Requests. From so many of you. Love it. Hate it. I'm tired but I really like you guys. So, read on and see if your idea made it in...
Peter walked away from the group of young heroes, flushed. He was a little unnerved and felt, erratic. A little hot under the collar.
As it was, it was spring, and romance seemed to be in the air, even among some of the more hardened individuals. And Peter felt too constricted in his own skin. He felt a need to move.
Oh, not just at random... That would be too easy to brush off as being antsy. No, it was only when the girls were around. The next person to say it was puberty was going to get punched.
He knew about puberty. He knew that whatever he was feeling, it wasn't puberty. He felt jittery.
Crazy jittery. Like, dancy jittery.
He wanted to jump around in splendid leaps and gracious twists.
People had already mentioned it during training where he had to move, circling the females and pulling them out of danger before many of them could even react. All the guys were laughing and the girls seemed to be anywhere from amused, to pissed. Let it be known that White Tiger did not like it when Spiderman wouldn't even let her train.
Squirrel Girl was just giggling everytime he grabbed her hands and twisted her out of the way. And Dagger had sent a few glares but overall didn't do anything or threaten bodily harm.
He had voiced his concern to Miles who, for once, didn't have a clue as to what was going on, as they assumed that whatever it was, it was spider based.
It was Cho who had overheard, that shed some light on the little, dancing fever.
He had pulled up an article on a certain seldom talked about spider. A peacock spider.
"They, dance?"
"To attract a mate. Quite flamboyant displays of physical motion, Ay Spiderman?"
Spiderman put his hand to his mouth and averted his gaze as both Miles and Cho laughed at their senior's unfortunate dancing craze. When Spiderman was able to no longer feel quite as embarrassed and the laughter had died down he looked at both of them, "Not a word you two. Or I will web you to the roof."
Peter sighed as his Aunt brought him a cup of hot chocolate. Normally, he would get it himself, but his Aunt had been cleaning earlier and it hadn't ended well for Peter.
Now, he had never had an issue before his powers, but after getting them, he found himself getting headaches, and getting confused in the house.
"Sorry Peter, I forgot that you didn't like the lemon pledge when I cleaned. Have some hot chocolate sweety, a little sugar will help you feel better."
"Thanks Aunt May," he moaned taking a sip. His Aunt May sat next to him and pulled him close. He leaned his foggy head on her shoulder. She put her arm around him and rubbed his shoulder. They sat for a few minutes before there was a knock on the door.
"Come in," May called out. The door opened slowly and footsteps came in as quietly as possible.
"Hey May. How are you doing Peter?" Harry asked, "I heard you weren't feeling well."
Peter gave a weak to his Aunt who gave a slightly sheepish smile.
"Feeling better than I have been," Peter joked. Given his headache was from cleaner and not his teammates, he considered it to be better. Harry smiled.
"Glad to hear it. Uh listen, I thought you might want to kick back and watch a movie or something-"
"Sure Harry. Can he Aunt May?"
"I don't see why not? Sit down Harry, come join us."
"Holy crap! Powerman put me down!"
"I've got him guys! Run!"
And with that, the chaos began.
"What the hell guys!?" Cho cried out as he was grabbed by Squirrel Girl.
Agent Venom wasn't even spared as he was grabbed by Rhino.
"What is even going on?" Miles questioned.
"Well kiddo," Tony Stark chuckled, "Someone may have told your little friends that Spiders may have a tendency to eat other spiders."
"You told everyone we were canibals?"
"I wouldn't say that I did..."
"Oh my god! Spidey was right. You are a pain."
"Aw come on, they just do it because they care."
Yeah. Happy holidays everyone. A bit of a thank you to all for over 100 reviews. Love you all!
If you so care, please review.