fire. A dragon's scales to dissolve fire. A dragon's claws are enveloped in fire. This is a enchantment that transforms the body of the user and give them aspect's of a dragon's body." at which Natsu releases a fire breath spell while forming his hands into a trumpet position over his mouth, calling it Fire Dragon's Roar.
"This magic was meant to deal with dragons and was taught by Igneel to Natsu. It is called Dragon Slayer magic." Happy finishes with Lucy asking "Isn't it a bit strange for a dragon to teach someone a magic to slay dragons?" to which Happy say in shock "I never actually really though about it until you pointed it out!". Lucy and Happy then notice Bora's crew making there way to them, with Happy realizing that they can't possibly take these guys on with out Natsu.
However, Aqshy now stands between the thugs and them, then states simply "Let's see how you thugs handle the Bright Loremaster?" then waves her staff in the air while saying several bizarre words, then releases multiple fiery arrows from her staff, calling them Piercing Bolts of Burning, knocking out a quarter of the thugs. She then raises her arm with the staff above her head, gathering a large ball of fire above her, then aims her staff at the incoming thugs as she releases the ball of fire that explodes in their ranks, calling it Lesser Fireball.
"Now here is the final touch." Aqshy says with a sadistic grin, and as she mutters more arcane words, a large flaming skull flies from her head towards the thugs, calling it The Burning Head, which breaks their will to continue fighting as now only a eighth of them are left and a few vacant buildings being destroyed by the flames of this girl. Natsu finishes his fight Bora, sending him flying into a bell tower and ringing the bell.
"Looks like we overdid it." Aqshy and Natsu say as they regroup with Lucy and Happy, who are taking care of Lizabeth who is still unconscious. Suddenly, the group of teens notice a Fioran Army unit marching to their location, at which Natsu grabs Lucy's hand and runs away dragging her, who has Liz on her back, yelling "Oh crap, it's the feds! We gotta get out of here!".
"Wait where are you taking us?!" as Aqshy runs to keep up with them. "You said you wanted to join Fairy Tail!" Natsu says with a smile back to Lucy, who is surprised by what he said, as he then continues as Happy flies overhead "So let's go!" to which Lucy happily accepts, running with Liz on her back, Aqshy by her side, and Natsu on the other side.
AN: Well, there's the first chapter of the Fairy Tail and Warhammer Fantasy crossover. Leave your thoughts in a review. I also already made a Wizard for each Wind, so don't worry, they'll be here. I still have yet to figure a way to include the Elves as well and would appreciate suggestions if you PM me them.
As for some extra things to note in the future, this is a AU as well, so don't expect a lot to be the same in the Fairy Tail universe. Hope you have enjoyed this my readers. For every review I see for this story (and I mean a chapter review per person), I will add another chapter to this story, as well as any other stories I make.
The other stories besides The Hunters and The Sins will be updated every so often, unless I see more requests for a particular story which people would rather see, updated more frequently. Have a great day my readers. (^U^)